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Spanky • 4 years ago

more truthful headline would be: zionism and Judaism extinguishes the American and biblical Christian ideals.

The Jews and their minions in the main stream media and entertainment industry have been full on anti-family anti-Christian child a grooming Pro gender deviancy/trannyism overload for the past several years and they need to knock it off.

The hate they promote that comes from so-called white nationalists and Christians is really the silent majority just being smeared buy them because christians are annoyed as hell at jewish stupidity and constant advertising of deviancy over God and morality.

And the army of Jewish interests and media people constantly smearing traditional non-Jewish Christians as racists is the same sad little shield of anti-Semitism they have used against people for ages as they commit crimes in the background.

if only the Jewish elites would stop funding this poison, people could just learn to get along because their children would not be under constant assault by those who protect high-level pedophiles in Disney and Hollywood.

brought to you by the lakes of the haas and Zellerbach foundation out of San Francisco, the same place that writes all of the high school anonymous sexual health questionnaires.

Édouard Drumont • 4 years ago


acidulous • 4 years ago

Socialism is sadism.
Socialism is slavery.
Socialism is Satanic.
Socialism SUX.

Arthur Sido • 4 years ago

Guy that denies Christ lectures Americans on Biblical values.

KristenSuzanneM • 4 years ago

Right; he doesn't deny God which remains the essence of everything...being a Jewish rabbi does tend to obscure the truth and a perfect entree into anti-Semitism and Jew hatred. Not to mention America was founded upon Judeo-Christian ethics and principles ..and Christianity, after all is derived from Judaism...look at the Old Testament, if you don't believe me...

Arthur Sido • 4 years ago

Pretty much everything thing you said there is wrong.

he doesn't deny God which remains the essence of everything

According to Christian teaching, Jesus is God so to deny Him is to deny God. See: Testament, New.

Not to mention America was founded upon Judeo-Christian ethics and principles

"Judeo-Christian" is a relatively recent term that the Founders would have been completely unfamiliar with. Judaism and Christianity are competing and incompatible religions.

and Christianity, after all is derived from Judaism

Also false. Christianity is founded on the New Covenant which is in opposition to the Old Covenant that Judaism is based on. The New Covenant is not an add-on to the Old Covenant, it replaces the Old Covenant which is obsolete and faded away, not to mention is better than the Old in every respect.

look at the Old Testament, if you don't believe me

I have, plenty of times. You should check out the New Testament. The OT is a lengthy story of God's covenant people betraying Him over and over to the point that He got sick of it and sent His Son to establish a New Covenant that the Jews mostly rejected.

Your ignorance is astounding.

Eric the Red • 4 years ago

Ethnicity determines culture determines politics. All the wonderful American aspects the commentator describes above are the direct result of white Christian ethics, NOT black, NOT brown, NOT hispanic, NOT asian, NOT moslem, and NOT Jewish. Until and unless this basic understanding is grasped by whites, they will continue to support policies that will ultimately marginalize them, dehumanize them, make them slaves, kill them, and certainly destroy them as a nation.

Each of us had better make the right decision now, because there's very little time left.

Eric the Red • 4 years ago

Socialism and the cult of equality take their cue directly from Christianity. Which means that Christians are always playing defense about their own religion when trying to resist socialism. Which also means that Christianity is losing badly.

Christianity: love thy neighbor, the good Samaritan, endless compassion, turn the other cheek, money is the root of all evil, give away all your possessions and then you can enter heaven, etc. etc.

These exhortations can only be explained by a long, drawn-out exegesis that attempts to make some kind of distinction between them and socialism. But that's an exercise in futility, especially to the great unwashed masses of people. Any distinctions are too ephemeral, too intricate, and too finely drawn to be believable. Anyway, trying to constantly defend against all of this ensures that you can never go on the offense, which means in the long run you will most assuredly lose the war.

greg • 4 years ago

Socialism is about equality: A one-size-fits-all pair of black pajamas for every comrade.