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Kenneth S • 1 month ago

That's when you grab that a$$hole who did it and make HIM burn too. Bravo to this guy, he did what MEN do.
Probably another of biden's illegals, here for a better life.
Mental health concerns are real, but DA alvin bragg is more concerned about a show trail of Donald Trump.

undefined undefined • 1 month ago

Remember the Charles Bronson "Death Wish" movie series? ... Pepperidge Farm Remembers

Super Joey • 1 month ago

Funny you should mention it. I recently rewatched those movies on Max. They definitely feel just as relevant today as they did when they came out. Maybe even more so, since these days our government seems to actively encourage criminals .

undefined undefined • 1 month ago

I watched them growing up in the 80s thinking they were great but probably over dramatized, then in the 90s I realized New York and other big cities were even worse than what they portrayed. They cleaned up NYC with Rudy and the hard stance on crime and now it's worse than before. Why anyone would live there, let alone visit for vacation, is beyond me yet my idiot sister was just there with her husband & kids (both idiot liberal teachers)

Frontier Jeanne • 1 month ago

What a cesspool…

SS F • 1 month ago

He'll be let go and do it again.

Cowdog- A-GoGo • 1 month ago

Every day there is a reason posted here to shun NYC. We get it, we got it a long time ago.

publius undefined • 1 month ago

Words have meanings, a concept Blahz "journalists" fail to grasp.

David Peterson • 1 month ago

Ah, it's perfectly safe in NYC. Best run city in the U.S., probably the world.

Mark II Eyeball • 1 month ago

"I touched myself to put out the fire," he said.
Ahem. Phrasing?

Super Joey • 1 month ago

Sounds like a lyric from a pop song.

publius undefined • 1 month ago

Another crackerjack Blahz journalist. If the liquid caught fire after contacting the victim's shirt, it was a FLAMMABLE liquid. A flaming liquid is one already burning as it is thrown at the victim.

Blaze Media has been a sad disappointment in so many ways.

The victim himself said, "... he made fire and he threw it all." You can get away with this if the liquid doesn't fill the cup β€” throw the whole thing. Most people who get burned trying this, they didn't let go of the cup.

Brian undefined • 1 month ago

Most likely the perpetrator lit the liquid after tossing it. Otherwise he would catch on fire. In the confusion, the victim may not have seen that so it flamed as it hit his shirt. Possibly this explains this sentence.

Karen Shepherd • 1 month ago

Found that Taylor had criminal record since 1997 and we involved in a,previous similar incident.

publius undefined • 1 month ago

Mr Taylor is a candidate for a bullet to the head.