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Soo many New animes. Japan COOKING


(you'll see me using this dot art a lot don't mind me it just looks cute)

Nicholas • 8 months ago

its the start of fall season, anime has 4 seasons to it, spring, summer, fall, winter. Anime will usually release and end around the same time all across the board, all ur other anime from summer finished up around the same time and recently right, and all the new ones start around the same time to, well thats cuz the summer season just ended, i think its cool how they time it like this, thats also why most anime is either 12 episodes or 24

KEN • 8 months ago

I'm loving it tbh

Truck Kun • 7 months ago

Im ALSO loving it tbh (yes Ken this is me Im not a copycat I've been inactive for awhile 😭)

KEN • 7 months ago

Long time no see
How r u ?
Isekai................ me............. .

Random Arc Trooper • 1 month ago

im dead xD

KEN • 1 month ago


Hoop66 • 8 months ago


RemaruTempest • 7 months ago

What for use ' tbh ' caz I see a lot but can't understand 😅

KEN • 6 months ago

tbh= to be honest

Koji kiyoshi • 8 months ago

Fr it's damn cute tbh

Zaonewhodidit • 7 months ago

Bro is everywhere’s

Krusty7 • 8 months ago

U usually post a list📝
I really want to know where is it......

It's here on discord Join and mention me when u do here's the link :-
https ://discord. gg/wwfjeff4Db(remove the space after https and discord.)

Krusty7 • 8 months ago

Sure will check this out

Sung_Jin_Woo • 8 months ago


Rai_S3 • 6 months ago

Good draw

Ryomen Sukuna • 8 months ago

fair, it looks aight

Guest • 8 months ago
ImGonnaPassOut • 8 months ago

Thats an L right there

TaFsIn • 8 months ago

Sorry wrong place, wrong comment💀 (I'm high)

ImGonnaPassOut • 8 months ago

Im in the stratosphere as well

TaFsIn • 8 months ago

Ohh...just don't pass out.

Chris • 8 months ago

This is entertaining but I have a serious issue with the massive plot hole... 1) people love life skilling / crafting in games and there would be others all over the place regardless of it being considered good or not.
2) He references the hardcore players, hardcore players theory craft and would be utilizing skills that may appear weak early on but are op later, just like his bow is useful...so what if it has no accuracy at lvl 1...
so.. yeah if you ignore the issue of making 99.99% of the population play in unrealistic ways, then the plot works.

Kusaka Kabane • 8 months ago

The whole plot seems pretty weak here. Starting with him having the "skills" but needing to do everything by hand. How does this guy know how to make a compound bow or medicine? If you still need to buy equipment and mix everything by hand, what's stopping anyone else from doing the same without the skill?

The most unrealistic though, is the idea of a guy that came home from work and has 2 hours to play spending all that time just cooking and crafting for a crowd of spoiled needy children. If I was there, I'm going off hunting for new recipes and never looking back.

Also, pretty sure you can't make a compound bow in just two hours, no matter how high your "skill" is...

drittz • 8 months ago

If you notice he discovered the art of the stealth archer build and I KNOW A LOT of people are going to use a stealth archer build because on how how popular it is as a OP play style

Devo • 8 months ago

Valid points, but here's some other things to consider that may make those plot holes more bearable:

1. People certainly do enjoy crafting/skilling in many aspects. However, it's mentioned in the beginning that armor, food, and potions are readily available in bulk at any NPC. If you were a player that enjoyed crafting things, but you wouldn't be able to make much progress since your skills would get overshadowed by NPCs, you'd be less inclined to go that route. Which would make sense why those professions were rarely chosen. They also clearly didn't know about the system changes later on (consistent with most major mmos, only a small amount of players actually keep up with updates/news), if they had more people would have gone that route. Additionally, people joining the game will be more inclined to go the craftsman route now.

2. This kinda adds on to the first point. If there's no reason to be self-sufficient, then min-maxing would only really apply to combat related content. When considering if a skill is "hidden op", it seems pretty cut and dry why skills are good or bad, and as far as the explanation we've received so far, we don't know if skills can be combined(I kept thinking how good wind magic would be good on his bow/arrows, pretty straightforward idea imo).

The only real issue that bugs me is that there seems to be a lack of chefs in the game where it's widely known that the game can simulate taste.

Chris • 8 months ago

Agreed on the taste/cooks also, but I still stand by the crafting skills, because the theory crafters / try hard type players would have still been trying them, the show like our world takes place in a time where gaming is huge, a game wouldn't even come out thats supposed to be amazing and popular and not offer some incentive to craft, I get that it is a story and the narrative is setup like this, but its a narrative that doesn't even make sense to create xD I am still going to watch it cuz I am addicted to these shows and books, (I read lots of litrpg/dungeon core/isekai type stuff also) but just felt it was worth a complaint or 3

Plug "miss you Luuji" • 8 months ago

No cap. In a game where you hunt for food i doubt no one uses a bow. Its the best starter weapon

Kusaka Kabane • 8 months ago

They say you can batch craft something after you've done it once, then immediately forget about it when everybody wants a steak... Pretty weak consistency.

floof • 8 months ago

The new anime season came around so quick, hopefully this is good

Nicholas • 8 months ago

looks good

Vernas • 8 months ago

Aw! I love your pfp and name.

YourCommonNerd • 8 months ago

I have a theory that the game they are playing will slowly become more player reliant with little to no help from the NPCs and that honestly seems amazing. In fact I wish a company would make a game like that IRL that was completely regulated by players, but ik that would take a lot of time and resources.

WhoSaidThat • 8 months ago

there have been numerous games made over the years to try the whole 'player driven economy' concept. most fail for either not having the player base to back it up, or people playing multiple accounts flooding the market...

Bald Khunt • 8 months ago

There is a game like that called Dofus

Sleepy • 8 months ago

Hey! He played the beta! He must be a BEATER!!

I like it so far, but it is the first episode. I was pretty excited when he picked all the "weak" skills (since that is what I like to do), but it sure doesn't look like most of the skills chosen are bad and they have synergy. I also don't really get how he didn't want to play with people originally and is already a pillar of society seemingly by game day 2.

Eruanion Nolaquen • 8 months ago

Well, he wants to play solo, so he chose what everyone put as D or F tier in their "best skills for this game" rankings (which shows why those are terrible) Then the Devs decided to change things up, and made some of those skills more important. SO, now he has no choice but to be a merchant

02:10 Bro just described my life as an older guy that still plays vidya gaems, while having to work a lot. XD

08:38 That whole scene with the unicorn rabbit thing was just hilarious, dude turned it into a soccer ball. XD

13:16 what kinda mentality is that? XD Dude doesn't owe you anything, how you gonna tell him he has to give you anything? lmfao.

14:28 That description though lol "probably too weak to use against monsters." No wander, with how narrow he made those tips of the bow where the string attached, I wouldn't be surprised if it snaps on the first pull.

16:29 bro what, dude went too far and removed the wolves' entire jaw bones rather than pluck the teeth, that is a cursed image there. haha

Well, the visuals were fine, nothing special, but it gives me nostalgic vibes of older adventure animes. Seems like a basic fantasy anime that knows it is basic and only cares to be basic, but in a pleasant way, not boring. I will keep my eye on this one. Glad to see a competent and relatable MC that isn't a squeaker kid or obnoxious do gooder or edgelord.

Kusaka Kabane • 8 months ago

I did get a vibe of an obnoxious do-gooder from him, though. He spends his 2 a day hours of playtime cooking steaks and crafting potions for a crowd of entitled losers. Where's the fun in that?

Oh yea, I agree, he is one of those people that becoming annoying, by being too nice. If I were to be honest, I have been known to be excessively kind or respectful to others, especially strangers. haha

While I would be willing to help others, I would certainly focus on myself and my own growth, when I start a new game.

Eruanion Nolaquen • 8 months ago

yours too?

what are you asking?

Eruanion Nolaquen • 8 months ago

the whole older gamer life while working. Add in trying to watch 20-40 anime every season, and it is amazing I get any actual work done

Oh haha, yea. It is a pain at times. I often have to binge watch the week's anime over several hours at the end of the week on my days off. XD

Eruanion Nolaquen • 8 months ago

IO am fortunate, my job has a lot of office time where I can catch some shows during the day....

Ohhh you rascal, watching anime on the job! XD I unfortunately cant, cause I drive commercial trucks locally. Wouldn't wanna accidently run over a family of 5 while watching anime on my laptop or cellphone. haha

Eruanion Nolaquen • 8 months ago

I work IT, when we are open, unless something breaks, I don't actually have to do much other than research....

Oh nice, that sounds like a relaxed gig, especially if you actually like computers and tech. I remember hearing a joke from an IT specialist claiming at least half his job was googling the answer to customer's questions for them. haha I guess he wasn't joking?

Acnologia • 8 months ago

When you chose the most random skills and now they are really paying you off.