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Gert Finkelhoffer • 5 years ago

Hey Mr. Linder, now that you live alone & there hasn't been any poltergeist activity maybe they weren't after you but wanted your girlfriend?

Also, no video? Then it didn't happen.

Jessica • 5 years ago

There no activity if she left....because she was the one behind the scenes throwing light bulbs or whatever lol

Jessica • 5 years ago

This is such a fake haunting.. money making scheme... all the video are easily faked ...the house is new and the land has no history to back it up. When ghost adventures came and investigated they didn't find anything....just realved how fake it was ....

Don Philips • 5 years ago

Ghost Adventures were wrong pure and simple to make assumptions based on their x5 hr investigation. Money making scheme is also quite a statement as that's exactly what TV shows are all about, Ratings and money! You could watch the full documentary before casting aspersions based on the failure of GA to uncover nothing.

Jessica • 5 years ago

So, you’re not out to make money ???..........Is the documentary free to watch then? and the book? (paperback 45$ on amazon) I don't see a documentary available anywhere to watch and Facebook said something about selling it to 3rd parties? I would be happy to see what new evidences might have been captured. Ghost adventures didn’t make any major assumptions they simply didn't find anything, and I think were respectful considering they didn't find anything to support their claims at that time. Mr. Linder interviews are not believable he is way to laid back for someone whose home is infested with demons. All the YouTubes videos he posted do not cover all angles and could be easily faked. If it is as active as he has said why hasn’t surveillance cameras been set up with clear views of no one behind the scenes to capture footage as the events occur versus after or with blocked shaking cameras?

Don Philips • 5 years ago

I think your best placed to comment when you really know the facts, and the correct ones, why don't you speak to Keith Linder about how respectful G.A where thats his bag. And as it states clearly inthe documentery what happened or what is claimed to have taken place prior to our investigation we cant comment on as it was before we were called in. BTW I think if you gonna flame people who make any money I'd say go yell at the tv shows who are about money and ratings above all else and not those who put the client above all else. If iut was about naking money do you really think it would be 2.5 yrs after our investigation the doc would have been done ? obvioulsy not. > you will also note: I post as myself, I have no need use hidden identities when commenting ... At the end of the day people believe what they choose to. Can I vouch for all that Keith claims ? no, I wasn't there. Did we prove his house had genuine phenomena taking place in our time investigating ? yes without doubt

I'll end this convo here seeing as you seemingly already know about everything . Have a nice day Jessica and honestly, believing all you watch in a TV show is your choice to do so. www.ameriansupernatural.com

Jessica • 5 years ago

Don’t get your knickers in a twist …. initial comments are based on the YouTube videos and news report and what is available online. There is nothing I’ve seen thus far that’s available for free to convince me that this is a legitimate haunting. Initial comments were made upon news of the book written by Mr. Linder and not about the documentary. His initial evidence videos look fishy, lo and behold there is now a book and documentary. Hence, I suggested Mr. Linder is doing it for money. Not, sure why the documentary producer feels the need to argue with a critic who posted something 15 days ago on an article that only two other people commented on. There's no such thing as bad publicity….if the documentary ever becomes available on Netflix I will be open-minded and give it the benefit of a doubt. until then Peace be with you

Don Philips • 5 years ago

Don't wear Knickers fortunately lol , not out to convince anyone Jessica just ask they make up their own mind based on our investigation, how it was conducted and who was involved including the independent observer . If you wanna email me your email then I'll send you sommin to help you reach a more informed conclusion. don-philips@outlook.com Have a good day :)

There are no ghosts, demons. or any other 'paranormal' crap.

Sorry if that makes your pathetic world a little less special but grow up and deal with reality.
Same advice for the religious.

Don Philips • 5 years ago

I'd urge you to watch the documentary of the thorough controlled investigation based on fact rather than making assumptions based on opinion without knowing all the facts.

scutis • 5 years ago

While I agree that these television shows and entertainment media showing "hauntings" are fake (for money), there are paranormal events. Lacking experience of such things doesn't automatically mean that they don't exist. The "pathetic world" is of those who believe that they know it all and believe unexplained events never happen. It's a sign of limited experiences and the modern sheltered mindset.

Edit: Yes, this "Bothell Hell House" is definitely fake.

occams_beard_trimmer • 5 years ago

It isnt any "modern sheltered mindset", it is a distinct lack of evidence for a huge claim. The bigger claim the more evidence needed to believe it.

If you have evidence then present it. If not then you are no better than the people who will tell you that they were abducted by aliens and probed anally.

scutis • 5 years ago

It is exactly that. Sheltered in that barely anyone spends time in nature anymore. It's surprising that a certain subset of white Americans can arrogantly act like they know better than centuries upon centuries of human knowledge just because it's not written in works by their own people.

Holly Hilpert • 4 years ago

watched the episodes with GA. One night isn't going to prove anything. What needed to happen is set up hidden cameras to catch any activity throughout the house. I think, if you watch the GA episode, it seems that at one point you hear a voice, or some sort of noise when they were in the house.The girlfriend was creepy. When they were investigating the girlfriend came up to Zak and stared in his face.I know she startled him and creeped him out. .I too wonder if she was manifesting some PK abilities.That maybe she was unhappy and was showing her unhappiness through this means. It would be interesting to know if any current owners have any problems.If not, then it definetly was the girlfriend causing this. Heard some ghost stories from my dad's side who are german, but these tales took place in the old country.Nothing like this type of thing. So even though i believe in the paranormal, I can also be a skeptic in certain cases.