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Raptormann • 3 years ago

With the Therapeutics and a Vaccine on the horizon.... There's not much of a "Crisis" anymore!

Dan - Harris 2024! • 3 years ago

Tell that to the families of folks they lost today.

FlimFlamed • 3 years ago

You seem to want to make the families feel guilty for killing their elderly parents and and grandparents. Old frail people are going to die. A virus is often the finishing touch, but most will die in a year no matter what we do. But you, genius supporter of lockdowns, makes many elderly die alone, feeling abandoned by their families.

You are not saving lives, you are making life miserable. It is what liberals do. Push global warming as a disaster, when most of the warming is the nights do not get as cold. You find some academic whose grants depend pushing doom and gloom and call it science.
You need to study another science. One on the human behavior and fraud. Hint: >70% of medical journal articles prove to be wrong.

jedbutler • 3 years ago

This topic has turned into Trollville with Chicken Little reciting CNN talking points. Valiant effort but no reasonable person with a functioning brain believes the COVID hype anymore and we won't convince the malcontents looking for a reason to justify their hatred of Trump and limit our freedoms. Maybe walk away and leave them to their doom and gloom.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

So protecting the vulnerable is a joke, if
families are killing their own. You aren't a physician and have no expertise. Many people wouldn't necessarily die in a year. How is expressing sympathy for the dead equivalent to supporting lockdowns? And lockdowns haven't necessarily made the elderly die alone. Most elderly are not in institutions.

Does expressing sympathy for the dead make someone a liberal or a leftist? That isn't a flattering reflection on conservatives, is it? Most of the warming attributed to global warming is at night? More than 70% of medical journal articles prove wrong? As for human behavior and fraud, you are projecting. Most people in the sciences aren't engaged in fraud like politicos with polemics and propaganda, but I understand what a badge of honor it is to display contempt for science, but it doesn't reflect well on conservatives.

Dan - Harris 2024! • 3 years ago

Hint: >70% of medical journal articles prove to be wrong.


wattawoman • 3 years ago

Seriously? Science-based articles in peer-reviewed journals? Which side of your ass did you pull that statistic from?

When you Breitfarters show up at the hospital, it’s my fervent wish that the medical staff treating you follows Dr. Trump’s advice.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

People still have to go to the hospital to be treated. There are serious problems in states with increasing infections and not enough hospital beds and medical staff are fatigued. Patients in some areas are being transferred out of state. As infections increase, deaths inevitably will too. Too soon to say it is over. We will have a better idea when the vaccine is released, which most here probably won't take anyway.

Dan - Harris 2024! • 3 years ago

Will that level of care be available to you?

justinoinroma • 3 years ago

99.9% recovery ... morons

Doug Dannger • 3 years ago

The hypocrisy is leftists feigning concern about people contracting Kung Flu but shaming people who do and even celebrating and hoping they die if they disagree with them politically.

wattawoman • 3 years ago

The denial is strong with Breitfarters. You can’t even read a data table.

MeandMyShadow2 • 3 years ago

On the other hand it was the "expert" Dr Fauci who said it wasn't a person to person virus...

wattawoman • 3 years ago

No, he never said that.

I’m leaving Breitfart to rejoin the land of balanced coverage and multi-paragraph responses containing polysyllabic words. There is no point trying to get you people to acknowledge reality. Stick with your hero and his elevator shoes and pancake makeup.

MeandMyShadow2 • 3 years ago

and take your gaslight with you.

Matthewthawkins • 3 years ago

1,047 peopled died of it yesterday.

flaman • 3 years ago

I am just curious:
1. How many died of Heart disease?
2. How many died of Suicide?
3. How many died from Cancer
4. How many died from Pneumonia?
5. How many died in automobile accidents?
6. How many died in other accidents?

7. Etc, Etc, Etc.

You are happy to tell part of the story. Of those 1,047, how many suffered from other serious illness, such that any additional affliction could well kill them? How many were misdiagnosed?

If you wish to quote raw numbers, please give them context so that they can have some real meaning. Covid is soooooooo over reported and over emphasized. You got a word: Pandemic. Now you have to make the "facts" fit the word/concept. Very lazy.

disqus_jM7MfdtCIR • 3 years ago

Last week I read that some what amazingly new flu cases are at historic lows. Just another one of those things that make you go hmmm.

David Muncier • 3 years ago

Pretty easy to understand if you's not an idiot. The precautions we're taking against Coronavirus are far more stringent, in most areas, than we ever take for the flu. Coronavirus is by far the more powerful spreader due to asymptomatic transmission. The common flu is simply being starved-off by the precautions, even if Coronavirus isn't.

bonesrd • 3 years ago

Asymtomatic is a new word used for the exploitation of keeping the people in fear! We will get over this quicker as a nation if we let it run its course. Will people get sick? Of course, but the death rates will remain the same. Isolate the sick, not the healthy!

LadyDana • 3 years ago

Asymptomatic is not a new word. These people are carriers and spreaders like Typhoid Mary. These people transmit the virus and don't know it. We won't get over this quicker by doing nothing. More people will die from lazy inaction. Death rates will not remain the same. We do not need lockdowns. Masks alone reduced transmission 75% in Arizona.

bonesrd • 3 years ago

You can't prove that! Countries who have masks mandates have cases exploding. Masks do not stop a virus!

LadyDana • 3 years ago

Masks have to be worn consistently. For example, Japan has a population of 126 million and only 1809 deaths. We have 2.6 times as many people (331 million) but 134 times as many deaths (243,139 worldmeter).

disqus_jM7MfdtCIR • 3 years ago

Yeah im sure your right. The entire world has battled the flu for generations and the most we could do to even slow it down was a new round of flu shots every year but we finally figured it out this year. Hurrah

David Muncier • 3 years ago

Funny what precautions people are willing to take with a virus that is far more contagious / stealthy than the flu and a tad more lethal. Or you can thing about it differently - it's not really our precautions. Covid-19 is just vastly outcompeting the run-of-the-mill flu in getting to vulnerable people and killing them.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

It is about precautions. Wearing masks, distancing, stating home will reduce the spread of any respiratory infectious agent.

bonesrd • 3 years ago

How many were in nursing homes?

David Muncier • 3 years ago

The categorization of deaths could possibly be distorted. The excess deaths that match the Covid-19 surges can't be. There are have been something like 300,000 more deaths since March than typically occur based on seasonal and yearly trends. If anything, we're undercounting.


bonesrd • 3 years ago

How many people have had the flu and died? Probably not many because they were listed as China virus!

LadyDana • 3 years ago

No, there are very specific tests to distinguish between the two.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

You aren't considering serious long term complications.

Guest • 3 years ago
LadyDana • 3 years ago

Nobody thinks lockdowns are necessary when masks are worn. Masks are enough alone to reduce infections. 75% decline in Arizona:

junkinjenny • 3 years ago

Only 8 military warriors have died of COVID. We have a military of 1.4 million men and women that have been working thru COVID. Only 8 have died.


These numbers are not inflated, since military hospitals don't make more money if they inflate the numbers.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

108 DoD-connected personnel have died: eight troops, eight dependents, 67 civilians and 25 contractors. You are forgetting the thousands of dead vets and the thousands hospitalized.

junkinjenny • 3 years ago

Dear Dana,
I was talking about COVID. Here is a group of people seen only by military doctors. Remember civilians and contractors are NOT! But the warriors are seen by military doctors, and only 8 have died in 9 months.

These warriors have not cowered in fear and been locked in their basements. They have been working all over the world for America. God bless them. It's a great look at men and women working and how we can open up America. If you are elderly and don't want to leave your home, don't. But it is certainly time to open up.

Thank you those serving America!

LadyDana • 3 years ago

I was taking about covid too and showing more than 8 people connected with the DoD were positive. As family members of soldiers and employed contractors, they should all have been eligible to be seen by government physicians if they wanted, depending on where they stationed, right? The country isn't in lockdown and doesn't need to be, if people wore masks. Masks will prevent any more excuses for lockdowns.

Caius Keys • 3 years ago

...or communism will go extinct...

Dan - Harris 2024! • 3 years ago

So, a thousand dead American's is good for you?

gozounlimited • 3 years ago

Thousands dead died of comorbidities, the flu, old age, false diagnosis, and failure to treat real pathologies.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

No, death certificates distinguish between cause and comorbidities.

gozounlimited • 3 years ago

Death certificates provide cause of death and contributing factors. Disease is a contributing factor to heart attack, adrenal failure, stroke, fractures, etc. the actual cause of death. So when covid, a contributing factor, is listed as cause of death, you have a incomplete death certificate....no cause of death.

If you die from a broken neck and have covid, covid would not be listed on the death certificate at all because it is not a contributing factor.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

Comorbidities don't necessarily contribute to death but are listed because all concurrent medical conditions are.

I don't understand this statement, "So when covid, a contributing factor, is listed as cause of death, you have a incomplete death certificate....no cause of death."

The cause if death would be respiratory or cardiac arrest, the event immediately preceding death.

gozounlimited • 3 years ago

I am saying diseases like covid, cancer, pneumonia are not listed as cause of death, they are always contributing factors. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, covid and pneumonia and under the doctors care that is signing your death cert, he will list the diseases as contributing factors on the death cert. But if you have the same diagnosis and die from a broken neck, none of the diseases are listed on the death cert. Not relevant.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

Comorbidities are not necessarily contributing factors to cause death. Covid is the cause when but for its presence, the patient would be alive. Covid causes acute respiratory distress and organ system failure other comorbidities don't. Physicians and medical examiners know this stuff better than laypeople.

gozounlimited • 3 years ago

Covid is a contributing factor when cause of death is asphyxiation. or renal failure. I processed death certs in a mortuary.

LadyDana • 3 years ago

Comorbidities or concurrent medical conditions are listed on all death certificates whether or not they directly caused death. It doesn't mean they are the initiating factor causing the death. However, there are covid patients who die from acute respiratory distress or drowning in their own fluids or renal failure from organ failure with covid.
Are you not making a distinction between the cause of death, the preceding event and comorbidities?

gozounlimited • 3 years ago

Yes....your cause of death is asphyxiation representing the event that occurred right before death. If you hadn't asphyxiated you would still be alive. Cause of death is the loss of biological function required for life. Then we have a contributing factor, but the contributing factor has to be relevant to the cause of death.

Only the Truth • 3 years ago

Hey, we got Fauci. The Dr. who told us in March not to wear masks!

LadyDana • 3 years ago

He was wrong. He corrected himself. Get over it.