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catgirldreamer II • 3 years ago

No deal, none, nada, nyet.

Sharp Shtik • 3 years ago

Liberal Dems (a/k/a RINOs) dealing with communist Dems in a race to destroy America. Building products already up 400% before Dem inflation. Exactly the way the communists want it. Get rid of Dems, including RINOs.

Linda Lammers • 3 years ago


A Topsy Turvey World • 3 years ago

Why??? The Republicans are just as bad...

Col. Steve Austin (A-J-M) • 3 years ago

RINOs Not Weak, Are Controlled Opposition To Democrats

Make Promises > Break Promises > Hope No One Notices > Repeat

One Step Up (For Show), Two Steps Back (When It Matters)

Misleading Patriots Into Political Dead Ends Is Their Mission

Mary Roberts • 3 years ago

These worthless cowardly and irrelevant congressional republicans will soon be extinct with a few more fraudulent elections. They are the reason why we are at the end of our country. They were always cowards minus a backbone. Good riddance.

The 300 • 3 years ago

The Dems wil keep 30% of the most compliant Republicans on board so they can maintain the illusion of a two party state.

Nelann • 3 years ago

Well said.

OverSpun • 3 years ago

Of course Linda's hyperbole is poetic license around here, but I think she is referring to both Dems and Rinos. And I agree with her.

"Sen Barrasso (R-WY) said ... Republicans were willing to compromise"

What's in the Wyoming air these days?
Too much pot smoke blowing north from Colorado.

When a party that wants no gubmint growth compromises with a pro-growth party, the result is by definition more growth, (although not as much as some would like). Such incremental growth has created our current tyrannical federal cabal.

balloonpilot • 3 years ago

kerry is their king.

JKealar82 • 3 years ago

YES! You know things are bad when you're not willing to take up arms against your own countrymen to prevent your elected leaders from agreeing that a pothole probably ought to be filled!

IndaGila • 3 years ago

After spending trillions already that we don't have, on crap we don't need ,you bet. It's only been a hundred days...

JKealar82 • 3 years ago

Yeah, because the sole Republican accomplishment in four year of "The Trump Show" was in no way a 10 TRILLION DOLLAR CORPORATE TAX CUT.


IndaGila • 3 years ago

Oh, you must have missed all that prosperity, energy independence, middle east peace, rebuilt military, the steep reduction in regulation AND the tax cut that served middle class folk like me very well.
Puh-leeease, BI TE ME

JKealar82 • 3 years ago

LOL! I've always been tickled by stupid. I'm sure the 8/10ths of a percent rate reduction for 6 years so corporate America could get a permanent reduction of 20 percent has changed your life! 😆 😆 😆

IndaGila • 3 years ago

Well maybe, if you paid taxes, you would have seen a difference too. But I AM seeing the reversal of all that under the thumb of the communist Gimmedats.

carenragan • 3 years ago

Not worth responding to someone so stupid.

IndaGila • 3 years ago

Oh that is sharp repartee, Gomer.

phil s • 3 years ago

I don't know what's so hard. Businesses will hire more and people will spend more when they keep THEIR money. You must have a degree from the ivy league.

carenragan • 3 years ago

You must be one of the parasites that lives off the system. I saw the largest increase in my salary then in the previous 16 years. Our business was booming and there were help wanted signs everywhere. So yeah President Trump was great.

will bradley • 3 years ago

JKealer82.....Right especially when they appropriate 24 billion to fill that pothole along with another 43 billion to go to foreign governments to do conversion therapy on straight kids to change their gender along with a mile long grocery list of other stupid liberal fundings, all of which have nothing to do with intrastructure. While in the meantime the pothole never gets filled because a bunch of stupid left wingers can't agree if the pothole is gender neutral or if in fact it is racist and supports the police.....and that doesn't even address the other trillion potholes in the country that need fixed...They'll have to do a study after they form a commitee...and the demoncratic shit show continues...

DavyCrockett • 3 years ago

Government is the problem and there aren’t any good roads in the US anymore...

Gofastgo • 3 years ago

All of we thinking citizens KNOW President Trump Won the election, so, allow me to query, just how to on your 'get rid of Dem's?

Stan Carter • 3 years ago

RINOS want to spend trillions on infrastructure but there’s no money. We’re 28 trillion in debt and China Joe’s wants more.

Whatever deal is made will hurt the country States should take care of their own needs.

Guest • 3 years ago
camart1010 • 3 years ago

Fiscal conservatism surfaced under Obama? Are you stoned?

Pandyrama • 3 years ago

All his comments are on the IQ level of a third grader, no offense to third graders.

Will Hunt • 3 years ago

Rosebud = Prolapsed Sphincter believes that socialism will work now that they have found the right person to be in charge.

deToqueville • 3 years ago

He's a liar!

IndaGila • 3 years ago

Yeah we wanted action THE FIRST TIME WE PAID FOR IT with o bozo. Obozo BTW did nothing for the people.

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

Tell that to my friend with Lupas that could not get health insurance until the Affordable Care Act.

Kris • 3 years ago

Medicaid is called welfare not insurance.

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

Relevance to my point?

Kris • 3 years ago

Apparently the point is on top of your head.

The ACA is welfare for many & prohibitively expensive for many more. Insurance is a paid product. Nobody is entitled to force others to pay for their insurance or their care.

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

You're first line was funny. After that, gibberish. Until the Supreme Court declares the ACA unconstitutional, its the law.

Kris • 3 years ago

Laws come from men. They can be given & taken at any man’s whim.

Rights come from God.
They can’t be taken without consent & I do not consent.

You do you.

scarlet pimpernel • 3 years ago

What garbage. You fantasy friend was probably getting help, without health insurance.

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

Nice Crystal Ball. Too bad its 100% wrong.

deToqueville • 3 years ago

You had to make $16K a year to get Obama-noncare! The deductible for some was $10K!

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

You don't have facts only BS.

John Stallard • 3 years ago

And how good was that insurance? Give specifics like cost, deductibles, co pays, etc...

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago


IndaGila • 3 years ago

So your friend was denied medical care?

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

That's not how Lupas works. You need daily meds and yes, she would have been denied insurance prior to ACA due to a pre-existing condition. I know its hard but have some compassion.

MsnDxn • 3 years ago

Hey lefty: If you're soooo convinced that (alleged) overspending during the Trump administration was so bad, why are you letting Biden get away with it? Why aren't you stopping him from doing what you've already defined as evil?

Answer....you're a leftist. You have no idea how macro economics in a country work. All you know is that it's "good" that the government spends money and shows no results. And that's why people like you need to be arrested, imprisoned, and only let out to help build the wall on the southern border.

Jim Courville • 3 years ago

Trump added 7.8 trillion to the national debt in 4 years... not exactly fiscally sound.

MsnDxn • 3 years ago

And so, because it was sooooo evil for Trump to do it, then you're OK with Biden adding another $6 Trillion, rather than trying to stop him from committing what you have identified as "evil". Good job, lefty. You've just proven our point: You're nothing but a spiteful child, and you should be treated as one.

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

You're worried about someone's grasp on macro-economics; I am extremely worried about your grasp on the Rule of Law, Equal Protection and the 1st Amendment, which is why you should be arrested, imprisoned and never let out. LOL you're simply a neo-fascist like the rest of MAGA land.

Gr8tium • 3 years ago

Well, when you liberals pick and choose which laws to follow in order to target conservatives , and only when you want, it’s not surprising when the majority is starting to do the exact same thing to target you. You don’t like it, it scares you. And it should.

Joseph Von Meier • 3 years ago

Not really. More afraid of Republicans' ignorance and blind loyalty to a sociopath. Y'know, little stuff.