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SamsaraGuru • 4 years ago

Victor Davis Hanson is one of the most prescient and insightful writers and observers of politics and history - ever.

Reading him is always like a breath of fresh air.

In this one article, he's managed to sum up in an interesting, engaging and accurate manner - basically - all of the competing malevolent, rabidly insane, hate America actors on-the-scene today and delineated their agendas clearly.

I totally agree with him that, come 2020 November, all of this is going to come back and bite them in the ass and, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of vicious, nefarious and perverse individuals.

Dave H • 4 years ago

All of us normal folks hope it does! I just hope Trump soon returns to his senses and starts viewing the advice given him by folks who really don't have his or the country's best interests at heart with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Silent T • 4 years ago

This is my worry. Trump needs to start turning the ship NOW. There is so much panic and hysteria out there over this flu that it will take alot of deft messaging to coax people back to work and prevent a Depression. If Trump doesn't start talking recovery and back to work soon, there is a real risk that his blue collar base will not show up in November. Game over.

Brian W. Loss J.D. • 4 years ago

My guess is that his plan is in the works as we speak. He has been several steps ahead of the far left all along.

RedHead • 4 years ago

I agree with you. In the past, it has been proved that just when the left is gearing up for their gala to celebrate the defeat of Trump, he "trumps" them -- pun intended.

I want my country back • 4 years ago

I think that’s why masks are now the thing. Everyone will wear one and go back to work and start were we left off economy-wise.

At that point, I’m hoping we begin our long overdue divorce from the Chicoms after sending them a bill for any debts owed them.

malinse • 4 years ago

I've already begun. I was looking for a shop vac, so I decided to buy one made in America. A little more money but worth it to me now.

The Chinese are disgusting. I plan to buy the least I can from them.

And though I use Walmart, I hope someday I can quit. As I will never forget how it was the Clintons and Walmart in Arkansas in the late eighties who got us hooked on cheap Chinese junk, produced by their slave labor.

Hillary Clinton was on the board of directors of Walmart, and around that time the "Made in the USA" labels started disappearing from Walmart items, replaced with made in China. I told my friends at work back in the early nineties and they didn't believe at first, but soon saw for themselves.

The Clinton's then rose to power soon after that and there was some very suspicious dealings especially after Bill was elected, as China began gaining access to some of our secret military weapons and technology systems. And very suspicious dealings with Indonesian James Riady and Chinese officials and business persons.

Carey J • 4 years ago

The way to quit Walmart is just to quit. Cold turkey. Find a grocery store you like. Winco Foods has a huge selection, and really good prices. Target covers most of the stuff Walmart carries, and I've had good luck finding paper goods there. If all else fails, Amazon has nearly everything, and they will deliver stuff to your door.

sotto voce • 4 years ago

That doesn't mean the things Amazon delivers aren't made in China.

Carey J • 4 years ago

Didn't say they weren't. Malinse was talking about quitting Walmart. If US made products aren't available, you still don't have to get stuff from Walmart.

Petercat • 4 years ago

Was your shop vac made in America, or assembled here out of Chinese parts? It's often hard to tell.
My window fan said "Made in America", but the number printed on the motor traced back to a Chinese factory.

malinse • 4 years ago

Good question. I'm not sure. I typed in "shop vacs made in USA" on Amazon and got back a list of results; so, not trusting Amazon as far as I can throw a shop vac, I decided to verify and so I called Shop Vac Co. and gave the lady the model Amazon claimed was made in USA, and she told me "that one was coming up as a China origin". So I looked on the Shop Vac website and found one that they listed as "made in USA".

And as for the parts, being just assembled in America, yes it's hard to get truth in labeling, it's the same with the vitamins and medicines. My wife worked for a vitamin company that put the powders in capsules here in So. California, so I always assumed they were "made in America". Until I heard John Bachelor talking one night about the book "China RX" by Rosemary Gibson and discovered 90%+ of the powders come from China.

Ms. Gibson has spoken much about this for many years, even before congress, even making a strong point of it being a "national security" issue, but until now it had fallen on deaf ears; as all the crony capitalist, Big Pharma lobbyists and their bought off politicians made sure the FDA allowed them to move their manufacturing to China in the late 90's (Thanks Clinton, Bush, Obama, and congress.); And with what type of quality control? They could just say, we're doing what we can to insure safety. But they have discovered all sorts of unhealthy things in Chinese manufactured items, like the pet food scandal a few years back. It seems like the Chines just throw what ever they have extra of to get rid of it as fillers (I can't verify this, as we probably aren't allowed to have US inspectors there. But they have discovered the same chemicals as those found in rocket fuel in some of the ingestible items. So our government has sold us out and left us at the mercy of the Chinese, all for campaign contributions and the bottom line of Big Business. Well now people are starting to wake up hopefully.

SamsaraGuru • 4 years ago

You mean to tell me that we can't trust Amazon?

Please tell me it isn't so - I am shocked, shocked!

Shakin' my head • 4 years ago

It's nothing new. Our government years ago sold us out to big tobacco, stopping anyone from suing them, as long as the state and feds get their share. We've only a million people in Montana, and just our state makes around 300k per day from cigarette tax. And let's not talk about booze!! And when we find something that is 80%effective at stopping smokers... something bad happens..but only in the states.....

maxbert50 • 4 years ago

I love a good cigar. With a modest glass of single malt scotch. Go away.

S’Naut Right • 4 years ago

Do the best you can.

Playcard2U • 4 years ago

"Petercat," Totally agree regarding there being parts made in China yet such parts put together in the U.S. Depending on the complexity of the product, Made in the U.S. labels can be a bit deceiving. Niki shoes are made by the Communist Chinese who gave us a pandemic. How proud Niki wearers must be now! Not so much

Shakin' my head • 4 years ago

How about Chrysler fiat Citroen...they put "hemi" engines (which, btw are NOT hemis together in Mexico, ship them to Canada to be put in cars, and ship them back here..then call them "domestic"? Buy Chevrolet. Corvettes are made in bowling green KY, engines and drive trains also, and camaros in Michigan. Honda's and Subaru etc are only assembled here

Dr Moon • 4 years ago

Actually, you've got it backwards. The USA produces the parts (Apple) and sends them to china to be assembled by workers making .50 an hour.

miltonpoindexter • 4 years ago

I'm no researcher, so I might have only a poor recollection. Wasn't it Al Gore that was busted without sanction for patronizing the Chicoms for campaign donations while illegally operating from government property?

malinse • 4 years ago

Yes, I remember one meeting at a luncheon Al Gore was at with some Chicom Nationals (There was an actual photo circulating the internet of that); and it was alleged campaign donations were discussed. When questioned about it Gore said; "I don't remember, I drank a lot of tea, so I had to get up and use the restroom a lot."

missivist • 4 years ago

If you go to Walmart, buy only the American made stuff they sell cheap and not the Chinese crap.

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

There is very little in any Walmart store that is made in the US. What there is is a few random items. They used to put little flag labels on them, until they realized it just highlighted how many of the items WEREN'T made in the US. You can get lucky and find stuff here and there, but if you go in with a shopping list of things that you need it's very unlikely that you will find everything on your list in both American and Chinese versions.
And I'm not sure what you mean by "the American made stuff they sell cheap". I think you're confused. A while ago someone had the "bright" idea that we could "boycott" Walmart by only buying the cheap store brand stuff, which they sell almost at cost just to get people to come in and buy stuff, and they would also buy the more expensive brand name stuff which they make more money on while they are there. This is flawed because Walmart makes a profit on ALL items they sell; it's less with the cheap items, but it's profit, and they rely on volume to make their profit. Selling lots of stuff for a tiny profit makes you as much profit as selling a few items for a larger profit.

But none of these store brand items are made in the US, or very few. They are probably LESS likely to be made in the US than name-brand stuff. You will find a few, but not many. It's very rare for US-made goods to cost less than Chinese. There is a reason companies move production there; it's not just because they hate the US, it's because it costs a fraction of the money to build anything in China where wages are low and regulations are lax. This allows the company selling it to both keep more as profit, and to sell it for less (which means more sales). Mostly the latter. I can't think of many items that you can buy made in the US for cheaper than made in the PRC. Although that's not the same as a better-made item that lasts longer being 'cheaper' in the long run.
I'd also mention I've seen some utter garbage made in the US. Goods can be made shoddily anywhere. Cheap crap used to the US's primary export, just like it is China's now. Now the few goods that are still made in the US tend to be premium items, because they figure people are already willing to pay more for it to start with. But it didn't used to be like that, and there are still some US factories pumping out cheap plastic disposable junk.

Stephen H • 4 years ago

The CCP Virus has Exposed our Corporate Leaders and their Board of Directors to the Simple Fact that They Sold the USA Out for Low China Labor and "Promises" of China Profits ( Can you say .. Hello M Bloom )

To put it in Terms MANY Trumpsters can Appreciate > They Should be FIRED Immediately, if not Sooner !!

The CCP Virus Proved that China is Not just a Economic / Geo-Political Adversary > They ARE the Enemy, not only of USA but Humanity !

Trebuchet • 4 years ago

I believe, but can never prove, that Hillary Clinton has been a Chinese agent for decades.

dasboot • 4 years ago

What Nixon did with the Chinese is what "K" street wanted. We brought this on ourselves though union workers wanting to get paid like doctors for doing assembly work. The EPA shutting down our foundries, this all has a price!

Ryan Chris Johnson • 4 years ago

There are states with less than ten deaths! The whole state can't work? Makes perfect nonsense.

steghorn21 • 4 years ago

Masks aren't even necessary. Why should I wear a mask just because of other people^s hysteria? Yes, keep a distance, yes, wash your hands, yes look after vulnerable groups. But no, no masks.

I want my country back • 4 years ago

I’m only suggesting that it’s part of the strategy to get people back to work. May or may not really prevent infection, but it’s a means to an end to get things moving again. Virus likely not as deadly to most, but anemic economy causing too many people hardship and financial damage, if not ruin. I’m fortunate to be working now, but our business(food distribution to C-stores) is down significantly because people are holed up and not moving about.

Sher • 4 years ago

I don’t wear a mask because liberals tell me too. Including the little twit fauci. Never trusted him from the begining

RedHead • 4 years ago

Yes, my sons have to wear masks and those who don't work the computers, I think are wearing gloves. My son has three computer monitors in front of him but others come to his desk for conversations relating to their jobs so he wears a mask. He works at the Marathon refinery.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

Some of us with preexisting health conditions and an abundance of age will have to continue to hunker down, but these will become individual decisions and businesses will make common sense adaptions with regards spacing etc.

SamsaraGuru • 4 years ago

Most of the deaths from this bogey man virus are people who are in their 80's Marty and with 1-3 pre-existing conditions and as you pointed out - it is up to people to make their own decisions.

I, myself, am really healthy - haven't needed to go to a hospital or even a doctor in 41 years since I had appendicitis, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I walked 9.1 miles the other day - think I actually may have had the virus about five weeks ago - except for a cough and congestion - that was it. People who are at risk must stay hunkered down; but for the rest of the healthy population like myself or my boys - it is overkill to shut everything down.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

I am in complete agreement, but then so much of this response has been driven by political realities. I think Trump has his sea legs under him and will exhibit the necessary control to turn the herd. Those that obstruct will be made to wear it in Nov.

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

Why else do you think that suddenly they are announcing several meat processing plants shutting down within a few days time, "because of Covid infections among the workers". For some reason meat processing plants workers are more vulnerable than grocery store employees (and abortion clinic workers, apparently)? They are both essential (meat plants and stores, not clinics), but for some reason at least 4 facilities have shut down within a week. I think this is just to sustain the panic, by seeming to threaten our food supply, and making people suspect the food supply itself has been contaminated. I think the DNC went around to some buddies in the meat industry and said "look, we can work our a deal, if you'll agree to shut your plant down 'for the safety of the employees'. The media will handle the rest."
And they are, trumpeting the news as if the whole food supply chain is threatened and we're all doomed. As if we couldn't find anyone at all willing to work in the plants right now! They kept the workers happy by KEEPING THEM ON THE PAYROLL. They are being sent home "for safety", but they are still being paid. Probably union workers. If they weren't paying them, they'd be screaming "screw you, I want to stay here at work!" So our "food supply is threatened"....because those in charge are forcing them to stop working against their will 'for their own good'.
If we starve to death because of that, we'd deserve what happened to us.
Of course no one is about to starve. They just want that specter of fear in everyone's mind.

Stosh • 4 years ago

I am a senior with two chronic health conditions and COPD. I had to go back to work to pay my copays under Medicare because my Social Security didn't give me enough to cover them. I will continue getting my daily exercise and go back to work as soon as possible. I didn't file for unemployment and never have in my life. I have saved enough money from my job to survive for at least six months. I don't have any debts, my parents taught me well, Thank God.

malinse • 4 years ago

May God protect you.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

It appears you are able to take far better care of yourself than any centralized government edict, or program ever could. As a matter of fact, it appears you have done a wonderful job of living as a responsible, self sufficient adult. Some people have physical limitations and handicaps and they must be provided for, but far too many of us have grown accustomed to the government providing what a measure of self respect and responsibility could have had them provide for themselves.

In the meanwhile, I would encourage you to go ahead and file for any benefits including unemployment, which you are entitled to. There isn't, nor should there be any stigma, or shame attached to using a safety net you have paid into all your working life. Unemployment insurance is just that, insurance, whose premiums you have paid all your working life. You wouldn't feel ashamed to put a claim in for car insurance, if you had an accident would you? It's the same thing, really, the same principle. Those benefits belong to you and there is absolutely no reason to place yourself under severe financial duress before you accept that which you are entitled to.

Sher • 4 years ago

I wish you the best. Common sense? Do we still have that in our country.not the government.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

Largely, it has been replaced by politics, but once again, what it is; what it is and how the system operates. Don't worry. Trump will bring us home.

Stosh • 4 years ago

We don't need to send them a bill. All we need to do is stop buying Made in China and force the return of Made in America on the large manufacturers of consumer goods.

Floyd DiMarzio • 4 years ago

What should we do to China for lying to the world and pressuring the WHO not to declare an epidemic? How about defaulting on their U.S. Treasury bondholdings? It would be a totally Trumpian move. Defaulting on our debt was something Trump actually mentioned once during the 2016 campaign, to the gasps and horrors of everyone. You know the old saying: if you owe the bank $100,000, you have a problem; if you owe the bank $1 million, the bank has a problem. China has been our bank for the last 20 years. Make ’em hurt. What are they going to so—stop making iPhones? At the very least Trump should demand China take a 20 percent haircut on their U.S. debt instruments as compensation for our $2 trillion relief package and damage to our economy.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

The distance from Wuhan to Shanghai is 839 km. while the distance from Wuhan to Beijing is 1,152 km. The Corona-virus is thought to have originated in Wuhan. It has now reached every corner of the world, but somehow, the virus never reached China's capital Beijing, or and China's economic capital Shanghai, which is located in relatively close proximity to Wuhan. Wuhan was sealed off from the rest of China, but hundreds of thousands of Chinese were allowed to travel the globe.

The virus has ruined many economies around the world. Many nations have had to close their borders in an attempt to contain and control the spread of the Corona-virus. Tens of thousands have lost their lives, countless people have been locked in their homes and many countries have had to place their citizens on lock down.

Paris is closed for business, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, Tokyo is closed, the world's major economic and political centers are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open. No Corona-virus effect is seen in either cities. There were a few cases, but by and large the virus has had no real effect on Beijing and Shanghai.

Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, including their military leaders. There is no lock down in Beijing. Shanghai is the economic capital of China. It's where all the rich people of China live and run the major industries. There is no lock down in Shanghai. Neither city appears to show any large scale effects of the Corona-virus.

Restated for effect: Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjoining Wuhan. The virus from Wuhan has reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not affect Beijing and Shanghai. How does that happen?

Another strange thing is, that while the worldwide share market has fallen by almost half. In India, the Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand, but the share market of China was at 3000 and just merely dropped to 2700.

All of this leaves us to speculate that the Corona-virus may be a bio-chemical weapon, which China used to carry out limited, asymmetrical warfare on the world and quite intentionally in order to gain economic supremacy, or obvious advantage. Four separate Chinese generals have written books describing this type of asymmetrical warfare as documented by Lou Dobbs on Fox's business channel. It is also possible the virus was released through negligence, but that hardly explains its containment within China proper, while simultaneously allowing it spread abroad . In either event, China now claims they have the virus under control. They also claim to have the antidote/vaccine, which they are not sharing with the world. They have refused to allow our scientists in to examine the labs even today and they have systematically expelled western journalists.

Hollywood stars, Australia's Home Minister, Britain's Prime Minister and Health Minister, Spain's Prime Minister's wife, Canada's Prime Minister's wife, and Britain's Prince Charles, among others, have all contracted the Corona virus, but not a single political leader in China, and not a single military commander in China have tested positive for Corona virus. What's wrong with this picture? And well you should ask.

orindaman • 4 years ago

Information from China is not reliable.

marty lopez • 4 years ago

About that no one would quarrel

Steven • 4 years ago

I second the motion.

Peter LOCKE • 4 years ago

I hope masks are truly the thing. Masks and hand sanitizing, I believe, will turn the tide.

Sher • 4 years ago

How will our immune systems ever fight anything if we do not come in contact with this stuff? And over sanitize

marty lopez • 4 years ago

I've always been crazy over red heads.

RedHead • 4 years ago

Well, that's kind of you to say, Marty. My late husband was crazy over my red hair and that's why he actually called me Redhead and referred to me as "The Redhead." Surely you know that a lot of redheads are Irish, as I am, and we have been known to have a quick temper.