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Guest • 3 years ago
KEN J BROWNSHER • 3 years ago

Another one of the Elites who will never represent the working class! Stupid like Georgia.

justsayin • 3 years ago

Darn, if I didn't know better I'd suspect you're cheering for a liberal to win Virginia. You're not, are you ?

uhoh • 3 years ago

DON"T YOU GET IT? He is is the same POS as the dems.

justsayin • 3 years ago

Answer my question.

pup • 3 years ago

Youngkin was the first choice of less than 50% of the GOP. At least he isnt Pete Snyder. By the way, I heard even Hunter Biden likes young kin...

justsayin • 3 years ago

A question is followed by a question mark "?". It was a yes / no question. And you don't know what to do. F'n liberal.

Joe • 3 years ago

A lot of people just aren’t going to vote. So you’re asking the wrong question. The result will probably look like how Mittens did in Virginia, but bluer.

EMOtional DAMage • 3 years ago

Great, another Judeo-Bolshevik. We goyims are truly dumb.

Ellen Peba • 3 years ago

You 'heard' from where?

KevinR. • 3 years ago

The question was answered.

They are both the same, so which liberal do you want?

Old Blood & Guts • 3 years ago

Actually, McAuliffe is NOT a liberal. Leftists call themselves "liberal" but they are against liberty. When is the last time you ever heard of a Democrat speaking of freedom? Leftists seek to control EVERYTHING; the exact opposite of "liberal".

honestynow • 3 years ago

Yes, I prefer leftist/collectivist/totalitarian.

John • 3 years ago

Marxist covers it.

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Liberal is a far left Fascist Communist.

Classic Liberal supports individual liberty and freedom.

While it is not good to allow the left to control the language and definitions, when something like Liberal has been far left for 100 years, it is a little late to try to correct that.

Liberal is far left... is progressive...

Classic Liberal is what you are speaking of.

USlugg • 3 years ago

No one ever said "liberals" weren't contradictory

Charlie P • 3 years ago

and progressive taxes.

TheVIYOHD • 3 years ago

He's the "Uniparty."

Ellen Peba • 3 years ago

Same thing was said about PRES Trump.

John • 3 years ago

Why are you private?

peggy6824 • 3 years ago

Exactly what they said about Trump.

Alive&Kicking • 3 years ago

Having an "R" behind you're name doesn't mean you're not a liberal.

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Which liberal... the Democrat McAuliffe or the Republican Youngkin?

William T Quick • 3 years ago

They're both liberals, moron. CARLYLE is Bushco. And you don't seem to understand the real meaning of your question is, "Which will you be taking? The arsenic, or the cyanide?"

John • 3 years ago

Why private?

peggy6824 • 3 years ago

Same thing they said about Trump.

Cornbread Norm • 3 years ago

Unfortunately, as in Georgia...we have to play with the hand we are dealt. Slowly, across the country...there are veterans of good conscience running for office....and winning.
I am learning that patience is not such an easy virtue.

KEN J BROWNSHER • 3 years ago

If I remember the Carlyle Group buys companies and consolidates them and sells them! Why not elect Mitt?

jordanminn • 3 years ago

The Carlyle Group - Global Investment Firm

This azzhat Younkin is a globalist.

And sends jobs to 🇨🇳

Col. Steve Austin (A-J-M) • 3 years ago

Babylon Bee Material

Carlyle Group" Outsider" ...

decendentof56 • 3 years ago

Oxymoron of the day.
Exactly like State-Worker.

edbo • 3 years ago

Another swamp rat globalist.

Gritbob • 3 years ago

People said the same thing about President Trump. I didn't vote for him in the 2016 primaries because he was an unknown quantity (to me) and I didn't think he was conservative enough, I was wrong. We may not completely like our candidate, but the choice is made and we need to close ranks and band together as conservatives, would you rather have McAuliffe as Governor?

KevinR. • 3 years ago

What would the difference be between Youngkin and McAuliffe.... one has an R behind his name and one has a D.

Gritbob • 3 years ago

Again, people said the same thing about President Trump, time to suck it up and band together. We know what the communist Democrats want to do, anything would be better than McAuliffe (HRC)

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Nope... people did not say that about Trump.

I did point out that Trump had supported some progressive policies, though he did support some Conservative policies. We did not know if he would follow a Conservative path. He did, but we did not know it, but.... we did not say the difference between him and Hillary was the letter behind their names.

If you simply choose the R over the D, and they are both the same, you are not helping.

Remember, Romney has an R behind his name, Cheney has an R behind her name, Ryan had an R behind his name... Bush had an R behind his name and even McCain had an R behind his name....

how has that been working out.

New Conservativism • 3 years ago

Agreed. I went for Carson as he clearly understood the magnitude of the globalist threat. Funny how Trump had / has the globalist RINO's heads exploding. They've bird-dogged themselves. It's up to us to get rid of them. Snyder was in the Romney camp, now he's out.

I don't see Youngkin as portrayed in many of these comments, but he's still an unknown.
McAuliffe is like a Clinton - Cuomo chimera. If he wins after this disgusting Ralph (aptly named) Northam dolt, it's probably time to get out of VA.

Guest • 3 years ago
Gritbob • 3 years ago

“Glenn is pro-Business, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Veterans, pro-America,
he knows how to make Virginia’s economy rip-roaring, and he has my
Complete and Total Endorsement!” Trump wrote in a statement sent to

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Remember, Trump endorsed Loeffler also.

Sometimes, an endorsement does not mean the person is a great Conservative, only that the party has backed them and they are not the Democrat.

TheVIYOHD • 3 years ago

And Pro-China!

Yes they are! What two leading crappy candidates they had. It’s all a sham. They don’t want VA to be red again.

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Virginia changed the process... they did not allow a primary this year... they decided to hold a convention... and did not tell everyone until it was almost too late to have anyone sign up to be a delegate to the convention... which was the plan.. the RPV.. the GOP... is protecting their establishment leftist choices.

Mad Dog • 3 years ago

I was not a fan of the convention. I did attend/vote with Youngkin and Snyder as my 6 and 7 choice. The justification I hear is to keep Dems out. Since McAuliiffe has this in the bag, the concern was bored Dems would vote in our primary. I think Rush called this, “Operation Chaos.” That’s how MO ended up with Todd Atkin as the nominee and stuck with Sen. Claire McCaskill.

I wish VA have party registration and closed primaries.

KevinR. • 3 years ago

So, it is better to screw the people... to keep Democrats out...

OK. Makes sense.. somewhere.

Mad Dog • 3 years ago

I did not say that. You made assumptions.

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Did not claim you said that. You did however state "The justification I hear is to keep Dems out."
You heard that somewhere, someone stated it, or it was perhaps the unwritten policy, but to do that, to switch from a primary where the people, far more of the people, can participate, and use a convention to 'keep dems out'... does screw the people, as it takes the primary away from them.

Hence... my comment, it is better to screw the people, to keep Democrats out...
OK. Makes sense ... somewhere.

Nothing in that accuses you of saying it, or anything remotely like it....and no assumptions were made, except to assume you had heard it as a justification.

Have a nice night.

Alejandro • 3 years ago

"...and did not tell everyone until it was almost too late to have anyone sign up to be a delegate to the convention."

They'd been announcing it on WMAL for weeks prior to the convention. Not sure what you were listening to.

KevinR. • 3 years ago

Weeks????? Weeks????

Oh, wow. And for YEARS we have had a primary.

And I stopped listening to WMAL when I left that congested and idiotic area.