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usnretdoc • 1 year ago

traitor in chief!

sally coder • 1 year ago

Maybe we need to see the graph of how much ''hush money'' is being sent by the biden cartel to the major news outlets! They go after Trump and his hush money, why not the biden gang? And the media want proof that biden personally benefited from the romanian real estate group and the chinese.....well look in the boxes, in his garage, next to the corvette. There is romanian leu and bani, and Chinese renminbi the yuan, etc. Be careful, the boxes will be HEAVY! Bring a forklift.

David • 1 year ago

Really, does this surprise anyone? Propagandists only discuss what helps their cause. But the worst thing though is that so many people these days can't distinguish "Pied-Piper" propaganda from reality, and its destroying our nation. Almost like a group of Lemmings, the U.S. is about to be walked of a moral, financial, tyrannical, and especially spiritual cliff.