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kiwi • 8 months ago

convid vaxxines are transhumanism explained in this video

Susan Duclos • 8 months ago
LiveFreeOrDieANP • 8 months ago

Good morning! New story out on ANP: https://allnewspipeline.com...

GrayEagle48 • 8 months ago

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Our government has gone rogue and is no longer of by & for the people.
And is no longer accountable to the people.
Pharmakia of Revelation 18:23

Angst • 8 months ago

I am not the Owl.

Bloody mic • 8 months ago

There is one more floating around here care to name her ?

Bloody mic • 8 months ago

Were is your brother essene gnostic

Bloody mic • 8 months ago

Prove it

LiveFreeOrDieANP • 8 months ago

New story out on ANP! https://allnewspipeline.com...

WhiteySupreme • 8 months ago

Cocaine's a hell of a drug...


IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago
J. G. • 8 months ago

The Judge just revealed character of intolerance, impatience, bias, childish, etc. behavior.

Seems like the first thing a president does is move their chess pieces into high positions and the longer your reign the more time you have to do so.

Obama had eight years and now twelve with Biden in office.

May be that people for Trump in high office are threatened with their lives ,.......not sure but maybe Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz could expound on the truth

Under threat,...................................................... I believe so.

Chaffetz repeatedly claimed his choice was personal, that he believed it in the best interest of his marriage and family, and that it was a decision he and his wife made together.

Trey Gowdy is a former American politician, media personality, and former federal prosecutor. He was considered one of the GOP’s most versatile and skilled legal experts due to his background as a federal prosecutor. Due to the nature of the cases he prosecuted, his family was often threatened and required special security.

He left after his 2 agents sent to investigate the Clinton Library were murdered.
Fox News let him go, my idea a pre runner to Tucker Carlson?

FattyWink • 8 months ago

Get ready for double-standard smears against this woman. Now, if she were a Democrat, she'd be called stunning and brave and a girl-boss queen.

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

That scumbag judge and prosecutor need disbarment and a rope.

Jay • 8 months ago

I’m not a huge trump supporter but she is absolutely correct that judges are obstructing justice by silencing testimony and gag orders on those they don’t like. It’s been going on for a long time now. Every trial should be a trial by jury and judges should never be allowed to use the force of officers to silence witnesses. Judges who do that need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law after they are removed from the bench.

J. G. • 8 months ago

Yes but until you can find a prosecutor with the protection of God and __________________________fill in the blank, we may never see that happen.

I hate it, it sucks, if I could launch an AGM-114 Hellfire missile I would but I can't so all eyez gots is,.......I hate it, it sucks.......................................................................damn

WhiteySupreme • 8 months ago

WhatdidItellyoui? PANSY"S


Bloody mic • 8 months ago
Bloody mic • 8 months ago
IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

Zelensky invited Trump to Kiev to show him why they can't stop. I believe if Trump were to go there, they would kill him and try to blame Russia for it.

FattyWink • 8 months ago

I could see Trump doing it just to one-up Biden and draw attention to his failures, but whatever the motives for the PTB getting in and out of that war, they were never altruistic and never the true will of the people - so, if Trump decies he's going to bet on that horse (supporting Zelensky more), then he's not reading the room, nor most of his supporters who are tired of sending our tax dollars towards a conflict that should've never happened trying to secure the borders of a far-off country when we can't even secure our own. Never mind that probably more than half that money is unaccounted for, and this was has been intentionally dragged out showing that the team who knew all along it wasn't winnable, was willing to send as many people as it took to slaughter in order to keep their gravy train going.

Battlesheep • 8 months ago

First, if Trump went there the Feds would try to get him under the Logan Act. Second, if he did go there he wouldn't be Zel's pal, he'd just tell Z to leave the Russians with the Donbas and Crimea and save the rest of Ukraine and all the money he's piled up. I think Z would be happy to settle for that but US/NATO aren't going to agree with that. But it wouldn't be a worthless trip, Trump could take Giuliani with him and he could gather more incriminating evidence on Biden.

FattyWink • 8 months ago

I don't trust Giuliani, I used to think he was a white hat, but then I heard an independent persons POV on his dealing with him and how he was just grifting the maga movement.

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

“What Happens if We Show That Trump Won?” Attorneys for Harrison Floyd Subpoena Pertinent Election Records While the State and County Resist

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

Don Jr. Shares Viral Video from Germany: “If Necessary, We Must Use Violence to Institute Islamic State Once Muslims are a Majority”

Bart's Bantering • 8 months ago

that has always been the islamic way

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

Biden Regime Deploys Over 17,200 Military Personnel to Middle East Amid Rising Tensions

Bart's Bantering • 8 months ago

that he admits to anyway - other sources show it is far higher

Betty • 8 months ago

That’s a lot of troops for a war we are trying to stay out of.

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

PANIC: Former Obama Henchman David Axelrod Sends Message Strongly Suggesting Joe Biden Drop Out After Recent Poll Brings DEVASTATING News to Democrat Party

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

TRUMP TURNS TABLES ON KANGAROO COURT: Judge Engoron Threatens to Toss President Trump from Courtroom for Delivering “Speeches” During Show Trial

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

‘Sound of Freedom’ follow-up film smashes box office record

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth

Rick Potera • 8 months ago

Not sure it's that quiet if bbc knows about it...

Bart's Bantering • 8 months ago

it only means not advertising, not that no one knows

Joejoethabeanslayer • 8 months ago


IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

In London, police 'leader' suggests investigating people who support Israel

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

diversity on America has been a breakdown of cohesion, not beneficial additions to the culture overall.

RecoveringPublicEducated • 8 months ago

Because it was radicalized diversity. Nothing wrong with various ethnoi. It is constantly harped on and radicalized. Weak minded people come up with derogatory terms that ensure division through spite. Chink, spick, dike, wetback, towlhead, and many others all serve to keep disunity alive and well.

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

A racially pure society is so much better than a hodge podge of people driven by hostility against their host. When I was a kid, blacks and whites got along swimmingly, then the yankee jews filled their heads with identy politics via groups like ACORN and told them that they were nor responsible for themselves because we oppressed them. The reality is that blacks cannot compete in white society and lag behind.

RecoveringPublicEducated • 8 months ago

McBean profits handsomely:


El Gato Blanco • 8 months ago

And what group runs their mouth the most about diversity?

(They are like Voldemort from Harry Potter...they shall not be named)

Rick Potera • 8 months ago

The nose knows

Bart's Bantering • 8 months ago

intended as an attack to destroy us - and it is working

FattyWink • 8 months ago

Order out of chaos

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

When terrorism strikes, do not expect government help.

Bart's Bantering • 8 months ago

Ronnie Reagan - the most feared words you can hear
"We are from the government and we are here to help"

Susan Duclos • 8 months ago

Great piece.

IcyPeaceMaker • 8 months ago

Here is an in-depth look into what happened in the Keystone State to keep Trump from winning in 2020.