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Uwungelema • 4 years ago

Yes indeed, "Globalism" is now dead as a door-nail. And it couldn't have happened to a nicer world-class corrupt ideology.

Trump knows exactly why the globalists are so fervent to maintain their choke-hold on the world's peoples:...money, greed, power, and control. And all for themselves, the peasants and rubes be dhamned.

So it's all coming to an end before our very eyes, and we all have a front row seat for the arc-changing history of mankind that's about to unfold. There are still rough times ahead for the people of America and around the world in the immediate future, but that will end. And in the process, you're going to see a massive cleansing of the Washington DC criminal establishment and a breaking up of the EU that two weeks ago was unimaginable.

Hold on to your hats, folks.

YouCantMeanThat • 4 years ago

Globalism is no more dead than any other work of Satan. Like "progressivism," it'll be back, with a new name and squeaky-clean image.

Mike D'Virgilio • 4 years ago

Surely you are right, but we are called to what I like to call fight against the fall. The gravitational pull of sin will always weigh us down, and give this fallen world wokests and Marxists and globalists, but we must in Trumpian fashion fight them tooth and nail every inch of the way. The silver lining in this pandemic is that it has proved Trump and his deplorables right in everything, and the left wrong. This will have long-term political, societal, and cultural effects, and it will be very interesting to see what those are.

Stosh • 4 years ago

And the end result will be that America wins,wins wins. Just like President Trump will in 2020.

LongTom • 4 years ago

Ooo-eee-ooo. Just which episode of The Twilight Zone are you inhabiting? Did you miss the part where Trump ignored all warnings and tried to downplay the imminent crisis? ("Corona virus determined to strike inside U.S."). Add to that his daily attempts to elevate himself to hero status at the expense of front line caregivers--among other indecencies--and I'm afraid not even the propaganda machine you've tied your mind and/or behind to is going to be enough to "[prove] Trump and his deplorables right in everything..."

Pastor Greg Young • 4 years ago

Sorry Troll we actually use our minds and think critically here. Run along and play with your mindless friends and propagate your "Fake News' else where.

The Lou Tang Clan • 4 years ago

This from someone who believes that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Repent, you heathen follower of a false deity and supplicate yourself before The One True LORD, Nicklas Bendtner.

tionico • 4 years ago

and what might be YOUR PROOF that it is some other age? On what basis do you rest our proof?
Is "carbon dating" your preferred tool? If that's the case, a friend of mine took a chunk of the newly formed lave from Mount Saint Helens, some time around June of 1980, and, some time later, submitted it for dating to some hoity toity "science" lab. The result came back a few weeks later... the chunk of lava, which had been spewed out of the mouth of the crater when it blew in May 1980, was some certin umber of millions of years old, within a VERY small margin of error. THEN, when he went to collect his sample and the lab results, he let it out that this chunk of rock had been newly formed during the first eruption, 18 May 1980. The tech was incensed.... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME HOW YOUNG IT WAS? My friend responded YOU and your method are supposed to be the definitive authority on the age of things brought in for testing. Here is your fee for service, and thank you for your work.

OOOOOOOOOooooooooopppppppsssssssssss... BUSTED.

JB • 4 years ago

Well, Tom....for somebody who has "long" in his name you sure come up short. Pragmatism is what will save you from your emotional projection of your personal insecurities. You really shouldn't rely on others to tell you what to think, let alone how to feel. Americans in large numbers are finally opening their eyes to the gross manipulation by the main stream media. This is no time for politics or playing the blame game. Take care of your family and your neighbors in your own community. In a word, grow up.

Carry On

Tommy Two Gears • 4 years ago

So fine, I don’t expect you to watch this entire 5:35 video from Fox News so I made it easy for you. Go to the 1:00 minute mark and watch the NYC Health Commissioner tell people the corona virus is a nothing burger. Go on the subway, take the bus, and certainly do not miss the parade. Then jump to the 1:55 mark and see one of their brilliant state senators call any concern over the virus raciest. Then please, just for fun, slide on up to the 3:03 mark and listen to another genius senator claims this worry on the virus is just mis-information. This was Feb. 2nd. Two days after President Donald J. Trump shut down flights between China and the US. You leftists were too busy calling him a xenophobe and racist etc. etc. etc. Your claims of Trump delays are specious. You are phony. You are pathetic.


Dr. Genius on Feb. 7th.

Rock Knutne • 4 years ago

Tommy Two Gears ~~

I wish I could give you way more upvotes than the 1 allowed. That reply might be the best I’ve ever seen! Brilliant!

I copied and pasted it into an email and sent it out to my contact list. I hope it goes viral!

You’ll be a legend!

Tommy Two Gears • 4 years ago

Your words are too kind. I'm just as passionate as the next person on demonstrating the left's hypocrisy, especially on this event. I came across this link from Grabien yesterday and it shows the vids mentioned in my link plus several more on the same hypocrisy. Just another arrow in our quivers.....thanks again. TTG~


livefree52 • 4 years ago

Really??? And what episode of TZ are YOU watching? I've watched every presser he has on daily TV so I can hear MYSELF what is actually going on, not what some edited so-called journalist wants to print. Trump gives credit to everyone involved, he is not asking for personal glory. He's assembled a good team that is working together, as all of us Americans are trying to do. Only in this country do you see private and public enterprises pulling together willingly to vanquish this microbial enemy the way we are! Be a patriot and see the good!

Mike D'Virgilio • 4 years ago

The one where Trump didn't have a snowball's chance in hell to defeat the mighty Clinton machine, Oh, Trump won, LOL. You're living in our Twilight Zone, where everything stupid liberals say, which is everything they say, has been proved wrong. I can't wait for Sleepy Joe and all the Demorats run on open boarders now, LOL. Just too easy.

Debbie Smith • 4 years ago

In mid January Dr. Fauci gave an interview saying that there was nothing to worry about.

Jim Aaron • 4 years ago

Then the Doctor changed his Mind and told Trump the flights from CHINA must be stopped, and they were!

Diane Kelly • 4 years ago

I've seen it. One has to wonder where he is going to lead us. I heard he supported Hillary.

vladdy1 • 4 years ago

Oh, dear. Someone missed the ban on Chinese travel, the pugnacious fight against globalism, and the trade actions against China, as swamp-dwellers fought to keep their business interests....along with PDT's bringing manufacturing home, instigating fracking and energy independence and....well, about everything in the article.

You are directly contradicting what we've all witnessed since he came in, and we are supposed to believe the old, tired, repeated "all he cares about is himself"....because of some by-the-book allinskyite fake ridicule? Your attempt to destroy the argument made in the piece above with a subjective "ignored all warnings" and "attempt to elevate himself" are cliches' by this time and not worth debating.

Dr Moon • 4 years ago

Do you get your news from CNN? That would explain the mistake in your post. Trump didn't down play anything, he gave us the bad news while main stream media was making up stories about him. Trump is the only president in recent memory who has shown his respect in honoring all the people on the front lines by using his own money to buy food and and have it catered to the Hospitals where these people work. Trump didn't announce this and kept it low because he didn't want to get publicity and take the light off the First Responders. Trump has been correct about the majority of issues he's being accused of as lying about. Sadly progressives are so blinded by their hatred for Trump they can't see the remarkable accomplishments he's made.

jimmy barden • 4 years ago

Long Tom, I have a question. What are you "Long" on? Not commone sense, for that elluded you wen you said, Trump ignored all warnings" What warnings, "Long Tom". What warnings did Hillary exclaim? What B.S. you profess to know, and if it were appropriate, I hope you can warn us next time first, before the rest, as to what is needed before it is needed to be said to all of us.

RonaldoX • 4 years ago

longTIm....short on perspective. Just because you troll your dementia doesn't make you right. The left has been, once again, exposed for the self-serving political puppets that they have always been, and your are aboard that ship most likely because you grew up there, and can't see the forest from the trees. You are annoying, if not determined.

Commenters • 4 years ago

FU, commie. You will be taken care of.

Tom Bright • 4 years ago

-- (Bhagavad-Gita, for those indoctrinated in college against the Word of the God of the Jews and the Christians)

The Lou Tang Clan • 4 years ago

There is only One True LORD and His holy name is Nicklas Bendtner.

Paul Velte • 4 years ago

why not? is it best to just ignore them? what about making fun of their comments?

Ida Dizon • 4 years ago

Right !

Rick554 • 4 years ago

Long Tom.....boring. Poof Gone

Interested Bystander • 4 years ago

Go back to bed Vasily.

A. Boomer Rube • 4 years ago

Probably they'll twist it to bring more dependence on the government, more welfare, more intrusion. This PROVES that we need the Big Brother to survive; who looked out for us when we got de sniffoos, who paid us al big money to sit home? Who ran the whole show, and "protected the American people"? We accepted the left's notion that it's the government's job to 'protect the American people" at the start, and now we can't deny it any more. If the government is responsible for people's income when disaster hits, they are responsible ALL the time.
I don't blame Trump for it; he couldn't have stopped it without destroying himself. Couldn't have stopped it at all. They'd have overridden his veto and made him "the man who tried to prevent us from helping the American people". Not with people sitting at home out of work wondering what they are going to do to eat. But as usual, the "Republicans" We The People elected into office are doing a bad job and everyone blames Trump every time he doesn't stop them. You want them to stop, take them out of office!

Rick Batha • 4 years ago

It's not gone now. It's being proven to be a failure, but I wonder if enough people will notice and learn. Most still get their "news" from folks who are fully invested either financially or psychologically in the globalism racket.

Stosh • 4 years ago

With up to 25% of the attendees at a Trump rally being Democrats I think people have already noticed. I think watching the President vs the leftist media at Monday's press conference was pretty telling. The Democrats will not defeat him and Nancy will insure that they lose the House.

Cecelia • 4 years ago

I like and admire the way he bluntly calls out the media!

ijeff • 4 years ago

Trump's approval numbers should be in the 60 percentile, but they aren't. Why? I would be skeptical of that 25% number being bantered about. I doubt its true. The DNC, the Biden Campaign and their media mouthpieces will pull out all stops. They will stop at nothing in one final effort to destroy and defeat Trump. Pelosi is already calling for an investigation to investigate the "mishandling" of the Coronavirus response. This right in the middle of fighting this virus at its peak! Un-Fucking-Believable. Does anyone think this will be a fair investigation? Why isn't she calling for an investigation into China's handling with a demand for them to provide access to scientists that have been quieted? This can't just come from Trump. What if the U.S. in total bipartisan fashion agree to this and call on the rest of the world to join in? Yeh, ain't going to happen.

I would really like to agree with you Stan Webb, but I believe they are destroying Trump one cut at a time. The totality of these wounds are spilling over on the soccer moms, independents and so-called moderate Democrats. The biggest risk to Trump's re-election is voter fatigue and a desire to return to normalcy whatever the hell that means. Its pure fiction, but there are enough voters buying into it to cause Trump to lose some key States he won in 2016.

Allpurpose • 4 years ago

Don't be surprised by a democrat push to have mail in voting. If this takes place Trump will lose.

Diane Kelly • 4 years ago

Mail in voting has been my choice as a senior citizen, but if the Dems have devious plans, I will stand in line.

Jamie McArdle • 4 years ago

Me, I think it will change but not disappear. There's no going back - but perhaps we can at least recognize that in a big world with wildly disparate local conditions and interests, it behooves every nation to retain as much "emergency Independence" as possible.

Mark • 4 years ago

Sadly, I agree with you. I sense that once this crisis ends, people with power will want to maintain the old status quo, even though it no longer serves us. We must demand that our elected officials make Americans the first priority, and worry less about pissing off China.

Diane Kelly • 4 years ago

I have the hunch that a lot of journalists and politicians receive a Chinese check periodically. Sad to think money is so important that "Americans" would sell their country out!

tionico • 4 years ago

or pissing ON them.

Gallifet • 4 years ago

You might be interested in this HuffPo story to illustrate your point...brace yourself...


Rick Caird • 4 years ago

Its Huffpost. I read it before and was disgusted by their nonsense. They fail to mention Trump has been railing aginst the production we have sent to China, their theft of IP, and the fact on 2/2 he banned travel from China and got called a racist for it. The article does not mention China hid the Wuhan virus for months.The House Intelligence committee and leadership got a briefing on the virus in January, but were too consumed by impeachment to pay attention. Screw the Huffpo. We ought to send them Wuhan so they can help stem the Chinese virus.

Gallifet • 4 years ago

HuffPo are propagandists for the Chinese. This is spreading cultural rot.

vladdy1 • 4 years ago

I am always surprised when people comment by posting a link from huffpo and expecting people to take it as "proof."'

Gallifet • 4 years ago

Certainly not in the mathematical sense of 'proof'. HuffPo has a large readership, I assume that the editors of HuffPo shape their narrative to a demographic group. To the degree that they accurately guess what they want to hear, an article would be 'proof' they think that way. Would you expect Satanic rites from your local Lutheran church?

What did you mean to say?

Charles Perigord • 4 years ago

Well, some years ago when they were filming The Witches of Eastwick, the producers asked a Catholic church whether they could film some scenes there, for a small fee. The priest said, "We can't endorse that kind of thing, but . . . there's a nice Unitarian church not too far from here. I'm sure they wouldn't mind."
He was right, so they filmed the scenes in the Unitarian church. Thr Unitarians picked up a little money, the Catholics avoided eternal damnation, and everyone was satisfied.

Gallifet • 4 years ago

Looked like a poor bargain, eh?

Related to Talleyrand (Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord)?

Charles Perigord • 4 years ago

Most of the family, myself included, accepts that we are not related to him.

One of my grandmothers insisted for years that we were, based on the "evidence" of an ornate letter opener she insisted belonged to him. It turned out that the letter opener was manufactured years after his death, but nobody dared to tell her.

Gallifet • 4 years ago

Wonderful story, thanks so much.

Number 6 • 4 years ago

I wish I hadn't checked that.

Gallifet • 4 years ago

Should have braced!