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felix1999 • 4 years ago

If you can't outright lie then EDIT it!

Quantumphase • 4 years ago

Fire Todd ASAP.

Cheryl • 4 years ago

yeah, Good Luck with that...

Jay • 4 years ago

"fire them" That's what fox news does to conservative's speaking the truth

YesHemp Cbd • 4 years ago

I am former news director at Sacramento station over 20 years ago. Conservatives don't last long in the news biz my ride was not even 3 months. What UpChuck Todd is doing is done every weekend on local new as they are all part of the same cabal. Nothing will change until we hit them in their advertising and boycott their advertisers, write letters to those same advertisers explaining to them why you will never use their product or service. It takes time to write a letter, print it out, and put it in the mail. Emails are far less effective but hand written letters get the attention of the advertisers boss. This also means not watching shows on NBC, NOT subscribing to Peacock, and and posting in social media to let them feel the wrath of our numbers.

anonQ • 4 years ago

I think this explains much...


Dorrie_ • 4 years ago

You're no doubt right about that, but NOHemp Cbd!!

anonQ • 4 years ago

Sure, this is yet another outrage. But until the government enacts laws to keep these clowns honest (Like truth in lending) all I have to say "is anyone really surprised?"


Ziggy46 • 4 years ago

Nope, good post.

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

...Leftist Media

Ziggy46 • 4 years ago

NBC's outright and outlandish lie is one of the numerous lies, perfidy propagated by NBC and its equally perfidious MSM counterparts. Today's journalism is not journalism but unmitigated propaganda, indoctrination of the vacuous, the Leftist dullards. Their dissemination of tenets, unbridled fear-mongering, the abject hatred for the Constitution, or those in disaccord to the Leftists' totalitarian endeavors. The MSM is no more than a Fifth Column in the back pocket of the so-called Democratic Party.

These alleged news sources, the social network, and others are quintessentially propagandists, apologists, betrayers to not only America but to the craft, some still call journalism. The said craft is by-and-large dead, thanks to the faux-Democrats and its MSM confederates.

movingwaters • 4 years ago

My deceased mother called it "journalistic license." She practiced this all the time. I'm pretty sure God has another name for it.

Ziggy46 • 4 years ago

Your late mom was honest, more so than her peers. God bless your mother.

movingwaters • 4 years ago

I am afraid not. Mom functioned exactly like those who twist the truth to suit their agenda. The worst part of it is that she truly believed that God didn't care if she lied because He had really assigned her to "fix" other people. Unfortunately for her eternal life she was able to work hard and give lots of money to carnal "Christians" who would praise her to the heavens for her help. The problem was she was, in my opinion, never really saved. That's a long story but I do think she was a false convert and managed to stay that way her whole life because everyone would laugh off some things about her enjoyment of twisting truth and manipulating people because she would do nice things. It made me sick that I was the only one who would tell her she was wrong. Won't go into details. She sincerely believed that she was the best Christian ever, and I don't like to consider where I think she really is now.

I am not dissing mother. From a deliverance standpoint, I understand the extreme poverty and since of shame she had during the Depression after her well employed dad got cancer and died. A spirit of rejection can cause one to go into serious false pride. She was the worst case I have ever seen. The reason God asks us to not compare ourselves one to another is because He doesn't want any of us walking out another person's identity. He has something special for each of us to do. Jealousy of another and/or a too strong desire to show everybody a thing or two cuts that off. But all these people wanted special favors and didn't care that they were basically props for someone's false pride. And they were.

Kathy Brown, Esq. • 4 years ago

MW I want to remark your very moving post. You speak a resonating truth and one not easy to say.

it will be a blessing to many because it addresses key issues re: Salvation. I esp. remark it because I behaved very dishonestly for part of my life and actually thought it was OK: I became a lawyer late in life, and everybody else was lying to beat the band so I figured I'd join in lest I "endanger" my client by not doing so. But also and truly it was something I saw growing up too so...

Almighty God in His infinite mercy converted me and I cannot tell you what a difference a truthful life is, as opposed to a lying one. I realized I couldn't continue to do any work where I'd have to go down that road and that was scary; thought I'd have no work. No way! Different work now, but most certainly work and work I LOVE.

Thank you dear friend-

movingwaters • 4 years ago

You have such a wonderful testimony. God apparently opened the door to something He knew you would love. By the way, I wanted to be a lawyer more than anything in the world, and never got around to it. I wanted to study Constitutional Law. The Left seized control of Law long ago.

Most of my life I though God hated me before I was even born due to things I was taught very early that I now know as religious spirited twisting of His truth. It affected my life in all regards. I can't believe the difference in the person I am since I found the truth. And yes, it was very hard for me to say the things I said. I see how the enemy got to work in an extremely poor girl (mom) whose dad died at 8, and started planting false pride and wrong beliefs in her head. She couldn't be delivered because there were too many people supporting her pride. I'm glad God shot down my anger and false pride so I could be redeemed. As you have no doubt figured out, this is a story about the need for deliverance ministry, something most of the church totally ignores. I believe God has been teaching me some things for a while so I can help someone else see clearly. Thank you for your kind remarks and your wonderful testimony. A testimony is a powerful witness.

Ziggy46 • 4 years ago

Thanks, MW, for your forthright, eloquent post. We all have encountered people suffering from similar perfidy or falsity when it comes to one's faith. I, for one, do not consider myself a great example as a Christian. It does not mean that I do not endeavor to maintain the principles of Christianity, but like many, I am flawed. The latter of which I do not hide or secret, as G-d grasps my and other's weaknesses. Movingwaters is a suiting pseudonym, stay safe and healthy.

movingwaters • 4 years ago

Not only am I flawed, sometimes lately I think I am getting worse. It is a challenging time. You know what they say about the true Christian life being simple, but not easy. I am one of those "least in the Kingdom" types but I do have a desire for people to know the goodness of God.

Ziggy46 • 4 years ago

Indeed but you are not alone; not that it makes you feel worthier. I, as do many, struggle day-by-day in my endeavor to becoming a better Christian. I suspect in my day of judgement my final grade will be posted; which is not far off.

TD • 4 years ago


Trump's still funny.

TD • 4 years ago

NBC: News from the Biden Campaign

ed • 4 years ago

"Meet The Lying-Ass Press".
With your host....Chuck Todd

Spectrum • 4 years ago

"Nothing is happening" ?




Chris Wolf • 4 years ago

The coup against Trump is ongoing.
Ari Fliesher is part of the coup.

CharlieSeattle • 4 years ago

To the MSM, the agenda trumps the truth ...always.

Dorrie_ • 4 years ago

I've long wondered about him, yet he appears quite regularly on Fox ... pretty disgusting.

Drew the Infidel • 4 years ago

And the corrupt media finds the wherewithal to feign insult when Trump labels them "fake news"?

Spectrum • 4 years ago
John Acord • 4 years ago

Todd doesn't pass up an opportunity to make himself irrelevant.

Mathew M • 4 years ago

Seriously we need an immediate replacement for Comcast / Xfinity. The Government does nothing to these Communists, we must demand censorship the FCC is as corrupt and liable as they are.

Infidel Task Force • 4 years ago
Infidel Task Force • 4 years ago

Shmucky Chucky

Jay • 4 years ago

Years ago . . .NBC Admits to Rigging Chevy Truck to Explode - Settles GM Law Suit