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jian ping Song • 4 years ago

lower down interest rate and real estate price will boom, so does CPI, people had to work more time to keep the same living standard. what's meaning of this kind of GDP growth? It means nothing.

Sam Samnah • 4 years ago

Yeah, BDC remind me never take your advice. Growth is stagnant between .1 and .4% for the last 3 quarters. We have a trade deficit havering between -4B and -3.5B on a month, our Canadian dollar is .74 to the US greenback. And foreign investment is flying out the door. I am not just talking about investment in the energy sector either. Some analyses you got going on there. Every bit of information you've provided here is lopsided.

Alexa • 4 years ago

As enterprise software mainly CRM continues to revamp the Canadian business landscape, the businesses there are increasingly realizing the importance of a CRM tool to save time and money by automating their routine tasks. CRM for small business gives businesses time to work on higher-value tasks. In short, a CRM software solution system manages all your customer interactions along with streamlining other operations.

p hiddler • 5 years ago

good job crank it up

LA • 5 years ago

"Eventful year in trade"...if you can count no trade as being eventful. We have angered the US, China, Saudi Arabia, our TransPacific partners, Belgium...who else? I must be missing a few. All due to Trudeau insisting that gender equality, women's rights, social activism and environmental activism is part of a trade deal - regardless of what it costs us. And don't forget the lack of trade from our energy sector which Trudeau conveniently left out when speaking on our GDP. How can you destroy an industry that would normally provide $100-$200 billion to our GDP?? Because he does not want it, so the thousands of jobs, the billions in income are unimportant. And this website is further propaganda that goes against what all financial institutions, including the IMF and the Bank of Canada are saying. Morneau says "We will have growth". Wow. The IMF has downgraded Canada's growth expectations to 1.7 % in 2019 - when 2% -3% is needed for a healthy economy. And that 2-3% assumes prudent spending - not a country that has been wasting hundreds of billions during what should have been good times to pay down debt and set money aside to fight the next downturn. Waste money, foolish spending despite cuts in health care, education, social programs, money for veterans and seniors amid massive tax hikes to 80% of the middle class and small businesses. Now a Carbon Tax that will inflate everything we make, store or transport as well as utilities, property taxes, municipal fees, all utilities....everything you need is going up while jobs are disappearing and investment into Canada is fleeing an an unheard of rate. You count the new jobs but ignore the lost jobs and people that are out of work. So far, Trudeau has been reaping the benefits of the Harper government. 2019 will see the recession start.

JPRA • 4 years ago

How is that recession talk going?

Morley Bolero • 4 years ago

Get a grip.