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Silence DoGood • 4 years ago


When leftists infiltrate government, the government crumbles and decays.

PhilS • 4 years ago
We don’t have time for that crap anymore.

With all due respect, the CDC (and all other agencies) never had time for that crap. Thanks to the "leadership" of those institutes of lower learning on the East Coast, known as the Ivy League, everything from the DOJ to the Interior Department have become a captive of the Progressives. And please, please don't bring up the EPA. An old fashion purge is needed so these agencies can get back to their core missions.

Jerry Robertson • 4 years ago

fauci looks like the johnny come lately, with his perfunctory allegiance to the Hippocratic oath. He must be replaced the day after election day with someone who will return the Center for Disease Control BACK to controlling diseases, ONLY - no more leadership to local governments on climate change ; no more lsgbtrivcvnu9weifniszvshn nonsense and dreams. All CDC staff not on board with the sole agenda/mission of the CDC should be given the worst performance ratings and a job cleaning toilets in the CDC labs

Charles Morgan • 4 years ago

Fauci is not affiliated with the CDC. He is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease - an unrelated organization. Though Fauci has a record of supporting Hillary Clinton, I don't hold that (much) against him. I believe he is doing a verycreditable job in his present position.

Nancylee • 4 years ago

I'm still suspicious of him. He's a Hillary supporter, which means he was completely opposed to President Trump and I doubt that has changed since 2016. I wouldn't trust him not to try to undermine our President if he thought he could do it without damaging his own reputation.

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

He supported Clinton because he thought Clinton could do good things for him. Or maybe he just thought she was a good candidate, or that it was best for his career image to support her. That doesn't mean that he doesn't recognize that Trump has held out a prize to him; he has been given a national center stage part to play, which will be wonderful for his career and his financial prospects. All because Trump chose HIM. It won't matter much who he supported before, Trump was the guy who threw him this big juicy bone, and he knows it. And right now if he wants to benefit from this, he needs to do a good job. If he does a good job, he makes Trump look good. Basically right now, his future is tied up with Trumps, for the immediate time being. His ideals probably won't have anything to do with it. He'll work as hard as he can to make Trump succeed, because it will make HIM a hero. Hillary can't make him a national hero.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Little B**** is out there simply sucking up FACETIME!!! 79-years-old like NO one ever sat down with the little JACK KEVORKIAN (Dr. Death) TWIN and discussed the &%%$%#$* CONCEPT of RETIREMENT??? GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!

Chris Ludwig • 4 years ago

For years, I've been telling anyone who would listen that someday all of this PC-social justice-diversity garbage is going to kill us. Now it is. Literally.

Eric the Red • 4 years ago

Every organization that gets converged towards social justice will inevitably lose the original purpose for which it was founded. It's just a more subtle form of collectivization, imposed by the leftist cult of equality.

Tony_Petroski • 4 years ago

Mr. Mill asks the question: Did CDC's focus on Social Justice reduce its readiness? Yes.

Another commenter raises the same point that I do: In this time of panic, the leadership of our major institutions and our big businesses is abysmal. Never before has the appearance of a flu virus sent the nation into a tailspin.

The "social justice" that Mr. Mill refers is factor related to our present panic. How many people in positions of power are there not by merit but by the retribution that is required to appease the social-justice gods?

I hasten to point out that the man who has a 50/50 shot at becoming our next president has stated that he is going to choose "a woman" as his running mate. In the past he would at least have pretended to be interested in a meritorious choice. "Social justice" and affirmative action are hollowing-out the organizations, institutions and businesses that we need to survive as a great nation.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Listen to and follow the directions of your STATE AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES.
IF YOU FEEL SICK, stay home. Do not go to work. Contact your medical provider.
IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE SICK, keep them at home. Do not send them to school. Contact your medical provider.
IF SOMEONE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAS TESTED POSITIVE for the coronavirus, keep the entire household at home. Do not go to work. Do not go to school. Contact your medical provider.
IF YOU ARE AN OLDER PERSON, stay home and away from other people.
IF YOU ARE A PERSON WITH A SERIOUS UNDERLYING HEALTH CONDITION that can put you at increased risk (for example, a condition that impairs your lung or heart function or weakens your immune system), stay home and away from other people. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BALONEY!!!! I AIN'T STAYING THE HOUSE FOR A WHOLE MONTH Y'ALL CAN SIMPLY COME AND KISS MY YUGE BIGLY *CORONYVIRUS!!!!!! PUCKER UP PUCKER UP LIKE GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Staddon • 4 years ago

NSF has a diversity unit now, another destructive irrelevance:

Direwolf • 4 years ago

Who are we deplorables to even presume to think we can demand our smug elitist bureaucratic betters spend our tax money on their agency's core mission rather than on a leftist happy-thought wish list, short on science and long on political claptrap? There needs to be a deep cleaning to rid the federal ranks of these stuffed-shirt do-nothings.

Dr Robert L English II • 4 years ago

This article is just the tip of the iceberg of the lefts infiltration of government...Additionally, Th reporters at the Presidents briefings, look at them and the average age, youth that have been indoctrinated by the educational system! That is why the Dept. of Education needs to be abolished and states should be in charge of education.

Neo • 4 years ago

Last I checked, gender dysphoria is not communicable.

annie500 • 4 years ago

Time to review all Agencies and their priorities and defund and fire all people that are involved in unrelated programs.

Jack_of_Spades • 4 years ago
...taxpayer money should not be used to advance political agendas—particularly when those agendas are completely unrelated to an agency’s mission.

Maybe not, but what do you expect when government is run by politicians?

Hal 9000 • 4 years ago

Even if you had evidence of it, can you change the thinking of the CDC administrators?
And this type of thinking affects most all of government, they better wake up before the citizens decide enough is enough.

Berferd • 4 years ago

Obamugabe almost succeeded in destroying the government...Hilarity would have finished the destruction.

Dave H • 4 years ago

Of course their focus on "social justice" messed them up. That's the intention of the concept.

BDavi52 • 4 years ago

Combine Big Dollars with a Progressive Agenda and a seemingly wide-open mandate to "protect America from 'whatever'....and the swampy result is entirely, and tragically, predictable.

Mr. Mill notes, with appropriate horror, the 2287 "Transgender" search results evident on the CDC site....aghast at the unbelievable nature of such a focus in an organization supposedly tasked with "providing for the health security of our nation". But that, sadly, is but the tip of the Progessive iceberg. Go down the list: 932 hits for "rape"....1100 for homosexuality....1700 for domestic abuse...2000 for "school discipline" (all 'diseases' from which we must be 'protected' I guess). But then the numbers explode! 18,000 for "diversity". 15,000 for "inclusivity". 25,000 for "equality". (We must presume that 'equality' must somehow be related to...I dunno....maybe a Plague or something).

Sum up that small collection and we find 66,000+ entries; welcome to the Progressive Brave New World.

But let's be fair.
If we search for VIRUS on the CDC website, we do find a whopping 50,249 entries. And that is a lot. Obviously we must conclude that the CDC's efforts on Virus Control are ALMOST as important as their various Social Justice crusades. Almost.

Like hiring a Fireman to protect your dry & flammable neighborhood ...and then discovering that he's spending his days teaching your children about how boys sometimes can be girls (if they want to be girls) and sometimes girls can be boys....and that the most important thing in the world (way more important than putting out fires) is making sure demographics look good, regardless.

Disgust is not too strong a word.

Once we emerge from this pit.... fire the bastards; fire 'em all and start fresh.
And explain to those newbies tasked with fighting fire....that FIRE and FIRE PREVENTION (Disease and Disease prevention) is their ONLY ONLY ONLY JOB. PERIOD.

And the first time some idiot wanders into the office to request funding for "fostering an inclusive environment", fire him too!