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G. Cox • 2 years ago

Devin Nunes is already a genuine hero and patriot for everyone who loves America. God bless him. We need many more like him.

MonicaCaudell • 2 years ago
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Frank Natoli • 2 years ago

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Connie Greer • 2 years ago

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Frank Natoli • 2 years ago

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Max Flasher • 2 years ago

This is good news and I think we’ll rapidly see more and more of this type of thing as our society unravels due to ever more deranged Wokeness. We do seem to have become too different to coexist.

TooTall7 • 2 years ago

Seem to? We've been too different to coexist for decades! Our problem proved to be that we hadn't recognized it till now. The "woke" mob has targeted everyone and everything that deviates from its protocols to include those who agree with them most of the time. They didn't get there overnight or out of a vacuum. They've been here for a long time.

Spinoneone • 2 years ago

Huummmmm.....a little behind the curve. Rumble has offered Rogan $25 million a year for four years for exclusive rights to his products. Capitalism at its finest!

Twisted • 2 years ago

Social truth is hosted on amazon servers, the truth social app is distributed by apple and google
If you think the social truth will be independent or free you are not very bright :)
at 9am amazon is "offended by a post on truth social" ... at 9:30am truth social is offline ;)

Jack Lewis • 2 years ago

TRUTH will be using Rumble's infrastructure who are building their own datacenters, of which they already have 6. TRUTH ultimately will have zero reliance on Amazon.

Science Badger DGaS • 2 years ago

Zero reliance on Amazon?

How about zero reliance on The Play Store & The Apple App Store?
Zero reliance on Mastercard? Visa?
I rather doubt it.

They may be able to leverage threats of anti-trust enforcement to stay up there... or they might just be de facto controlled opposition like Rumble.

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

Truth-Social has already pushed their launch date to the end of March.

Douglas Roaden • 2 years ago

class for the classless: with regard to information technology the term 'infrastructure' would be 'server farms' https://media2.giphy.com/me...

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

Exactly, Trump Media & Tech Group should be buying out CNN, while they are on their knees.

patriot • 2 years ago

CNN already has a new CEO that is revamping the network.

Don Anastas • 2 years ago

Joe Rogan has self-flagellated while treading water in a pool of Alinsky piranhas.

In an effort to avoid his cancellation, Joe Rogan denounced his skin color, renounced his former shameful conduct and announced his new enlightenment. Rogan predictably declared the oft familiar last ditch effort phrase, “this is a teachable moment.”

For the professional and political left, apology is weakness. Weakness must be punished. The Alinsky clan bait their victims with the false promises of forgiveness; if you just cower strongly enough, bend meekly enough, apologize sincerely enough, it will be okay. But forgiveness is never provided, it is never okay.

Mike D'Virgilio • 2 years ago

Another necessary read: Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler. Rogan still gets a bullet in the back of the head for all his groveling.

Vic Volpe • 2 years ago

Same as Trump Steaks, Trump Wine, Trump University? Do a google search on "Trump name removed from building" -- especially before 2015 when he decided to run for Prez, it got worse after that.

Mike Flair • 2 years ago

I love Devin Nunes and frankly I was shocked he took this position. I was looking SO FORWARD for him taking a leading congressional position and knock those democratic bad guys out for good...his detailed encyclopedia type knowledge of democrats past sins is HUGE...I was hoping they would impeach Biden, Harris and Pelosi all at once, but now the biggest piece of individual knowledge is gone. I can see the REAL NEED for Truth Social, it is a complex social issue with ideological divide at the bottom, I do not see Devin Nunes as vocal business leader that this 'start up' needs right now...let's hope I am wrong but Silicon Valley is the smartest group of business people I ever met, and I worked there in high tech semiconductor / internet communications for 10 years...they are brutal competitors and use all kinds of nasty business tricks. It is a whole other world, like 'swimming in a sea of narcissist' and business sharks. Many 'Trump type' leaders there.

War for the West • 2 years ago

Been in tech 38 years, involved literally with dozens of startups and have recognized social media expertise and thought leadership (ran a chunk of a social media amplification company, for example). And I think this is the dumbest thing Trump has ever done. He's content - not a platform. Nunes knows NOTHING about running a tech company and social media. Trump should focus on promoting his brand and campaign on the other platforms that have come out, not compete with them. He's such a dick, I hope this really screws him up with leading MAGA types.

Ventilator • 2 years ago

I wouldn't say it's his dumbest thing ever, but in the ballpark. The thing is he's above all else greedy. When people want to give him x dollars to be on their platform, he thinks about how much they're going to make off him. When people tell him he can create it himself and share none of the profits, he jumps.

Nunes is just about now figuring out that his years as a politician don't translate to running a tech firm. When it doesn't come out this spring, Trump will fire him and blame it all on him.

War for the West • 2 years ago

I hope you are correct. Trump could give a huge boost to any platform he joins. Cuz the Left and MSM will have to follow him there, lol. Trump is like an idiot-savant or something, ya know?

Ventilator • 2 years ago

Fun press release.

You somehow forgot to mention their stock plunged by 25% yesterday when Nunes announced they weren't going to launch this month as planned. Nunes is a partisan hack, not a CEO, and def not a tech company CEO.

Brian Backes • 2 years ago

Nunes’s skills and experience are better deployed in a different (but a very senior and powerful) position.

CEOing a tech startup is a hour by hour grind that he isn’t suited to. He understands DC, let him focus on that and give him vast responsibilities and power.

But not CEO.

insurgens ad opus • 2 years ago


People keep telling me what "Truth Social" is going to be. But the only thing that matters is what it actually is.

There's no way - no way - it's going to be a "free speech platform". Trump and his cronies cannot stand up to public criticism, and so Truth Socialist will rapidly become a bland, curated pile of dog crap.

So far, Gab is the only true free speech platform. Otherwise, you have to dive into the mess that is Hubzilla, Mastadon, and the Fediverse.

Jack Lewis • 2 years ago

Name a man in history that has stood up to more public criticism than Donald Trump. You sound like a buffoon.

insurgens ad opus • 2 years ago

"Everyone who challenges my thinking must be my political enemy."

You couldn't be bothered to speak to anything I actually said. So, you are blocked.

Burn_the_Witch • 2 years ago

Ironically, in your haste to block someone whose opinion you didn't like, you seem to have missed the fact that he directly responded to your core criticism. You: Trump can't stand up to public criticism. Him: No one stood up to it more than Trump. I can't find fault with his response at all, and certainly nothing worth blocking.

He didn't say you were an enemy, but a buffoon. You seem to have provided plenty of evidence to support that.

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

Sadly, there are no alternatives to PDJT, who filled his administration with Pentagon & DOJ NeverTrumper's, Pense,Nepotism and didn't see the Pelosi wave coming.

insurgens ad opus • 2 years ago

Yep. He did some really good things as an administrator, but he was an awful leader.

The alternative, as I see it, is to hunker down in a Free State, which is where I'm at. Our only chance to remain free are the states, at this point.

Science Badger DGaS • 2 years ago

Only if Trump can put aside his ego
or if Team Blue succeeds in keeping him off the ballot
(incredibly bad for the country.)

So yeah, you are probably right.

p.s. The biggest criticism of Trump is that he did nothing about big tech censorship. Everything else is trivia compared to that. Dots in the rear-view mirror. If anyone thinks this "Truth Social" will change that, think again.

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

His edu Secretary, Ms. DeVos, did nothing about CRT either.

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

My governor is young and isn't interested in DC yet, he can serve another term here in FL.

Mike D'Virgilio • 2 years ago

Dude is clearly a loser. He blocked you, ahhh. I hope he feels better. He's what I thought didn't exist, a right wing Troll. Truth Social will put Gab to shame.

Ultra MEGA GoodGrief • 2 years ago

"Trump and his cronies cannot stand up to public criticism, "

Which is why the Nazis on the left are the ones silencing everyone, including Trump??

insurgens ad opus • 2 years ago

Both can be true. It's not mutually exclusive.

Maybe I'll be shocked out of my mind by how "free speech" Trump really is. Based on his past performance, it doesn't seem likely.

Ultra MEGA GoodGrief • 2 years ago

Nothing you Nazis say is true. And sorry, you fascists don't get to accuse others of being anti-free speech.

Meanstreek • 2 years ago

You are a dim bulb....

Mike D'Virgilio • 2 years ago

It's a right wing Troll. The arrogance is impressive. I think I prefer the left wing kind.

insurgens ad opus • 2 years ago

That's some witty commentary.

Science Badger DGaS • 2 years ago

BitChute is the best of the video platforms free-speech wise.

It's got all the problems that entails though: mouthy minority of white supremacist jackoffs in the comment section, etc. That could probably be mostly fixed by user-curated blocklists though. Lack of monitization for creators is less tractible.

insurgens ad opus • 2 years ago

100%. I had high hopes for BitChute when it first rolled out, but I don't think they have the infrastructure, which they would have if they allowed creators to monetize.

And user-curated block lists should be standard fare in any online platform.

Prior to the recent attack on Joe Rogan by Neil Young and others I never had anything for or against him. But when he groveled to Young and the Woke Crowd my opinion was shifted. I now view him as a sniveling moral coward of the worst order. Now I want the Left to totally destroy him. Cowards like Rogan, like so many, many others before him, deserve no mercy.

Hal 9000 • 2 years ago

He said, while streaming digging out a CD of 'Rust Never Sleeps'.

ADM64 • 2 years ago

Building a separate infrastructure seems to me the only practical solution to the Big Tech problem. RightForge, which Ben Domenech at The Federalist is supporting, is also a good platform as it's hosting independently of the Big Tech infrastructure. Parler was a wake-up call but its trajectory in no way proves that "build your own" won't work.

bscook111 • 2 years ago

We sure as schiff hope for success for him and Trump. Can they carry the field? They have to be willing to kill everything on the field in order to win.

fiscal conserv 58 • 2 years ago

The "playbook" for this endeavor has already been written by the late, great Rush Limbaugh. Liberal leftist morons tried for years to tear down his radio show and failed miserably. Mr. Nunes simply has to follow Rush's lead, WWRD, What would Rush Do? and the platform will thrive. I look forward to reading/seeing what it produces.