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acidulous • 4 years ago

"America could see a reboot of an often forgotten era of urban radicalism
buried in the 1970s. Time will tell whether it will be as violent. It
will depend on whether the believers in armed resistance are willing to
make the choice actively to pursue it, but it would not be unprecedented
and the social climate is ripe for an encore."

The left hasn't figured out yet that they dumbed down their street thugs so much so that they can't even compare with those of two generations ago. At least back then they will still getting what was known as a classical liberal education. They were better read, better spoken, could think critically if not malevolently, and had the smarts to engage (for the most part) as adults. Compared to today that is.
So all the deliberate miseducation, the drug use, the sexual saturation and identity politics, the descent into pointillistic grievances, they of the many pronouns and genders, have created shock troops that are not quite as compelling and convincing as their tutors would have wished. Crude, stupid, violent, and repulsive are their main traits. They repel. The left created them. Now they have to live with their handiwork.

TDC • 4 years ago

So, the establishment Democrats are the party of Obama? And in turn Biden? I find this hard to believe. If this were true how did the establishment Democrats lose the Rust Belt union worker and not care? This is a huge load they hope to fill with rampant illegal immigration. This also causes much of the Black vote to be disenfranchised. Kennedy would not recognize this new Democrat party. They have become hard line Leftists. Half openly admit it, the other half can't or they will not win election or reelection. Biden is a puppet that the DNC hopes can get elected to continue Obama's legacy which is far Left, the actual party line.

Nuther G. Mule • 4 years ago

Agree. Obama is a radical, born and raised. Biden, a sock puppet. Watch the VP pick as Biden couldn't find his way out of a bowl of applesauce. Its not that they don't agree with Sanders on policy, but the guy won't follow the party line, whereas Obama was cleverly groomed for the job - more than happy to vote "present" and ride in the limo like a mega-church preacher.

President Trump is a sharp stick in the eye - a threat to their power, not only because he calls them out and is action-oriented in undoing Obama policy (and hopefully) its politburo corruption, but because of what he has tapped into - hard working, tax paying Americans that have survived (or avoided, as they accuse) academia's indoctrination and still hold core values.

The media will make any riots, disease and even the weather Trump's fault, schools will continue their Marxist efforts, and Democrats will rely on the two-tiered justice system and the deep state until it can be unraveled and shoved down their collective throats.

TDC • 4 years ago

The Left has a chance to pick up where Obama left off if Biden can win, he's just a tool. There is still a great Deep State presence that could be mortally wounded if Trump can win again. All the dirty tricks will come out in the next 6 months. Trump has been able to fend them off with success, it seems he gets stronger when they attack him. If he comes out of this next month or so looking good and the market rallies, I can't see him being stopped. But the biggest part is to win the down balloting to allow him to move the country forward into a non globalist prosperity.

Dave H • 4 years ago

You forgot the America-hating part. Some D's are cynics concerned with power and graft, some are ideological, hating America. Some are simply the useful idiot foot soldiers to the above groups

TDC • 4 years ago

Aren't America hating and power one?

Dave H • 4 years ago

Not exactly. The power hungry ones NEED a country to lord over. The America-haters simply want to unravel America. Once she's destroyed their mission is done.

TDC • 4 years ago

But to unravel the country they have to have the power. This way they can force chaos.

Epaminondas • 4 years ago

Those of us on the dissident right feel some sympathy for the Bernie Bros. The GOP Establishment is just as corrupt, greedy, and power hungry as the Democrat Establishment. The difference between the two is just a matter of style points.

Angel • 4 years ago

Your article, while very well written and researched, is ultimately unreadable due to its wordiness rather than its emotional appeal. Believe me, it is very hard to read.
"Those despairing of the Democratic nomination process in 2020 delivering a progressive alternative may react as mildly as forming a new third party or coalition to challenge the two-party system."
I agree, but good God, please say this in a more direct way and save me a headache trying to decipher it .
Perhaps instead: "Violent Bernie Bros might only try to hit Dems with a third party challenge."
Nobody wants to read eloquence that could be stated more directly.

Frank Natoli • 4 years ago

Sanders is all bark and no bite.
And he can and will [again] be bought off.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

You'll know it has happened when he drops out. But it looks likely that his Bros will largely do the lemming promenade whether any asset changes hands -- or not.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Oy Vey!!! But how many $600,000 Lakefront Vacation ""DACHA's"" can a 200-year-old MAKE BELIEVE PHONY BALONEY Limousine COMMUNIST with a BAD Ticker live in??? I ask you???

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

Thank you for combining truth and humor , we gotta laugh its good for our souls . "infocomedy "?

Angel • 4 years ago

Actually, I re-read this article accidentally tonight, and it is not bad. It is very well done. I just had a bad day yesterday, and did not have patience for it. I apologize to the author for the criticism. Sometimes, how you interpret things is based on your mood.

PhilS • 4 years ago

Your criticism is well founded.

Seems like a lot of writers forget that the most impressive prose uses the subject-predicate-object construct and goes very easy on adverbs and adjectives. It appears that the younger generation never was taught to appreciate the power of the simple prose of Earnest Hemingway with it's sparse construction. Too many today feel they get paid by weight rather than content.

Uwungelema • 4 years ago

A valid point, Angel, I suppose, but my reaction was much different.

I started high school -- having just turned sixteen -- in the fall of 1968. So I lived through all this shjt as a young adult. Let me tell you, it was a mind blowing time, both figuratively and quite literally, in more ways than one. I found the article to be a huge flash-back (figuratively) to those times and a great chronological reminder of some of the things that happened before in this country, politically speaking, that got us to where we are today.

Because if we want to do something about where we are today, and help to change things for the better -- you know, MAGA, KAG, the The Best is Yet to Come, and all that -- we have to understand the background history of "the left" and consider the proper context of the social and political dangers that we're actually facing today, as a country.

Because the abject horror of what happened to the people of Venezuela is real. If Bernie is elected, that's what happens to us.

And if the deeply mentally-challenged Biden is elected, it'll be even worse than that. I'm betting the Dem establishment Club will select Cow Legs Clinton as his VP. You watch, it's all been set up perfectly for her at this point. The announcement will happen as soon as, or just before, Biden's got enough delegates to assure him the nomination. (notice how the big wigs are all screaming for it to simply be declared "over")

In the meantime, be safe, and keep an eye out for those Bros. Seriously, they could hurt you if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and if they happen to be in the mood we all think they'll one day be in. I don't think it's gonna happen, but especially in these times of the Wuhan virus, it pays to be a good little boy scout or girl scout.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

That would be vintage Scout. You don't want to know what -- particularly -- the girl scouts have become.

SamsaraGuru • 4 years ago

I disagree; I found the article eminently readable and lucid. The subject - the potential for Bernie's brown shirts - to turn violent is real - and present - but without the underpinnings provided by the author in terms of historical context - just pointing that out would be of little value.

The article was eloquent and clear - just because you had trouble with it doesn't mean it wasn't both.

jm5494 • 4 years ago

I couldn't agree more, ….painful, …. very painful !

Guest • 4 years ago
jm5494 • 4 years ago

I've said for years now, the short-term enemies are the pravda media and the deep state, but they can be dealt with very quickly.

But the biggest problem is the long-term cleaning up of academentia, along with all the comrades they generated and imbedded for generations in all institutions and walks of life, which they have sent out around the USA and World.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Not just academia. though it may be that academia is the head of the snake. The do-gooder foundations, the professional societies, government bureaucracies from the federal to the local animal-control office are contaminated.

jm5494 • 4 years ago

I prefer the word academentia, rather then academia ! But yes, you are right.

strongmind • 4 years ago

Sadly, my observations of our society parallel your comment.

Dave H • 4 years ago

Many of those foundations are not do-gooders! They purport that, but are more about enriching those who found and run them. The Clinton "Charitable" Foundation is a model of that behavior.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Those you cite never were, true. But Henry Ford, John D Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Henry J Kaiser, and many others are spinning in their graves...

Dave H • 4 years ago

Those were founded in the days of actual altruism. Nowadays too many foundations are more into cynical profiteering.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

I believe that there is a systemic issue; one of the reasons for my previous "head of the snake" attribution to academentia (Yes I'll steal any good idea and or neologism with the best of 'em...). Another idea upon which I've glomed without having the courtesy to recall to whom it is rightly credited, is that any organization that is not consciously and conscientiously bound to a conservative mindset will drift leftward over time. Profiteering merely adds icing. IMHO.

Guest • 4 years ago
YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

I disagree about the Sen, Hawley proposal. It might be possible; I doubt that eliminating (the mostly un- Constitutional) probably is not. Further, moving Transportation to Michigan is likely harder to undo than a mere reinstate-in-place. Part of the cancerous nature of the swamp is its concentration. And consider the economics: Tennessee pencil pushers gotta be cheaper than the DC variety.

Guest • 4 years ago
YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Reasonably certain that the scale has an ambient cost-of-living adjustment. And with the highly-to-be-hoped-for rescinding of the executive order that allows "public" sector unions, such an adjustment will be easily installed.

Guest • 4 years ago
YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Aye, you be preachin' to da choir!! But to quote that great Japanese philosopher, Mr Moto, "Softly, softly, catchee monkee."

Be well.

Guest • 4 years ago
YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Oh, and Chinese? Or even Japanese fortune cookie? Mr Moto sprang from the mind of a Frenchman.

Guest • 4 years ago
YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Such an idea never occurred to me. I'm now enjoying several bits of repartee, for some reason. A crying shame that there's no beer involved.

(A few years ago before I decided that fortune cookies were not worth the carbs I got one that said, "You will soon achieve perfection." Hasn't happened yet.)

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

(If he really said "hiney," maybe you're as old as I am. So...) I really, really agree! It Is Said(tm) that the next term will be different. If it happens. If there's a less TDS-oriented Congress.. I'm still waiting for the first orange jumpsuit.

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

It seems to be the bell that cant be un- rung for sure , people are not interested in re tracing the chain of causality back that far ala Milton Freidman . But this is all part and parcel "Heggellian dialectic " of causing the problem that your underlying agenda just happens to look like the easy fix for . It is an elaborate magic trick , using different language to describe beleive it or not and thats where the occult rabbit hole presents itself in the genesis of this kind of manipulation in the service of power and control ." You can fool some of the people all of the time ".....................Its an old story .

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

The "violent leftist sideshow clowns "are living inside the psyop created by the "democrat party deep state -media complex ". Plato's "cave allegory " is an apt description of the frustration we feel at trying to drag these people up out of the dark and into the light of reality .

Dave H • 4 years ago

They all are enemies of America.

Guest • 4 years ago
Death Spiral • 4 years ago

Same here. They exposed themselves for what they truly are. We really need to take down the MSN. It is nothing more than a propaganda wing of the totalitarians. Look at the panic they have caused over a cold. It is clear to me that they are using the coronavirus as a tool to cause a severe recession, thinking that will take down President Trump. They are wrong about that. It will accelerate brining production back to the USA and jobs along with it.

Dave H • 4 years ago

There are some sincere Democrats- the useful idiots if you will, who are not intelligent enough to see the Democrat's agenda for the BS it is.

Dave H • 4 years ago

Frankly, I sort of hope that the Bernie bros do resort to violence in their response to his being hosed again. This lays out their true anti-American, anti-freedom agenda for all to see. My only hope is that the counter is to crush this movement through whatever means. There is no such thing as DEMOCRATIC socialism, only oppressive socialism, as that system requires control over the individual.

BiGZiM • 4 years ago

Venezuela under FATBOY Chavez started out pretty much OK! But once their %$#& goes BAD look out!!! They'll CLAMP DOWN PURE PINKO COMMIE style!!!! That is why I HATE a PHONY Limousine COMMUNIST like that OLD YUGE piece %&$# Bernie Sanders!!! Classical Goofy COMMUNIST! Ever notice how the GOOFBALL has to SCREAM TURN RED IN THE FACE ALL THE TIME??? But yet the PHONY OLD &%^$%# sure LOVES that $600,000 Lakefront Vacation ""DACHA"" that Good Old *Crooked-Hillary bought him now doesn't he??? Dave, I probably like you, can't stomach that Nasty OLD CORRUPT lesbian *Butcher-of-Benghazi??? But the other day she did speak the TRUTH about how PHONY Old Bernie Sanders really is and if anybody knows PHONY her and her Old Lady Billy Bob Bubba BIG CIGARS sure knows ""PHONY"" INSIDE / OUT UPSIDE / DOWN????

simplecarpenter • 4 years ago

Slick Willy is quoted as saying Obama's background story was a" fairy tale ". Unfortunately there are too many full grown Americans who like being told Fairy tales .

Frank Natoli • 4 years ago

In 1968, the violent element of the Democratic Party directed its violence against the Democratic Party in Chicago because the Democratic Party alone was responsible for the catastrophe in Vietnam.
2020 is quite different.
Trump is Republican, causing many Never Trump Republicans to weep and gnash their teeth, and Antifa et al will be in Charlotte NC to wreak their havoc against their enemy: the one man and sometimes the one party resisting their plans to destroy America.