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acidulous • 4 years ago

The only problem is how long will the sanity last.
The fascists will go back to their demands for "globalism" and berate anyone who objects.
They are not going to give up easily. Xenophobe and racist are just too damn useful to be replaced by an honest logical argument.
My hope is that Made on China becomes an epithet and America begins to revive her manufacturing prowess.
We were sold on the idea that China could makes things cheaper and ironically when it did, American wages stagnated so the cheap crap was affordable. Did anyone think that if those jobs stayed in America people would be making more so they could afford to pay more for American goods? Crap from China is cheap. But so are your wages because China is making it. We need to bring the jobs back, eliminate most if ALL immigration except for those who will assimilate and bring something to the table. Americans have been robbed for decades, forced to support people we were never asked if we wanted them as neighbors, and then once inflicted on us, told to start supporting them too.
Jobs overseas and rampant immigration have been the two biggest factors contributing to the unrest and turbulence in this country for too long.
If that makes me a xenophobe and a racist I don't give two shakes of a rat's rear end. All the left has is name calling. We USED to be told as children name calling couldn't harm us. Who knew it could transform this country inside out.

jack johnson • 4 years ago

This crisis vindicates Trump on many levels, China, globalism, isolationism, borders, rural life etc etc. The guy has unbelievable instincts....hell he is even picking a winner on the meds to save patients.

Essie • 4 years ago

I would like to read the actual Senate Bill. I'm concerned the dirty House Dems will attempt to pull another fast one, hoping to get the American people desperate. I don't want non-citizens to benefit, especially the illegal aliens, as I immigrated the legal way and then became a U.S. citizen. A dear price was paid for America and I don't want to see it squandered by a bunch of elected and corrupt imbeciles

Jim Mayer • 4 years ago

Sry but this guy pissed me off- “Trump's Endangering Lives” over at Times of Israel- A rebuttal.

Meyers, you're a hysteric and you're pushing lies. CDC says, on average, this past flu season (Oct - Mar) saw 46m cases of Generic Flu, resulting in 41,000 deaths, a mortality rate of .09%.

Covid-19, so far, has seen 44,183 cases with 544 deaths, a mortality rate of 1.23%. So, according to CDC, only 1.14% separates Covid... from the ordinary flu! Some context, please! Mortality rates from the past:
1330 Bubonic Plague 50%
1918 Spanish Flu 10%-20%
1976 Ebola 40.4%
2002 SARS 10%
2012 MERS 34%

Again, 2020 Covid-19... 1.23%
DT is endangering lives by thinking of US economy? Consider: Accrding to Harvard Econ Prof Gregory Mankiw, 37,000 PEOPLE DIE every 1% uptick in unemployment.

This can also be found online at "The American Economy: What it is and what it isn't", pg 300. The 37,000 deaths include 20,000 heart attacks, 920 suicides, and 650 homicides.

Since you value human life so highly, maybe you should re-adjust your attitude about our econ.
DT has repeatedly lied? You mean like, 'Arizona couple takes... A FORM OF DRUG DT RECOMMENDED?' That's an out-n-out lie. He cited a promising anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine that COULD be used to treat Corona - NOT drink fish-bowl cleaner chloroquine phosphate, as 2 smucks out of 330 mil ppl did!
CNN reported in Oct '09 that the CDC said the H1N1 pandem began in April, MILLIONS had been infected and more than 1,000 HAVE DIED. That's when the heavily padded & helmeted Mom-jean wearer BO, finally came in from playing on his bike to declare Nat'l Emergency.

You'll recall DT declared on Jan 29, a mere 9 days aft our 1st case, a full month bf the 1st US death! But, surely you won't remember 'the phone call' your peep thot so important to focus on all month, while Covid was infesting the world.

I could go on, but with your TDS, truth won’t matter. POTUS could walk on water and you guys would screech about his hatred of boat makers. BTW, there are vastly more former Dems that exRepubs. The embarrasment was just too much to take.https://media0.giphy.com/me...

jack johnson • 4 years ago

For prospective I use this stat....46 people die in America daily from opioid abuse. Where is the panic for this.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Opoid deaths sometimes are really suicide.

jack johnson • 4 years ago

And that means what....lmao....46 people STILL died daily. Please read the posts twice if need be and think really hard about what is being said.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Some are de facto suicides.

jack johnson • 4 years ago

And STILL 46 people dead every day.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Both ideas coexist nicely, dont they?

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

I don't understand what you're trying to get at. First, perhaps "some" opioid deaths are suicides (I'm curious what your source is for that claim, or if it's just something that you "know"), but the vast majority are not. Don't tell ME about opioid users, I spent years among them. I knew one who killed himself; he put a shotgun in his mouth one morning. The rest were all accidents from playing with a dangerous drug, unless you want to call it "unintentional suicide" perhaps. Opiate addicts don't commit suicide when they have their drug; that's when everything is okay for another day, when they can forget the pain, forget their problems, the ruins of their lives, their shame. It's when they wake up the next day, broke again, sick, without drugs, without a hope, nothing but the prospect of spending yet another day ill, stiff, cramped, sweating, legs twitching, eyes watering, nauseous, etc, running around trying to scrap up $20 to get well again. And the prospect of doing this every day forever.
But even if we pretend what you say is true, it is irrelevant. The point is that 46 people die every day, and people are NOT freaking out, demanding we spend trillions of dollars, do WHATEVER IT TAKES to solve the problem, to save those people. It's clearly a lethal killer. I guess the difference is that most people know it won't effect THEM, because they don't use drugs. At least they could be honest and say "we need to shut down the economy and ruin the country because *I* don't want to die" instead of pretending they are just concerned with "American lives" being lost. Because they just don't seem to care that much when it's drug addicts. Or even the 104 people who die in car accidents every day. Or the hundreds who die from heart disease, or smoking, or alcohol. No, they just are worried about themselves and wrapping themselves in the cloak of righteous indignation, "trying to save lives" bullcrap. I'd believe it more if they were willing to sacrifice to help opiate sufferers, or they were demanding the highways be shut down and rebuilt at enormous expense to reduce the death toll. But they aren't. They are panicking because the media is playing up a "new" and scary disease, and the media doesn't give graphics showing "the mounting US highway death toll" every night.

Liberty Drive • 4 years ago

The Democrats can't handle that global events, i.e. reality, are exposing that open borders are not possible if you want a safe, healthy country. They will do everything they can to poison any sense of patriotism and comraderie to get through this. Just call Republicans racist and sneak their Green New Deal BS into relief bills. They are disgusting and shameless.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

We have TB now that had been largely been gone.

Dave H • 4 years ago

Yet the Dumbocrats whine even during a crisis! " You're barring our voters from arriving"!

Hal 9000 • 4 years ago

We're all on board, all we need to do is convince the liberals leftist Democrats.

didactic1 • 4 years ago

Trade and travel, as well as immigration and studying programs with China should be revaluated. So we pay more for computers. Rather have it done in Mexico or Jamaica if too much for US factories at first. Shut China out and down.

Alecto • 4 years ago

After I read this piece, I trotted on over to Ann Corcoran's fine site, Refugee Resettlement Watch. It seems we must huddle in the dark and be told what our rights are to our property, our bodies, businesses, time and everything else, while the U.S. continues "Special Immigrant Visas" from Afghanistan? During a supposed pandemic?

I fear the American people, lacking a true Press to inform them, are subjected to all manner of propaganda in order to rob and beat them into submission. Now the President wants to indebt us to the tune of $8 trillion? The faux "relief bill" proposes visa expansions for EB-5 and H1B. Please, keep stabbing us in the back.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

Trump could have sealed that border in 10 days time when he was first elected. All he had to do, has to do today is send the army.

Bob Smalser • 4 years ago

How smart do prog notions of open borders, increased urban density, lax immigration control, mass transit, off-shore global outsourcing, UN controls, and reusable bags and straws look now? Not to mention standing up to China. All issues Trump is right about, and the Dems and Libertarian wrong - we have to make this STICK.