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Darryl R Taylor • 5 years ago

So, when writing about a controversial topic where the human element and costs are the primary issues against a public policy, it is somehow "cheating" or incorrect to convey that directly in the reporting?

This is a concerning point of view, because if universally adopted that would make matters of public policy solely matters of economics and convenience, where the proximal benefits to those determining said policies outweighs moral or ethical considerations.

This is short sighted thinking, as even game theory demonstrates that altruistic strategies do in the long term prevail, and arguably has been key to the current success of our species.

At that level both evolutionist theory and Creationism agree, as per Corinthians I 13: " . . . and the greatest of these is charity/love".

The further consideration is that being the world powerhouse militarily, the USA adopting an increasingly self oriented stance in it's worldview from the level of civilian and community interactions on up to the international stage, the rest of the world must regard it as the equivalent of someone showing up at an intimate cocktail party fully armed to military specifications, and deliberately not even wiping their feet on the way in.

Whether they shun the crasher, consider hw to safely neutralize them, or join with them in arming up, the cocktail party has gotten a lot less relaxing.

TED • 5 years ago

And the rabble-rousing colonists used The Boston Tea Party to "enflame" other colonists in order to advance the independence issue!

missiej2000 • 5 years ago

Why doesn't the Post cut the salaries of their staff by 20% and use that money to improve the lives of these illegal aliens they so obviously care about? <sarc font="">

samo war • 5 years ago