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FeralCat • 6 years ago

Joseph Stalin, or someone like him, once said something like - one alleged Don Trump Jr. misstep is treason. A million documented Hillary Clinton crimes is a meaningless statistic.

Steven Chavez • 6 years ago

The ONLY counter that will get them to ST*U!

"HAS TRUMP traded any Gitmo terrorists for a DESERTER yet? HEY WAIT! Is Gitmo still open? Has he released countless others, who KILLED Americans and now back on the battlefield, directly or indirectly, TO KILL MORE AMERICANS? If he has, THAT'S TREASON, and after his terms are over, those charges don't expire! Arrest! Convict! Execute!"

Just in case you didn't click on the link in the article, Ted Kennedy contacted KGB head, YURI ANDROPOV, during the Cold War! That's Treason. John Kerry, Treason!

THE CPUSA AND KGB teamed up to takeover Vietnam using the KGB's World Peace Council. The CPUSA directed the peace movement and they wanted "peace" (crooked referees who only called fouls on one side) so the Communists could takeover Southeast Asia. "U.S. OUT OF VIETNAM!" Communists aiding Communists!

In 1979, they teamed up again to takeover Central America with Nicaragua being first and then them aiding the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador and using the U.S. Peace Council directed by the CPUSA. There were affiliates in every state and every major university. "EL SALVADOR IS SPANISH FOR VIETNAM!" The CPUSA and KGB recruited hundreds of thousands of college students with some going to Nicaragua in Construction Brigades and raising money in churches to "help the rural people of El Salvador!" Those "rural people" were the rebels in the Zonas de Controlidad! So, they raised aid from the believers in the Son of God, in the Home of the Son of God, to fund and aid an ideology that says, "There is no God!"

THEN CAME LIBERATION THEOLOGY and the equating Marx and Jesus. Pope John Paul II scolded El Salvadorian priests. (Rev. Wright also followed this 80's Liberation Theology. In one of his speeches, he said, "We need to help our brothers and sisters in El Salvador." Those were the Communist FMLN rebels also aided by Congressmen using CISPES, the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador." The leader, Farid Handel, was the brother of the leader of the Communist Party and the led the FMLN, Shafik Handel. Wright then taught BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY, which is a racist as it gets, to the Obama's and Oprah and used those teaching to foment his race war using BLACK LIVES MATTER who he invited to the thank them for their "activism" which included looting, arson, millions in damages, and then targeting and killing "Pigs in a Blanket.")

THOSE 60's thru 80's CPUSA AND KGB recruits, and their children, are now our professors that have taken over every university, (Can anyone name one that hasn't?), lead city, state, and national departments, Congress, ("No Contra Aid!") The Communist Party wing of the Democrat Party, and one became the First Half-White Half-Black President who then appointed the same recruits to surround him and to head all of his departments, plus all of his countless CZARS only accountable to him!

THESE TRAITORS have been aiding and abetting the enemy with their countless treasonous acts. Funny now that they're concerned about collusion with the Russians when they have been colluding with the SOVIETS/RUSSIANS FOR DECADES!

The Nobel PEACE Prize was given to Obama, which some say was given to him for doing nothing and didn't deserve, but the committee knew what he was going to do: RETREAT from the world leaving the void to be filled by Communists, supposed former Communists and KGB agents, and his MUSLIM BROTHERS and now the world is on fire due to them but mostly due to OBAMA giving them the matches and gasoline to ignite another WORLD WAR and again started in Europe due to the policies they created. GUESS WHO they'll come crying to for help: "HITLER!"

OBAMA also gave the matches and the gasoline to groups like ANSWER, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Revolutionary Communist Party, and AGAIN, THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA, with them leading OWS, BLM, and ALL the protests we see today, and all with roots to the 60's-80's CPUSA/KGB, with the goal of igniting a CIVIL WAR! BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER! That's his Mission Accomplished. THAT'S ALSO SEDITION! LOOK IT UP! Arrest him legally and all those who aid him in. Cities will burn and he won't stop them because they do it in his name. His ego demands it. BUT "WE" WILL RISE UP TO STOP THEM!

And finally to get them to ST*U: "TREASON VS. TWEETS? Which one is worse?"

Lcorb • 6 years ago

Excellent history lesson and counter. You're right about Gitmo and Obama. How's that Bergdahl trial going?

Nice to hear about the roots of our traitors. With that, Obama should be arrested, tried, and executed, and all by legal means but next in line are many Democrats. So what's the hold up? "Legally" is the magic word. Democrats will never investigate or prosecute themselves so it's up to the Republicans to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, and by legal means, to bring the full weight of the Constitution and the Rule of Law against them. To date, they're getting away with it and they're laughing.

irunbartertown • 6 years ago

I'm not sure that the eGOP's refusal to prosecute the traitors is much different than being a traitor in the first place. If you won't bring a criminal to justice, it is an abdication of sworn duty.

Scott Goofus • 6 years ago

I'll pull the trigger.

Kay Field • 6 years ago

Unfortunately, the right is complicit with the Dems. The reason for this is not entirely clear. Is it because they can't stand the left's criticism and give in because they are total wimps or do they secretly in their heart support the left's push toward socialism/communism?

Whatever their reason, we, the people must ride them constantly and forcefully so they will get the message to do what is right or be voted out of office. It's up to us. Let's get busy folks!

Dan - Still Conservative! • 6 years ago

Red Diaper Babies, one and all!

eDeplorabisUnum • 6 years ago

If you could drown Obama in a vat of sewage... if the opportunity arose... I would.

Watching him blow schitbubbles would make my entire year.

TruthorDare • 6 years ago

He already blows schitbubbles every time he opens his mouth and sticks his nose in the air. Full of it, he is.

Jerry Grimes • 6 years ago

Doing his Mussolini?

physicsnut • 6 years ago

Here are some - with their KGB code names.


Solomon Adler = "SACHS" in Golos-Bentley group - in Treasury Dept
Virginius Frank Coe = "PEAK" - was in Treasury Dept - US rep to IMF
Laurence Duggan = "FRANK" PRINCE" or "SHERWOOD"
Noel Field - in State Dept
Harold Glasser = "RUBLE" - Perlo Group - Treasury dept, War Production Board
Alger Hiss = "ALES" in State Dept, FDR advisor at Yalta - worked for GRU - Chairman at UN conference
Victor Perlo = "RAIDER" was at Treasury and War Production Board
Abraham George Silverman = "AILERON" - Asst chief of Air staff - Silvermaster Group
Nathan Gregory Silvermaster = "PAL" "ROBERT" Board of Economic Warfare
William Taylor - Silvermaster Group - at Treasury
William Ludwig Ullman - Silvermaster Group - at Treasury
Henry Julian Wadleigh - at State Dept
Harry Dexter White = "JURIST" "LAWYER" "RICHARD" asst Sec of Treasury - wrote a tax plan for Soviet Union !

MMM • 6 years ago

Barack Obama = "Choom Boy." President of the United States and soon to be General Secretary of the UN.

Lawman49 • 6 years ago

All the more reason to quickly move the U. N. OUT of the United States. Stick the damn thing in Nicuraqua!

WhyteWright&Wyse • 6 years ago


Normal_Guy • 6 years ago


MMM • 6 years ago

WOW! Thank you for this reasoning and analysis. The Soviet brainwashing training is paying off. Yes, our colleges have been taken over and now that they have been exposed, like in Missouri, students, and their parents, are vetting the universities and then realizing that all of them are propaganda tools of the Left. They see safe spaces, Black Only dorms and events, and required diversity classes even though conservatives are waacists and not welcome and some students are already so brainwashed, they don't see the hypocrisy. White guilt? I'd hate to be a Trump supporter, Conservative, pro-Life, Christian, on any campus today.

I recall some of the issues of the 80's since two ladies came to our church to raise aid for Central America. One parishioner spoke up about them being connected to the Peace Center, which was widely reported, was communist run. They walked out but the priest let them try which says it all about the Liberation Theology.

"TREASON VS TWEETS." Excellent point.

Zoe Noel • 6 years ago

Great comment.

Hey, but Ted is a Kennedy and they can get away with murder and Trump is a Trump and can't get away with a Tweet.

Oklahoma Lady • 6 years ago

Short and to the point, that's the reason explained in a nutshell.

Homeschoolmomof11 • 6 years ago

Back-to-back brilliant posts!

Oklahoma Lady • 6 years ago


iammobius7 • 6 years ago

Has every one seen this?

VonMisesJr • 6 years ago

The so-called "Progressives" who are the new version of totalitarians like Stalin, Hitler and Mao, understand that a culture, a civil society is founded on tradition, authority and religion. It is not an accident that NWO totalitarians attack and undermine these stabilizing forces in society to bring about totalitarian tyranny.

Tradition is a product of the Roman Empire where unlike the Greeks, they expanded their public-political model across their conquered lands. It was an ingenious model of government with one or two Executives, a Senate to represent the Aristocratic class and Assemblies, Censors and Tribunes who represented the plebian class. Our culture and traditions are being destroyed purposefully as Montesquieu wrote of tyranny that "if through a long abuse of power, if through some large conquest, despotism should establish itself at some given point, their would be neither customs nor a climate to resist it."

So both tradition and authority are being attacked to undermine the Western (Roman) tradition and authority. Montesquieu also wrote that in a Republic, "equality" is essential, but he was not speaking of equality of outcomes, but an individuality and equality among the people, similar to equality before the law or in franchise to vote. Savage was discussing examples of this yesterday as Sheldon Silver, perhaps the most corrupt man in NY was set free yesterday by a Judge who reversed his Conviction on a FAKE Mistrial claiming the Jury was charged incorrectly about the definition of corruption. Obama set criminals free while prosecuting conservatives, Hillary and Lynch go unmolested as Donald J. Trump is harassed with phony charges and the IRS, FBI, DOJ can target Americans and BLM even murder Finicum but low-level drug crimes and such put poor minorities in jail. This is not simply designed as Hegel and Nietzsche promulgated different "morals" for the Ruling Class versus the Herd, but it also promotes the lawlessness that makes Rule of Law and Civil Society impossible.

Arendt in "The Promise of Politics" wrote that Christianity replaced the Roman Empire and even survived the Reformation. But it is now being undermined purposefully as it is part of the triad that keeps a nation free from despotism. The Christian ideal taught by Jesus has its foundation in the fallibility of man and only forgiveness of one man by another allows society to restart anew and fresh without permanent scars. This is also consistent with the so-called "Progressives" fascination and obsession with slavery. It is the permanent wound to rub raw and incite hatred and division. But it is also no secret that the Left hates Christianity and does all in its power to undermine it with homosexual marriage, health insurance mandates to pay for abortion and contraception, and simply a misinterpretation of Amendment I that is used to eradicate Christianity rather than its intent to keep government from establishing or prohibiting free exercise of religion.

The calls against Donald Trump, Jr. for "Treason" is not only to make crimes into non-crimes and non-crimes into crimes; but it is a perversion of the language and laws so that opposition to their tyranny and despotism is a treasonous act against the NWO and totalitarian regime intended to succeed Stalin, Hitler and Mao.

NotFake Yapper • 6 years ago

I often marvel at the depth and breadth of knowledge you so often bring to almost every one of your comments here.
While reading this one, as I often do, I had to stop and reflect on your words as they remind me of something I had learned in the past.

How much better off we would be if the people running our government, those deciding on legislation and rules that we must live by, would remember the wisdom of great thinkers from history that you so often quote before, and while they ponder the decisions they make that affect our lives on a daily basis.

I would have liked school and gotten a lot more out of it than I did if I had had teachers who were as knowledgeable about and presented the subject matter as well as you do.

VonMisesJr • 6 years ago

Thank you for the kind words. I do have an Advanced Degree but that is where I was trained for business. Education, as Albert Jay Nock wrote, is literature, law, theology and medicine. I am fairly versed on the middle two, but on my own time. Fortunately, I have always found time and now have adequate time to read.

I quote authors and books not to be verbose, but because it brings credibility to the point, provides attribution to the truly great minds that posited the ideas and because I hope that others will find the references worth pursing themselves. I am one finite and limited voice constrained by mortal limitations who will do little to change the course of history unless others pursue the truth and great minds that help expand our knowledge.

squeeze127 • 6 years ago

Reading your posts is like "hobnobbing with Royalty!" Thank you for sharing!!!

claytontemplar • 6 years ago

I believe this is the Evil that John speaks of in Revelation. These people have no problem with any religion except Christianity. There is no logical reason for their hatred of Jesus except that they owned by the Anti-Christ. Everything that they strive for is diametrically opposed to the tenets of Christ.

Al Adab • 6 years ago

Jr., What the heck is going on with AmSpec? Did they drop Discus? I have been unable to post for two days.

VonMisesJr • 6 years ago

I have not commented on AmSpec much lately except R. Emmett Tyrrell's columns. Jeff Lord is getting to be like trying to read "War and Peace" and quite frankly, Al, other than you and a few others, the discussion is far inferior to this site where columns get a few hundred comments and discussion is rich. Come join us more often as you are one of my favorite internet friends and always so insightful.

Al Adab • 6 years ago

Thank you Vern for the compliment. One of the things I liked about AmSpec was the shorter threads of comments. Glad to see you here of course and now with AmSpec shutting us out apparently, I'll hope to spend more time here. Some of our old frends are still there and I will miss them

Guest • 6 years ago
squeeze127 • 6 years ago

The "Mills of the Gods" grind exceptionally slow, but exceedingly fine! That thousand mile journey has already begun with that first step. Trump POTUS-MAGA!

Richard in Austin • 6 years ago

No treason here because no crime. "Collusion" itself is a meaningless word, much like "discrimination". People do both every single day. Unless it's spelled out in a statute that makes that type of collusion or that type of government discrimination a crime, there is none.

Treason? How about Hillary selling U.S. uranium reserves to the Russians for fun and profit? Strategic material? Check. Vital to our national defense? Check. Our most likely potential enemy? Check.

mmercier0921 • 6 years ago

Joseph was an incredibly practicle and expedient man. He would have already buried half of these media stooges alive, because their usefulness to him would already be over. The others would be twisting on meat hooks in coolers, to feed his dogs.

ArmyAviator • 6 years ago

When HItler rose to power in 1933, one of the first things his minions did, was to destroy any and all newspapers in Germany, who had been critical of the National Socialist movement.

THEN, the Nazi thugs went after "journalists" who had actually been sympathetic to Hitler and critical of the Weimar government that the Nazis replaced!

The reason: If "journalists" were so critical at the aiding the National Socialists, then they might, in the future, become critical of Hitler and the Nazis. Accordingly, they were sent to Dachau and other "vacation" spots for re-education and safe keeping.

BLUF: Our "journalists" are for the most part TRAITORS...traitors to our nation and our People. While the enemy LOVES what a traitor can do for his cause, that enemy DESPISES the man and woman who turns on their own and aids and assists the enemy cause.

Liberal Socialist (Democrats) are the ENEMY within!

VonMisesJr • 6 years ago

"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out. "

Few notice that Niemoeller prioritized the communists as they were the Nazis biggest threat for ruling Germany, then the "social democrats" who were the leaders and press, and then for the unionists who advanced the Nazis success by demanding higher wages and privilege in a regime that would soon abolish higher wages and privilege for all but the Inner-Party. It was only after exterminating their competition that they declared the Jews a "cancer" to be eradicated. By then, the Germany people were accustomed to hate and dehumanization of their perceived enemies.

ArmyAviator • 6 years ago

Never thought about the National Socialists prioritizing their enemies, but they did. Yes, the Communists were their most dangerous of competitors in Germany. Followed by the Social Democrats, both variations of Socialism. As to the Trade Unions, Hitler was ver pro-union, but he destroyed the major unions in Germany, because of the COMMUNISTS had taken over the trade unions. Hitler replaced the communist unions, with National Socialist Unions under the "Deutsche Arbeits Front," or German Labor Front.

Herman Goering and much ti do regarding the time span that it took for the Nazis to go after the Jews in earnest. The first five years of National Socialist Germany, the Jews, while harassed we're still a part of the German economy. Goering KNEW that in order to modernize the Air Force, that the German aircraft industry NEEDED those Jewish designers, machinists and other crafts that building aircraft demanded. It was only in 1938, that enough replacements for Jewish skilled workers, were trained and in place.

But, the "Final Solution" didn't' happen until 1942! Nine years after the NSDAP legally came to power!

VonMisesJr • 6 years ago

The fascists recruited from the communists and vice-versa just as the Progressives and Islamist collude today with barry soetoro from Indonesia being the deal maker between the two totalitarian groups. But if you were recruited by the opposition Party with the same ideology and you shunned them, you were targeted to be destroyed.

Rothbard wrote about this as the Weimar had three main Parties: the Majority Socialists and I think it was the Independent Socialists (who were both Fascists) against the Bolshevik inspired Communists. The Majority Socialists won and then the rise of the Nazi Party was the nemesis of the lesser Parties as they were a threat, and the Officers who were loyal were also a threat as they knew how to promulgate revolution and they knew where the bodies were buried.

ArmyAviator • 6 years ago

Your understanding of this amazes me for this reason. Most Americans have no clue, no insight at all as to what the National Socialists in Germany, or the Fascists in Italy were all about! Most believe that the Nazis were solely against the Jews, minorities and homosexuals. Wrong answer!

MANY Nazis who functioned within the Germany government were recruited from the ranks of the old KPD (communists) when the NSDAP came to power in 1933. Judges, policemen, academics and many WORKERS who had either belonged to the KPD outright or had sympathized with them, became good National Socialists overnight!

Dr. Josef Goebbels, who became a top Nazi and in Hitler's inner-circle wrote on several occasions, and so stated in speeches occasionally that had he NOT have met Hitler and the National Socialists, he would have become a card-carrying member of the KPD.

So again, it's my contention that the National Socialists were VERY Socialist, as were the KPD communists! The ideologies were in direct competition and it got deadly!

When Germany was defeated in 1945, the Soviets naturally set-up their Zone in the East. Eventually, when the DDR was formed (1949) they employed many former National Socialists, recruited by the communists and put to work building a "Socialist Paradise." Most have no clue as to who founded the "STASI" (Ministerium fur Staatsscherheit), or Ministry for State Security. Can anyone say, "former Gestapo?" I've seen old Stasi file records on post-war (east) Germans. Many STILL had the old Gestapo markings and stamps, for persons who were suspected on disloyalty. Naturally, the STASI wanted to keep an eye on them, and did!

It was relatively easy, to switch Party Cards. I have no doubt that the majority of our "Democrats" could easily pick-up EITHER a Party Membership with the National Socialist, or the Communist Parties!

Al Adab • 6 years ago

Good to see you here AA. With AmSpec closed to us now more or less (I don't have facebook or Twitter) I'll be reading more here.

iammobius7 • 6 years ago

I wonder if that's still taught in high school.
I think it was sophomore world history, FHS Ca.
Although I remember? first hearing that in the 7th grade..
DoD middle school , Johnson AFB, Japan.

I think I'll also ask if the kids remember that from high school.

Emcee • 6 years ago

" BLUF: Our "journalists" are for the most part TRAITORS...traitors to our nation and our People. While the enemy LOVES what a traitor can do for his cause, that enemy DESPISES the man and woman who turns on their own and aids and assists the enemy cause.

Liberal Socialist (Democrats) are the ENEMY within!"

True! When (if) the destruction of America is completed, those who have been traitors to this republic will be executed because they will not be trusted again.

physicsnut • 6 years ago



one JournoList contributor, Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent, stated
"If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us.
Instead, take one of them – Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and
call them racists".

OOH - JUST CALL THEM RAAAACISTS - that's the ticket.

Samsays • 6 years ago

"A million documented Hillary Clinton crimes."

The Republican elite require these lies from their submissive conservatives.

As they mock and betray conservatism.



CraigTX • 6 years ago

FeralCat ... haven't heard from that pundit for quite some time :-)

CraigTX • 6 years ago

Mostly watching ... no longer participating.

Country Boy • 6 years ago

Half the infrastructure (concrete, steel and glass) of American government is falling down. A lot of it was built 80 years ago. And there's a reason why it is falling down: most of the people running government are liars, cheats and layabouts. When it comes to getting anything accomplished, they are totally dysfunctional. Can you imagine barrack obama or Bill Clinton changing the flat tire on a car? I can't.

Enter Donald Trump. Say what you will about his speech mannerisms, or anything else. The man gets stuff done. He poured concrete for a living for nearly 50 years. Did a fine job of it, made himself wealthy.

Can you imagine the huge embarrassment of the Washington Ruling Class to have an outsider come to Washington and fix problems that they have never been able to fix. Heck no. That's why we have wall-to-wall fake news about Russian spies. And if this bs story runs out, they are certain to have a boatload more, such as this one:


No wonder guys like Bernie Madoff get so many suckers. They are really out there.

mmercier0921 • 6 years ago

All infrastructure eventually degrades. Someone has to tear it out and rebuild. These are people of action, men who literally harness other men toward gainful achievement. Eventually erybody wins.. some more than others. The natural order.

I built miles of forms, and poured many thousand yards of concrete. It is not possible to build your forms and pump your concrete without some level of "collusion" ... anywhere in a US city.

Mostly in America, such agreements are concluded, man to man, on a nice wide open golf course, with nothing more than a handshake.

Same as it ever was.

Jerry_Rigger • 6 years ago

Roman infrastructure sure lasted a long time. Some of it is still standing.

Country Boy • 6 years ago

Yes, but probably can't take much of a load.
We have railroad bridges around here that are over 100 years old. Used to have massive steam locomotives on them. But now they can't get certified, civil engineering wise, to take the weight load and vibration of diesel locomotives.
One specific problem is that the re-enforcement ("re-bar") steel back then was non-coated. It's mostly rotted now. Modern methods employ epoxy coated re-bar, the green stuff you see on large construction projects.

nekronic • 6 years ago

Non-union labor.