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ARL Wild Buck • 2 years ago

I don't like where this is heading...

That Guy • 2 years ago
Guest • 2 years ago
ARL Wild Buck • 2 years ago

Speaking of fumigation, what do you have stuffed up your tailpipe? Or are you pulling double duty and chasing away the crows?

Guest • 2 years ago
ARL Wild Buck • 2 years ago

That'll increase ridership for sure

RunningWriting • 2 years ago

Why not just have Brooks go for a stroll and chase the crows away? He would enjoy it. No crows would be harmed. And people wouldn't have to breathe in artificial fog.

Shirlingtonian • 2 years ago

What, you think we haven't got enough dogs in Shirlington? But this one is very sweet. Welcome anytime.

Angry_Johnny76 • 2 years ago

Brooks wouldn't chase. He would leer at the crows. The overwhelming shame and humiliation that only Brooks could generate instilled in the murder would make them leave never to return.

Cp Tighe • 2 years ago

at first I read this as 'to shoo away cows." as was like...what in Gods name are cows doing in Shirlington

Northerner • 2 years ago

Maggie Moo's ice cream shop used to be in Shirlington. MMMMMM, Amooretto (not a spelling mistake) flavor. That was yummy!

Registered Commenter • 2 years ago

That's weird, me too.

Angry_Johnny76 • 2 years ago

Chemical warfare. The Grapes of Wrath! The crows will remember. As smart as dogs.

oscar • 2 years ago

"A fog is being released in Shirlington this week..."

I'm glad they clarified. Otherwise, I might have thought Signature Theater was doing a production of "Sweeney Todd" and got a little carried away with the London stage effects.

From my understanding, free marijuana is being given out in Shirlington to aid in the effort.

Metal Ox • 2 years ago

So basically we're pepper spraying wildlife?

dave schutz • 2 years ago

If you have eaten Concord grapes or mandarin oranges, you have eaten methyl anthranilate: " Methyl anthranilate naturally occurs in the Concord grapes and other Vitis labrusca grapes and hybrids thereof, and in bergamot, black locust, champak, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, mandarin orange, neroli, oranges, rue oil, strawberry, tuberose, wisteria, galangal, and ylang ylang."
Doesn't necessarily mean it's benign, but it's not dioxin, for sure.

trickster • 2 years ago

My first almost adult beverage was Lake Niagara - a blend of Concord and Niagara…..it was mild and fruity, a great gateway wine….and I have suffered no ill effects. 😵‍💫🤪

QTR • 2 years ago

But did you suddenly have a burning need to get away from Shirlington?

trickster • 2 years ago

HA…no - maybe because I lived in Niagara Country at the time…did have a burning need to leave NY when I became a taxpayer…

dave schutz • 2 years ago

In my high school there was a large consumption of Thunderbird. Appalling, in memory.

Registered Commenter • 2 years ago

In my high school, it was "only hindsight and Mad Dog are 20/20"

Registered Commenter • 2 years ago
trickster • 2 years ago

Even closer to home….

Angry_Johnny76 • 2 years ago

And if you habitually eat it, are you immune? Are they the Grapes of Wrath?

dave schutz • 2 years ago

Or will it, at least, deter you from leaving poo on the sidewalks of Shirlington?

Angry_Johnny76 • 2 years ago

The Penrose Pooper says otherwise.

Metal Ox • 2 years ago

I was thinking of the crows, not myself. Though there have been times I could have been considered "wildlife".

Diva Crows • 2 years ago

Methyl anthranilate activates the birds' pain receptors. They may retreat but will come back because crows are territorial. They don't even roost at this time of year so the only reason to do this in the spring is to force the birds away from their nests. They will simply start over again in 8 days when the spraying stops.

Longtimer • 2 years ago

"The chemical — which produces a grape odor — irritates the pain receptors associated with birds’ senses of taste and smell..." Many years ago, while working with military and civil aviation clients, I learned that one method used on airfields to discourage birds (which are hazardous to aircraft taking off - remember the Hudson River emergency landing?) was to spray grassy areas next to runways with grape Kool-Aid. Sounds like this is an updated version of that.

Neither troll nor fanboy • 2 years ago

Crows are going to do what crows are going to do.

Shirlingtonian • 2 years ago

Hi folks. Glad to see this article. This is a serious, science-based effort to tackle a public health issue for our restaurants and shops. No crows will be hurt but really need fewer of them hanging out here. Hope it works, grateful to FRIT for its advance communications. For this week only, please eat inside in the Village or go to Clarendon and throw up in the bushes there if you want to sit outside in chilly damp weather.

SlowColdDeath • 2 years ago

Why now??? When it's spring and they're nesting? They won't abandon their nests any more than you would abandon your kids. This is needlessly cruel.

Shirlingtonian • 2 years ago

If you have ever had a glass of wine, then you've had adult grape Koolaid. That's pretty much what this substance is. As someone pointed out, that's what used to be sprayed on ball fields to get rid of birds. (If you say you've never had a glass of wine, I don't believe you, and point out that you shouldn't be on ARLNow unfortified.) Bonus points awarded to poster of the Birds Aren't Real conspiracy video. Don't miss it. I'm getting the t-shirt. See you next week!

Namegoeshere • 2 years ago

That's a weird way to declare you don't believe Muslim, Mormon and Baptist people are honest about their beliefs.

Curious George • 2 years ago

I used to take the metro to New Carrolton. In the winter thousands of crows would roost there. The sidewalk was white. Really gross. Only got nailed once.

The Reasonable Man • 2 years ago

3 crows swooped in and killed a nest of baby Robins on my porch last spring. it was simultaneously mortifying and impressive. Very clever birds.

Longtimer • 2 years ago

Crows killed a nest of baby mourning doves on my terrace last year. I also watched a trio of crows chase away a hawk. They are clever and fascinating birds, but also a bit thuggish (anthropomorphically speaking).

skippy johnson • 2 years ago

In all seriousness, why are we worried about "hurting" them? Just cull/harvest them and move on. We already cull wild populations of many other animals when they become a nuisance in populated areas.

hüskerdont • 2 years ago

Fitting that it's a realtor doing this. Not enough that they are complicit in the destruction of our environment by turning the land into money for themselves; now they are going after the little bit of wildlife that has managed to adapt to humans.

Neither troll nor fanboy • 2 years ago

So we send our bad crows somewhere else, and they send their bad crows to us. No one is going to win at this.

charlesl22201 • 2 years ago

Several years ago I was on a flight sitting next to a guy from Great Britain who lived on a small farm and raised sheep and goats. He told me he shot crows with a .22 caliber rifle with a silencer. I didn't believe him, because of the Brits' gun laws. But I later did a Web search and yes, they do shoot crows there with .22 silenced rifles.

BBMS 🇺🇸 • 2 years ago

You can get the same result with sub-sonic ammunition and avoid all the government hassle of buying a suppressor.

charlesl22201 • 2 years ago

I was surprised that people are allowed to own firearms in G.B. No Constitution let alone a 2nd Amendment. I thought in Britain one has to belong to shooting club registered with L.E. and guns are stored there.

What's the harm in grape Kool Aid?

Arlington, SSR • 2 years ago

Long guns which are not semi-auto are generally allowed in the UK with a license. A 22LR can be semi though.

That Guy • 2 years ago

No constitution?

john • 2 years ago

it's a problem requiring a solution but will the fog also disrupt the Spring mating season of other songbirds?

As for human exposure, we're already breathing enough toxins much worse than 'food grade' methyl anthranilate, which is on just about any fruit or vegetable, perfume and other products we're exposed to.

Instead of worrying about how your enchilada will taste, move over to Busboys for a glass of red and enjoy the accompanying aroma.

COVIDiot • 2 years ago

It can't be this bad, can it? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Rusty Griswold • 2 years ago

It's worse. Much worse.
