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Jeffrey Fein • 5 years ago

All censorship all the time. All propaganda all the time.
No truth allowed.

Gary Frankford • 5 years ago

Michelle Alexander is a black American woman. Her race is not the point; that so many blacks are anti-Semites is! It tells us much about them, and about the nature of Jew-hatred, that it infects all kinds of people, including our fellow Jews.

I urge all of us to begin speaking openly about these matters. If we don't, we risk another go-round with tragedies such as the one that befell us in Europe, 1933-1945. To even imagine that, in the U.S., such vicious murder and persecution "could never happen" is pure fantasy. It is already building to that same conclusion, here in America. The average college student today thinks Israel is an apartheid state that is intent on committing genocide against the Palestinian Arabs. That "belief" is precursor to "solving the Jewish Question."

First, Hitler and his gang ordered government agencies to create huge outpourings of anti-Jewish propaganda. This caused Christian minds to change throughout Europe. By 1939, the whole continent, with only a few exceptions, was willing to ignore what the Nazis did. In Europe, thanks to years of cooperation between the hardcore Jew-haters in the Moslem community, among Right-wing Christians, and among Greens and Communists oln the Left, anti-Semitism again characterizes the everyday thinking and verbal interchanges of Europeans of every stripe. Is this what we are willing to tolerate in America too?

If not, then we'd better break the silence and fight back hard, against anyone---regardless of their race, sex, religion, etc.---who dares to express hatred for us based on the usual fictions and bibilical "narratives." No one will save us, no one will rescue us, no one will fight for us---unless we fight for ourselves.

vicki fairman • 5 years ago

So very well said, Gary.

Harold Taback • 5 years ago

Expect no better from the New York Slimes.

Havardr Ivansson • 5 years ago

People write such calumnies about Israel because they believe it is safe for them to do so. Only when they discover that it is not will they be more circumspect about who they slander.

pinchas b. • 5 years ago

she's a black "professor" and now is an opinion editor at the NYTimes. she also belongs to the Bahai' faith. which fact raises 2 interesting points:
1. does she know,or care, that Haifa, Israel, contains an outstanding and beautiful garden and centre of the Bahai faith, probably the biggest and best in the entire world? the people and state of Israel of course show great respect for it and for the Bahai.
2. does she know,or care, that in Iran the Bahai are viciously repressed and persecuted (as a deviant Moslem sect)?

the answer apparently is , no. she'd rather dump on Israel, as in the article cited above.

Dragan Vranic • 5 years ago

Do you know that Iran has the second largest Jewish population in the Middle East?

pinchas b. • 5 years ago

in 1948, there were close to 150,000 Jews. in 2018, there were 8500. (wikipedia) so what's your point, Dragan?

KEN J BROWNSHER • 5 years ago

What rock do these people crawl out from? It is in vogue to be Anti Israel and you can thank the Democratic Party! Their Screwball Left has gone off the rails. Jews wake up and stop supporting the people that will Kill Jews.

Ian Schorr • 5 years ago

Todays NYT, section 4, Sunday Review has a major article, "Time To Break The Silence on Palestine" by Michelle Alexander. In the article she compares MLK's speech at the Riverside Church in NYC that condemned American involvement in the Vietnam War to Israel's control over the West Bank.

Alexander is trying to link this speech, in which MLK opines that we must break the silence concerning the Vietnam War and protest it, to her request that we break the silence on the conditions in the West Bank and Gaza. A photo of demonstrators in Gaza, consisting of 4 people waving a Palestinian flag and an Israeli military vehicle on the others side of a fence AND a photo of MLK giving his speech at Riverside Church on April 4, 1967, is included with the article.

Mrs. Alexander graduated Vanderbilt University and received her law degree from Stanford. She had a U.S. Supreme Court clerkship, headed an ACLU office and was a recipient of a George Soros funded fellowship. She is quite an accomplished black woman who even wrote an article in The Nation, February 2016, as to why Hillary Clinton did not deserve the black vote because she supported policies which "decimated black America." She has many other interesting and high profile accomplishments.

Her article is especially intense and emotional because tomorrow is MLK day.

Such a highly accomplished person, with many awards and University faculty recognitions, currently also an opinion columnist at the NYT, should know better, unless she has an unwritten agenda. Here are just a few samples of her inaccuracies:

ONE, it so happens that MLK gave his speech to the Riverside Church before the June 1967 war; at the very moment of that speech Jordan ruled the West Bank and indeed occupied the West Bank. In fact, although not mentioned in her article, the treatment of the population of the West Bank under that Jordanian occupation was indeed different than under Israeli rule, as there were no security barriers within the area, but the population suffered far more humiliations and lack of civil rights and job opportunities than the current situation.

TWO, she says "Marc Lamont Hill was fired from CNN for giving a speech in support of Palestinian rights that was grossly misinterpreted as expressing support for violence." I wonder if Alexander is hinting that Jews control the media, the usual anti-Semitic trope that others have used, such as (Rev.) Louis Farrakhan, the current mentor to people such as Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez, etc. (That CNN listens to Jews is as funny as the NYT doing so!!). The great mistake here, and Alexander should know better (and probably does), is that Lamont Hill was not fired for condoning violence; he was fired, however, for condoning and using the phrase "from the river-to-the sea," which is exactly what the PLO, Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, express as their goal, namely, the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state. That policy is nothing more than pure unadulterated racial cleansing, akin to the Auschwitz-Birkenau ovens.

THREE, her statement that Israel "has adopted some practices reminiscent of apartheid in South Africa and Jim Crow segregation in the United States" is appalling and she does know better. She does know that the Palestinians in the West Bank, although they are subject to various security restrictions, have far less restrictions and live a much freer life than Muslims in Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan......or probably one can mention every Muslim country. Furthermore, those very same Palestinians in the West Bank certainly have greater rights and freedoms than the Christians who predated them in the area and, indeed, far greater freedoms than the Christians who have not been killed or ethnically cleansed from the other Muslim countries. She also knows that the use of the "apartheid" and "Jim Crow" analogies are meant to trigger deep emotions among blacks and that accusing Israel of such is to a Jew, like using the "n-word" when referring to a black person.

It certainly sounds like Jim Crow and/or apartheid when a government sentences a
53 year-old citizen to life imprisonment for selling land to an undesirable. But that recently occurred not in South Africa (apartheid) and not in the United States (Jim Crow), but in the West Bank when it became known that a Palestinian sold some land to a Jew. and the court in Ramallah sentenced him to life at hard labor (the death sentence could have been imposed for the crime of selling land to an undesirable Jew!)

FOUR, Gaza is not part of the West Bank and Israel does not control Gaza. Gaza DOES have a contiguous border with a fellow Muslim country, Egypt.

There are many more wrongful statements in her opinion piece.

The NYT use of photographs is quite interesting. One photograph is of the martyred MLK speaking at the Riverside Church. The other photo is a picture of four "Palestinians" (I will accept the claim they are indeed Palestinians), waving a PLO -Palestinian flag with a green Israeli armored vehicle in the background on the other side of a fence (no ID or flag on the vehicle that shows it is indeed what is claimed, but I will accept that too). STRANGE how peaceful the demonstration looks; no burning tires, no masses of people ripping down the border fence, no Molotov cocktails, just peaceful protestors. Does that represent the true nature of those demonstrations? Certainly not, but obviously the NYT put much effort to cull their massive photo collection database to get this one which clearly does not represent any of the Gaza fence demonstrations shown by the various media, including the NYT.

Yitzhakhazak • 5 years ago

Just another woman pitying criminals. Nothing new.

tiki • 5 years ago

One can't argue with stupidity.

America Firster • 5 years ago

When you can't argue on the facts, smear the messenger.