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Dave J • 1 year ago

"How is this fair to the residents of San Francisco?"-- Moronic San Francisco Resident

It's completely fair. You voted for politicians and policies that welcomed all that behavior and crime with open arms. Embrace it, and get used to it because there's a lot more where this came from. Next your City Council is going to hand five million dollars to every person that qualifies for "reparations". Guess where they're going to get that money?

Diana M DiCicco • 1 year ago

So, because it is now in her neighborhood, it bocomes a problem!

Fred Farfunkle • 1 year ago

IMHO You asked for it and you got it! Bet you were one of the voters who didn't vote for your scumbag Governor's recall.

moberndorf • 1 year ago

Poor little uber rich liberals are shocked when the fascists they elect institute policies that actually are felt in their elite, exclusive neighborhoods. When reality intrudes, they get VERY upset.

Patriotchick • 1 year ago

Oh, so she's only offended that the two meth-smokers were from out of town? How dare they!
Typical liberal.

Todd Jamison • 1 year ago

No pity here .... you get what you vote for. Your ideology is your god, now swim in your filth

CustomSarge • 1 year ago

Go ahead, make it obvious you're a cesspool. Now guess what runs downhill?
Does Anybody there have an Idea what chronic drug abuse will cost the health care system?
Maybe they do - a tacit eye wink at fentanyl?

Kuwull • 1 year ago

Don't worry sweetheart, all the lower class neighborhoods have learned to live with your reckless voting patterns, and now, so must you.

TankU4 • 1 year ago

Revenge of the Okies......take that Prune Pickers! Just wait til the line starts forming for the reparations payments.

WG1947 • 1 year ago

The movie Vertigo shows the old San Francisco when it was a jewel of a city. Now it is a sewer. In 1974 I met an older lady who was from San Fran. I ask her when did she leave it? She said 1964, I asked if she had ever been back? She said No, I want to remember it as I left it. That city is now just a fading memory, just like The Land of the Free & Home of the Brave is becoming.

LY • 1 year ago

Answer: Democrats. You're welcome. Next question?

Frank Arnold • 1 year ago

I'm not saying that this couldn't possibly happen in other cities, but when the majority of a population is either mentally ill or high on one substance or another, the probability of bad things occurring is much greater. When you even visit a place like Frisco, you need to understand the risks and the possible consequences. RIP.

shoshi was • 1 year ago

"Why were these two punks from Oklahoma allowed to come to my hometown, to my neighborhood, to take over the sidewalk, cover it in their trash, smoke meth & fentanyl all day"
I notice she didn't mention the butter. Oh the humanity!

Frank Arnold • 1 year ago

People from everywhere come to Frisco to urinate and defecate in public. It's been that way for a long, long time.

Puppy • 1 year ago

Cali.... the place where Misfits thrive...

ernldo • 1 year ago

Stupid frisco, worse ahead you deserve what's coming your way.....

Kathy Young • 1 year ago

I keep thinking about this saying from 2008 ... something about chickens coming home to roost.

supermolar • 1 year ago

DEMOCRATS(not the cyclist-accident) getting what they consistently voted for!

Sam Gamgee • 1 year ago

You would think that there is a Constitutional argument against homeless in that the presence of homeless is a "taking" of the property owner.

rdsouza • 1 year ago

Ms. Tandler should try voting for a different set of politicians in '24. This bunch are a complete failure.

masseur1950 • 1 year ago

DEMON RATS: EVIL personified: ""la pelosi"", Feinstein, SWALLOWWELL, Pelosi nephew, and all the left imbeciles are responsible.
Nothing else to do but VOTE THE EFFERS OUT, OUT, OUT!!!

masseur1950 • 1 year ago

Will the DEMON RATS search for the murderers?
Will the DEMON RATS prosecute?
Soros is paying through the nose for nothing to happen to those guys...
I would love to see ALL the """DEMON rats""" lying in the streets, victims of their own stupid imbeciles they never educated...

Joe, PROUD USAF PATRIOT • 1 year ago

It's "fair" because YOU DemoncRATs keep voting for "D's" irregardless of their far, far leftists policies that welcome drugs and crime with the detrimental consequences seen by commonsense people; but never by PROGRESSIVES.... Jeez.
In short, if YOU kool-aid drinking liberals would get your heads out of your arses for a minute........ but I don't think THAT WOULD EVER HAPPEN!!!
NO responsibility equals NO accountability. PERIOD.
Stay Safe and pray for our troops and country!!!
Joe, Proud USAF vet.
I hope everyone had a fantastic EASTER WEEKEND........

jerry d. bennett • 1 year ago

Before the people of SF, LA, and other crime ridden cities voted for Prosecutors, they knew these people were being financed by George Soros, who finances Antifa!
You people voted for these DA'S anyway, so now it's time to live with the Consequences of your Stupidity!
Rapists, Robbers, and Murderers are being set free daily, with No Bail, and Few Charges!
Now it's time for you to live with what you voted for!