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marsha • 5 years ago

For those of us who listen to long pieces, WHICH PLAYER SAVES WHAT TIME (PLACE) YOU'RE AT IN A TRACK? So next time you open the player it continues from where you left off. - Ron G.

David Solnok • 5 years ago

This was my issue. Because I listen to audio books. Their suggestion of Musicolet worked for me. It only plays music stored locally to your device though so keep that in mind. But doesn't bother me. If I want to stream I have other apps for that.

Dan M • 4 years ago

PlayerPro does that. It is a really nice audio app.

Shep • 3 years ago


Also HiBy Music.

Mountain Man • 4 years ago

I love how these reviews talk about everything except how these players actually sound. Who cares how pretty it looks if it's nothing more than a front-end to Android's stock audio engine that resamples everything to 48kHz and doesn't sound that great? Neutron and PowerAmp actually have their own audio engines that bypass Android and talk directly to the hardware.

gwine • 1 year ago

Sound is so subjective. My great sound may be crap to you.

Mountain Man • 1 year ago

You can objectively test how accurately music software can reproduce a signal.

gwine • 1 year ago

Machines are not ears.

Mountain Man • 1 year ago

Correct. Unlike the human ear, machines are 100% objective.

gwine • 1 year ago

But humans hear subjectively. Five people listening to the same music on the same system will hear it differently.

Mountain Man • 1 year ago

Exactly, which is why you would employ an objective test such as taking an audio signal, running it through the player software, and seeing how accurately the output matches the input. What you ultimately want is player software that is transparent, meaning the output is 100% identical to the input. You can always add your own EQ settings later as dictated by your preference, but you at least want to start with a "clean" source.

HappyBerry • 3 years ago

playerpro runs an optional dsp to be fair

Jeff Sousa • 5 years ago

Pulsar is great, especially because of the Chromecast support

SL Weber • 4 years ago

Thank you. When I was 10 years old, I took a long road trip with my parents. To pass the time, I started a list of songs that I knew in my pre-teen heart, that I could never live without. This was back in the day when you were doing pretty well if your car's radio had both AM and FM. I vowed that I would one day own all that music. Since then, I have spent decades of time and an unthinkable amount of money (well, first the singles, then the albums, to be replaced with cassettes, then by CDs, and finally digital downloads - all paid for except Weird Al Yankovic's "Don't Download This Song" which he encouraged fans to steal) to collect my music which I still cannot live without. There is no way I am now going to give up ownership to a streaming service.

Roozter • 3 years ago

Nice story…Well done & well said <3

pierre toto • 6 years ago

PlayerPro by far the best. Has latest android features: Android AUTO, Chromecast, Android Nougat and Oreo notifications + 10 band equalizers. Many of the players I tried didn't have all those features that are for me a must.

HappyBerry • 3 years ago

easy to edit id3 tags and album art too

urbanman2004 • 5 years ago

You forgot VLC player on the list

Joe Hindy • 4 years ago

VLC is kind of a weird case. I consider it a bit more of a media player and generally more useful for video than for audio.

Paul • 4 years ago

I consider VLC as a utility player myself, but for some reason it will find and play tracks that I've ripped that the other players don't show.

Joe Hindy • 4 years ago

What weird codecs do you use? Lol all the ones on the list support like 20 of em, kinds hard to find a codec that they don't normally support.

Blain Larsen • 6 years ago

Don't buy Poweramp if you're running Android 8.1. some of the features will not work, and the developer won't fix them until version 3.0 is done. Just save your money.

Awesome Bryner • 6 years ago

Bought it long time ago around March of last year. They taking forever on Beta release, and licensing fails every few weeks. I just went back to my first purchase of BlackPlayer EX but the audio sucks, so I am using SoundAlive with Adapt.

Joachim Chase • 6 years ago

i am having problems with poweramp too. when i search one song and wanna listen to that album. i can't always do it. it always goes to other artist which is annoying.

Guest • 6 years ago

Runs fine on mine (Samsung S5 LineageOS 15.1)

Only issue I have is with the notification turning white/unresponsive after skipping a track using it.

I just enable the Poweramp lockscreen and jobs a good'n.

Tony C • 7 years ago

As a phone and tech dummy, I can tell you first hand that Power Amp sucks! When it first came out and they were really promoting themselves by giving away the paid version to a certain number of winners, I won a paid version. Power Amp was awesome! It was simple, non complicated and a phone dummy like me could navigate it without having to do a Google search at every corner. Then they revamped the app and changed the look, added a ton of unnecessary features and rolled out the update. The app turned into a total recording studio. Now I'm not saying that's bad, but why didn't they just make a separate app that served that purpose instead of screwing up an app that was already perfect? It was no longer user friendly, navigation was a rat's maze. It just felt like the app was trying to do stuff that no one with basic knowledge would need at home. If you want those features, go to a recording studio. But the living room couch listener doesn't need all those features just to play music. It doesn't play any of the songs in my Google Play albums and it cannot find the thousands of songs I've downloaded from Google play, even though I set it to Scan All files and folders it still doesn't find them. With that said, I do find it interesting that Power Amp will find the audio tracks from Hidden folders that are in Hide it Pro! Sometimes I'm listening to a song, then it moves to the next track and it's the audio from a porno I have in a hidden folder.

ProfessorGoldiloxx • 5 years ago

"Sometimes I'm listening to a song, then it moves to the next track and it's the audio from a porno I have in a hidden folder."

That could be awkward!

Maulik Raviya • 6 years ago

Try Musicolet.

ElderDoughnut14 • 3 years ago

Haha~ the developer himself is suggesting his player 😆

Jeff Vaughn • 3 years ago

You put PowerAmp in 15th spot? Geez, how much are you being paid to list it so far down? It's one of the most powerful MP3 players in existence. PowerAmp has ID3 editing, which most players can't even get close to on that level.

Joe Hindy • 1 year ago

The list is in alphabetical order.

Dexter • 3 years ago

How did you not add the Nyx Music Player
The most Beautiful Music Player ever!

Alpaca Male • 4 years ago

No Vinyl Music Player LOL

Jim Rockford, P.I. • 4 years ago

Are you inventing one? I am anxiously waiting for one.

Bojan Tomic • 4 years ago

These are all so ugly. The only ok one is Phonograph.
I used to use it, but it became very buggy.

Alpaca Male • 4 years ago

Use Vinyl Music Player.

Dexter • 3 years ago

Better use Nyx Music Player, by far the most beautiful UI

Awesome Bryner • 3 years ago

I don't go for looks. I go for sound, since it is a music player, not a look at player. I just trust someone saying it beautiful over listening to music. If it has both, then yes probably the best but just one over the other, then no. Example: Blackplayer EX, is made for looks but for sound, it is no where near Poweramp sound, and I think Poweramp looks awesome just by default on the v3 and no theme, and best sound compared to others. I have tried so many on the store that claim hi res but sound so bad playing with all the audio features, and just sound so nasty. Oh, and by the way, who stares at the phone with app up, and not just listen to music only?

Dexter • 3 years ago

Yeah some people don't go for looks, but I am certain that most people don't care about that audio quality either as long as its decent enough. Its quite evident from how many people stream music from Spotify without caring about the Hi-res quality, most people care about the music itself as long the quality isn't too bad. Most people who use offline music player get their music from youtube downloaders and the music quality isn't great, no music player can turn a crapy audio file into a hi-res audio, not even poweramp. Most music players nowadays look all the same so nyx music player definitely stands out, the ui, look and feel is big deal for many people and its also evident from the attention nyx is getting is such a short time. I care a lot about esthetics and I don't think there are many app that look as good as Nyx let alone the music players. And yes, I do look at my phone while listening to music I read lyrics, synced lyrics, the moving visualizer etc. which many people do care about, nyx also downloads lyrics automatically. Forgetting looks, nyx provides many features that no other music app does or did, not to mention they will be bringing more features. And yes, you may not care about all these, but many people do.

Luke • 4 years ago

I think Media Monkey is the app I sort of want but last time I used it the app didn't like trying to sync 100 Gigs of music and like you said, it was a pain to set up. Coming from an iPod classic and reluctantly using my phone for music now, I want something that just syncs and keeps playlists updated. I want an app that I can open on my computer, say "sync with phone" and it just does it over WiFi. I'd gladly pay up to $50 if I new it would just flat out work as the headaches free apps typically cause eventually arn't worth it to me (ads, bugs, etc.) I'd be interested if price was a factor for this list and if it would change if it were for premium apps only. Thanks for the list either way though!

Joe Hindy • 4 years ago

I use MediaMonkey on both my phone and PC. You can actually share the license with a few people so I ended up forking out like $15 for everything.

The syncing is getting better and better, but 100GB is an intense amount of music to process for just about anything and remember that iTunes used a cable. MediaMonkey can act exactly like iTunes if you choose to go with the cable route and there are settings in both the desktop and mobile app to sync playlists and stuff like that (just make sure you set it to sync from PC -> Android or from Android -> PC otherwise you may overwrite your new playlists!).

In any case, the headaches are worth it in the end if you stick with it. Once you get your entire collection synced it SHOULD (keyword: should) only have to verify and transfer any changes which takes substantially less time. It's the initial "move 100GB from point a to b over wifi" part that hits both your phone and computer rather hard.

Awesome Bryner • 3 years ago

Really? I have 21,000 plus and only half of my micro sd card filled of 400gb and loads all my music just fine and fast on Poweramp. I think what I have is a lot but no where near a streaming service but I like having my own music and not pay monthly to listen to what I already have. I think streaming is just a money grabbing service. If you cancel service, you lose all that you downloaded from being drm. I am planning on somehow getting a 1tb micro sd card sometime. This is all mp3 320 cbr.

jholgate • 4 years ago

The last time I tried to use MediaMonkey, it was a total $#!+show. Granted, I was on a rooted phone running a mod, but that shouldn't make a difference. I could never get it to sync (or really, recognize my phone.) But the bigger problem I have with it is it doesn't use folders. I've been using iTunes basically since it came out. I don't use iPhones cause iOS seems like it was programmed by an eight-year-old who just learned how to code. I love the UX with iTunes, using the desktop app to create, edit, etc. playlists and then sync to the device, and I want to find something that will give me a similar experience with Android, but nothing nothing even comes close. iTunes is so intuitive I can practically control it with my thoughts. Rather than ditching it, Apple should be creating a version for Android so we can have that experience without having to use an iPhone. Well, maybe that's their problem...

KRB • 4 years ago

Personally I like PlayerPro. A little stubborn at times when using the tag editor, but is otherwise loaded with features which if you dive into the app you can customize and also turn off the ones you don't use. I've played around with other music players and have always come back to PlayerPro. They've supported Chromecast for a while, remember that was a big deal when they finally offered it, and I use it frequently as I have an older stereo that doesn't support Bluetooth...

I only wish they offered a built in theme engine. The old version of PlayerPro offered many pre-built themes but when they switched a few years ago to the version they're now offering all the themes save a few were left behind and never offered again. You've gotta search the Play Store for a compatible theme which is easy enough to find but I'd appreciate a built in theme engine...

Daniel • 5 years ago

For me the best one was PowerAmp until it got too complicated to even understand a things filled with so much of option which i didn't cared at all & getting to the point was a time consuming task so shifted to Tyzen player which is clean & to the point & renaming downloaded music was inside it i don't know why others players don't allow this feature as most of the time i find myself renaming music & adding album image.By the way i am just a normal music lover & was desperately in need of player like x-plore app provided very basic & to the point not filled with genre,artist & other setting to sort/arrange a damn simple song not even a fan of playlist.

Casey Robertson • 5 years ago

I think Poweramp would be more popular if people knew how awesome the (perfectly stable) beta version is. Normal build is so ugly and dated but the beta is beautiful.

Awesome Bryner • 5 years ago

Love the beta, and hope it finalizes soon.

Mayanktaker • 4 years ago

PowerAMP <3