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Brett baker • 4 years ago

Sorry Lord Black, but once Joe Biden tells everyone how his village recovered from the Black Death because of his leadership, it's over for Trump.;)

Croak • 4 years ago

"I once went after the Cornpop virus with a six foot chain...that bad clump of RNA backed right down, and the kids got back to rubbing my hairy legs, as foretold by our first president George Washington Carver. Next time you see a Cornpop virus, shoot both barrels of your shotgun in the air, he'll back down because he's a dog faced pony virus...God bless Delaware!"

Dave H • 4 years ago

Don't you mean Pennsyltucky?

Croak • 4 years ago

"You want to step outside? I'm running for the Delaware senate!"

Dave H • 4 years ago

Ya sure Joe even knows where outside is any more?

Thucydides_of_Athens • 4 years ago

Joe, the camera is over here.....

Croak • 4 years ago

"You want me to tell them about the, you know, the thing again? I got it this time!...We hold these cures to be self evident, that will make the problem worse, no matter what"

Chad C • 4 years ago

Joe, you were supposed to be here on Tuesday, it's Thursday.... a different day of the week.

billyd1431 • 4 years ago

Joe, for the 1st time, can look at the camera and state

"And for the record, I was there..."

Thucydides_of_Athens • 4 years ago

They were turned into newts, but got better....

Lucille Bell • 4 years ago

Oh, you are too funny! Joe Biden...snicker snicker

Dave H • 4 years ago

Yeah, how he convinced the imiginary 'Cornpop' or is that Corn Pop- to assist him. Guess we'll need to ask Joe on one of his good days.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

WHOA! Still in a WORLD of BUTT HURT just because the Late Stage Old Age DEMENTIA suffering very very CORRUPT sack of liberal democrat dog $%#& wouldn't share those young Obama boys to RUB y'all HAIRY LEGS UP & DOWN too??? I mean are you NOT even a little bit ashamed of your blatant hippocritical JEALOUSY and ENVY Dave???

jakota • 4 years ago

“The press takes him (Trump) literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

Joe D • 4 years ago

One of the many penetrating insights one of the few great journalists of our age, Salena Zito, had - and she had it BEFORE the 2016 election.

Nuther G. Mule • 4 years ago


A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

I like that.

Bryan Hokom • 4 years ago

It's remarkable, the President calmly strides beyond the relevance of media bias, which more often than not begins it's "bombshell" with rolling dice to >>not<< tell the truth, they have become as predictable as lunar phases. The MS media are not the 'Fourth Branch' anymore, they have become proverbial bottom feeders...

Dave H • 4 years ago

Trump is really pissing off his haters with his handling of this crisis!

Brother John sez FJB • 4 years ago

To be fair, they haven't been a "fourth branch" since they became a fifth column 20 years ago.

vladdy1 • 4 years ago

They HAVE been in a pattern the past 20 years...Dim prez -- brilliant beyond comparision, charismatic as hell (that would be Bill Clinton) followed by GOP prez- dumb, ignorant, anti-intellectual, making blunders and stumbling his way through the job. Repeat: Dim prez -- briliiant, charismatic, etc (That would be - don't laugh - O) followed by GOP prez -- dumb, ignorant, incapable of handling the job, doesn't know what he's doing....

If Biden were to win (it'll be suprising if he's even the candidate, the way these guys operate), he'd become brilliant and charismatic, too, I'm sure....just as if world-renowned neurosurgeon Ben Carson were elected, he'd become "ignorant, not smart enough for the job" -- well, you know.

They're so predictable. (Wasn't Carter brilliant and Reagan dumb, too, according to them?)

Brother John sez FJB • 4 years ago

The pattern goes back further than that -- remember how cultured and sophisticated JFK was, when Nixon was the one who could actually play the piano?

Karl Hungus • 4 years ago
BiGZiM • 4 years ago

But yet DAVE H and PITA 13 will STICK / TAKE UP for this Late Stage Old Age DEMENTIA suffering pile of liberal democrat DONKEY $%#& come HELL or HIGH WATER??? Sometimes I simply don't knows about them two fellers??? GO FIGURE Huh???

CaptainA • 4 years ago

'Joe Biden.... is almost the answer to a trivia question'
That is the cruelest, funniest dismissal ever! And so right. You almost have to feel sorry for the old crook (almost, but not quite).

Mike D'Virgilio • 4 years ago

Like he himself said the other day trying to look presidential (LOL!), "I better stop talking now."

patriot • 4 years ago

Unlike the author, I am concerned about the $6 trillion that we are adding to our debt. I don't see this is an economic gun, but a ball and chain. The people that need the money - the busboys, waters, waitresses, bartenders, hairdressers, manicurists - won't see that money for weeks when these are the people that need it now.

In Atlanta, the Democrat mayor has decided to be politically correct and shut down the city. So the poorest of the poor will now have little to no recourse for making any money at all. At least before, many of the construction industry was working on half cylinders.

Secondly, the cure is worse than the disease. These medical experts predicted 4% death rate and we are no where close to that, nor will we be. Yes, glad that we have taken some action vs. none, but we've shut down the schools and locked kids up indoors when they are the least vulnerable to the virus.

We need to take the brakes off the economy. We cannot wait until Easter.

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

Trump, as always, has to consider the election and public opinion. I think he's trapped into the lockdown, and trapped into the "stimulus". Many don't like it, but the panicky ones listening to the media demand it, and if Trump tries to fight either he'll just be shooting himself in the foot. He can't afford to be "the guy who ignored the scientists and caused 1000s of deaths" or "the guy who refused to allow the government to help people in need". He can't create a stimulus, all he can do is veto one...and he'd be the 'bad guy" if he did. It's up to CONGRESS as usual to actually DO something, and as usual Trump voters are pissed and demanding that Trump magically fix the whole situation when the ones who CAUSED the problem are the Representatives and Senators that THEY voted into office. Trump cannot fix the whole government, and YOU, the voter, are the one who put all the worthless dogs into Congress. Only Congress can make stimulus bills, not Trump. Why should he be single handedly responsible for saving the day from BOTH parties who are intent on ruining it, constantly. And then he gets blamed for what the jerks WE voted into office did, or for failign to fix their messes every time.

The Stimulus is going to happen, and the lockdown is already happening. Trump might as well take the credit for them, flawed as they are, then take the worse blame for trying to STOP them. If he doesn't win the reelection it doesn't matter. The stimulus may be a drag on us, but it wasn't him that made it, and he would be dousing himself in gasoline and lighting a match to try to stop it. Might as well make the morons think it was a great thing and your doing, to help the election, if it's going to happen anyway.

Michael Le Clear • 4 years ago

could not have said it better and I've tried

vladdy1 • 4 years ago


BiGZiM • 4 years ago

So the poorest of the poor will now have little to no recourse for making any money at all.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OH PHONY BALONEY!!! MOST OF THOSE OBAMA Peoples in Atlanta will still go on dealing illegal drugs, holding up liquor stores and gas station mini-marts in ARMED ROBBERIES, still be's selling a little booty down on the street corner, still be's committing B & E's like same as usual??? So don't y'all try and pull the woolies over on us! The VAST Majority of Those OBAMA peoples in Atlanta SAME as over on the SOUTH side of Chicongo Illinois will be's just FINE & DANDY ALL HONKY DORY!!!!!!!! THANK YOU PULEASE!!!!!!!

Dave H • 4 years ago

But there won't be as much in the tills at the liquor stores and 7-11s! People are afraid to take cash now!, They'll have to rob MORE stores to net the same income! We can't have that! :)

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

OH DAVE H is just MAD because them YUGE 450-lb Morbidly OBESE Obama-Welfare-Baby-Mama's. He saw marching more like waddling up and down the blvd in Ferguson, Missoura, in their skin TIGHT stretch SPANDEX Plum Purple or Neon Green Sweat Pants they gots from the Super-Walmart off their Obama ""FREE"" Money Welfare State EBT-Bridge Card TURNED him DOWN when he asked for a DATE???

Nuther G. Mule • 4 years ago

"And to some extent, the media are just legitimately covering an immense news story, and not trying to sow panic in order to frighten people unnecessarily, stampede opinion under the president, or disturb what even a month ago looked like a pretty smooth glide-path to reelection." -- to the author, I ask: where the heck is that taking place? The MSM as they've been known have doing EXACTLY the opposite of that, bemoaning the harbinger of death, politicizing and demeaning every response and every statement or statistic the administration offers in the attempt to disturb that glide path, damage the administration and rattle public confidence. They've praised China and the EU as models despite the former's role in ensuring global spread and the latter's failure to contain it.

It wasn't the virus that cleaned out the grocery stores - it was people in a nervous panic. It wasn't people that put themselves out of work, it was government under the pressure of the media and some clearly questionable graphs. Notice there is no mention of H1N1 from 2009/10... and little mention of the annual flu, both of which dwarf the stats of this outbreak. Sure... virus bad. Politics and media panic worse.

vladdy1 • 4 years ago

Yep. Well-said. Stopped the Trump rallies and gave Biden - the-Placeholder an excuse for not appearing in public. The economy is just a bonus.

NutherGuy • 4 years ago

Well, not exactly. None of the other epidemics you mention come close to the POTENTIAL of this one. H1N1 was squashed before it gained a foothold, the annual flu has nothing like the potential maximum number of infections.

We don't KNOW that COVID-19 would achieve its apparent potential, of course we don't. But it's still holding to a doubling time of ~five days so 50 days would be 1024 x the current number of cases. NONE of the other diseases or killers we compare it to can or did come close.

Trump was right to go to general quarters over this. He's also acutely aware of the cost of doing so and alert to the possibility of easing off. With the amount of uncertainty in the data, that's as good as it gets.

Nuther G. Mule • 4 years ago

H1N1 : 60M cases in the US. 12K deaths. 900M cases world-wide. "CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age... (H1N1)pdm09 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year." [source CDC]

Sounds like a "foothold" to me.

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

Yeah, but it may not be JUST to hurt Trump. It is GREAT for selling headlines, generating clicks. The media are making bank off this, they LOVE a good crisis. Was reading about "The Year of the Shark" in 2001, when the media manufactured a panic about shark attacks based on three annecdotal attacks that happened in a short period and were news worthy (8yo boy's arm bit off, uncle pulls shark out of water onto beach by its tail, etc). No factual basis whatsoever, the stats were actually LOWER than average that year. But they got people all panicked and terrified to go to the beach for months, put out nightly "updates" and "shark attack toll" graphics, and warned people to avoid the beaches. Started running helicopter footage of a bunch of sharks migrating off the coast and showed it to people warning them that the waters were "shark infested". Today they'd be saying it was because of climate change and the sharks were going apey and massing and attacking people left and right. None of it was true at all, it was sheer sensationalist panic mongering. Anything that the people will love to read about, be freaked about, love to hear updates and special interest stories on. These are all profit-generating products for the media companies. Then 911 came along and of course the Shark Epidemic vanished overnight. They did have a bunch of coverage of H1N1 and swine flu, and SARS, etc, but people didn't panic. So either the people are different, or the coverage was different. Maybe they needed something to fill the awkward silence after impeachment failed. Or maybe they just are gambling that people will assume "oh, it's just the same old story, the media panic-mongering again, nothing sinister about that" so they can get away with blatantly attacking Trump. Who knows.
What I want to know is why, since we've known for decades that the media is totally untrustworthy and willing to lie and promite false narratives for profit, why do will still accept them? Why were we still acting surprised as late as 2016 when this has been going on for so long? It's like the President and the government; it's a standard joke about how they are corrupt, immoral crooks, power-mad, unethical scum, yet we still act shocked when it is hinted at or demonstrated. Why are we still pretending that the President is "the moral leadership of the country", when everyone knows that has been rubbish for a long time? Why do we still expect the government to be honest?

vladdy1 • 4 years ago

This compares to the all-daycares-are-holding-satanic-rituals-with-your-toddlers hysteria of the 90's.

Denton_Fisk • 4 years ago

Science is being used to predict total disaster and mass death, now with disease rather than climate. Statistics are proving science wrong. The Party of Facelifts, Fraud, and Plugs is the party of science. The party of business and working Americans is statistics. The media is a bipolar mass of hysterical femme fatales with facelifts promoting politicians with plugs and plastic surgery. That's where we are.

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

Donald Trump is fully supporting the Doomsday predictions by the "experts" who stand next to him in his daily briefings. The "virus" scare is a pure lie as shown by CDC's own statistics on this virus versus past viruses, which were far more destructive.

Denton_Fisk • 4 years ago

It's like fishing. Don't yank the line on the first nibble. Let the fish take the bait then set the hook. In the short term, anyone opposing the hysterical predictions made by media, 'scientists', and 'doctors' would be burned at the stake. Now that real statistics rather than hysterical projections are becoming clear, the truth cannot be denied.

By Easter, the hook will be set and the media and 'scientists' will be saying 'we took away your job, your income, your home, your savings, and more for your own good'. Now, pay your taxes! so we can buy a depressed price vacation home on the beach.

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

No, its like the frog being put into nice lukewarm pot that makes it feel good and safe and then turning the burner on till it boils and the frog never jumps out in order to save its own life. Which it would have done if it reacted as it should have at the first sign of danger and being put in the pot of water. America is now totally OK with a President and Governors acting in concert to steal constitutional rights and America is OK with allowing scaremongering (lies) to be used to do very totalitarian things. No reason now why Global Warming should not get the full respect of our leaders. Global Warming is exactly as true as the Corona Virus scam.

Denton_Fisk • 4 years ago

Fool me once, shame on you...

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Been fooled only once? Say, I got some of this bridge company stock (as soon as the ink dries)...

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

Trump has to go with the flow. He needs to get reelected, and MOST people don't believe you, even if you are right. He would loose any chance at being reelected if he tried to stand "on principle" and insisted that the virus was BS. Instead, he says "okay, I'll play that game", and steps up to the plate and gives the sheep what they want. Stimulus maybe a crooked deal....he didn't write it. But he can take credit for it with the people who love it. He didn't shut down the economy, but he can take credit for allowing it because the 'experts" demanded it. If he tried to stand against the flood in this kind of atmosphere he'd be crushed. Basically the government is trying to placate the people, and he's not calling their BS, because he can benefit from their gratitude later. Even if it's totally unwarranted.

Remember, Trump can't do everything. The ones who are supposed to RUN the government, to make the laws, etc, ar ethe Congressmen. I'm getting sick of people blaming Trump for what Republican and Democrats did, or because he didn't singlehandedly stop them and MAKE them all do what he wanted. He can't do that, and the reason they are there is ebcause WE voted them into office. If they are bad, and won't do what we want, we need to ditch them, no send Trump in to push the other way 24/7. It's like Congress making the immigration laws and then calling ICE "nazis" and demanding they stop enforcing them because they are "racist". It's not ICEs job to decide that the laws are bad and to just ignore them; if the law is bad, it's the job of CONGRESS to CHANGE that law, not slander LEOs for doing their job. Democrats don't have the moral courage to undo the laws; it's much easier to just blame ICE for daring to enforce them. So we elect crappy reps to Congress, they keep ruing int the country...so we elect Trump and send him in all alone, with limited powers and say "okay, you undo all their mess and make them stop; if they pass a bad law, we're blaming YOU!" No, we need to start holding Congress accountable. They are the ones who can actually DO things. The President has very limited powers.

NutherGuy • 4 years ago

So you're okay with a doubling time of five days and won't be bothered if that continues. OR you know that it will stop very shortly. Please share details!

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

So you're OK with the total shutdown of our economy for many months end date never specified, 50% unemployment rate, millions of mortgages foreclosed and families made homeless, hundreds of thousands of business closures and bankruptcies, suicides on a scale never seen before, the total destruction of our nation's public finances putting us on a par with Venezuela, the total scrapping of our Constitution and the individual liberties that are the core of it, and the installation of a elite set of unelected bureaucrats and a small band of elected officials forming a Dictatorship to run everything, but especially our lives, with coercion and violence, all to fight a seasonal virus that has so far killed about 1/20 the number the normal seasonal viruses kill? I guess you are.

NutherGuy • 4 years ago

I'm not okay with anything. My point was that the virus gets the deciding vote. We can make some trade offs but our knowledge is limited and inexact and if we trade too far toward 'back to work' then we cannot go back and undo the damage that results.

Only when we see the numbers of daily infections/deaths start to respond will we know we're doing enough. THEN we can reasonably ask 'are we now doing too much?'

Right now we cannot state a reason why 50 days from now we aren't going to have 100 million cases and 1.7 million deaths. I'd guarantee you that about that time the epidemic will be burning out (30% of the population infected), but that's a pretty high price to get there.

You obviously don't think that'll happen; I just wanted to know if you had a specific reason.

vladdy1 • 4 years ago

Or it may turn out that cancer, which is so possible that we all know a few people with it/who have had it...is still a much more dangerous concern. We keep hearing of "cases" -- that means someone has the virus. Many show no symptoms. Many have the sniffles. It does vary greatly among people (unlike cancer), so when we hear of "new cases," it helps to remember what lies and speculation-as-news the corporate media has fed people the past 20 years and that a "case" does not mean symptoms or illness...it means a positive test. Remember when we were all told not to talk of "AIDS sufferers," but of "people living with the HIV virus"? Where has that attitude gone? (It was weaponized against Reagan, as well.)

We could see that kind of "infection" but that does not mean "deaths"....it means a positive test. That and the curious contrast of this treatment (by the media) with H1N1....or even HIV...coming exactly as the "impeachment" failed....seeing who is hurt and who goes on as usual (notice how there's no "essential gov personnel only" notice out, like with a "shutdown") makes many decide that shutting down our economy and then creating money to cover it is suspicious, when it was not done for any other "infection." Besides H1N1 and HIV, the polio virus was not treated like this, either....

We are seeing actual totalitarian actions (like PDT is accused of often, while he does nothing of the sort) such as governors telling people to stop working, shutting down schools and businesses, suspending our Constituional right to assemble with others...That is serious, indeed....and unlawful...So we all naturally have our own opinions. I even know 3 hard leftists, who have TV on 24/7, saying this is election year BS (the coverage,of course.) So not all agree with shutting everything down because of what "could" happen regarding positive tests...although yes, many do agree.