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Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

To fix the virus America should spend about $2.2 trillion every two weeks to the people who are bankrupted by the shutdown. Each bill should include about $400 million for Obama's DACA Dreamers mass illegal migration program. Like the one Trump just signed. Nancy is happy. And each bill should include added funding for the Kennedy Center. Chuck Schumer is happy. And most important, do not end the shutdown. It will take a while to eliminate all the germs on earth. They are small and hard to see so everyone must be patient. People who know these things say the shutdown shouldn't last more than 12 months. However, next years flu season begin in November so we may need to extend the shutdown for a couple of years. People do seem to be adjusting. Three weeks into this and I am hearing from many who are now 'OK' with not working. There's a lot of stuff to watch on Netflix.

SamsaraGuru • 4 years ago

Funny. Well done.

NoHick • 4 years ago

This author is practicing medicine without a license. Report the quack.

He's BACK • 4 years ago

No, he's practicing logic and reason, which doesn't require a license, but which is not attainable by the marxists...

NoHick • 4 years ago

You wouldn't know logic it you stepped in it.

Commenters • 4 years ago

Try contradicting the points he makes, commie aßwype.

barackem1 • 4 years ago

In America, we are blessed to live in a country with such diverse geography and lifestyles. In some situations, centralized population centers work in our favor for efficiency and expansion. In other situations, such as the current pandemic, a more suburban or rural setting offers much easier relief from disease spread. Considering the importance of a dynamic economy to the well being of the citizenry, along with the immediate needs of tamping down on the virus, it only makes sense to use a more surgical approach by strongly focusing on the hot spots and high population centers without needlessly impacting the vast regions of the country where simple social distancing guidelines would be more than sufficient to limit spread.

Out of the trillions of dollars that are being handed out like candy, it seems like enough could be used to ensure that some of the companies receiving aid would use the funds to set up permanent industries that are vital to this nation that have almost totally been outsourced to China and other countries, especially those that are not necessarily our allies. We should be prepared for a pandemic at least twice as big as the current one coupled with broad based terrorist attacks that could occur sometime in the future. Vital medical supplies should be strategically placed all across the nation with the hope that we never need to use them. It is ridiculous that we have to depend on other nations for medical supplies and medications. It would be interesting to know what other supplies we are short on or other situations we would be unable to handle. Trump was elected on a common sense promise to bring necessary industries back. The need for his efforts to ensure that we have control over our borders is also becoming apparent. Globalization may be helpful at times but we are witnessing the downside when old adages about putting all eggs in the same basket are proving to be more important than ever.

Ali Bernard • 4 years ago

You were making a lot of sense until you got to Trump.

barackem1 • 4 years ago

Trump absolutely did run on a promise of bringing back manufacturing, especially vital manufacturing. He ran on achieving resource and energy independence and common sense control of our borders. All of those are proving to be essential in case of emergency. Don't get me wrong. I'm growing weary of America continuing to be behind the curve on testing and medical supplies, along with the blame Trump is placing on governors and an administration that left town more than three years ago instead of offering solid answers. Instead of telling us for the hundredth time how he shut the borders early, Trump should use the time to call the people who can fill the gaps. We need to get back to work. It is hard to do that without broad based testing and a medical system that can handle the load.

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

Thank you.

Rosa1984 • 4 years ago

Hahaha. Ozark season 3 is back, great series, great actors.

Its IMMORAL what Pelosi did.... Robbing the Coronavirus Rescue Package, for her OWN pet projects, funding NPR, PBS, JFK Center, etc.

SAM I AM • 4 years ago

Even more immoral is that the Republicans gleefully allowed her to do so. Even worse is that the President signed this travesty of a bill, instead of publicly calling her out for it, the minute she came out with her commie, pork bill. Trump should have demanded a clean bill on his desk in 24 hours. Now, there will be more of this corruption with each new bill passed. Keep the natives quiet with a payout, while we fleece them with every new bill passed while people are not working.

Hal 9000 • 4 years ago

Ironically, the State Dept along with DHS are accelerating immigrant visas, so Americans can stay safe in their homes.

"A memo released by Pompeo reads: The H-2 program is essential to the economy and food security of the United States and is a 'national security' priority. Therefore, we intend to continue processing H-2 cases as much as possible..." https://www.breitbart.com/p...

PerceiveToBeWise • 4 years ago

The State Department has been a decades long disaster from Carter onward. There is no hope for the privileged aristocratic political class.Statecraft is just another word for the art of deception. Like the DOJ and the FBI, the State Department should have been dissolved and restarted from scratch. You can't pull greatness out of dystopian evil.

Commenters • 4 years ago

A finishing school for commies.

D4x • 4 years ago

H-2A visas are for temporary agricultural workers: https://www.farmers.gov/manage/h2a

In response to significant worldwide challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of State temporarily suspended routine visa services at all U.S. Embassies and Consulates as of March 20, 2020. [...] https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/News/visas-news/important-announcement-on-h2-visas.html
Black JEM • 4 years ago

What exactly is the Kennedy Center spending the money on? They just started laying everyone off. No pay.

WC • 4 years ago

Trouble is Nancy is NOT happy, Schumer is NOT happy, they only want to blame President Trump. Hopefully their TDS keeps them in bed for a long time. The need and deserve their TDS pain.

Hot Blubber • 4 years ago

Why not just send everybody to a leper colony?

cheeflo • 4 years ago

That's essentially what they're doing. Small ones and lots of them.

Hot Blubber • 4 years ago

If you got covid get your butt over to an oxygen bar stat! They got one at the Las Vegas airport.

Guest • 4 years ago
Cybergeezer • 4 years ago

Should come to a standstill since the majority of the people are now confined to breathing indoors!

Lewis Guignard • 4 years ago

That is so good. THANK YOU!!!!!!

cheeflo • 4 years ago

I saw a news item a few weeks ago showing satellite images of the Hubei province before and after the virus broke. The images showed a significant change in the pollution level that typically hangs over the region -- it had practically disappeared. The author was celebrating it as a "silver lining." No mention of the reality on the ground. Gotta keep your priorities straight.

Interested Bystander • 4 years ago

Exactly, no mention of the thousands who dies and the millions out of work and unable to provide for their families.

Eric • 4 years ago

Yes. It already has.

swordman • 4 years ago

just know that the "Kennedy Center" added funding as you call it--that is from Mrs. Trump--she is on the board of trustees; there are plenty of articles/even fox--where Trump defends that funding. Sadly those facts don't fit in your opinion . Never let the facts get in the way of a good opinion

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

What fits my opinion is that the Kennedy Center is in no way involved with the supposed crisis and so has no place in this emergency bill and in no way justifies the President acting like a complete jerk with a teenage brain in his comment to the excellent patriot Congressman Massie. And Mrs. Trumps board position has no bearing whatsoever in the discussion, except as a pathetic distraction. Your comment indicates you never let your brain operate while commenting.

Harry Taft • 4 years ago

There may be no one associated with federal government, who has any influence, who is not a spending addict. Sad but true. It is dishonest not to recognize which Party and which people are given to spend the most.

Reginald Pettifogger • 4 years ago

And what justification is there for the Center to announce that they are suspending the payroll for all their musicians - in effect, throwing them to the unemployment wolves while sitting on a newly found pile of cash?

cheeflo • 4 years ago

He characterized it as a concession. At least it isn't something that will remain entrenched in policy. And, the Kennedy Center has just announced that it will stop paying musicians.

Kent Ramsay • 4 years ago

What does DACA and paying big money to the illegal immigration industry, along with the Kennedy Center, have to do with fighting the virus? Today Trump claimed Democrats put "loads of junk in the bill". Duh!! It is $2.2 trillion and it was written by Congress and signed by the President with zero deliberation and a demand that it be passed before anyone read it. I wonder why it had junk in it. I believe that was Tom Massie's point. Maybe if Trump had allowed Republicans, like Massie, to do their jobs and use the legislative drafting and public comment phase to expose the "junk" it would have been removed. As it is, the bill is about 30-40% Democrat junk. And that is on Trump. Tom Massie tried to stop it.

patriot • 4 years ago

Ever notice how much Democrats/leftists try to force us into false choices?

Chinese flu and millions of people dying vs. the economy
the epa and global warming vs. republicans allowing pollution and the earth sinking
Regulations vs. greedy capitalists that will plunder the little people
No voter id is good, but asking for voter id is racist

Everything is always to box us in a corner and present a false choice. This whole pandemic is just more of the same. Want a good economy? Then you want to allow millions to die. It's all sick.

Matthew Mosier • 4 years ago

I keep it in perspective by noting that the same people who are now talking about supporting the economy as if it is advocating for murder, support the killing of children if their birth would inconvenience the mother, economically.

Linda Curran • 4 years ago

That's the either/or mentality and they work it from a negative viewpoint. It's all to gain an advantage. Screw the population if it gets them what they want.

SAM I AM • 4 years ago

No, it's evil.

Rosa1984 • 4 years ago

I think its an old Union tactic. The Unions do that, they give their voters the old "Either/Or" choice--- and the dumb workers Always fall for it. Can't confuse the workers with options, creative ideas...

Guest • 4 years ago
charliehorse • 4 years ago

Apparently 60,000,000 aborted babies is not quite enough for you..........you can easily say that because you were born. Would we miss you if you'd been aborted....not likely.

ajk • 4 years ago

I'm not sure, but I think its possible that there is a likelihood and even a degree of probability that you missed the point. But who knows? I don't have the data to prove it one way or another.

Guest • 4 years ago
charliehorse • 4 years ago

LOL....YUP, it sure is loser......thank your mom she didn't abort you.

Commenters • 4 years ago

Suck on your atrophied whatever you are hiding under the greasy folds of your bloated belly.

greggreen29 • 4 years ago

You still don’t understand what socialism is. Why is that endemic among leftists? It’s not even welfare.

Socialism is when the government owns your business.
Welfare is when you get to keep someone else’s money.
Tax break/deduction is when you get to keep more of your own money.

It’s really that easy. Print his out and keep it with you for future reference.

Rosa1984 • 4 years ago

These Coronavirus Rescue packages are Temporary. 4 months.
Its for a PANDEMIC.

Its NOT Socialism.

NYC has far more deaths than the Entire U.S. Why isn't NYC SEALED-off?

Commenters • 4 years ago

Abort yourself, commie, and the check will be returned.

Cybergeezer • 4 years ago

Aborting any more like you is the optimal result.

Rosa1984 • 4 years ago

Good! Then Taxpayers won't we forced to!

Dazzeetrader1980 • 4 years ago

Amazing dipchit is disqus