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Patrick Breatnac • 4 years ago

The godless EU constitution does not even recognize Christianity, one of the essential organizing principle of Europe. This and the destruction of marriage and family is a far greater destruction to world order.

Russia, a sovereign state which recognizes both the family and the Christian faith is a far better representative of order and civilization.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Like what you NO believe in the ""GAY-MIRAGE""??? I calls it a MIRAGE because even the GAY'S know it is not like REAL Marriage but rather just simply a Goofy Ignorant Silly Corny ""MIRAGE""!!!!!!!! PERIOD.........

Dave H • 4 years ago

How can you look at a hairy *ss and find love?- Sam Kinison.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

How does that one OLD Tune go Dave?? OH YEAH!!! I remember now!!! ""LOOKING FOR LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES""??? LOL!!!!!

Patrick Breatnac • 4 years ago

Correct I don't believe in the Mirage.

GAY means Good As You" it's a political movement to destroy the family under the guise of civil rights.

Marriage is a responsibility not a right.

And a radio does not work without a positive and negative charge.

Civilization will not work without a man and a woman procreating having a family and furthering the species.
Children need a mother and father not two jackasses playing roles

hrwolfe • 4 years ago

Today Russia is a Thugocracy, not much different than before, no sir I would vehemently disagree with you.

Patrick Breatnac • 4 years ago

Cold war is over China is the enemy

hrwolfe • 4 years ago

and you say China was not a part of the Cold War? Who were we dealing with in North Korea? Perhaps you are one of those Russian Trolls, Russia is not complacent player.

Patrick Breatnac • 4 years ago

You test positive as a troll Dr. Fauci has ordered you to quarantine.

Capra Ibex • 4 years ago

The EU (and all its inner workings) were set up as the ultimate expression of free-market absolutism. The stock exchanges and the global marketplace were to take precedence over politics--politics understood as the democratic will of the various peoples of Europe, now seen as a hindrance and an obstacle. The marketplace was going to dictate and limit political decisions, not the other way around. Borders were going to be erased to guarantee a liquid flow of capital, merchandise and people. People were going to be demoted from spiritual individuals with a history, traditions and centuries-long institutions like marriage and country, to mere factors of production and consumption, deracinated, alone and enslaved to chemical pick-me-ups and on the latest electronic widgets.

In other words, the EU stands as an example of the *other* extreme to Communism: a non-society where profit for a shrinking number of private oligarchies is the God and the ultimate goal, where citizens' wealth can be confiscated to pay private banks (hello, Greece) and where the State as the expression of popular consensus is impotent before The Market. In medio stat virtus. If anything positive ever emerged from this health-care emergency is that the private sector, without a strong-enough state, is powerless at best and too selfish at worst to operate for the public good. We need both: a healthy private sector that does not devolve into a small series of monopolies, and a healthy democratic system that operates for the public good and for the dignity of its citizens.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

“Massie has now become the most hated person on Capitol Hill," >>>>>>>>>> WHY YOU MIGHT ASK??? >>>>>>>>>>> BECAUSE “I was just standing up for the Constitution!!!!!!!https://www.foxnews.com/pol...

Dave H • 4 years ago

Yeah, how 'bout that? ONE Representative actually does his job and everyone's angry.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

CHECK this OUT!!! LOVE it whenever the Mindless America-HATING liberal democrat COMMUNIST Twit's start EATING AWAY AT EACH OTHER??? PURE ""MAGA""!!!!! https://www.foxnews.com/pol...

Ronalds545 • 4 years ago

I'll do the Readers Digest version of this article - "the world faces concerted efforts by China and Russia to disrupt the world order".

Russia attempting to provide "humanitarian" aide to Italy, Spain and other countries in the face of this virus. China hoarding PPEs because they knew of the deadly potential of the virus they were unleashing.

Then appearing as saviors to the havoc they themselves have created and cheered on by a traitorous MSM. Arsonists calling the fire department. Disgraceful!

Glen Morangie • 4 years ago

I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution many times, not the "state" which in many cases these days is a Domestic Enemy of that document, particularly the Bill of Rights.

WonderBoy2 • 4 years ago

There are 70 millions guns in the U.S. and is a deferment from being taken over from aboard. Try it and see what will happen to anyone trying to take over our Country.

Glen Morangie • 4 years ago

English as a Second Language?

Dave H • 4 years ago

Well written and reasoned article as usual here! Americans are for the most part, silently cowering as our rights are being taken through unconstitutional edicts from all levels of authority. A DANGEROUS precedent is being set. Guess we're lucky the Muslim guy's not Pres anymore

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

DAVE-H CHECK this out!!! They're now SHUTTING DOWN the Churches PRESECUTING Men of the Cloth just like the GOOD OLD DAYS in The SOVIET UNION or CUBA or present day China or North Korea??? SICKENING!!!!!!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/...

Dave H • 4 years ago

This is what our Godless, communist Democrats want! Bet they don't mess with mosques.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Did you see that UNDERCOVER EXPOSE??? Under the Black Racist /V**** MESSIAH OBAMA!!! They went undercover to a Arab / Muslim Bakery up yonder there in DEARBORN Michigan now know as Mini-Baghdad... Well anyway these guys went undercover in that Bakery pretending to be GAY guys wanting that Moslem Arab Bakery to BAKE them a GAY WEDDING CAKE as FAST as YOU CAN!!! MOSLEM BAKER MAN CAN YOU BAKE US A GAY WEDDING CAKE AS QUICK AS FAST AS YOU CAN??? Moslem Arab Bakery told them sternly ""NO"" when Eric Holder was asked about it he simply REFUSED to talk about it PERIOD.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgW... HERE QUIT GOING AROUND DAVID-H SAYING I'M A LIAR!!!!!

Dave H • 4 years ago

Like I said! Islam is the only "religion" the left has any regard for! They like it cuz it's more a cult than actual religion.

Tony_Petroski • 4 years ago

A fascinating article by Professor Berman. This year's scary flu and toilet-paper hoarding will pass. Epidemiologists are now...ahem...flush with cash. Like our settled scientists in the "climate change" field, the virus community is once again hot with activity, it's protagonists jockeying for position, trying to see who will have the new wing of the research center named after him or, more likely, her.

Three quotes come to mind:

1) "We defend our freedom by exercising power through the state, not through global illusions or cozy provincialism. This commitment to the state is called patriotism." --- Russell A. Berman (Still among the living.)

2) "War is the health of the state." --- Randolph Bourne (Died of flu in 1918.)

3) "Flu is the health of the Welfare State." --- Yogi Berra (Legendary catcher.) (Never caught the flu.)

Quote 1 above is the most important. American Patriots at this crucial moment in our history are puzzled as to how all the fighting on Bunker Hills, affixing signatures in defiance of foreign authorities, battling over ten and more amendments, fighting a civil war to retain a union, storming ashore on beaches all over the world to protect freedom, can somehow all be brought to a halt because a scientist looking through a microscope got scared of this year's scariest virus.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

La Cosa Nostra only got it halfway home with "blood is stronger than water." Whilst that may be, it is a corollary to "blood is stronger than fancy;" by which I mean any notion that would override the needs of the blood bond. The US Constitution managed for a time to align with blood in a way that no other non-hereditary rule has managed.

Dave H • 4 years ago

Unless a lot more people WAKE UP, we're done!

greg • 4 years ago

Thomas Hobbes, the 17th century British philosopher, argued that the sovereign authority of the king was implied in nature as the only basis for a civil society in contrast to perpetual turmoil-- a war of all against all. Since Hobbes, civil libertarian freedom in the West has presumed the sovereignty of the state. The French Revolution perverted the principle by asserting a state sovereignty beyond France, before Karl Marx stood the principle on its head by claiming a universal single-state sovereignty predetermined by history; to which modern day globalists claim to be heirs. Thus, we have come full circle to Hobbes, whose speculations had the stealthy effect of limiting the power of the king by limiting the scope of his (purportedly divine) writ. Globalists, on the other hand, claim omnipotence. In the face of the Chinese Flu panic, surely they jest.

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

The Divine right of Kings for better or worse if there is divinity is self evident . King for life ,king for four or eight years , king for any other combination of intervals . We still have Kings by another name but they will all kneel to the king of kings eventually .

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

AMEN Brotha simplecarpenter AMEN!!! Did y'all knows that JOSEPH was ALSO a Simple-Carpenter???

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

As was His "adopted "Son . The Creator creates so ..........

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

The state has certainly asserted itself. The state has declared its sovereignty over the individual. Ohio, with its Republican governor, is now essentially under martial law, with citizens living with virtual ankle bracelets that incarcerate everyone in their homes except for a short list of government approved tasks. Driving at night or in a car with two in the front seat could be illegal and cause for a ticket, fine or who knows what? Nobody wants to find out so everyone behaves like mice and hides in their homes. Florida, another Republican state, appears to be the same.

Today I read North Carolina Christians were arrested for peaceful protest outside an abortion clinic which was given special "essential business" status by "the state". So, the very peaceful Christians, who were protesting while observing proper social distancing were arrested with 10 squad cars dispatched to transport them to the Gulag. The State is making a comeback. Tw weeks ago 3 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits, their jobs having been taken away by "the State", with shutdown orders done in support of the President's very detailed Protocol on Social Distancing that is the federal velvet wrapping around the iron hammer of the state closure orders.

A minister was arrested in Florida for conducting a church service. Florida - that's one of those lefty states, right? Wrong. So, the iron fist of the state is emerging in the strangest places and with the full force of the police powers of "the state".

Yes, the State is making a strong comeback. It seems to be taking lessons from President Xi. And Americans may feel a bit like those sad but very determined Hong Kong protesters, fighting the good fight but knowing only the police had the serious weapons and the jail cells and means to transport the leaders of the protests deep into China where no prying eyes might see what the State does to people who do not obey. We are about to find out what our new "State" does to the individual who has not learned who is the master.

Glen Morangie • 4 years ago

The mayor of Tampa is a lesbian democrat...

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

What y'all talking about F-14 Tomcat??? When did Crooked Hillary Clinton gets ELECTED the Mayor of Tampa, Florida???

Glen Morangie • 4 years ago

May 2019, but in her permanent drunken stupor she is unaware of it or much of anything else for that matter.

Dave H • 4 years ago

I wish someone with the wherewithal to finance the inevitable extended court battle would get ensnared in this, and challenge whatever sanction results. I guess in reality, most people in that realm are just using the money to buy politicians.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

We must have GLOBALISM we must WORSHIP the GOD! of GLOBALISM!!! Institute ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and since seeing COMMUNIST China & India are ONE - TWO YUGEST BIGLYIEST Nations on earth they shall lead ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!!! But make sure Ole' Billy Bob Bubba BIG CIGARS and her Old MAN *Crooked-Hillary along with OLD Creepy Uncle Joe BiteMe and his CRACKHEAD Kid *Hunter gets their little SLICE on the SIDE???

Dave H • 4 years ago

I think you meant we must worship Allah. Islam seems to be the only "religion" the leftist globalists respect.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Be CAREFUL David!!! Otherwise I might be FORCED to DECLARE a ""FATWA"" on y'all sorry *AG troll @$$!!!! Y'all knows I am still pretty MIFFED about NOT getting a INVITE to yours and Andrew Gillum's little South Beach METH party??? You could say I am almost in as much a WORLD of BUTT HURT as Andrew is??? ALMOST!!! LOL!!!!!! Still LOVE how the LEFT-wing Media tried their BEST to COVER UP the JUICY PARTS of that Andrew Gillum story??? It was like UNREAL!!!!!!

Dave H • 4 years ago

Yeah, kind of funny how most anything goes in the Demonrat tent isn't it? Wonder how they keep the Muzzies from beheading the deviants?

LoneStar • 4 years ago

The UN is another useless organization that is a failed tool of globalists and in turn, apparently, has turned into a sea of corruption. How else would China be a member of the Human Rights Commission or the head of the WHO try to cover up the Wuhan virus outbreak.
Most recently Trump's resolution of the oil squabble between Russia and the Saudi Arabia rather than UN is an example of the need for nation to nation discussions and the inability of the UN to resolve problems in the world. In a perfect world the head of the UN would have interceded in the dispute not the president of a concerned nation.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

WELL now Whoopty doo!!!! RICH WHITE people should be taken care of FIRST over 450-lb Lazy Obama Welfare Baby Mama's??? https://www.foxnews.com/pol...

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

The anarchists would have to seize control of the state or create their own systems of arbitration in order to not take over ? The devil is always in the details .