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Georgethehistorywonk • 1 year ago

Someone in the government using their position to increase the value of their financial investment by striking at a competitor? I am shocked - SHOCKED! - to hear of such a thing!

Fernando Lardizábal • 1 year ago

Nice to see the pressure building up. Shame to see some media interchangeably refereing to XRP and Ripple as the same thing or even as "Ripple cryptocurrency"... people should know better by now.

Kernighan • 1 year ago

More corruption at SEC. While this goes on they are lining up Stzrok's wife as investigator and Gensler as lead on blank check company seeking to merge with Truth Social company. This is far more than any typical level of sketchy activity at the agency. Another weaponized agency it seems.

Dragonslayer1976 • 1 year ago

Across the board asset removal schemes are rampant.
From 'regulatory' attacks to naked short selling companies to death.
LIBOR and more.
Any way to game the system to remove assets from the public is being used.
You will own nothing takes a whole lot of thieves working together.

Gus Seals • 1 year ago

That's what the fake money people are doing, trying to sell a fake something to people claiming it has value is called fraud

zr5366 • 1 year ago

Corrupt af and now they want them to investigate themselves ? Sure that will fix everything.

not woke • 1 year ago

If only we had a Federal Agency that could investigate such problems, HMMMM....

Guest • 1 year ago
not woke • 1 year ago

...Ethics organization...and you said that with a straight face....

NN TVDH • 1 year ago

Thanks for covering this weaponized lawsuit against Ripple and hundred thousands of retail investors investing in XRP, the digital asset issued by OpenCoin prior to be renamed Ripple Lab. Most of the investors bought from secondary market and Gensler alleges that all of XRP up to date are security which is absurd. The lawsuit is baseless used to stop Ripple, an American company from advancing while benefiting Ethereum, an asset controlled by disguised whales and mined mostly by Chinese miners.

Gus Seals • 1 year ago

Fake money is Fake money and the Fake money people were not a lab, either

Kernighan • 1 year ago

Right the entire banking world relies upon a degree of trust that some place like the Federal Reserve will not simply hugely add to the money supply without regard to real growth (thus guaranteeing massive inflation). In the end the banks, too will fail due to this kind of irresponsible fiscal management.