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Way2Go • 2 years ago


RealAnonymousBastard • 2 years ago

I notice Breitbart chose not to list the "Republican" members. Let me guess who some of them are: Cocaine Mitch, Mike "Illegal labor is my favorite kind of labor" Lee, Roy Blunt, Sadsack Kinzinger, and probably 15 or 20 others that were smart enough not to allow their names to be listed.

Captain Obviously • 2 years ago

A testament to REAL journalism.
Globalists🖕 own the entire media…..even Breitbart

Bob Crayne • 2 years ago

So much venality. So much treachery. These are the afflictions that have engulfed, alas, many in this country and the world.

Ellen Peba • 2 years ago

Leftism [Communism, Socialism, et al] is very alluring to morally, spiritually weak people. Communists have wanted to take over America since the early 1900s, and Dems were on board.

P Smith • 2 years ago
Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD): I have had no interaction with the Institute at all since 2019, when I traveled on one sponsored trip to the Port of Antwerp as a member of the Ports Caucus.

... a free trip paid for by the CCP is still a free trip paid for by the CCP, you fool.

MirrorKrys • 2 years ago

Members of Congress should stop taking trips overseas to other countries and stay in the US and work for us as we pay therm.

Ellen Peba • 2 years ago

My personal assessments: Trust 0 [ZERO] % of Communist-Democrats, and 10% of Republicans.

Iwasonetwo • 2 years ago

everyone in Congress needs to learn how to source their own agreements before accepting. It seems they've all been duped and CCP knows how easy it is to dupe/entrap each of them.

Same when Congress agrees with those "self-governing" agencies like the BBB and Advertising Councils, etc. Those "members"/board and others read like a globalist CCP member affiliate.

Do know many in Congress have the same type "aides" as DrivingDiFi does. Why they can't/won't fire those corrupt aides is what needs to be asked/answered.

China (as a state) doesn't invest in anything unless they intend to take it over.

opto • 2 years ago

IMHO the conceptual reason for the democrat party was to disassemble the USA and re-birth it as a socialist/communist nation from the start. NOTHING they’ve done would solidly indicate otherwise.

Ellen Peba • 2 years ago

Great observation. God Alone Knows where this nation will be, a century from now...future generations hold the Keys. For ME, I'm sickened to know Leftists are my neighbors. Ugh.

Will Hunt • 2 years ago

It is treason and should be punished with the most extreme prejudice.

Bridgette_A • 2 years ago

And we support them.

Good little patriots that we are.

Guest • 2 years ago
Judy Katz • 2 years ago

The whole Washington Establishment is corrupt! Both sides!

Will Hunt • 2 years ago

And what are you going to do about it? Sit there and type?

Bridgette_A • 2 years ago

No, I was at Walmart the last 3 days hold a sign that says "China appreciates your business". What have you done the last three days?


I could go on, but I won't.

Get off your arse! And quit being defensive. NONE of us have done enough, but at least I can admit it.

Apparently you believe your duty is fulfilled.

lawrencel • 2 years ago

An American entrepreneur identifies an opportunity to create and sell a product American consumers are likely to buy. That person either writes or hires someone to write specifications for the product. These specifications are sent to Chinese manufacturers who state they can produce and ship an item at a price that cannot be matched by an American manufacturer. As a business person, what would be your decision? Should anyone be blamed for making this business decision?

Bridgette_A • 2 years ago

Yes, Leftists like you.

Bill Clinton started it with NAFTA, and it continues on today. 50,000 manufacturing plants closed. Congratulations.

And a Christmas wish! F you, commie scum.

lawrencel • 2 years ago

Enjoy your welfare. You obviously never had a real job.

Will Hunt • 2 years ago

You don't like getting a taste of your own schiff, eh?

Bridgette_A • 2 years ago

You don't like getting out of your chair.

Other Brother Daryl • 2 years ago

The "getting out of my chair photo" was a nice touch.

Will Hunt • 2 years ago

Again, you have no clue what I do. You just get off on flipping schiff.

JimZimmerman • 2 years ago

What's your plan Will? I see you dogging people that are trying to make a difference. Tell us oh wise one. WHATS YOUR PLAN!!!!

Will Hunt • 2 years ago

Hey, just giving her a taste of her own medicine. That's all she does is flip people schiff. My plan is to be the last man standing in a pile of brass.

lawrencel • 2 years ago

Making a plan, especially one like yours, is what makes the gods laugh, you twit.

Will Hunt • 2 years ago

It was a joke, imbecile.

opto • 2 years ago

Can we resurrect McCarthy and have some red scare redux PLEASE??? We’re definitely a few decades overdue.

KevinR. • 2 years ago

Congressional Advisory Board

Rep. Don Bacon (NE)

Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL)

Rep. André Carson (IN)

Rep. Buddy Carter (GA)

Rep. Judy Chu (CA)

Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY)

Rep. Jim Clyburn (SC)

Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ)

Rep. Garett Graves (LA)

Rep. RaĂşl M. Grijalva (AZ)

Rep. Andy Harris (MD)

Rep. Jim Himes (CT)

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)

Rep. Henry “Hank” Johnson (GA)

Rep. Robin Kelly (IL)

Rep. Daniel T. Kildee (MI)

Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)

Rep. Alan Lowenthal (CA)

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)

Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY)

Rep. Barry Moore (AL)

Rep. Grace Napolitano (CA)

Rep. August Pfluger (TX)

Rep. Mark Pocan (WI)

Donald M. Payne, Jr. (NJ)

Del. Gregorio Sablan (MP)

Rep. Albio Sires (NJ)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (MS)

Rep. Maxine Waters (CA)

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)

Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL)

MKB • 2 years ago

Oh, my gosh. Sheila Jackson Lee. What an embarrassment. I hope she's not re-elected. Her district was recently redrawn, I think, and overlaps with Rep. Al Green. This will be interesting.

Twin1by4 • 2 years ago

Thank you!

wyoandy • 2 years ago

Yeah I was wanting to see a COMPLETE list of all who were involved.

Ricco • 2 years ago

Your writing in bold doesn't make your guess true.

RealAnonymousBastard • 2 years ago

No, but it does allow me to tell.what posts are mine, as I am blind on the right eye, and close to blind on the left eye.. If it bugs you too much, just skip my posts.

lawrencel • 2 years ago


Ricco • 2 years ago

Your bold typing doesn't bother me as much as your blathering statements that can't be backed up.

RealAnonymousBastard • 2 years ago

I apologize only for the need to use bold to allow me to find my way around threads: as the regulars know already, I am blind on the right and very limited on the left, and bolding is the only reliable way I have been able to navigate the commentary.

As for the "blathering", if you don't like it, don't read it.

lawrencel • 2 years ago

Maybe not true, but obviously more NOTICEABLE. That was intentional.

Liam • 2 years ago

BB did not publish any list in this article but in the 3rd paragraph BB did mention that 7 Republicans were members.

Read 1st then comment.

RealAnonymousBastard • 2 years ago

Thank you for proving my point.

Liam • 2 years ago

So lawrence the point was humor.

lawrencel • 2 years ago

The rule I remember is FIRE, READY, AIM. If you use a fully automatic weapon it works quite well.

Liam • 2 years ago

Thats funny

Rainbelt • 2 years ago

A lot of Dummocrat names weren't mentioned - almost 26 of them.

Steve Walker • 2 years ago

You can bet on it....

JimA • 2 years ago

I was thinking the same thing. Republicans voting with Dems on a particularly partisan bill are always listed, but not here. Is all of Media under the thumb of the CCP? Never mind, I already know the answer to that question.

OZZ • 2 years ago

RINOs all.

Bobby Martin • 2 years ago

Breitbart is a RINO Publication from way back, well before Trump. Notice they have not written one article dedicated to the criminal Election Stolen Felony Election. NOT ONE ARTICLE.....Breitbart is run by and bought by RINOs....

Xdrum • 2 years ago

Best for you to reread article