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crediThor • 6 years ago

Bannon left the white house complaining there was not enough action against Iran going on.

His israeli outfit Breitbart and Trump is performing a vital function for Likud jews. The strategy for jewry is coopt, mold and or split, burn out, trash "nationalism" for their ends. They are building up kosher civic nationalists everywhere.
And their ends are:
- inducing sympathy for Israel and jews into Whites by highlighting islamist threat, terror. See gatestone institute, Trump, Wiilders, politically incorrect blog in german, posobiec etc. run by jewry and John Bolton.

- herd angry Whites into civic/economic nationalism, combat ethnic and race loyal ideas by this. They're snuffing out all ethnic and race loyal outlets on the net, Breitbart and civ nat left standing. All kosher civ nat parties combat "antisemitism" and "racism", ally with Israel.

- could be goal: after redefining and molding nationalism into jewry's demands, they might also do away with it. Maybe they will waste Trump for their Iran war and then Whites voting for Trump will be the "stupid warmongers" again, just like with Bush.

- they could use issues like Iran and philosemtism to deform, split and make nationalists infight over these. Then they may throw it into the trash after humiliating them in a war for Israel again.

Should be clear: The jews do not invest into nationalism without strategic reasons. They want to use it. They have the money. FPÖ, Wiilders, Sweden Dems etc. all ally with Israel and traveled there to speak with the rabbis. They all push the "jews are on the forefront of our fight against Islam" lines. It's easy. Whites will be pushed to ally with them and in the process they will be used to fight some more for Israel.

Why? Because the base of the left parties like Corbyn and Dems in USA goes more and more antiwhite coupled with anti-israel, pro-palestinian. The base of these parties more and more see Israel as a "white colonialist" project and side with palestinians. So why not whip up Whites once again, by giving them a few big words about walls, islam, beaners and make them ally and fight for Israel some more? They can snuff out real ethnic and racial ideas by pushing Whites into kosher civ nat philosemitism (and by censoring the net). That's why we have all these israeli sponsored "right wing" outlets, parties etc.

Fred • 6 years ago

No longer do I care about Bannon or Gorka. Paid islamophobes, conduits of Israel's interest within US circles.

TheLulzWarrior • 6 years ago

The question, who else seeks to remove, replace the Establishement like Bannon do?

Economic nationalism just isn´t that viable as a banner anywhay, already many of the conservatives and regular right-wingers are more in it for fighting the treasonous Establishement and Left, than this fight against China.

It is a weak structure, easy to subvert to a more populist direction without too much autism...

Guest • 6 years ago

It's called AustroFascism.

TheLulzWarrior • 6 years ago

His speech was like baiting blacks with watermelons and buckets of KFC! )

Chances are, if you do that, you prolly don´t believe in racial equality...

Guest • 6 years ago


Crud Bonemeal • 6 years ago

Exactly right

They will also try and control / shape / influence our movement, even as they prune the nodes they can from the net.

Controlling both kosher nationalism and the opposition to kosher nationalism

crediThor • 6 years ago

That is why jews like Dershovitz (and that sinister other jew who has open anti-goyim posts on twitter, his name not at hand...) work with Cernovich and feed him infos, so he can build up his brand and catch Whites into worshipping jews, same as Posobiec. This german politically incorrect blog is very popular: http://www.pi-news.net
They are financed from jewish money. Push hard against Islam and for Israel
This formula is applied everywhere. From FPÖ to Wiilders, to Trump. It is their big strategy and I wish MacDonald and associates would discuss this more.

Crud Bonemeal • 6 years ago

Yes, it's all out in the open, we need to be thinking about this a lot more

And stop fooling ourselves about the relationship of racial nationalism and kosher nationalism (as some on other Alt-Right websites have been known to do)

crediThor • 6 years ago

We need to at least all realise it is their game. It may well be that hugging them could be a good strategy (as with Trump, I was not a fan of this, but do not think it was unreasonable either) to win as many Whites as possible from their well-financed platforms. But we should expect them to lash out against us anytime, if they think it's time, also Trump. It's not easy to agree on a strategy, but they're built to combat us, that much should be clear.

Chris Watson • 6 years ago

Yeah, it's as if there's a rule that their goy golems have to look like cartoons.

But we're so far behind due to Judeo-Christianity that we still have to use Judaized people like Bannon/Milo to push the Left to hysterics. There's space for "It's THE JEWS!" mixed in with all the rest of it wherever possible. Keeps them busy and drains their time and resources in the background, if nothing else. Amazing how far a little money and fame for a charlatan like Scofield and his Bible went...

Guest • 6 years ago
Vincent Law • 6 years ago

when will we ban assault boomers?? the people want to know.

form • 6 years ago

Hehe! “Assault Boomers”! Ok. That was clever.

Vincent Law • 6 years ago

knew you'd come around, hun.

Charley Howard • 6 years ago

I think you are dead on in your analysis, look to the fact that Bannon is completely devoted to Breitbart and Breitbart is a strictly Jewish organization. Breitbart always works to undermine the United States, despite what people think about its conservative credentials.

Krafty Wurker • 6 years ago

Bannon is a Roman Catholic Billionaire---expect him to behave like a Roman Catholic Billionaire.

TheLulzWarrior • 6 years ago

Here is what he did with that speech.

Blacks: "Dis guy beez racyss..."
Boomers: "One of us, one of us!"

Riopel • 6 years ago

It's possible Bannon actually is a nationalist in its proper sense, as he's specifically going after the anti-populist, cuckservative wing of the GOP. He of course has to say certain things (muh race blindness, muh Jerusalem) to give himself plausible deniability, but his actions point to him being more redpilled than the stuff he says. I'm not saying he's not a shill, I'm just saying that if I were in his position I'd probably be doing something similar: publicly speaking on behalf of civnat while acting in favor of nationalism.

Pasaran • 6 years ago

apologize, guys, I'm french and use google translate to put my comment here :
I stille like Bannon, but I had here the rare pleasure, reading this article, of seeing EVERYTHING I felt when I saw Bannon's video in front of the Value Voters Summit.
Notably the disgusting moment about Jerusalem. OK, I too am for Jerusalem (outside Christian holy places) as the capital of Israel, but that this law passage is the most applauded shows how much carpetitude are reduced these fundamentalist Protestants. It was literally obscene.

Pasaran • 6 years ago

I totally agree wich those talk about tea party 2.0 Disgusting. I don't know what exactly is this "voter value summit", but what amaze me was than the most interesting speech was not bannon, not gorak but...ingraham. (maybe her extended arm last year was intentionnal :v )

form • 6 years ago

I wonder how many people will know who that is in your pic.

Hadding Scott • 6 years ago

Bannon is a conservative Catholic. His speech generally reflects that. Based on past statements from Bannon I would not have expected him to advocate anything more radical than civic nationalism. He is at least anti-globalist.

I found crucially important Bannon's statement that the economy exists to serve the nation. This is a direct attack on what passes for conservatism today. This "conservatism," which would not have been regarded as conservative before World War II, subordinates all other considerations to profit. The rejection of that ideology is a prerequisite for our race's survival. In that regard, Bannon is a greater advocate for our race than some who carried torches in Charlottesville, who still espouse that ideology.

What I found curious was Bannon's repeated misuse of the word corporatist. He used the word corporatist as a smear-word, the way Marxists use it, apparently meaning the same as plutocratic, and as a way to avoid saying Jewish.

As a conservative Catholic, Bannon ought to know the proper meaning of corporatism, because it was advocated by Pope Leo XIII. Corporatism is a system that is supposed to prevent any particular set of interests from dominating a national economy. This is the corporatism that was later adopted by Mussolini's Italy. It is an expression of economic populism. There is even a fine article on Wikipedia that explains this, if it hasn't yet been vandalized by editors.

Marxists have inverted the meanings of words like corporatism that represent alternatives to Leninism in order, I believe, to remove those concepts from public discourse. As a conservative Catholic, Bannon should know better.

Crud Bonemeal • 6 years ago

He's not anti-globalist in a meaningful sense, he wants to maintain and expand the American empire

It's too bad journalists aren't willing to do anything but point and shriek, I would love to see someone try to pin Bannon down on these terms that he's throwing around

Nationalism: bog standard conservatism + rejiggering the economy so that the mixed American masses make enough money not to fight each other?

Anti-globalism: Making the American empire profitable again?

Bizarre and he'll probably get away with it

Hadding Scott • 6 years ago

"American empire"? What manner of code-language is this?

You mean the Jews and their Zionist wars that are destructive to American interests?

Crud Bonemeal • 6 years ago

The American empire is far broader than just the Zionist wars. It does echo though.

The reasons that we've still got military bases in the Korea peninsula may well echo, but it's more of diaspora than Zionist echo.

Recall an earlier episode of Alt-Right Politics where they discussed a Bannon quote:

"We have to reassert ourselves as the real Asian power: economically,
militarily, culturally, politically," he told the New York Times."

(((America))) as the predominant cultural power in Asia; that's globalism.

We should hope that Bannon's thinking is not identical to Trump's.

Hadding Scott • 6 years ago

You are using words very loosely. A sphere of influence is not quite the same as an empire, and an empire is not the same as globalism.

Bannon declares himself for "economic nationalism." The sine qua non of this is guarding the jobs of American workers. That is a meaningful sense of anti-globalism.

Of course Bannon is not as thoroughly nationalist as one would like. Of course he is not totally free from the effects of many decades of wrongheaded propaganda. If he thought and talked like William Pierce he could not have worked for Breitbart and he would have much less funding.

Bannon nonetheless represents an improvement compared to the likes of Mitch McConnell, whom he is determined to unseat.

Crud Bonemeal • 6 years ago

The American Empire is an old and commonly used term in anti-interventionist circles. It never occurred to me that it would be confusing.

Continuing our existing relationship with China but "getting a better deal" for American workers is not inherently "anti-globalist".

"Globalization (or globalisation; see spelling differences)
is the increasing interaction of people through the growth of the
international flow of money, ideas and culture. Globalization is
primarily an economic process of integration which has social and
cultural aspects as well. "

Getting a better deal for the middle class out of trade with China might be positive, it might not, but it if it is simply a matter of adjusting the current arrangement to create different winners and losers.... then it is not "anti-globalist".

I appreciate the recent critique of Bannon that the Alt-Right politics crew has offered. It is far better to try and analyze him, try to really understand who he is and what he wants, rather than just to just assume he's /ourguy/ like some on the Alt-Right have been doing.

Krafty Wurker • 6 years ago

An AltRight critique of corporatism would be a good thing. Corporations have become in many cases Jewish golem. A case in point, the Jews recently tried to take over Proctor & Gamble and were defeated by the thinnest of margins.

Hadding Scott • 6 years ago

Jesus. You people don't read. Corporatism is a GOOD thing. It's a form of economic populism.

Charley Howard • 6 years ago

I wish they would too

Ken31 • 6 years ago

Catholics are just Jews wearing different costumes. They have literally been infiltrating the clergy at a continuous pace since the beginning.

Sam Cru • 6 years ago

Boomers make me nauseous.

form • 6 years ago

Right . . . Unless they’re letting you dwell in their basement. #samisabasementdweller

John Connor • 6 years ago

Weird article.
Purging GOP out of neocons is all that matters right now, because they are the ones backstabbing Trump and sabotaging Trump agenda 24/7

Crud Bonemeal • 6 years ago

Bannon is openly acknowledging that his "Nationalism" is just the tea party 2.0.

He doesn't even do many decent civic nationalist talking points anymore.

Remember what happened with the first Tea Party? Many of the candidates they elected turned out to be horrible RINOs, like the ones they are trying to replace.

He's not going to be electing nationalists, he's just going to be electing another crop of Republicans who talk about money instead of real issues.

Vlad Donald • 6 years ago


genocidal_maniac • 6 years ago

Yeah I went to church a few weeks ago and it was all about the ancient Israelites. The hooks run deep in the Boomer generation.

The Dude • 6 years ago

Hmm...interesting...Aside from the stupid-ass and obligatory "judeo/christian" comment, we at the DailyStormer think he did just fine.

Lavender • 6 years ago

I’ve been banned from Breitbart comment section enough times for milk toast criticism of “our greatest ally” to know that everything to do with Breitbart is just a distraction and controlled opposition,

ObiWanKenobi • 6 years ago

WAY bigger fish to fry than Bannon. This is almost like picking fly shit out of pepper.

Guest • 6 years ago
WR_the_realist • 6 years ago

Breitbart isn't alt right. We all know that. But unlike National Review, Breitbart is against illegal immigration. There are far better targets for our wrath. I dream of the day when our only opponent is Breitbart.

Ken31 • 6 years ago

Amen brother. I am kinda tired of being banned by kikebart, though.

Billy Brown • 6 years ago

them being there is putting us all in danger! we pissed off 3 billion people or more

Charley Howard • 6 years ago

I have no doubt in my mind that Bannon speaks for the Jewish mindset. It's been said that he is pushing for entry into Iran and now Trump is also pushing for Iranian intervention. This is extremely bad !! Bannon works for Breitbart, which shills for the Jew every chance it gets; and it simply is untrustworthy.

If the Iranians fall to the Jews. Then all hell will break loose, for the Iranians simply cannot allow themselves to live under Jewish rule.

form • 6 years ago

Ummm . . . You do know that Breitbart was started by Jews, right?

Charles The Hammer • 6 years ago

Andrew Breitbart was adopted into the tribe, but he was not racially Jewish. To many Orthodox Jews he could never be considered Jewish because to them you can only be Jewish if your mother was a Jew. His adoptive mother wasn't born into it either. She converted after marrying his adoptive father.

Triuwida • 6 years ago

Started by *a* Jew wasn't it? A pretty damn good one in fact, then BB fell into the hands of the tribe after they wacked him.

But BB's a lot more pro-White under Bannon than it ever was under Shapiro.

Billy Brown • 6 years ago

there is surely a lot more ctr that goes on in his forums compared to infowars