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tony sabell • 4 years ago

Here's a question for the marxists in the WHO and their puppet politicians: How can one develop immunity to this virus if one cannot be exposed to it? ...Or is that part of the Plandemic globalist marxist agenda?

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

Bill Gates convinced them there will be a vaccine in short order.
Gates has said the same about HIV and the world has spent tens of billions over decades to try, but no HIV vaccine yet. And there has never been a vaccine for any coronavirus. It’s a house of cards for the exclusive benefit of big tech.

Ray • 4 years ago

The normal flu has a vaccine and still has a higher death rate .137% vs < .1%. This has all been a hoax.

DC Bennett • 4 years ago

I have to believe it's more a hoax than anything serious. Reports have proven that. The numbers that Big Bro are feeding us have been proven false and misleading. Not all seniors died of this DemCon-19, old age will get ya more than not. Here in Crook County and Shi...congo, a gunshot victim dies and it's Covid because the deceased tested to have a miniscule detection of it (99% of people have some trace of the virus though it doesn't effect them).Hospitals have reported "mark the Covid line for all deaths", and most of the deaths are in Democrat controlled states and chitties. Why? because that's were the criminal invaders and the Afro-hyphons congregate, and congregate they do with big parties, group hugs in of all places cemeteries. Yet they don't want to understand, maybe because they don't understand English. And the fact that they can habitually choose what laws they want to follow and any punishment is decreased if caught, why follow law/rules.

Hominid • 4 years ago

What's a hoax?

The virus? It's contagiousness? The disease signs it causes? The deaths? None of that is fiction.

The death RATE from COVID-19 is almost certainly overestimated. But, there IS a significant death rate.

The reactions to the epidemic are perhaps wrong-headed and, in some cases, abusive. But, what would YOU have done? Armchair quarterbacking is bullshiite.

Matt F • 4 years ago

as marty pointed out, deaths are being attributed to corona that have nothing to do with corona, thats called a hoax. the reaction is also a hoax as anyone with the most basic medical knowledge knows this virus was spread to the populace LONG before politicians reacted, largely because china kept things hush hush until it was too late. also, in virginia people whom have previously tested positive for corona and have been tested a second time and found positive are counted as new cases instead of existing cases...... another fraud......... how many more would you like us to list?

corona: real
number of deaths attributed to it :false
recommended reaction: false

does that clear it up for ya?

B Church • 4 years ago

What humans have always done for thousands of years. Protect the vulnerable, go about our business, and develop herd immunity, the best and only real protection for those most at-risk. Why do you think this time was different from everything the human race has ever done before? It's just another virus that kills less than 1% of those it infects, and far less than that of the total population. This is the United States. Why did we react exactly as China did, when we knew their reaction was totalitarian and completely anti-scientific? You know the answers to these questions, and it has nothing to do with armchair quarterbacking, Xi.

Micha_Elyi • 4 years ago

"The death RATE from COVID-19 is almost certainly overestimated."

I disagree. It's been estimated reasonably and carefully. Would you rather have it liberally underestimated?

NewYorkBaby80 • 4 years ago

Yes I agree with you, this was a new phenomenon and no one knew what to do. There were many opinions and a lot of disagreement. But the main vector of transmission appears to be the failure of the government to provide protective gear for hospital staff and provide for testing and isolate the infected. Yes probably with all three of the above were practiced and in place, the social distancing variable which was deemed so important might not have been necessary. After all physicians who are in hospital rooms wearing appropriate gear and taking appropriate precautions do not get the virus after seeing countless patients daily. But the protective headgear and body gear and the tests and isolating the sick or asymptomatic still are the problem and have not been effectively addressed. America is still depending on Chinese production and manufacturing of the items the U.S needs the most, and ironically it is the Chinese that brought Covid -19 to the shores of the U.S. Diabolical China has turned Americans into dependent sick consumers on life support with no end in site and no American leadership in place in either party on how to extricate the U.S from this death spiral socially and politically , economically. Please someone , please save America. South Korea and Germany were able to deal with it and their economies are manufacturing bases while U.S is just a consumer country with a huge welfare system. America has become one big nursing home and the Chinese first got the virus here and now are treating us.

Micha_Elyi • 4 years ago

"... the failure of the government to provide protective gear..."

Lesson #1, Government is not God.

Lesson #2, Hospital owners should already have been prepared for the outbreak of a pandemic. Not one hospital's management had provided for enough "protective gear" on hand to meet the requirements of the first two weeks of an outbreak. What happened in New York is a powerful lesson. Will that lesson be learned or turned into another excuse to scold Big Government for not being big enough then pump up Pig Government even more?

Lesson #3, Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

There are other lessons, sweetie. Find them, take them all to heart, learn them, then act on them.

P.S. Rip Van Winkle was a New York fellow. Napping seems to be a New York habit that goes back a long way.

BARK! • 4 years ago

And the flu shots only have a 40-60 percent success rate in preventing the flu.

Hominid • 4 years ago

There are many strains of flu (and other) viruses. Viruses can mutate and reproduce themselves at breakneck speed relative to any other life form. Some flu vaccines are effective, but often not against newly emerging strains. The same goes for self-emanating immunity. Immunoglobulins are highly specific for certain moieties on certain proteins that are accessible to them. There is no guarantee that your immune system will recognize a slightly modified viral strain.

Matt F • 4 years ago

apparently you skipped the class on how immunity works....... the body doesnt recognize ANY viral strain, including the common flu viruses when first introduced, the body then creates anti bodies to fight said virus, sometimes the attention the body gives to fighting said virus (this could be any new virus introduced to the human body, no matter its mutagenic property) takes away from what the body has already been fighting (for instance a previous respiratory disease or some other disease like cancer) and the host dies. The body by and large can keep up with mutations (even lab created ones in this case) but when the body has been significantly weakened it can be susceptible to death.

Ray is correct in that these other flu's for the most part have vaccines AND higher death rates, which makes the social distancing reaction, nothing but a hoax designed for power.

Guest • 4 years ago
Hominid • 4 years ago

Let natural selection work its magic. I'm sure YOU won't seek medical care when you get a life-threatening illness.

Dave H • 4 years ago

Yes, and HIV is for the most part a behavior related malady which could be eradicated without a vaccine.

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

Tell that to the people who got it via blood transfusions.

Sonja Smith • 4 years ago

Failure of the Medical system and corruption of drugs sent to the Third World/Bayer Scandal.

Dave H • 4 years ago

The minority of the victims?

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

Well definitely innocent victims, right?

Dave H • 4 years ago

Yeah, true....maybe reserve the mythical "vaccine" for them! Unfortunately, they'd likely be the least likely to be able to pay for it

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

My wife was in a car accident in Washington DC at the height of the HIV blood contamination and she dodged a bullet by the grace of god. The government’s incompetence has always been a major impediment to freedom and life.

Hominid • 4 years ago

Anecdotes are not evidence.

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

That’s funny. The entire panic is nothing but anecdotal BS, top to bottom, no science permitted.

Hominid • 4 years ago

"Innocent" -- who's "innocent"?

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

You get run into by a drunk driver — you are innocent. The drunk driver is not. Jeesh our public schools have ruined everyone.

BARK! • 4 years ago


Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

Since the ‘Rona has proven to be virtually no increased risk for the vast majority of people living in the vast majority of the USA yet unconstitutional lockdowns and shutdowns persist I’ve seen the goal posts move to “just one life” saved is worth whatever blah blah blah. Keep your stories straight.

JLS • 4 years ago

Did you miss "for the most part"

Hominid • 4 years ago

Did YOU miss " could be eradicated without a vaccine"?

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

I missed any point on the subject at hand (Antisocial Distancing) and still do.

Bill • 4 years ago

That hasn't happened in 30+ years.

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

What’s your point? Or do you even have one?

Ojiisan • 4 years ago

"What’s your point? Or do you even have one?"
Post analyzed for logical content.
Determined: Pablo doesn't have a logical counter to Bill.
Pablo identified as a pro-panic troll.
Action: Pablo is blocked forever.
I can live at least one lifetime without seeing trolls.

Anita_from_VA • 4 years ago

Dr. Fauci also promised a vaccine for HIV.

Matt F • 4 years ago

in fairness HIV medically is a completely different ball of was than a flu strain....... flu vaccines (because most people can develop an immunity to them) can keep up with new flu strains.

Im not gonna say Fauci is a saint or anything, he's wrong more than he's right, but that's not a point I'd hang my hat on medically if I were you.

Micha_Elyi • 4 years ago

False. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Find an objectively verifiable quote of Dr. Fauci saying, "I promise a vaccine for HIV by 2020."

jimhalfwit • 4 years ago

But Gates fortune continues to grow.

Micha_Elyi • 4 years ago

Upset that you didn't have the foresight to buy any Microsoft (MSFT) stock for yourself, jimhalfwit?

jimhalfwit • 4 years ago

Not at all. MSFT has always had a huge pile of cash but Gates & Co has not been generous with the stockholders dividend opting to keep it for himself becoming one of the richest men on the planet. Being older, my money has gone into dividend bearing industrial shares which leaves out computers.

echos of the mt's • 4 years ago

Even if you get a vaccine there is no guarantee that it'll be 100% effective. It might be...60% effective and also might need booster shots as well.

Pabloat8000 • 4 years ago

That’s an important point. And the effectiveness of flu vaccines is below 25% for some types of influenza.

Robert Masters • 4 years ago

You will still have to buy it though and that's the point.

Hominid • 4 years ago

So, don't get it, dummy.

TboneAgain • 4 years ago

Exactly. Ask your doctor what was in the flu shot he just gave you.

lemur_cat • 4 years ago

Exactly, and let's not forget, the Flu has a vaccine and still kills 45-65K annually.

Micha_Elyi • 4 years ago

"... let's not forget, the Flu has a vaccine and still kills 45-65K annually."

Maybe that's why Trump said he took the actions he did in order to prevent 200,000 to 2,000,000 deaths this year.

Hominid • 4 years ago

Don't look now, but you're ignorance of biology is showing.

Matt F • 4 years ago

you've had a continued ignorance of biology, as ive pointed out twice and now a third time...... I would not speak if I were you on that subject.

Zaphod Braden • 4 years ago

Is this a Pandemic, or is it a Bolshevik Revolution destroying the remnants of Capitalism and imposing Communism.
Fauci, Birx, lap dogs of Jeffery Epstein's FRIEND, Bill Gates ..... leading the charge to shut down the economy and impose Government Oversight of all aspects of your life.
WHAT nazi symbols? WHERE? Now AMERICAN flags are NAZI SYMBOLS???
Gulag Gretchen Whitmer wishes to deflect from her BOLSHEVIK history as they impose it on America.
BOLSHEVIK Whitmer, friend of Communists Newsom & Cuomo.
"nazi, nazi, nazi" they were nothing compared to the Bolsheviks.
Every American should be studying the HOLODOMOR and STALIN'S terror.
Learn what the Bolsheviks did to Christian Ukrainians and Russians.
Because you may well be RELIVING it.
“All you freedom-loving “left wing” thinkers in the West! You left-laborites! You progressive American, German, and French students! As far as you are concerned, this whole book of mine is a waste of effort. You may suddenly understand it all someday – but only when you yourselves hear ‘hands behind your backs there!’ and step ashore on our Archipelago.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way…. They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.” -Jewish Karl Marx, Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981 ......
(A Jew advocating "HOLOCAUST" in 1856 ... years before Hitler was even born)