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A pokemon series without team rocket.

hinako • 3 months ago

real this is much better

AsuraVGC • 1 year ago

Love it removes the childish aspect

Yes. • 1 year ago

Bro really be calling the Rocket Squad childish, another fatherless soul clearly

floof • 1 year ago

Although it may not be childish, after watching so many episodes with team rocket, so many of their encounters feel very bland, I guess most of the encounters are just filler? just a trope? however some of the older encounters are nostalgic. I am also sadly a fatherless soul as I have not seen my father in years and he divorced with my mother after wait I don't remember. fortunately I had a stepdad but then he also divorced with my mother.
Whenever I see this fatherless meme online I get flashbacks like ptsd lmao.

AsuraVGC • 1 year ago

I mean they are, their whole plot is "blasting of again"

Lizard Lizard • 1 year ago

Not really, they are very well devolped characters, anyone who actually watched the two instead of skipping everything they did would know that. The two are not even really bad guys, you can tell they really care about their pokemon and even care about Ash and Ash's friends. They be bad guys to fill an empty void in their heart.

Nah you didn't,Funniest shit I've seen in a mf while!
Deserve a like for that fr

Trezutachi L. Mikkougga • 1 year ago

to a pokemon series without ash and his pikachu or team rocket 🥲

PJ-ピージェイ- • 1 year ago

Episode 1 seems alright. I wonder who her parents and grandmother could be!

Civilprawn • 1 year ago

my theory is that the dad is ash and her mom is serena cuz her pin in her hair is the same as the thing on ashes original cap and her eyes are the same as serenas

Dorae Fatima • 1 week ago

not even close guys why you all think it the same way? like ash being a father? never! ash didn't even married anyone because he was continuing his journey at the last ep

Shiesuta • 1 year ago

matpat did film theory on this, and his thoughts were that ash isn't related to her at all, because it would end up like baruto where people only watched the show for the times when ash/naruto showed up

Also that would be good if ash is on it there would always be an audience they can milk and a real audience

Tbh that's the only reason Boruto didn't die cause that shit had a hidden talent🔥 that should stay hidden unless Naruto is on it and probably the most recent arc if I am not mixing stuff up

Civilprawn • 1 year ago

matpat is often wrong tho

CasualAnimeEnjoyer • 1 year ago

Bro they kept mentioning battling!! I just wanted to here someone mention the champion ASH KETCHUM!

Michael Poole • 1 year ago

Dude, this is anime. They NEVER keep any consistency in these stories.

We'll never see Satoshi/Ash again. Or even mentioned.

CasualAnimeEnjoyer • 1 year ago

The director of Pokemon Horizon said in an interview that he will return in the future

Michael Poole • 1 year ago

Frankly, this series feels more like a story focused spin-off like Rangers. So I dont think it'll go past 26eps. But I could be wrong.

At 1 point I was hoping they'd start the new series with Satoshi arriving in Paledea. A few eps in after meeting new travel buds. They break off their own ways and the series follows those guys. A sort of "twist" like they did with DP. Where it started with Dawn. Making you at 1st think she was the new MC. Till Ash pops up!

That to me wouldve been a more appropriate "send off" and passing of the torch.

Personally,I would like Ash to lose a Pokemon battle horribly at the championship, and a 20year Time skip to occur; Ash has a (Badass cold as shit)disciple which is unknown to the world,Then have him go on a journey, that starts a bit late(17y old)due to him learning from Ash.But here is the catch, as Mr 17y old goes through his tough adventure Solo, we get flashbacks of lessons Ash taught him, only when needed extra hype.You feel me Dragonball vibez of this man.Anyway back to the plot No! Team rocket bs every ep just main villian that when defeated stays defeated for Good!(well.. most the time atleast).
Gimme your thoughts on this am down to take criticism as long as its VAlID cause those niggas at S2 of Vinland only give me bad takes smh

CasualAnimeEnjoyer • 1 year ago

To be fair I've also had that thought that this series may be less than 30 episodes.

And woah I never watched DP I started with the original then would watch black and white from time to time on the TV but then carried on full time with XY. But that would be really cool if Ash was introduced like that again but I feel like it probably would undermine all the hype of him leaving, but maybe for an arc Ash could return.

Anyra Anonymous • 1 year ago


CasualAnimeEnjoyer • 1 year ago

When the teachers were introducing Pokemon they said that they were used for battling and help trainers because Champion. It also seemed like a lot of the students were training their Pokemon for battling

desperate_enuf • 1 year ago

Its about time Ash retired from 17 years of pokemon

Korra • 1 year ago

Still can't believe he only had 46 pokemon not counting the 30 Tauros

Kazuya • 1 year ago

If you think about it, he approximately caught about 2 Pokemon per year 💀

Korra • 1 year ago

Lol how hard is it to throw a pokeball he sees a shit tun every day why does he not do something

desperate_enuf • 1 year ago


SKR • 1 year ago


desperate_enuf • 1 year ago


Cece • 9 months ago

I'm honestly barely watching this crap. They made Pokemon series just as bad as Pokemon Arceus /violet/scarlet. Its new alright, but its becoming more of a void. No soul in it anymore, and no interest in improvement to make it more "Real" or "Interesting" After sword and shield, I became quite the critic in the newer games, since they went back to making them sound more mechanic and the graphics is just terribe. Now they ruined Pokemon series for me by removing the fun Ash and the most loved Team Rocket from the world. I get why they want to make something new, but this one should be an alternative next to Ashs never ending adventures.

Kaiselus • 2 months ago

Every story comes to an end let it rest now.
17 years or ash's journey and he still remained 10 talk about character development. There were not much twist in that series it was mostly bland, battle and bond focused. Every outcome seemed predictable.
Istg i would have loved Ash's journey so much if we had to see him grow from a kid to a mature adult tho i hope this show will offer what it other hasn't.

Kaguya Shinomiya • 11 months ago


yakunabusaki ichiro • 1 year ago

Ash 😭 bring him back

Benimaru • 1 year ago

Episode 1 already seems to have a more mature and thouhgt-out story arc than any other pokemon series in the last 25 years. I think I'll keep watching this one

What makes it more thought out tell me! If u write a 30lined essay, I would read it styll and reply.I want a good debate so make valid points lil bro.

DunkyFunky • 1 year ago

Bull just making up shit just because you don't like ash

Anyra Anonymous • 1 year ago

its just... wao!

4_now • 1 year ago

when does dub com out

Arthur Leywin • 1 year ago

the other 2 series isnt finished so this will probably get dubbed next year

Korra • 1 year ago

Probably not for a bit

4_now • 1 year ago

ok t q

Chronotaker • 11 months ago

Actually hyped for this!

floof • 1 year ago

How can this be...
This is Pokémon, But it Feels FRESH???
I will watch as it feels like when I watched Pokémon for the first time
I guess this is as close as I can get to experiencing that feeling again
although I only remember the feeling and barely anything else
actually I don't remember much of my childhood its all just static
I wonder if I will even remember me writing this comment.
well we all forget everything eventually
so it shouldn't matter right?
or does it matter, its kind of sad knowing I wont remember what I am doing right now
this site will eventually shutdown, and no one will ever see this or remember this...
if you don't remember anything eventually then what is the point of anything?
I guess there is no point to anything, everything gets forgotten at some point
Ouch, I have a headache, I should drink some water
Although usually even after drinking water the headache continues
so I guess I should not drink water because it does not help?
but I am told that water should fix headaches, and that conclusion had to come from somewhere
So I should drink some water.
I should get some sleep and get a cup of Yorkshire tea.
Hopefully the following episodes do not disappoint :)

I remember things, forget things, that's life, All I have to say is if you do not want to forget things you can strengthen your memory remember your mind is a muscle more things will stick and life becomes much easier atleast from my experience.My memory has improved from forgetting simple things like tommorow I have math class to 3weeks ago in math class I remember doing x because of y etc.This may be because of puberty or/and because I started eating healthier(never was fat just real skinny)from 110pounds to 158pounds 5foot 7)and just engaging my mind by learning languages(French I am still a beginner but can interact with people on a basic level) learning chess(678elo to 1236elo)and staying active.Also currently going through puberty.

Midnight678 • 1 year ago

ngl i haven't been this hyped for pokemon since X&Y series:D

Blurzz • 1 year ago

wait this is actually good hell yeah

Arthur Leywin • 1 year ago

Korra • 1 year ago

Woo that was great I'm really happy Ash is gone. New mc is cute and Sprigatito is jut adorable the animation is far better then the last show and it's interesting how everyone at the school get a different partner pokemon so it could be anything can't wait for the next episode I got high hopes