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Helen Miller • 3 years ago

It would be more helpful to show the percentage of ELIGIBLE population vaccinate. Children are correctly not yet being vaccinated as the EUA studies never included them and those studies are just enrolling in January 2021 for children under 12 and are not even yet enrolling for kids 5-11 years and no plans currently for children under 5. Children make up about 25% of the US population. CDC changed the definition of "child" in the middle of last year to be under 21 instead of under 18 which causes some confusion also in comparing data from 2020

Just Wondering • 3 years ago

The point of showing the percentage of the total population vaccinated is that heard immunity is reached at somewhere between 70 and 80%. So this gives us an idea of how far out we are from eliminating this virus all together.

Tom Bombadillo • 3 years ago

The concept that "herd immunity" is reached when 70-80% of people have been vaccinated is a shibboleth.

Just Wondering • 3 years ago


Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

Wrong. You’re false

Leah • 2 years ago


Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

Because fauci kept moving the herd immunity number higher and higher. Just like his “let’s try 2 two weeks lockdown to ‘slow the curve’”. It’s a con job to get that injection into everyone. He started the target immunity number around 50%. As people got the shot, he’d move it up. Think “no masks needed, mask needed, two masks needed, no mask needed, need masks again”

Adam Black • 2 years ago

Thats because the R0 of the virus keepings going up, MacFly!.

Israel already hit herd immunity in march with the original virus, and are facing a new Delta outbreak.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

- McBlack,
Sure thing Mr. Benny. The LA Times reported an “outbreak” a few weeks ago of the dread Delta mutant variant of the manufactured MSM hysteria. I drilled down on the data from the LA County Dept of Public Health and here’s the facts of the ‘serious outbreak’ that was requiring the re-donning of the face diaper. I’ll paraphrase the data that the press release rested on. Mind you the County of LA has a population of 10 million citizens. Here you go:
“Over a two week period the county suffered approximately 127 cases of the delta variant. Of those 127 people, most all were from one concentrated geo area, and 26 of them belonged to one extended family. All these people, tested as positive, were unvaccinated, all 127. Of this 127 souls testing positive, 2 needed one day in the hospital for observation. The other 125 with the dread delta variant spent a day or two at home with the sniffles. Some were in need of a couple of aspirin.”
Bottom line, the chances of contracting the dread delta mutant are lower than being struck by lightning TWICE in the same year. And if you were to test positive (which I believe are probably bogus tests), you might need a few hours bed rest and a couple of aspirin.
Don’t you read the papers?

ethan townsend • 2 years ago

What is wrong with you Steve will you not loved as a child why not be a we society instead of a me me society

Guest • 2 years ago
DO • 2 years ago

Text me sometime 316

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago
Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

Simple. The majority of choice of society is no indication of those positions being correct and true in their beliefs and opinions. There was a time when most Protestants thought the earth was flat. A very large “we” majority. But they were dead wrong weren’t they? There are times in life that require putting on your own thinking cap and looking at the variety of thoughts and considering not going along with the state sanctioned directives if you see them as false and important enough to be defied or ignored. My work doesn’t require me to submit to anyone’s company directive to be vaccinated. I truly empathize with those that are forced into submission to take care of their families and themselves. It’s truly criminal and completely unAmerican at its heart and is unconscionable. I’m not sure what I’d do if I were in that position. It’s a really sad thing to forced on these persons, a kind of start of a “social credits” type of ruling over us. It’s really sad that so many good people are put into that position. I’m not a hater of those who’ve been vaxxed either willfully or made to comply. My fight is with those hell bent to make everyone submit to it. Why are they doing this? Our most basic rights are out the window. Freedom of association, freedom to gather publicly in peaceful protest, freedom to travel with reasonable access, freedom to worship, and more. Don’t you see how convenient it is that the pandemic overrides all these natural rights of man that are the real freedoms that are at the hear of our once proud republic? Now it’s nothing more than freedom of changing ones sex, freedom to legally marry a tree or beast, freedom to have the vilest porn imaginable available 24/7, freedom to end an infants life up until the ninth month of pregnancy, and how these false freedoms have been moved to the top of the hierarchy. I wonder why? You tell me. What would Henry Thoreau say about it? He of Walden Pond. His battle was to live the life of a lone monk if he chose it, and why he thought that was important. Not whether he could pull his wanker or have another man do it for him. That’s idiocy in the most personal realm that is not for the public discussion of basic freedoms. That can be accomplished anywhere any time by anyone desirous of it. It’s piddly winks in the freedom domain. Yesterday that’s where our erstwhile betters have us focused while they cut our real freedom out from under us. A shell game grift of misdirection.

Josh • 2 years ago

"Thought the earth was flat" is a myth. It's more bullshit that modern man uncritically accepts.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

i know that, and you know that, but most buy the propaganda they are presented with without question. it’s a long standing lie used to besmirch the Christian Church by the same liars who have briught us to this low point in our history. such falsehoods are all part of the English originated smear called the Black Lie

Guest • 2 years ago
Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

pls. be more particular with your question and i will give you a valid recognized source. what piece of fact are you interested in?

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

try to look at this:

Hussein • 2 years ago

Hey Steve, people have freedom not to be infected. Your inability to have a rational thinking over this issue is stunning. You have a right to travel, but you don't have a right to be served by an airline when you don't follow their basic rules. You don't have a right to enter other countries when they don't want unvaxxed people in their lands.

Believe me, I have been critical of the extremists on the other side. The US had little of it compared to some other nations. But vaccines are the solution that actually exposes irrationality. Those who want to curb lives despite vaccination are nuts. And those who are opposed to it are also nuts. . We no longer have polio outbreaks because of vacancies and you got vaccinated when you were young. Your fears of Covid vaccines are unfounded.

BTW, religious people are no longer just interested in freedom to worship. They want to worship on government dime. They sue to be included in government programs which are only for secular schools for for secular activities. Guess what, when you seek the government, prepare to be hooked with entanglements.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

the foundational supposition of your argument is bogus, hence all that you have to say supporting that false premise is falsehood. your central theses that the vaccine is effective and saves lives is something you saw watching TV. Unbeknownst to you, it’s YOU who are nuts. You’ll see as this plays out in the long term. after two years of a continuuing battering of propaganda, many people’s minds and rational discernment start to crumble and they start to believe the BS. And you’re one of them. good luck to you!

Kimberly Marshall-Rybicki • 2 years ago

So ridiculous of you to say to someone regarding the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine was something “you saw on TV.” Really?? You really think that we, who received the vaccine, just saw something on tv and thought, oh gee, ok well hey, I’m goin’ and gettin’ that! You are the idiot that listens to misinformation on tv and internet about the vaccine. I on the other hand, and I bet millions of people who chose to get the vaccine, consulted our physicians and many articles on the MRNA vaccines before we received the jab! YOU are the reason the virus is still spreading and it’s too bad you’re so full of yourself and such a know it all that you don’t realize the truth.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

and now, today, you find that it was YOU who are full of it, convinced by a medical establishment that had no choice other than to lose their jobs. I’m sorry they decieved you. l was prepared for and had Delta. with the medications that have NOW received mainstream acceptance but were then forbidden and demonized, I got over it within a week. I had the lingering “no smell or taste” for a couple of weeks after the nasty flu-like symptoms and was then fine. there was never a need for the big time hysteria and all the useless jabs. And now you know it too but can’t bring yourself to say it. Oh well..good luck.

Claire Cavy • 2 years ago

Your first two paragraphs are right on

Ellen Jones • 2 years ago

Amen. Steve is uneducated, typical of his pernicious ilk. Thank goodness they are dropping like flies.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago


My bet is you don’t have the patience and/or a discerning mind capable of listening to this presentation on Youtube by a doctor in good standing across all the MSM platforms about one of many inquiries and valid test studies on the mRNA vaccines published yesterday 11.24.21. Try to limit your response to the doctor’s comments if possible.

LuLu Manus • 2 years ago

Youtube... I rest may case

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

your reply is hilarious. your president appears on youtube all the time. you know the one who can’t remeber where he is. I rest MY case

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

if i could draw a picture of persons with your attitude it would be one of a child with eyes tightly shut and both hands with finger pushed deep into each ears saying “I don’t want to see or hear anything CNN hasn’t told me”.

jaw444 • 2 years ago

Steve - re the guy on youtube you gave a link for, I've found John Campbell PhD videos to have important clearly presented information in them, i've watched a few of them. some were too boring for me because he was overly repetitive for my needs.

I just want to clear up what initially was misleading for me which is that he's known as 'Dr John Campbell' and he provides a lot of technical medical science information in his videos, including a lot of data from current most up to date published studies and summaries of media reports on them. he's articulate in the vocabulary of medicine and the impression probably to most people surfing through you tube to find out more detailed info about the evolving SARS2 epidemic is, probably like me, most think he's an MD.

There's a number of MDs who are posting info on youtube from their various perspectives. i thought Dr Campbell was an MD and only gradually got enough crumbs of info to figure out he's a highly educated well respected nurse-educator, with a PhD in nursing, years of experience in practicing nursing medicine and years as a professor of nursing in the UK.

i don't know about the UK but ii think most in the US respect MDs more highly than they respect nurses as sources of medical info. Again, Dr Campbell is a very knowledgeable and experienced medical professional, in nursing, which overlaps with MD knowledge considerably. He was educated in some top schools in Britain and he's now an authoritative educator in professional nursing, he's been a teacher at the professional school level, he's published several books including a book that's been the main text used by educators in training of nurses.

Unsurprisingly, his prestige and respectability took a hit related to certain of his you tube 'covid' presentations, and since being accused of 'disinformation' by the BBC, he has become meticulous in connecting pretty much everything he says to published data, included in his presentations. He's also done some light critiques of wrong information BBC has published.

when i saw that this is who you recommended by linking him, i felt like clearing up that he's a major authority in academic nursing and related fields in Britain and to some extent internationally. He's worth listening to, if someone wants to learn more than what's available through the media.

i think many people you are in conflict with in this discussion will not be interested and will not like his info about ivermectin or vaccine injury and other unconventional things. At least it's data-driven, and anyone who wants to see what the actual study data looks like, the published data which policy is based on, he shows the graphics (charts and graphs) and he quotes the studies verbatim.

When people demonize and pathologies each other over their differences, they're coming from emotion, which has a darkening effect on the intellect, and not much or anything is learned from exchanging viewpoints. Mutual disrespect provokes emotions which dull the intellect and ability to learn something different from what one already thinks.

I appreciate your frustration and your positions. I also am frustrated with what i see as your priority, to try to make the person who sees the subject differently out to be a moron and worse. To be sure, the same is being directed at you. This is just my thing, i'm expressing it on social media for my own enjoyment :) i appreciate that you are standing up for some unpopular non-majority perspectives, countering boring narrow one-sidedness. Each person has to decide for themself what they believe, and when dominant narratives are forceful and hard sell as they've been about the meanings of the effects of the SARS2 virus, emotions are played on which when coming from the top, has a dumbing down effect on a lot of people, by simply dumbing down language needed to communicate with each other. In that kind of context, the concept of making one's own decision is murky.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

The dominant narrative is just that. It’s pervasive, repeated by nearly every major broadcasters like the good little parrots that they are. As you noticed I will return the fire from the smug opinionated brainwashed crowd with equal vigor, sometimes even surpassing their rhetoric. Yes it’s “vulgar’ common argumentation, but it seems to be the only level that most of them use and understand. Why be polite dealing with these boorish opinionated nincompoops? These are often people who believe and say that persons who’ve decided against accepting the transjection should be denied health services. With that low a caliber of reptile, talkingblike your’evin ‘politeccompany’ is a waste of time.
I know about Nurse Practicioner Campbell, and I appreciate your elucidation of his approach and attitudes. He does well, if not better, than most doctors IMO. He’s willing to go where the published data leads. To actually “follow the science” from its source not TV news or the middleman of MSM interpretating it for us as a high drama headline.
As for the IVM subject, he was reading from one of the “legitimate sources” a few days back of an ongoing extensive trial/evaluation of IVM and Covid. It was either the CDC, WHO, BMJ, LANCET, OR NIH in Britain doing the trials and he remarked with aplomb and equanimity that for the extended period of many many months of the evals and the huge number of people as subjects or “cohorts” as he likes to call them, he was at a loss to say why they hadn’t reached ANY conclusion of any kind as of yet. I commented it was plain for me to see that they have orders NOT to have any results less it confuse the confabulated and cause hesitation for the tranjection, the clear shot of the states’ choice.
Thank you for your fine elaboration on the subject. Now if we can just get someone to read and actually absorb a bit of truth vs. state propaganda, we might be getting rid of this overblown hoax all the sooner!

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

hahaha! us “purebloods” will be carrying the stretchers of you “boosted” believers to the fema hospice camps sooner rather than later. fizer is almost ready with the 2nd booster for Omnicron. you don’t get it do you? they’re disabling your immune systems pumping tgis poison into you. YOU are the ones carrying the infection and running to the hospitals. it’s out of the bag now. the more clotshotted an area is, the more Covid cases are presented. It doesn’t WORK and theyve got you fooled.

Dylan Evans • 2 years ago

The vaccines are here to protect us

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

the transjection is here bcuz they made a bioweapon virus and either it escaped or more likely, someone let it out intentionally.

go Joe • 2 years ago

Thank goodness they are dropping like flies. Oh my, There is no goodness in that comment only darkness.

mcam307@my.wgu.edu • 2 years ago

Ellen...Thank goodness they are dropping like flies? Aren't you glad we live a country when we can SAY and THINK anything we want. Would not want you to drop like a fly for your illiterate, hateful comments

Terry Lunsford • 2 years ago

Polio vaccines were carefully scrutinized for yrs before being administered to humans. The fear of the Covid virus is just as irrational as the fear of the Covid vaccine. They're both real, they will both harm a tiny cross section of the overall population. The vast majority will neither benefit nor be harmed by neither.

Stella • 2 years ago

A tiny 807,000 dead Americans??? AND COUNTING....TO 1 MILLION

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

And more dead on the new prez’s time than the other one with no vaccine. why’s that?

Nancy Mestler Loos • 2 years ago


Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

“Wut” is right. Can’t you look anything up on your own? More covid deaths under Biden with the death shot than under Trump with none. sorry, but not sorry that you just don’t get it.

Dana Hartsock • 2 years ago

R U really serious with that question? That shows how detached from reality you are.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

why don’t you look up anything for yourself? that’s part of the problem. Look up cdc figures for covid deaths in 2020, the year of runaway raging pandemic clogging all the hospitals with death and with no vax. then do the same for 2021 when your beloved senile moron WITH THE VAX was in charge. very simple. but instead you’ll look for every reason that says sleepy ‘let’s go brandon’ is such a great guy and he’s helping you. look at the numbers from your beloved cdc. how hard is that? and I’m the one “detached from reality”? hardly

A false equivalence. Covid didn't start taking off until March of 2020. So you are trying to compare a total from 10 months to a total from 12.

If you are intellectually honest, you will cite rate figures, rather than total numbers. But I don't see you taking that course.

Steve McCormick • 1 year ago

You’re coming in on this discussion rather late aren’t you? My comment above is from 5 months ago. But that’s OK. I have an idea.
Let’s YOU do your own math. I said what I said. YOU prove me wrong with the facts and figures that you allege will refute me. How about that? None of this “if I was intellectually honest” sniping. Cite the figures and prove me wrong. And link your source(s). 😄


1---Thanks for confirming my assessment of you.

2---Kinda full of yourself aincha bub? Do you take drugs for that cognitive dissonance?

3---I prefer my intercourse with someone firmly based in this reality. That has a grasp on the facts. Ergo, I will be blocking you. You can reply to this if you wish. On your own timeline. I won't dictate to you what is timely. Doing so will be immature and insecure. However, as I won't see the reply, it will be an exercise in futility. As well as a reflection on your EQ level. Unfortunately, not a positive reflection.

JustanAmerican • 1 month ago

Bruh didn't even answer the question...🤣

It is a fool's errand to try to reason with delusion.

jaw444 • 2 years ago

i agree, that's a lot of people, but it's only about one quarter of one percent of the US population. There are many preventable deaths in that range from a variety of things, which aren't being prevented and are not getting public focus. Injury from the covid vaccines is only a small percent of the whole population, but if you're one of those people and their families, it's not small or insignificant any more than those 800,000 deaths are, and other consequences short of death. But because of all the hurriedness to get information for the public, the usual standards research has to meet to be treated as factual have not been met. This isn't a statement of a fringe opinion, it's medical and scientific fact. What is counted as a covid death has lots of problems, because of the conditions under which it's collected. When the majority of deaths are among people over 65 (75% CDC data mid February 2022) and only 4% are under 45, there's more going on than just covid. Covid is just what was written on death certificates. This isn't hard data that conclusions can be drawn from. On the CDC page listing covid excess deaths by various demographics, including age, race, gender, etc, , under the section on 'co-morbidities,' it says that there were co-morbidities listed for as many as 95% of all covid deaths, where covid was listed in the cause of death section of the death certificate. There's no way to confidently know what those people really died from or whether they would not have died of their other conditions independently of covid, the doctors completing death certificates in hospitals don't know the patients as their personal physicians and aren't in a position to make those assessments. CDC also says that when covid was listed as the only condition, 5%, this was "likely related to a lack of detail listed about other conditions present at the time of death." This is just to say that the death numbers the public is given aren't provided with cautions about scientific limitations on relying on this data, and when we hear them, we naturally think this is factual. But that isn't really known.

Steve McCormick • 2 years ago

it’s also clear that the 800,000 number is a lot of BS. Why can’t you say it? They have. Everything you described says it loud and clear. It was a manufactured scam. I’m not saying there’s no virus. I’m saying a needless mountain was made from a molehill and it was done purposefully with malice intended. And that helping to accomplish the scam there are big money incentives for the hospitals to make all things covid related. that’s shat’s called a psy op in government social engineering. methods the immoral use to control their populations. In case you haven’t noticed, the democracies are at war with their people, not serving them.