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Aiser88 • 5 years ago

None of this surprises me. Although, this article is a treasure trove of insider information to how this nasty deceptive machine works.

Robert Binion • 5 years ago

In the hands of dullards reportage itself has become atrocity and compassion a mere schtick.

WR_the_realist • 5 years ago

The reporters aren't dullards. They're smart people with a political agenda, and it's not one in your interests.

ky_native • 5 years ago

American journalism (faux journalism) does the same thing. They have a theory of what they want to show, and then show it whether it is true, or not. CNN has been caught numerous time falsifying Trump statements.

NBC cut off half of Zimmerman's 911 statement to make it sound like he was saying he was watching Trayvon Martin because he was black. The left will cut, edit, or do anything it takes to present the news as they want it displayed; we don't even have news anymore. It is tabloid yellow journalism like the Sun. Although there is a modicum of truth in the stories in the Sun.

American Tax Payer • 5 years ago

That is very sad but Mr. Krak can't blame himself like that. I suppose feeling guilt is okay but once you've changed your ways, you really don't have The Right to keep carrying the guilt. That's what changing your ways is all about, relieving yourself of the guilt.

Anna Tree • 5 years ago

I think he didn't have to change his ways, he didn't do anything wrong. I would say someone else may have help BBC in their false narrative and lies, he didn't.

But I wish he, the Jewish guy and the two Africans would have sue BBC for lies and libels. Heck the Poles should also sue BBC for racism against them. That's the only way the leftists may stop or slow downs, and the only way to have the truth comes out. That is also a way for the not-left to make money to fight the left.

American Tax Payer • 5 years ago

What? I was going by what he himself said, that he felt responsible and I say he shouldn't feel that way and the "changing your ways" thing was about changing one's ways. I think you're reading way too much into it.

Anna Tree • 5 years ago

Sorry American Tax Payer, I didn't mean to upset you :)
I wish you and your family an Happy New Year!

American Tax Payer • 5 years ago

I'm not upset! I'm sorry it came off like that though. I'm not the best at handling stress and trying to be positive at the same time. As a matter of fact, I kinda suck at it! Well, I used to handle stress pretty well but I've been having marital problems and it's not been easy at all. Nothing quite like getting old and realizing you've been married to a shop-a-holic (addicts lie and sneak ya know) the whole time and ain't got a pot to piss in between the both of ya's.

Anna Tree • 5 years ago

Oh I am sorry to hear American Tax Payer.
Big decision(s) ahead... Many ills we have to fight.
From my experience, it is never too late to start over though. Wish you the best in 2019.

American Tax Payer • 5 years ago

My spouse is supposed to be going to CA to work, good money, and I've been telling him that he is only to live on his per diem while everything else (minus bill money) goes into a savings account that he cannot touch. So far, he agrees but as I've told him, seeing is believing 'cause his days of being trusted are over.

Tarczan • 5 years ago

There are worse things.

American Tax Payer • 5 years ago

No there isn't, not in my world. I can't remember who told me but some adult told me (I was about 13, 14 or 15 I think) that when I got old, there wouldn't be any Social Security so I was always about saving for my retirement. Unfortunately for me, I'm a, I was a very trusting kind of person and I really trusted my husband but whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. I just make sure I see rather than just hear, "the truth". You know, "Trust but Verify". It sucks but it's the only way I can make sure my future isn't destroyed beyond repair.

Look, I was a Candy Striper and back in those days, nursing homes were quite alright but then I worked in one when I was young but it changed. Blacks everywhere and old folk left sitting on the toilet so long, they had deep, red and deep indentations into their skin from sitting on the toilet for so long. I don't want to be one of those unfortunate Americans at the mercy of them. I've seen it and it's ugly and that was long before the fashionable hate for whitey we have today.

Woody Weaver • 5 years ago

This was favorite quote from the article: There is also a scene in which a British “anti-racist” named Nick Lowles is shown scanning the crowd with binoculars, looking for “hate.” The BBC never had any intention of being fair to Polish soccer fans but was using Poland as a whipping boy for its opposition to European Union migrant policies. The BBC is no longer a news organization but another Pravda dedicated to a pan European and globalist order. It makes me curious how many mainstream news organizations in the USA "slice and dice" as Mr Krak described to take folks being interviewed out of context for reasons of progressive ideology. The motto of the Washington Post is "democracy dies in darkness". With practitioners of journalism like the Post and the BBC it's not democracy that dies but the truth.

WR_the_realist • 5 years ago

All the MSM outlets "slice and dice" interviews. Which it is why it is not a good idea to consent to an interview from any of them. If you do, make sure you tell them ahead of time that you'll be recording your own audio/video of the interview, and will put the entire unedited interview on your web site. That is the only way to keep them honest.

arthurenglish • 5 years ago

Nick Lowles is an infamous co-editor of 'Searchlight' magazine in Britain and a chief executive of an organization called 'Hope not Hate'. Searchlight devotes its time to publishing questionable articles on racism (usually where no racism exists) and Hope not Hate (colloquially known as "Hope not Soap") is made up of left-wing thugs.

British Activism • 5 years ago

The BBC are scum. They really are.

They've been caught out before with their tricks and games.


and this one seems to be almost expunged from the internet:


The 10 o'clock news bulletin on Monday night carried a voiceover by the BBC's political editor, Nick Robinson, who said "Beneath the anger, ministers fear, lies straightforward xenophobia." Viewers then heard a worker tell a BBC reporter: "These Portuguese and Eyeties – we can't work alongside of them." :

But when the same interview with the same worker was shown on Newsnight later that night, he was quoted more fully, changing the meaning of hiswords.

Viewers heard the worker state: "These Portuguese and eyeties – we can't work alongside of them: we're segregated from them. They're coming in full companies."

Padraig Reidy, from Index on Censorship, said: "One has to admit that it would be very difficult to portray the second, full quote as racist or xenophobic. It's a statement addressing basic workplace issues – British workers literally cannot work alongside foreign workers, as they are separated. There really is no excuse for editing and presenting a quote in such a misrepresentative manner, unless one is setting out to prove something – namely, that working-class people are racists.":

It's in their news, in their political debates, in their soap operas, their dramas, their documentaries, their 'comedy', their radio programs. Slanting the news, the tone, pushing agendas, inserting their mouthpieces, funding Hope Not Hate's Nick Lowles, it is relentless.

Roger Cliftonville-Acton • 5 years ago

It's pretty much on a weekly basis now that some or other QT audience member who 'randomly' gets asked a question is 'connected' in some way.

Anna Tree • 5 years ago
LHathaway • 5 years ago

‘This is the BBC, to which mandatory payments of £150 pounds a year must be made if you own a television set in Britain”.

Like cable TV and your local newspaper, you pay them and they lie to you.

Roger Cliftonville-Acton • 5 years ago

Its true that most normal Jews embrace Tottenham being called 'the yids', their supporters, the 'yid army' but influential wealthy Jews, such as unfunny 'comedian' David Baddiel wont have that, and have spent most of the last ten years trying to get any fan who utters the word 'yid' banned from matches, or, even better, imprisoned.

watling • 5 years ago

I disagree. David Baddiel was funny for about two seconds during a cameo appearance on one of the "Margaret!" sketches in Little Britain.

David Ashton • 5 years ago

True about Spurs. Blacks are statistically over-represented in English soccer teams but complain about the lack of black managers. Paul Pogba gets £290 a week. Stanley Matthews was signed up for £7 a week.

Roger Cliftonville-Acton • 5 years ago

The same blacks who have nothing to say about the dearth of South Asians in any Footballing Capacity!

Even so, players are young. Managers are not so young. Blacks being a significant component of UK demographics is a fairly new thing. While the Windrush lot may have been here a while, blacks were, until recently, barely 1-2% of the UK population. To expect them to be any more than that in managerial positions, given their young average age, even if they were, on average, as capable as other races, would be illogical.

Tim • 5 years ago

I tell people that the Rebel flag was never a symbol of racism, until the media made it one. It is simply a cinematic short hand device to represent prejudice... When they scoff at the idea, I ask them, "What do you think of when you see calendar pages flying off a wall in an old movie?!?" That time is passing or that it is windy outside?!?"

stmariz2 • 5 years ago

Well a little time does pass. I couldn't resist.

WR_the_realist • 5 years ago

This is why Trump complaining about fake news and the lying press resonated so well with the voters. We in the dissident right are not the only ones who have learned that the MSM are a bunch of liars with an agenda.

baythoven • 5 years ago

"Today, criticism of the “Stadiums of Hate” episode takes up more space on the Wikipedia page for Panorama than any other episode in its history. As the doubts and questions mounted, the BBC seems to have taken pains to get copies off the internet."

So though Mr.Krak was frustrated, understandably, that Panorama and the BBC weren't more thoroughly scandalized by their lying episode, I think he should still be proud that the Polish people, from many quarters, pushed back sufficiently to cause them this shame.

I expect that the Panorama program has used these same devious tactics many times and aired many other similarly false and distorted episodes, but with less blowback. A united people can more comfortably speak back with the truth.

Deep North • 5 years ago

Of course there is a group to monitor racism in Poland. Where are the groups to monitor racism in Uganda, China, Israel etc..

IstvanIN • 5 years ago

It is epidemic in South Africa.

watling • 5 years ago

Nick Lowles is shown scanning the crowd with binoculars, looking for “hate.”

Lowles has made a career out of being anti-racist. His actions in Poland are a metaphor for his looking for more work.

jaye VBellis • 5 years ago

Yeah, but I go with the idea that it really isn't such a bad, hateful thing for Polish and Ukrainian soccer fans to dislike, radical Islam & North African migrants who rape German girls in Cologne Germany, also dislike International financiers (often a certain ethnic group) who buy up Polish soccer clubs and import Black African Soccer players.

There are many good reasons successful Hungarian Nationalists made George Soros (international money changer $ billionaire born and raised in Hungary but living all over the globe and interfering in Hungarian politics in bad, multi cult way)

I'm sure most Jewish Israeli soccer fans feel the same way.

So it's pretty much a waste of time for us to whine that the BBC is dishonest and defaming Poland and Ukraine because all the White European people supposedly just love multiculturalism, love the mass Muslim migrant invasion of their countries the same as all good Whites in the UK who also worship the BBC.

The best response to the BEEB, CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian is to just treat them like bad telemarketers:

"Bugger off"

Also, it's certainly fair to harass these #*&$# in the media in exactly the same way they harass us - put cameras in the face, stalk them at their homes. Do interviews with their neighbors and exe have the exs tell all about their sexual perversions.

Logician • 5 years ago

Having worked with a regional newspaper group in the past for over 20 years, and when I was younger shared an apartment with a journalist for two years, I can attest from first-hand experience that the truth is the first victim in the production of a good media story.

Thea • 5 years ago

Yellow "journalism", alive and well, world wide.

Only this time, the vast majority of the people see right through them, and their agenda.

IstvanIN • 5 years ago

Too bad they don't concentrate on the real problems facing England, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, France, et al.

bowhowdy2 • 5 years ago

Having worked in the business, I can't even begin to tell you how much of it is agenda-driven. You'll be in meetings and the editors will come up with a story concept — complete with their own conclusion -- and then demand that reporters find "facts" that support their conclusion, all before any reporting has begun. It didn't use to be that way, but "journalism," at least at the national and international levels, is now basically a scam.

LHathaway • 5 years ago

What do you mean the program wasn’t a success, they got a lot of people to declare how they’re not racist. I didn’t realize whites were a minority in Poland and that things were already so bad.

Carl B • 5 years ago

I have worked with the international mainstream media extensively in the past. Needless to mention one needs to be extremely careful of what to say and not to say. It’s almost as if you are interrogated - you answer in simple and clear manner, leaving as little space for speculation and follow up questions as possible.

There were some media outlets that I never agreed to meet in person and only accepted on a phone or in writing. Because of the account of their work available. I could even mention names, but let me just state that the usual suspects indeed proved to attempt to spin the most.

I can very well imagine what would a report on anything racially charged look like, exactly something like this.

Oh and wishing everybody health, prosperity, courage and an abundance off sharp wit in 2019!

shmo123 • 5 years ago

The BBC is a sewer of leftist politics. At the same time--at the behest of the British government and police-- they act obsequiously towards Muslims, and do their bit to turn Britain into a shariah compliant state.

com contrarian • 5 years ago

As stated in the article, its difficult to counter this sort of biased journalism, since if you complain about over-the-top anti racism, you end up being labelled a racist.

However, this type of hyper partisan identity politics does leave liberals open to being attacked for making valid criticisms of their own. Call a working class person a thug for burning a car in a yellow vest protest and you're an elitist snob. Stand up for a male left-wing politician who calls a woman on the centre right a "stupid woman" and you're a misogynist. Criticise some Muslim immigrants for being misogynistic and you're a xenophobe.

Hence by not allowing moderate critics so have their say, they're also restricting what they can say about many of their opponents.

Missy • 5 years ago

Did it ever occur to BBC that capturing racism on film is actually met with satisfaction by the many people who support identitarianism? Real or staged racism is a reminder of the raw human nature, a great treasure in a world of forced diversity and political correctness. I'm always happy when a person of any race is racist because I am for once at least seeing the truth. Right now they think racism causes shame. Soon there will be a pushback and racism it will invoke pride, and the BBC will be forced to hide racism rather than invent it.

David Ashton • 5 years ago

See my brief comment about the BBC in The Quarterly Review online.

HMG says it wants to "tackle" non-violent vocal extremism; this will not be AGAINST the "PC" ideology of BBC TV programming, but more likely to suppress criticism of it in due course.