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Lady • 5 years ago

Never watched even one episode and won't start now.

Budda • 5 years ago

I doubt that they have enough viewers to justify another season. However, I am sure Fox would rather write the check and go through the motions than have a rent-a-mob on their front lawn.

Ratburt • 5 years ago

Have you had enough of glorifying corruption and perversion?
We cut the cable and we're not going back.
Join us and stop paying CNN and MSNBC et al.

I am proud to say I have never watched Empire and cut the cable in 2005. TRUMP 2020!

I dumped DISH in 2007 here. No TV, no broadcast radio, no commercials whatsoever anywhere, EVER. I watch many commercial-free movies and things like NCIS on Netflix, YT, and Amazon.

Already bought my Trump 2020 cap.

Mozilla • 5 years ago

You could still watch Empire with an antenna. Lol. People aren't switching to broadcast.

Judy BlueEyes • 5 years ago

Switched to broadcast many years ago. Use a TV card in my desktop, a program that works just like a DVR, special remote that came with it and can watch at my convenience without worrying about losing all of my recordings if their cheap box hangs up or goes bad. The brand of my card is Hauppage, but their are others.

Guest • 5 years ago
MaximusBraveheart • 5 years ago

Need a la cart cable bill of rights.

King Paul • 5 years ago

Of course it can be done.. each cable box is addressable.. they can turn on a channel for a ppv.. therefore they can tell it to play 1, 2, 6, 8, 31, 34.. and not play 3-5, 7, 9-30, etc.. they should have each channel priced at $1 or $2 each.. premiums at $5 and movie channels at $10.. not hard to do.. limit changing your channels to once a month..

Guest • 5 years ago
Mr. Mojo Risin' • 5 years ago

Hey how many BBers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One to screw it in and another to ramble on about how making light bulbs more efficient is a communist plot devised by Saul Alinsky and Georg So-os to turn Americans into transgender Muslim soy boys.

computerso • 5 years ago

Congratulations, Looks like you wasted another couple of minutes of life with that comment.

Media_Bladders • 5 years ago

Mojo can't be a true progressive.

A true progressive would never joke about transgender Muslim soy boys -- he'd be too busy trying to herd them onto the Democrat plantation by plying them with government freebies paid for with other people's money.

annoyed • 5 years ago

says the muslim soy boy from his mom's basement computer.

annoyed • 5 years ago

yawn. your light bulb is up your arse.

Pale Writer • 5 years ago

Hmm.... okay, that's not bad for a Leftist attempt at humor.

Only thing is... communists don't use light-bulbs. They're bourgeoise, and are 'killing the planet', etc, etc.

throttler • 5 years ago

I thought it was not funny at all.

Mr. Mojo Risin' • 5 years ago

Most well known comedians are left wing. The funniest conservative I can think of is probably Trump.

Pale Writer • 5 years ago

You must not get out much.
There's a reason that a common comment across the internet is that 'Leftists can't meme'... because all of the funny, hard-hitting themes are coming from the Alt-Right.

Meanwhile, all those leftist 'comedians' aren't so funny... that's why their ratings are tanking.

But hey, am I taking you away from your Kathy Griffin special?

Patrick Cooper • 5 years ago

Jim Gaffagin, Nate Bergatze, and many other, "clean" comedians" are maybe not screaming conservatives, but their comedy, shows much about what they believe in...

throttler • 5 years ago

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yawn.

Mr. Mojo Risin' • 5 years ago

Maybe a third frothing at the mouth, repeatedly yelling "VENEZUELA!!" over and over while furiously waving a Bible at a gay couple.

JANE106 • 5 years ago

You cut your cable in 2005 and you are cutting TRUMP in 2020. Well! Congrats for a mature stance.

Bob D • 5 years ago

I think you may have misunderstood what he meant. I think he's saying Trump for 2020!

JANE106 • 5 years ago

I didn't misunderstand him at all; it's called sarcasm.

He is a diehard Trump fan and hasn't a clue how much Trump is destroying everything about America.

ShineOn! • 5 years ago

LOL JANE106 I know right, we should of elected Hillary. Now that would of turned this country around. /sarcasm

JANE106 • 5 years ago

Turned this country around? Around from what, SO?

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
2017 Feb 4.0 [Where Trump started.]
2009 Feb 7.6 and escalated to 9.2 in Oct [Obama]

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
2017 Feb 8.0 [Where Trump started]
2009 Feb 13.7 [Where Obama started]

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
2017 Feb 5.5 [Where Trump started]
2009 Fed 11.3 [Where Obama started]

Unemployment Rate: 20 years and over
Interview with President Vladimir Putin, Russia
CNN/GPS/Zakaria (June 26, 2016)

"The U.S. is a great power. At the moment, it is probably the only superpower, and we accept this fact. We want to work with the U.S., and we are ready to do that. And no matter how these elections are held eventually they will be held, there will be a new head of state elected. They will have broad authority.

"I know that there are complex economic and political processes in the United States. At the moment, the world needs a country as strong as the U.S. is. And we do need the U.S., too. But what we do not need of them is to interfere with our affairs all the time, to instruct us how to live. To prevent Europe from building relations with us."

14 April 2019:
"American and European analysts and current and former U.S. military officers say the nuclear superpowers need to talk more. A foundational arms control agreement is being abandoned and the last major limitation on strategic nuclear weapons could go away in less than two years. Unlike during the Cold War, when generations lived under threat of a nuclear Armageddon, the two militaries are barely on speaking terms."

"The United States and Russia, which together control more than 90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, say that in August they will leave the 1987 treaty that banned an entire class of nuclear weapons. And there appears to be little prospect of extending the 2010 New Start treaty that limits each side's strategic nuclear weapons."

Trump's tariffs...this is what the "South China Morning Post" is saying about it:

In 2018, farm debt rose to $409 billion.

14 May, 2019
"US agricultural exporters such as soybean and pork producers have suffered major losses over the past year since Chinese tariffs were placed on their goods, and fear the protracted dispute will keep them out of the Chinese market for a long time to come."

-- FEBRUARY 8, 2019: Federal data shows bankruptcies in major farm states last year rose to the highest level in at least 10 years. According to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Midwest Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin saw twice as many farmers declared bankruptcy in 2018 compared to those that did during 2008. In the 8th Circuit from North Dakota to Arkansas, bankruptcies were up 96 percent. In the 10th Circuit including Kansas Colorado and Oklahoma, they rose 59 percent.

-- 2019, 3 Mar, last year the US posted an $891.2 billion trade deficit in merchandise; the largest in the nation’s 243-year history. [US Commerce Department].

Spock • 5 years ago

Time for blacks to leave the Democrat plantation, embrace Jesus and be victors, not [perpetual] victims.

Most definitely, shun becoming Islamic useful-idiot fleshy America buster bombs.

Nat Turner • 5 years ago


"Blacks" ain't listening to NO ONE from Breitbart. Maybe you need to leave the deplorable klavern.

Alamo • 5 years ago

Perhaps it’s you that needs to get off the Democrat Plantation and think for yourself...

Thomas Sowell
Larry Elder
Colin Powell
Condoleeza Rice
Ben Carson
Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson
Curtis (50 Cent) Jackson
Karl Malone
James Todd Smith (LL Cool J)
Trevor George Smith Jr. (Busta Rhymes)
Alveda King
Stacey Dash
Lynn Toler
Wilt Chamberlain
Tony Dungy
Mike Tyson
Shaquille O’Neill
Charles Barkley

There’s plenty more, but I don’t have all day.

Sterling Archer • 5 years ago

Kanye West

Nat Turner • 5 years ago

I don't take advice from anonymous strangers.

Alamo • 5 years ago

You obviously take marching orders from Hollywood celebrities and athletes... so why not strangers on the internet?

Nat Turner • 5 years ago

^^^dotard triggered by opinion that does not match his own

Bob D • 5 years ago

Maybe take a hint, then, and do some research (and not from CNN)!

Nat Turner • 5 years ago

Comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?

Bob D • 5 years ago

Actually I comprehend quite nicely. And, I can clearly see how well this country is doing today as a result of our great president. Further, I can also clearly see how every Libitard on the left wants to destroy our country. Socialism? Really? How f-ing stupid can you get? The "D" Dumba$$ lineup is laughable, one more annoying and bogus than the next. MAGA 2020!

Nat Turner • 5 years ago

^^^300lbs, 27 tobacco stained teeth, 15 year old double-wide living triggered dotard

Guest • 5 years ago
Nat Turner • 5 years ago

How old are you, 14?

Guest • 5 years ago
Nat Turner • 5 years ago

Shouldn't you be in the kitchen sugar t!ts?

p.s. shot out to Mel Gibson!

throttler • 5 years ago

Shouldn't you be in the cotton fields, @$$h0le?

Nat Turner • 5 years ago

^^^triggered racist deplorable.

Francisco d'Anconia • 5 years ago

Lots of black conservatives out there! 50 cent, Colin Powell, LL cool J, Condoleeza Rice, Herman Cain, don King, Alan Keyes, Allen West, Larry Elder, JC Watts, Candace owens. I could write pages of just the well known ones and then there are the millions of conservative blacks who are too busy working to be joining BLM and standing in line at the Democrat Plantation hand-out lines.

Bruce Parot • 5 years ago

Then stay a loser

Nat Turner • 5 years ago


King Paul • 5 years ago

Klavern? No.. he's not a libschit!

Alamo • 5 years ago

Maybe he doesn’t know that the KKK was founded by Democrats