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Hosni Hafez • 1 year ago

Get rid of Petter schiff now instead

cambiste • 1 year ago

This is total BS.There would need to be a lot of changes that would take decades.First of all the Bricks would need to eliminate exchange controls in their countries.
LDC would need to change there debt obligation out of dollars.
Global commodities would also need to change there pricing structure away from Dollars which would mean
A separate liquidity pool and which would create arbitrage between the markets.

greg hale • 1 year ago

More doom and gloom from pseudo economists. Utter drivel. It's Capitalism, it has its ups and downs, highs and lows, winners and lovers. My dog could have foreseen the 2008 financial crisis. These phony peddlers of crap economics are a dime a dozen. Get a real job.

Mollie007 • 1 year ago

The Biden administration has done its utmost best to destroy this economy with the most asinine, inept people going. You look at ideology from Red to Blue and the difference is astoundingly clear. Even Miami is getting rid of Spring Break due to useless, destructive ilk. BRICS is a threat and if I was another country, I'd want my autonomy from the U.S. too. The entire world knows the Biden Administration is a stumbling disaster and the idiots in this country supposedly put him there. Choices have consequences.

Mateus Ribeiro • 1 year ago

Not really no. I am from Brazil, I am also Italian and I currently live in Canada, studying with Colombians, Mexicans, Indians, Russian, etc. I can guarantee you that the world understands Biden is just a regular politician. Unlike Trump who is a horrible, disgusting human beeing. No, the USD reserve problem has nothing to do with the president, this issue was going to happen regardless of whatever USA does. Why? Because the world does not want your people messing around with everything. We don't want you "protection", we want to get rid of your dominance. And the US empire will be the shortest in history, going down after just one incomplete century. You have been dealing with deficits for decades now, supported by military threats and all the bullshit Hollywood propaganda. But the fact is USA is swamped in debts with foreign goverments like China. If Beijing decides to sell all their USD reserves you will have to cook burning dollar bills. Biden or anyone else can only watch and pray.

Tom Temple • 1 year ago

Typical propaganda believing down, no one ever had a problem with Trump until he opposed the system, you're an NPC

Gremlin262 • 1 year ago

Ah yes, I'm sure South Korea, Taiwan, and Israel could protect themselves without help from the US. Also funny how one guy thinks he speaks for the world.

Mollie007 • 1 year ago

I agree with some of what you say, but Biden is THE worst occupier of the WH, ever. He's managed to destroy quickly, any stability going and his sanctions have woken up many countries that are tied to the dollar. He's a useless freak with a token. I don't blame them for saying no. We'll forge on our own.

Masudi. Hayat • 1 year ago

Peter Schiff works for Bitcoin. Dollar is a global reserved currency and it will never be in jeopardy.
Mr. Schiff is a misleading and dishonest economist

Peter Schiff found a niche saying the same garbage for years . Enough with this already . The last 20 years he keeps repeating this fooling people selling them gold. On the meanwhile he has tons of millions in the dollar currency...

Riddthy • 1 year ago

Why no one has engaged with Schiff, I mean really engaging with him to the last drop of our blood?

Lloyd • 1 year ago

Dump all your USD now. If you need somewhere to send them I accept PayPal, Zelle, Cashapp, Venmo and all crypto! Get tf out of here 😂

P Bm • 1 year ago

This clown is an opportunistic idiot. If you seriously believe that the US government is going to allow our monetary system to collapse, ask yourself how you are going pay your taxes?

With Bitcoin?

Yeah, right!!!!

Joel Bunker • 1 year ago

These people who are always quick to bash America and dump their dollars have a very immature notion of economics in general. This is certainly true when it comes to their notions of where the US dollar achieves it's value from. For starters the bulk of the value inherit in the US dollar comes from one place and one place alone, and that is the insistence by the IRS that all taxes in America be paid in US Dollars. This inherit fact means that no matter what their will always be a demand for US Dollars from 500 million of the most well off people on the planet. However, even more than just that fact, is the fact that every foreign company, bank, or individual who wishes to do business in the country where those 500 million people live also will guess what??? Have a demand for US Dollars!

Here's the other kicker for the dump your dollars crowd, exactly what currency do you imagine is readily capable of replacing the dollar? The Chinese yen? What so the Communist Party can seize all your wealth at any time it so pleases? Not exactly a ringing endorsement of stability. Moreover, with all are faults and flaws, investors the world over know that the US and it's markets are and have been stable, and if you had to put money on it most would bet that the US will continue to remain the most secure, stable economy, which is governed by a consistent rule of law.

You can try to fear monger all you like, but the fact remains investment inside the US remains the safest bet when compared to any other country in the planet. Moreover, these alarmists always forget about the incredible amount of soft power the US can and will weald in defense of its own currency. You can dump your dollars if you like, and purchase all the crypto coins you like from the incredibly biased man trying to scare people into buying cryptos if you like, but the rest of us will keep using and betting on the dollar for generations to come!

Dale Jones • 1 year ago

If gold is the best thing to have why are they trying to sell it to us? Now this guy is a Bitcoin person I don't see Bitcoin being something I can put my trust in it.