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task • 2 years ago

America, and the West, failed to grasp the historical lessons of the past century and in so doing has given the world the 21st century remake of the 20th century "Never Again War" only this time with a potential apocalyptic ending. And it did not have to happen. None of it had to happen.

Trump was right. Putin is smart, maybe not a genius but smart enough to take out a lot of smart and powerful KGB, USSR operatives to get to where he is today. I'm no fan of Valdimar Putin and passionately hope some sane Russian terminates him before world governments are forced to terminate each other. He could have been made much more friendly had American media not used him as a punching bag to take down Trump. Lamentably, things have now gone too far in the wrong direction. Trump, along with VDH and most conservative readers of this article, are smart enough to realize the same things and they also realize that Valdimar Putin is a very formidable and potentially dangerous personality who single handily controls a vast nuclear arsenal that could vaporize much of the civilized world. Furthermore, Putin is a proud man and proud men, who have achieved great power, based upon exceptional abilities and efforts, don't take disrespect and criticism very well from people who never earned any respect. The FBI may attempt to force Americans to accept the last Presidential election, as legal, but the election was glaringly obvious to Putin and other world leaders as fake. Furthermore, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the installed puppets, made it apparent that America is no longer a credible world leader and the Afghanistan departure could not have made that any clearer. You don't taunt Valdimar Putin unless he respects you and especially if all you did earn is disrespect. You don't taunt any bear and you certainly don't poke and taunt a bear again and again, until he becomes very angry, especially when you appear, to that very angry bear, that you are nothing more than a weak kneed "woke" quisling incapable of doing anything right based upon a track record of doing everything wrong.

Donald Trump is smart enough to realize you don't deliberately aggravate a man who singlehandedly controls an immense nuclear arsenal. There is no other similar example which represents a concentration of power vested in one individual. Xi Jinping does not have such power and Kim Jong-un does only what the CCP allows. Only the Ayatollah Khamenei, of Iran, can singlehandedly do what Putin can do and so far Iran has no such nuclear capabilities.

Anyone who has read the "Art of the Deal", by Donald Trump, realizes it is more like a remake of the "Art of War " without war mentioned. Donald Trump compliments his opponents to neutralize the negotiating atmosphere. He comes prepared and does not say what he is not going to do as did Joe Biden recently. Volodymyr Zelenskyy begged him to stop talking because his rhetoric invited Putin to invade. He made it apparent that the United States would continue to use Russian oil. America is importing twice the amount as was imported last year. America is, in effect, financing genocide. Joe Biden made no commitments regarding weapons for Ukrainian fighters. It was Trump who provided Sapphire anti-tank ballistic missiles that destroyed almost 150 Russian tanks. Joe Biden, supplied K-1 rations and blankets. It was Joe Biden who left 80 billion dollars of the latest military hardware to the Taliban and the CCP. The increased military spending for 2018 and 2019 financed the Taliban and Chinese military and not America's military.

Putin will not suffer defeat in the Ukraine. His pride will not let him. He has no future if he fails and if he has to use tactical nuclear weapons he will and that will certainly escalate things. Putin will, however, now negotiate a deal because he realizes that he underestimated Ukrainian resistance. He also underestimated German commitments and the need for far more Russian economic and military resolve. He never underestimated US commitments because the CCP already promised him that Joe Biden will do little... they speak for America. The proper outcome should soon come about based upon a cease fire, a redrawn map giving Russia eastern Ukrainian real estate, where mostly ethnic Russians will live, justifying Putin's aggression, and, most notably, a secure pipeline easement so that the flow of oil and gas will always be profitable for Russia. The media will give Joe Biden credit for the sanctions and Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be promised American aid to rebuild the Ukraine as long as he also endorses Biden's war solution efforts despite the fact that Biden bears much, if not all, of the responsibilty for an easily preventable invasion. Key is that Putin Save Face.

The tragedy is the unnecessary loss of innocent civilians. The saying that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is, sadly, most representative of what was allowed to happen. Without American leadership the world will remain subject to what tyrants think they can get away with. The people of the Ukraine are making the difference. Liberty will always be obtained and secured by people willing to die rather than live under tyranny. I don't know if Americans understand that yet. I do know that the millions coming through the southern border have no clue. And I also know that the leadership running America is not what Americans voted for. That is a good sign. Trump was never a politician. Neither was Zelenskyy. Maybe that is the reason that what they did is far more obvious than what politicians have not done. And now, because of Ukrainian bravery, the citizens of the world see it clearly.

Royalsfan67 • 2 years ago

So many on the left and even quite a few on the right are so propagandized that they see complimenting someone or praising them as a form of support. This is so incredibly dumb.
I can say Aaron Rodgers just threw a great pass or played an incredible game, but it does not make me a Packers fan. Only idiots can't make that distinction

EpignosisOne • 2 years ago

Great post and right on. Never tell your opponent what you will NOT do. Art of The Deal is a great read.

SamsaraGuru • 2 years ago

Great line, beautifully balanced:

... when you appear, to that very angry bear, that you are nothing more than a weak kneed "woke" quisling incapable of doing anything right based upon a track record of doing everything wrong.

Jay L. Stern • 2 years ago

When you appear, to that very angry bear, that you are weak, you become dinner.

SamsaraGuru • 2 years ago

I always believed in eliminating bears with extreme prejudice - angry or otherwise.

Sadly, we have a mouse not a man, and a traitor as our fictional "Commander in the Chief".

Gray Panther • 2 years ago

"And I also know that the leadership running America is not what Americans voted for."

But with no proof, we cannot stand on the assumption that the election in 2020 was stolen. What makes you so sure this was the outcome?

BMIC • 2 years ago

"No proof"?
PA received/counted more mail-in ballots than it sent out.
If you need 100 more examples, just ask.

task • 2 years ago

I was blown away by Wayne county (Detroit). 15% of the city normally votes and not 130%.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

Then you'll be even more blown away by the real data: 878,100 voters cast ballots in Wayne County, which was 62 percent of all those registered to vote in the jurisdiction. This was actually slightly lower than the overall statewide figure, which was 68 percent of registered voters. Voter turnout statewide was higher than 2016 in every county except one. And Wayne county wasn't even in the top 5 counties with the highest percentage turnout increases. Still blown away?

task • 2 years ago

You don't get it so I will explain it so tht you may.

530,000 votes popped up in the morning, like magic, in the Detroit districts where there is a 15% turnout. How could they experience, not 100% of a turnout, but 130% of a turnout. These names never appeared on voter rolls before. We don't know if they exist.

Only the Detroit districts are blue and the turnout was very high in the suburban Republican districts. It was up around 80%. That is acceptable but 130% in districts where 15% normally vote? Still don't get it? Those votes need to be individually examined and not just accepted because the voters were not on the voter rolls.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

If you want to make up numbers you can sing yourself to sleep every night until the next election. Your side is always talking about numbers that "popped up in the morning" conveniently ignoring the fact that many more mail in ballots were cast in 2020 because of Covid. Each state made its own decisions about when to count those mail in ballots, either before or after same-day ballots. In Michigan new state law gave cities with at least 25,000 residents a little more time than usual to process, but not count, mail-in ballots -- an extra 10 hours on November 2, the day before the election. (Processing includes removing ballots from their outer envelopes and preparing them for tabulation.) The short window to process mail-in ballots in states such Pennsylvania and Michigan stands in sharp contrast to Florida, where officials began processing ballots weeks before Election Day, allowing them to swiftly report results. But you don't want to hear any of this, you just want to cling to your precious fantasy that the election was stolen. Well, prove it.

robertjbarron • 2 years ago

Bluefin, they never will be able to prove it. They didn't pay attention to the 60-some lawsuits that were dismissed by the Courts. They didn't listen to Willian Barr or Gary Krebs talk about the integrity of the election; they take no note of the fact that Mike Pence at least had the decency not to repeat the lie the election was stolen; they simply will never accept the fact their Avatar, their God-King, was fired from his job. And they will never accept if/when he gets indicted (or convicted) in GA or anywhere else. But here's the thing ----> The Law of Unintended Consequences may be showing up in both 2022 and 2024. Peggy Noonan, and I'm sure others have made the observation that if people truly believe elections are rigged, they will not show up to vote. And which side has more people believing that they were rigged? After the election in November 2020, One Republican voter at a town hall meeting, asked Ronna McDaniel, "why should we vote (in future elections) if it's already been settled?" McDaniel said "It's not settled". But she didn't push back on the lie that the election was stolen. Here's the thing- I don't care if you are a Doctor or Lawyer billing 300/hour, or driving a truck for a living, or retired. Everyone likes to think that their time is valuable. No one wants do to anything that they perceive as a waste of time. But if enough Republicans keep believing that 2020 was rigged, I won't be surprised if it suppresses their voter turnout. I still believe that it was Republican voter self-suppression (we won't vote, since it's rigged!) that enabled the Democrats to win those two Senate seats in Georgia. Elections are often decided by razor-thin margins. Donald Trump flipped the Rust Belt in 2016 by one-tenth of a percentage point in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. But if he runs again, and loses by a similar margin, he'll only have himself to blame- not that he ever would.

Jay L. Stern • 2 years ago

You are blowing smoke. There is no "what if," here. The evidence is in plain sight. When that evidence is suppressed by conspiracy among the Left, it doesn't disappear, but it does make our task of restoring election integrity more difficult. See, the Republicans do play by the rules. But the dirty dems have no rules. The call the protest on 6 January an "insurrection." That makes no sense. But in November, if they manage to cheat again, I suspect we will have had enough and will indeed use the 9th and 10th amendments to our constitution to overthrow these treasonous, incompetent usurpers. My only question is can those who illegally gained power truthfully label those who are striving to restore constitutional rule really be considered "insurrectionists?"

monster • 2 years ago

In PA there were more than 2 million votes than registered on election day. Before midnight PA was impossible for Trump to lose, the amount needed to overcome Trump's lead wasn't there. Somehow, 2 million must have walked up and registered that day, after midnight.

Gray Panther • 2 years ago

I don't doubt that there is plenty of evidence of shenanigans; I read the stories too. But again, I want to see justice served here. If the proof is there, it can be presented in court, can it not? How else can these election returns be reversed & the rightful man returned to the WH?

ruralcounsel • 2 years ago

Courts have been reluctant to hear any evidence, and prefer to duck the issue on procedural grounds.
Wisconsin investigation is recommending decertifying their 2020 election outcome.

task • 2 years ago

You have to look and use subpoena power. The lawsuits were civil, not criminal. You never get summary civil suit judgements.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

I hope your "100 more examples" are better than this one, which has been conclusively debunked by the PA Dept of State. You are recycling a false claim that tried to conflate primary and general election ballots, and also only counted ballots requested by registered Democrats. The reality is more than 3 million mail in ballots for the PA general election were requested by the Oct 27 deadline, and 2.6 million mail in ballots were counted. One down. Let's hear your next best one.

Severn • 2 years ago

The PA Sec of State was a partisan Democrat who campaigned for Biden and declared him the winner while votes were still being counted. The PA Dept of State, in conjunction with the Dem controlled state Supreme Court, illegally altered PA election law to remove safeguards against fraud. Specifically, they declared that the signatures on mail-in ballots did not need to match the signatures of the alleged voters in the voter registration rolls.

Republican election observers, and international elections observers, were ejected from polling places and counting centers, in violation of PA law.

The fraud was committed by people in government, in many cases by the same people whose job it was to conduct the election. They committed the fraud in broad daylight. Then, as the "official election authorities", they announced that they had looked into claims of fraud and found them baseless, and found themselves innocent.

Their claims that the election was on the level deserve the same amount of trust as similar claims coming from the election authorities in China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

So many people involved in so much fraud, yet not a single piece of evidence has been found credible by any court, even courts presided over by Trump appointees. Oh, and that "Illegally altered PA election law" was passed by the Republican controlled state legislature, so much for your partisan conspiracy theorizing. If there were any credible evidence of fraud the allegations would not have been conclusively thrown out of 80+ courts (and counting), and they'd have some life outside the pages of "American Greatness." Honestly, if Trump and all his retinue couldn't get his own judicial appointees to respond to all this "evidence" that so riles you, he really must have been the most incompetent President we've ever had.

alanra • 2 years ago

What court has examined any evidence of voter fraud? In what case was a plaintiff actually allowed to present evidence, demand discovery? I don't recall any court cases reaching that stage.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

That's a favorite line of argument that's completely wrong. Plenty of the judges looked at the evidence and laughed it out of court. Here's just one for your entertainment, as reported by Fox News (so don't claim this is 'fake news'): The court rejected those arguments, noting that in Pennsylvania, Giuliani failed to "provide a scintilla of evidence for any of the varying and wildly inconsistent numbers of dead people he factually represented voted in Philadelphia during the 2020 presidential election." "False statements intended to foment a loss of confidence in our elections and resulting loss of confidence in government generally damage the proper functioning of a free society," the court wrote.

ruralcounsel • 2 years ago

Liars. You as well.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

I see. Now it's not just the 'lamestream media, but also Fox News are liars, supporting the stolen election? Well if you really believe what you say, by all means send more money to Rudy and Sydney so they can keep fighting like hell... to keep their law licenses after getting caught lying about your 'evidence' in court.

task • 2 years ago

You are out of your mind. There were many suits won in PA, including a suit won last week. Act 77 was determined to be illegal by the court. No mail in ballots were permited. That is what the court conclude. Only they don't make it past the two installed leftist PA Supreme Court Justices.



Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

Please point to a single suit that agreed the election was stolen by fraud? There isn't one. All 80+ cases were laughed out of court, many by Trump appointed judges, and all of whom excoriated the plaintiffs and their lawyers. If you don't believe that, please donate some money to Rudy and Sydney, they're fighting like hell now... to keep their law licenses. The one case you're now referring to (desperately clinging to, actually), is passing judgment on a Pennsylvania law that had been enacted by the REPUBLICAN state legislature. Is that your 'stolen election'? Sheesh.

Artie11 • 2 years ago

Whoever enacted the voting law in Pennsylvania it went against the Pennsylvania constitution that requires that the people of Pennsylvania approve voting law changes. This was brought before the Supreme Court but was dismissed without standing. You are willfully deciding not to see what is right before your eyes. There is no reasoning with someone like you. Sad.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

The people of Pennsylvania voted under the law that was in effect at that time. That law was enacted by the REPUBLICAN state legislature. You are willfully deciding not to see what is right before your eyes. There is no reasoning with someone like you. Sad.

Artie11 • 2 years ago

Like I said “willfully blind.”

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

You'll want to be willfully blind when your precious Pennsylvania court "victory" is reviewed by the state Supreme Court. The one and only case you can point to as 'evidence' that the 2020 election was stolen, the one case Trump hasn't lost (yet) is likely to crash around your ears when the PASC overturns the lower court ruling. One giant clue to this likely outcome is that many of the PA Republicans who brought this lawsuit actually voted in favor of the law they now call unconstitutional, when they passed it in 2019. A partisan Republican lower court agreeing with their argument is not likely going to stop the PASC from seeing through their pathetic charade. So you'll be 81 and 0 soon.

greggreen29 • 2 years ago

If you I’d rest and the US Constitution you that nearly every battleground state ran an unconstitutional election. Elections did not follow legislated rules.

Jay L. Stern • 2 years ago

Hang on a minute! The courts never gave the complaining parties the opportunity to present their data. They rejected it without examination so you can't say that it was not been found "credible." In fact, had it been truly examined and not waived away, i suspect the findings would have been considered "incredible."

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

You can suspect all you want. You can claim the courts never gave the complaining parties the opportunity to present their data, but that's simply wrong. Multiple judges, including Trump appointed ones, adjudicated the complaints and the evidence presented to support them, and laughed them all out of court. If this were not the case, please ask yourself why Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell are currently fighting to keep their law licenses? Ans: The judge was so disgusted by the lack of evidence they presented to try and overturn a free and fair election, and the lies they told the court.

ruralcounsel • 2 years ago

Most courts never got to the stage of hearing evidence.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

Just dead wrong. You'd realize this if you read a bit more widely. American Greatness is keeping you in the dark.

Chiapas Coffee • 2 years ago

OJ Simpson presented in court . . .

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

OJ was found culpable in a subsequent civil case, and ultimately went to prison for other crimes. Keep fighting! Send more money to Rudy and Sydney!

Chiapas Coffee • 2 years ago

ARGO "mother rashida tlaib"

monster • 2 years ago

I'm guessing being registered was a requirement to request a ballot? At the end of the day the numbers don't support your defense.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

Do share your "numbers." And don't guess this time.

monster • 2 years ago

Are you reading challenged? The guess was about the law requiring a request to come from a registered voter.

Bluefin Tuna • 2 years ago

Let me write slowly, so you can understand: What "numbers" don't support my defense? I've given you the actual, real, verified, legally confirmed "numbers" that show BMIC's claim is wrong. If you're upset that I told you not to guess about what the law is, well OK then. Go head and guess. That's probably a good way to keep yourself comfortably convinced that the election was stolen by some gigantic conspiracy involving thousands of people that somehow has remained invisible through dozens of canvasses, recounts, certifications, fraudits... uh, I mean audits, lawsuits and court judgments.

ruralcounsel • 2 years ago

And you believe that story? What is its origin?

IKE • 2 years ago

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko says that people looking escape Ukraine’s capital at this point have no way to do so. You can read for yourself how the Kremlin ‘sends more than 400 mercenaries from private militia into Kyiv to assassinate President Zelensky and his government’ (Whatfinger News lft side almost at the top of page). Ukraine freedom fighters and regular military say they have 'obliterated a Chechen “orcs” special forces column with 56 tanks outside Kyiv and killed a top general'.

Birdman • 2 years ago

What makes me so sure? Simple. American elites and media colluded to accept the results of the strangest election in American history, from announcements that counting would stop prior to completion to video evidence of boxes of ballots being brought out from beneath tables and counted shortly after "observers" were sent home. Phone calls to the perps was the extent of the "investigation", with the thinnest of excuses from the perps generating "nothing-to-see-here" platitudes from the deaf-dumb-and-blind media.

Rumors of "Russian collusion" brought a two-year federal special investigation of the 2016 election that monopolized national attention, but the enormous numbers of questions about the 2020 election were deemed "baseless" over and over again. (By the way, when you hear all mainstream news outlets using the same word to describe something, you are hearing propaganda messaging, not news.)

If the 2020 election was on the level, Democrats and their media cronies would have welcomed a Muller-style investigation just to rub Trump's nose in his false accusations and prosecute the liars who signed those affidavits. Instead, they circled the wagons and resorted to censorship and harassment to shut down any hint of electoral corruption and to stifle dissent from the official story.

Gray Panther • 2 years ago

I agree wholeheartedly but still, where is the proof? Why did Trump's lawyers in one court case decide not to provide evidence? Why did Trump, after being presented with evidence gathered by My Pillow guy Mike Lindell at the WH, do NOTHING? Too many unanswered questions.

Mike Bridges • 2 years ago

Clearly you don’t understand US civil law. Evidentiary hearings DO NOT COME FIRST in the proceedings. No judge allowed the evidence to even be presented. The DOJ sandbagged Trump at every turn. Why? Because the ‘deep state’ unelected bureaucracy that actually controls everything hated Trump for two reasons. First, he’s an outsider. And, second, he couldn’t be bought or controlled. The GOP ‘leadership’ hated him for the same reasons. This was their opportunity to rid themselves I’m of him, regardless of what the voters wanted. Only a moron would believe that Biden, a senile old man who couldn’t draw crowds of more than 100 people the few times he left his basement, legitimately got 81 million votes. He was arguably the most lackluster candidate since Walter Mondale and the mainstream covered for him…hiding from the American people the fact that his brain is mush. Now you see who this idiot puppet actually is…and he’s destroying the republic in record time. We’re probably never going to get our country back. It’s now just another two-bit banana republic.

Mainer99 • 2 years ago

You look at our politicians and you understand one reason Trump drove them crazy is that they could never dig up any dirt on him. They assume everyone is as venal and corrupt as they are. Yet this brash real estate developer is a choir boy ? The dirt we have is out in the open....three marriages and he did cheat on at least one of them....we know that....what else ya got ? 3 years and 35 million dollars later...nuthin'.

It's quite astounding to think Trump is a moral exemplar .

Mopsqueezer • 2 years ago

When someone starts a rant with "Clearly..." it means there is a lot that is not clear, but the speaker wants you to believe what he's saying and thinks stating that a 'fact' is 'clear' will convince others of this. Jus sayin.