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yourmamatoo • 8 months ago

Good for him.
More like him need to speak out about Trump being persecuted over false allegations.

ladychurchillusa • 8 months ago

Every person who owns real estate in NY should be screaming about this Kangaroo Court trial. It essentially says that if you overvalue your property ( and after 40 yrs in real estate I don't know a seller who doesn't) you are somehow guilty of some crime which this idiot judge cannot name. The
powers that be if there are any in NY had better get a handle on this. Either that or the people of NY need to clean house of every democrat fool that is in office. They are literally devaluing your assets with this worthless attack on your rights.

william flynn • 8 months ago

Cohen is a LYING SCAK OF SH!T that his own former Law Partners have publicly stated that Cohen told them he would DO or SAY ANYTHING to stay out of Prison !! The FACT of the matter is that he could "reverse engineer" whatever values he likes BUT the Banks do their own appraisals of ALL properties to ensure the value !! Trump dodn't DO anything that's even close to "fraud" !!

Pat Hershwitzky • 8 months ago

How many try to sell at top dollar? Buyer beware has always been the maxim. Now, there are cases when schemes have been hatched to deliberately deceive average consumers, and used car lots have been the butt of jokes for decades in that regard. Still, outright fraud is difficult to prove especially in a setting of likeminded persons all scrambling for a favored position.

wheezer7 • 8 months ago

The answer for any of these people is to sell immediately and leave NY. Refuse to do any business there. NY has demonstrated that they would rather have illegals than productive businesses, so take them at their word and get out.

Otto Bellictoff • 8 months ago

The entire NYC area should have massive high voltage fencing erected to keep the fruits from eating the people!