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Everett Brunson • 2 years ago

VDH gave both definitions and examples of the elite class, but for me it is much simpler. To me, the elite is anyone who can impose and enforce a two tiered system of justice.

For example---If BLM was occupying the streets of Ottawa, the elite would be kneeling with them, feeding them, and letting them out of jail before the embers cooled on burned down buildings. For truckers, it is bring a multi-million dollar lawsuit against them, ticket them for parking, and making it illegal for other citizens to donate food or diesel fuel. Oh, and cut off funding you were happy to give to those who set up the CHOP and then murder five people, but deny it to the "lowly" truck drivers.

Another example--this time involving both AntiFa and BLM---the elite sets up bail money, and judges dismiss charges. For the J-6 protestors it is being held without bail, denial of full access to attorneys, and solitary confinement.

Another example----say stupid things about the Holocaust and get a two week suspension. Say anything contrary to the accepted medical narrative, get fired, get canceled. Media and Tech giants get to determine who gets to stay and who gets the boot.

Kurt Ingalls • 2 years ago

True ..... all led by people "educated beyond their intellectual capacity", to say the very least........

Tony_Petroski • 2 years ago

Well-put Brunson.

"To me, the elite is anyone who can impose and enforce a two tiered system of justice."

Justice is for the Non-essential, Deplorable, Domestic-terrorist Chumps. When they get out of line, for example, "parading" for forty-five minutes after being suckered-into the "People's House" you throw the book at them (after holding them in solitary-confinement cells without trial for more than a year).

If you burn-down a school in a mostly-peaceful arsonist display, you get probation.

Justice for the non-essential, social justice for the essentials. It's why social-justice is a noxious doctrine that needs to be nipped in the bud. It's unjust. And no society can long put up with it.

Everett Brunson • 2 years ago

Another example I could have/should have used is the outsized power wielded by tenured college professors and the administrative enablers. Conservative students have been failed in coursework for simply expressing a differing opinion. All over US campuses, legal university clubs have been denied official status (and funding) after being falsely labeled racists, homophobic, transphobic, etc.

SamsaraGuru • 2 years ago

It happens even in high schools. My youngest protégé I mentor - 20 something - was kicked out of his Long Island high school and not allowed to finish his diploma because he had the temerity to argue in favor of Trump and conservative thinking with some 30 something Karen Harridan. He was called to the principals office, labeled a "racist", then sequestered away from the other dears for fear he would infect them with thinking and then ultimately told to leave and get a GED.

Sick doesn't begin to describe these monsters.

SamsaraGuru • 2 years ago
Appono Astos • 2 years ago

That is called Tyranny. And those people are "corrupted scum" that only think they are better than his fellow man. Better to think of elites as Spartan's 300 and King Leonidas. Without our true elites in this world, it might all be governed by Tyranny. Trying times will bring out these true elites against this already visible tyrannical prime minister and scum that were so chosen to govern. They've have failed in that endeavour.

Spanky • 2 years ago
Ward Dorrity • 2 years ago

Nuremberg them all. 5 minute tribunals and immediate executions.

Trzo9veuha • 2 years ago

Emulate the French revolution of 1789, bring back the "national razor".

dpg01 • 2 years ago


TreeofLiberty • 2 years ago

... "the elite is anyone who can impose and enforce a two tiered system of justice" .. Everett Brunson

We might term Mr. HANSON's offering, 'A Lighthearted Look At Elites.'
Whereas your examples get right down to the nitty gritty sordid reality that a truly evil cabal of elitists have created.

Nuther G. Mule • 2 years ago

This rings true... "So woke progressivism does not just cement elite membership. It also serves as an acceptable scab to mask a lack of character beneath"

A reprehensible cadre of "do as I say, not as I do"

Everett Brunson • 2 years ago

Thank you.

The_Big_W • 2 years ago

If the Trucker revolt fails we will have no choice but to shoot our way out of totalitarianism....

trangbang68 • 2 years ago

If the Canadian army is ordered to use force, all bets are off

Samuel Adams • 2 years ago

Last I saw the Canadian Forces told Parliament “this is your problem to solve”

Olivia McCord • 2 years ago

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Frank Natoli • 2 years ago

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SamsaraGuru • 2 years ago

You deserve an A+ for persistene Frank!

SamsaraGuru • 2 years ago


Peonie • 2 years ago

I think they deserve no such credit. They're mindless sherpas dutifully carrying the load of crap the "elites" wish them to unload on the American people.

Guest • 2 years ago
John_In_Michigan • 2 years ago

The elite have "credentials" but no accomplishments - At least none that help the country.
May the Lord save us from the elites.

Guest • 2 years ago
Frank Natoli • 2 years ago

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Lydia • 2 years ago

Again we get wrapped up in word meanings. Most of the people noted above aren't elite, except in their own minds. They are a collection of hangers-on, celebrities of the moment, posers, sycophants, or simply opportunists. Many are influencers, because they have been promoted and raised to prominence by the true elites that influence or drive decisions that effect all lives. I don't mean corrupt members of Congress or other politicians. The real elites hide in the shadows, making and breaking nations and lives through monetary policy and control of money.

People like the Kardashians are celebrity influencers. Their appeal is limited to impressionable teenagers. Hannah-Jones would be nothing without the backing of the New York Times allowing her a voice. 99% of those listed by VDH didn't get where they are on their own. Even the Tech Lords had backers to get where they are. The true elites are behind curtains. The ones we see are their avatars or puppets.

task • 2 years ago

And one more thing. If these pseudo elites and self assuming aristocrats were to suddenly die today you can bet your entire net worth that America, and the world, would be far better off tomorrow.

Tony_Petroski • 2 years ago

I'd bet my entire net worth against the net worth of Barack Obama that I could best him in a baseball-throwing contest.

Nicholas DeLuca • 2 years ago

task, "a mass movement can get along without a God. But it cannot do without a Devil."

Each day you Far-Right Fascists drag out a different "Devil", then proceed to attack them. How very, very shabby.

DCN • 2 years ago

Yo, Nicky D! Your embrace of illogic and imbecility seems as strong as ever! You modify the word “Fascists” with the adjective “Far-Right,” indicating that you’ve no understanding of ideological nomenclature whatsoever. Keep tryin’, Nicky D!

MrPoohead • 2 years ago

Fascism; far right dogma, ultra conservative and ultra nationalistic. Been like that for a century. Where’ve you been?

BiggieGuana • 2 years ago

Each day you, Nick DeLusion, drag out the same rotting horse corpse take on American Greatness and beat it like a red-headed stepchild. Your comments are as tiresome as a Joe Biden lecture, as void as a vacuum and as intellectual as a two-year-old reading Goodnight Moon.

stephen • 2 years ago

Your first sentence is absolutely correct. They are not elite-they are an aristocracy, enabled and supported by corrupt governments made up of mostly unelected entrenched bureaucracies.

Max Flasher • 2 years ago

“The true elites are behind curtains.”

Not true. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Obama, Larry Fink, Jamie Dimond and the CCP are not behind curtains. They’re on public display and often commented on in books, articles and online. Not the msm but by the nonWoke media like Saagar, Vivek Ramaswamy, Glenn Greenwald and others.

Watch this short but incredibly damning video where Saagar lays out quite clearly how our ruling class, people like Larry Fink, (Fink's net worth was estimated at $1.1 billion, 2022, Forbes) BlackRock CEO, and Jamie Dimon, (Dimon's net worth is estimated at $2 billion, 2022, Forbes) JP Morgan CEO, sellout America for the sake of becoming fabulously wealthy by working for China and many of these people are also in the Biden administration and no doubt have great influence over Sleepy Joe. Many people, including Obama, pull Joe’s strings but the CCP certainly has major influence over our ruling class which basically controls Joe.

Saagar is providing us clear and irrefutable evidence that our ruling class is working for the Chinese Communist Party. Too many are too aware of rot like this for it to continue yet it is too entrenched to stop. An impossible situation which does not bode well for our future.

“Wall Street is entirely uniform in its pro-China propaganda.” Saagar Enjeti

“Saagar Enjeti: BlackRock, Goldman Caught in Chinese Pay to Play Scheme.” (7 min)
Breaking Points: Krystal & Saagar. Oct 12, 2021

Lydia • 2 years ago

Have you heard of Kristalina Georgieva? Jim Yong Kim? David Malpass?
You probably have, but most Americans wouldn't have a clue. They are current and past managing directors of the International Monetary Fund. All three are also past and current presidents of the World Bank. Georgieva now heads IMF and Malpass now heads the World Bank. All have interesting bios that lead to other things like Global Infrastructure Partners, Incentives for Global Health (Kim); WEF, European Investment Bank, Paris Peace Forum (Georgieva). Malpass was Trump's Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, and was the Chief Economist at Bear Stearns before it collapsed.
The UN Secretary General is Portuguese Socialist Antonio Guterres.

How many Americans are aware of even these few people, or Klaus Schwab of the WEF, knighted by Queen Elizabeth, also Knight of France, with additional awards from Japan, Germany, and China.
Few people are probably aware of Dimon or Fink.
Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Gates have higher profiles of course. But they are exceptions.

Thanks for the video link. I'll watch it next.

Max Flasher • 2 years ago

I’m not familiar with the names but I have heard of the “Great Reset.” No thanks. I think I’ll pass on that. Kim Iverson is another good one to follow.

“You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy.”
Big Brother aka the Democratic Party.

Kim Iverson: The Great Reset, Global Elites Claim “You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy.” (12 min)
The Hill. Jan 17, 2022

toughteri • 2 years ago

Helmut Schwab - get your head around that name. He's the guy behind the curtain.

Max Flasher • 2 years ago

I think Kim talks of him in the video. These people though are not really behind a curtain if so many know about them and if they’re so public about their plans.

Reder!c • 2 years ago

I don't think you're really disagreeing with what Lydia is saying.

The CCP and the others look "out in the open" to us, but I'm sure to most on the Left, and the many others who are too distracted or disinterested to care, they would be surprised to learn the things we know, especially the depth and breadth of Chinese CP involvement in nearly every aspect of the country life at the top.

Max Flasher • 2 years ago

Our elites like Bezos, Zuckerberg, Fink and Dimond also have the media on their side to promote their work in “fortifying” our democracy. Best example of that was the Time article praising all the people involved with “fortifying” the election to make sure the correct candidate won.

A “collective psychotic break” is what Bret Weinstein says our society is experiencing in this video where he talks about the Time article on how the election was “fortified” to prevent an outcome displeasing to the left. Even the democrats themselves admitted the election was “fortified” to insure their side won. And I’m supposed to believe that Biden won “fair and square”?

“US 2020 election “fortifying” in Time article.” (11 min)
Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying. Feb 12, 2021

Tony_Petroski • 2 years ago

"The real elites hide in the shadows, making and breaking nations and lives through monetary policy and control of money."

True. We the People should at least know the actual members of the Sino politburo that now are in charge of the "Biden administration." In the People's Republic of China, the ruling politburo is well known to the serfs there.

"People like the Kardashians are celebrity influencers..."

Tut, tut Lydia. I think they are a good deal more than that. You may recall the splash AOC made on her backside with the famous "Tax the Rich" simulated graffiti splashed on the back of her red dress. Imagine all the messages you could get on the backside of a Kardashian dress!

Lydia • 2 years ago

I hate to burst your bubble, but I recall seeing somewhere that Kim had butt reduction surgery in order to be taken more seriously as a businesswoman. Really.

Tony_Petroski • 2 years ago

She should demand a refund.

Winston • 2 years ago

Veritable billboards!

Tony_Petroski • 2 years ago

You could get the half the Communist Manifesto onto a dress covering the backside of Kim Kardashian.

dbobway • 2 years ago

All of the anti-freedom criminals, named by Dr. Hanson above, would be in for a big surprise if they got, what they seek. There would be a few young women, and the most evil and vicious, who would serve these lords of tyranny, the rest will be bullet riddled fertilizer.

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

Use 'solid-copper' so the fertilizer isn't contaminated with 'lead'.

Nicholas DeLuca • 2 years ago

Are you proposing that those who oppose your fascist policies should be exterminated?

You don't have enough boxcars to do it!

SteveAR • 2 years ago

"...your fascist policies..."

Supporting freedom is a fascist policy? Since when? Removing tyrants is a fascist policy? Since when?