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Colt Army • 1 year ago

I never thought I'd see my country go full Soviet.

Thulsa Doom • 1 year ago

Me neither, but here we are

Guest • 1 year ago
Rabid_Koala • 1 year ago

Please choke on a mouthful of male external genitalia.

trangbang68 • 1 year ago

Tale of two crackheads.
One, Hunter Biden is apparently still on the pipe, makes videos with half naked teenaged female relatives, takes bribes from Ukraine and China on Daddy Creeper's access, screws his widowed sister-in-law, impregnates a stripper and abandons the kid. The FBI covers up his crimes.
The other, Mike Lindell comes to Christ, recovers, starts a successful business, does philanthropic work and gets harassed and persecuted by the FBI.
Helluva republic you got there if you can keep it.

teeter • 1 year ago

“They told me not to tell anybody.”

The only reason a someone tries to keep their actions secret is because they know they are wrong. This obliterates the RINO line that the front-line agents are just good officers doing their job.
No, they’re not and they know it.

Thulsa Doom • 1 year ago

Sean Hannity should STFU

thomasc82000 • 1 year ago

The so-called "front-line agents" are mere stooges who are only concerned about their paycheck.

deminn • 1 year ago

Just another day in Mr. Himmler's Neighborhood.

hardtostbd • 1 year ago

One can imagine if when NAZI Jew hunters where running around Europe looking for Jews to exterminate, that if they had such things as social media records from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, etc, just how easy it would be to send the Stasi to round up all the Jews.
Be careful today what you say on these anti-American social media platforms. The Democrats now control their enforcers. FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ with many more armed IRS soldiers being trained. Yes, it’s that bad and getting worse.

patriot • 1 year ago

Mike Lindell has done so much for our country, I guess that's why he is hated by the Left. The FBI is now doing Dominion's dirty work. Absolutely disgusting.

Taking a man's phone is clearly a political hit.

sojourner2018 • 1 year ago

The FBI is now working for Dominion. That's exactly it. We the people have completely lost our very own national government.
They've become thugs and gangsters.

JimP • 1 year ago

I guess this 'OP' was part of "Operation MAGA Fascist". It's more proof of the Kevlar bubble the people in D.C. live in. Paramilitary Ambushes of 'fascists' in drive throughs and in their cars on vacation etc. to take their smart phones screams cowardice, amateur hour and no legit probable cause or even reasonable suspicion. Mike Lindell, a fascist threat?! Comedy GOLD. The Pillow Salesman is a threat to our 'democracy'?! ROTFL. The psychological projection is so clear it smacks even low info voters in the face like a Mike Tyson in his prime punch.

Nyfarmer • 1 year ago

Normal's (most of us) cannot begin to comprehend the raging fire of ambition, lust for power, and avarice of the self appointed ruling elite ! ****Tracking/hunting (irony here?) down a citizen in the middle of nowhere, a Congressman at the beach with his family, hauling out a former staffer in chains from an airport, and rifling an entire home for a few 'wanted' boxes. The use of facial recognition to hunt down J-6 trespassers. And -- now -- introducing tracking of 'unacceptable' personal purchases electronically ! Nary a peep of impropriety ! All requires a massive systematic coordinated use of various agencies (Executive and Judicial) and the payment for thousands of man hours and materials. All is done with the surreptitious blessing of 'elected' officialdom -- notably Congress ! 'D' or 'R' matters not !

Khrushchev once said that America will hang itself with its own rope. The rope has been made !! Most 'Normal's' haven't the slightest inkling that they WILL hang !!

cxt • 1 year ago

A number of things here.

1-If the guy does most of his business on his phone then isn't taking it some sort of "cruel and unusual punishment?"

I mean you couldn't simply seize a persons business and shut them down except under very specific circumstances.

2-The FBI is corrupt to the core, the agents that carried this out are as guilty as the people that ordered it.

3-Didn't Congress hold hearings a while back where people actually demonstrated---on TV, that they could hack voting machines?

Good Dog, Happy Man • 1 year ago



Good Dog, Happy Man • 1 year ago
Thulsa Doom • 1 year ago

Can we put a nail in the coffin of the honorable field agents in the FBI? There are none, period.

Sinistral • 1 year ago

Voting harder isn't going to fix this

Biobehavioral_View • 1 year ago

“Where the people fear the government, you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people, you have liberty.” -Barnhill, John Basil (1914).

Tex • 1 year ago

So it begs the question ....was the FBI hired to do the bidding of Dominion? Or in the name of justice, did the FBI also gather up cell phones from Dominion Executives? What is good for the goose is good for the gander when it comes to real justice. Please tell me that the FBI has not become a bunch of Fascists!

TimTerrace • 1 year ago

AG fails to mention that Lindell said the FBI specifically asked him about his involvement with Tina Peters, who was indicted on Monday for helping copy voting records from Mesa County, CO (which is illegal).

Lindell has funded efforts across the country that unfortunately hasn't always paid attention to, you know, voting laws.

dave casper • 1 year ago

No wonder the bible says, who can make war with the beast. It's everywhere!

Htos1av • 1 year ago

I, OTOH, WILL open fire, agents or not, that's a PROMISE to WWII vet grandparents.