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BaseballSince10 • 7 years ago

No such word as un-angry; it's non-angry. Just ask you this, dimwit, if we were happy, wouldn't we have voted for the status quo?

You deserve the Moron Award.

Teddi • 7 years ago

All the so-called "fact check" sites are leftist ploys to undermine truth as people distrust the old media and search the web for facts...

It was/is a progressive plan put into operation a long time ago. Start tweeting these a-holes and take them down by exposing them !

grumpy_old_patriot • 7 years ago

They've used the same plan many times over, and will continue to use it because it works.
Phase 1: Start out legitimately objective and impartial. Once established a "reliable" source of informaiton. Next, begin phase 2, in which you start to spin the truth towards your agenda. The blind faith white knights will defend you against anyone questioning what is going on. After a time, you can then move into Phase 3, which is fully pushing your agenda while the drooling masses eat up what ever you say as truth. Phase 4, you move to outright lies.

This is how liberals work. Satan would be proud.

Mark • 7 years ago

Hey Snopes - fact check that Russian affected the election, that we can keep our doctor, that Obamacare will be cheaper. In fact, investigate everything the girlie man in the whitehouse has said. That should keep you busy for the next couple of months.

SemperCogitens • 7 years ago

If it took them that long, I'd call and get my money back if I were you. All they would need to disprove Obama's various lies is to look up the coverage here or on FoxNews or from the records of the litany of Congressional hearings on his various scandals. The evidence is all there on the public record.

Cat • 7 years ago

That Emery idiot needs to go back to his playpen and have his diaper changed. I imagine the butthurt baby is wearing bigger safety pins than that giant one Lebron wore on his lapel last week. So many ignorant Lib Loons whining...enough already! They need to grow a pair and grow the Hell up.

ummyeah • 7 years ago

Then, fact check Hillary's health and completely blow over her seizing and getting thrown into a van like frozen beef. Not that it matters now, but still curious on the potential spin. Winning!

Kelly Moncus • 7 years ago


Common Sense • 7 years ago

Mark: 10 ups for that one !

JRG • 7 years ago

I am still waiting for my $2500. check the government promised .

Guest • 7 years ago
;^) • 7 years ago

Right. Their own liberal echo chamber brought them down. The political ' believed the MSM liars who believed the lying pollsters. 'Ya gotta love it!

elevenoclock • 7 years ago

Sounds like Glenn Beck!

Common Sense • 7 years ago

Is he still around ?

Guest • 7 years ago
Gwyllim • 7 years ago

That's a good mind-picture...Beck and Niagara Falls!

JRG • 7 years ago

That Glen Beck is one crazy SOB!

Common Sense • 7 years ago

Any one remember him filming himself going into surgery, or was it the Psycho ward ?

SemperCogitens • 7 years ago

And some of these liberals don't have the patience so they jump straight to step 4. Hillary and her cadre of billionaire power brokers were more than happy to accommodate. Hillary didn't spend $1.2B on pantsuits alone.

don't you think things are changing just a bit? I mean, just look at how concisely and effectively you are able to say that...

I don't think (generally) there was anywhere near a population as skilled at laying out what was going on during the Romney election. We are actually better at this than the dems are this time around. It was not so in 2012, 2008, etc. They *dominated* the social media presence.

I'm not saying we should rest on our laurels...but we seem to be doing better than we have ever done before...And it may be the case that it just isn't working anymore: eventually, the frog figures out the water is getting hot (referencing the psych experiment that probably inspired the strategy you laid out above).

irememberallthelies • 7 years ago

It seems those number's are dropping thankfully. Most of Hillarys support this cycle was imaginary or online only I feel. It's like a frog that puffs up to look bigger to a predator.

Tom York • 7 years ago

Let's not forget the origins of 'spin' which was invented by George Stepanopolous (ABC 'News') when he was President Bill Clinton's 1998 WH flak following the WH Lewinskey sex scandal between the 42nd president and the 21-year old intern. When Clinton's FBI interview disclosed he had been having sex with the young intern for a year the soon to be impeached Clinton went into a tortured explanation of the word 'is' and when WH reporters asked Stephanopolous about the definition of the word 'is' he described it as 'spin' a word without any political meaning until Democrats invented it to replace the word lie.

Phantomp • 7 years ago

They will continue to use the same playbook because their liberal base laps it up . Eventually the older , common sense , self reliant , Americans will become extinct and once they're gone socialism wins .

reddhouse • 7 years ago

Oh, and he is.

Guest • 7 years ago
abigail • 7 years ago

don't see any Trump supporters rioting and burning police cars or beating Hillary supporters

What a sick, sad society we have become.

Leftists have no morals or ethics. Obama and his liberal cronies hate the Constitution and free market capitalism. He destroyed our economy with measures like the ACA and immigration amnesty. The “Affordable” Care Act has been nothing short of a disaster. My health insurance bill is up to $450/month. (Compare this to my $25/month auto insurance from Ins Panda or my $10/month renters insurance… both private enterprise!)

The cultural Marxists have really done a number on Western youth, haven't they? What a bunch of sick people.

Tom York • 7 years ago

Don't fall into the trap of believing we have become a sick and sad society. The Democrats and RINOs have become a sick and sad society of a liberal fever swamp which must be drained. Your presence on this site (and mine) are evidence of 2 Americas. The Communist Party USA is headquartered in Brooklyn, not far from the Housing project where Bernie Sanders was raised and lived for 40 years. It's also the headquarters of the Hillary Campaign as well as the two married male lawyers named Goldstein who stalked and assaulted Ivanka Trump and her small children yesterday. The largely godless, ill-bred minority rejects who ARE Democrat voters are not to be mistaken for ordinary Americans. I was a Democrat fundraiser for Jimmah Carter in 1980 and when the Democrat Party left me I became a Reagan Democrat and am now a proud Trumpster. There remain some Democrats who have not yet left the sinking sad and sick minority. They too will soon end their Democrat association as Farrakhan acolyte Muhammad Ellison assumes the chairmanship of the Democrat Party.

It ain't us, kiddo. It's the Democrats and their CPUSA neighbors and the Clinton Campaign and the Goldstein perverts stalking one of Trump's children and her own young children. Now THAT is sick and sad and typically Democrat.

Johnny ✓ᵀᴿᵁᴹᴾ • 7 years ago

this guys an asshole and the bottomline,, what will change ,, they'll still be headlining trump hate

Snowman11 • 7 years ago

are u high? more americans are democrats than republican. "Overall, TargetSmart found that 42.6 percent of the new voters registered this year lean Democratic, and only 29 percent lean Republican (28.4 percent lean independent)" therefore by your definition you hate Americans. why dont you move

RPrior • 7 years ago

Distrust is a polite way of referring to the media as "lying hounds" - all of them about to be hounded out of business by revised libel laws and yuuge fines.

In other words - get your fact checking wrong and you are out in the street unemployed and unemployable.

Felix_the_cat • 7 years ago

I hope that this mogul investing $50 billion in America has something to do with building new honest common sense media!

All it will do is make them look more looney... if that's even possible

"fact checking" itself as the Progs see it is just a branch of Critical Theory.

Liberty • 7 years ago

Germany has already passed laws to ban certain online websites that spread hate.......... the death of the MSM is the internet, unless you can prevent access to competitors

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

Hey great! How come none of you good people can put together a right wing fact check site? Politifacts won the Pulitzer for their so-called "libratard-slanted-fake-fact checking" I KNOW that all those wonderful smart Conservatives can do better!

Gary • 7 years ago

Because fact checking isn't right or left wing, propagandist.

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

Oh right! Facts - baaad! Lies goood!

How could I have forgotten.

neverforeverwhatever • 7 years ago

Uhhm.... Why do you think there are conservative news outlets?

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

I was proposing a conservative fact checking organisation, like Snopes or Politifact. But run by conservatives. Of course I understand that fact checking is difficult when facts are not valued. But still? I think it's a good idea an one would think that at least ONE smart conservative could come up with this.

neverforeverwhatever • 7 years ago

I get ya. Fact checking is supposed to be done before a story is published. So we read a story then check in with some other all-knowing entity to find the truth? A good news org should have the confidence of its readers. Which is why BB is as successful as they are.

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

The so-called fact checking at Breatbart leaves much to be desired, The readers here don't seem to care though.

Werewolf • 7 years ago

Amazing how they conveniently look right past every filthy thing their people have done just so they can accuse us of all of it, huh?

With no proof, much spin, and shabbily cobbled together BS.

Chris G • 7 years ago

Why would Trump supporters be angry...they WON!!!

DIR • 7 years ago

Chris your correct. I voted for Trump and I couldn't be happier. It's Hillary and her supporters that are all bitter. Picture them standing at Trump tower flipping it and DJT off. That's the kind of revulsion I love to see and the moron above Emery wants to hide.

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

I'm not bitter or angry! I do wonder why Trump supporters seem to be furious at something.

DIR • 7 years ago

We're not bitter, we're happy. What's to be mad about. It's the left that all upset and hateful. If you're not angry or upset, that's good. Soon you'll be ecstatic over your new found fortunes and the happiness that will abound because Trump is president.

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

I'm not going to have a problem with the Trump administration. I can't see him helping the US economy much though. He can't wave a magic wand and get manufacturing jobs back in the US. The Executive Branch has some power, but it's not a dictatorship and Trump can't make things happen by insulting them.

Still; it's going to be a comedy goldmine!

DIR • 7 years ago

You seem like you have the right attitude. There's nothing wrong with skepticism. That's good. We've all been screwed before by both the left and the right. Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Meccaanon • 7 years ago

Well you too. Have a safe and happy Christmas, be well and prosper in the coming year.

DIR • 7 years ago

Meccaanon, thanx.