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Daniel Jack • 9 months ago

Just try to shut me up leftist !

Greg Roberts • 9 months ago

Marxism here we come. This is just further proof that being a liberal dim is mental defect.

SeniorBosco • 9 months ago

"Democrats also defended new stories, no matter how outrageous the topic, if the topic aligned with their beliefs and ideology." Yes, because this isn't about politics; this is about religion. To the Left, secular humanism is their religion. If you disagree with them on any of their religious beliefs, such as the sanctity of abortion, or global warming, you are a heretic, so they have no problem with censoring you.

Blastoff • 9 months ago

That is a pretty disgusting article. This is America. We were founded on the basis of inalienable, God given rights. Such as Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Free speech IS codified in the 1st Amendment. Our Constitution is designed to protect the people from the government. If followed, it is a very fine and necessary tool. Education here is now a joke that has no humor in it. I am often in a position to discuss our Constitution with other Americans, young and old. It is depressing to find how very few, in all age brackets, actually know what is in our Constitution. I have no college degree. However, on more than one occasion I have backed teachers and college professors, with a PHD in US History, into a corner they could not crawl out of. It is just not that hard. I have adopted the notion that "You can lead a person to knowledge, but you can NOT make him think." Any one claiming to believe in Free Speech must first agree that he/she will defend all speech, even the speech they do not agree with. If not they are simply a liar.

Frank Adams • 9 months ago

And they will in their next breath claim that it is you that is the fascist.

Grunga in OH-IO • 9 months ago

There should be at least 90% plus of Americans regardless of party that agree the First Amendment applies to ALL speech and especially political speech! The exception is speech like calling "fire" in a crowded theater.

wisdomcries • 9 months ago

Since that is what they believe there is no common ground to be had with these tyrants

gunny • 9 months ago

Well first you said the word education and that is not what is happening to elementary, middle and high school students, let alone college students --- they are all being brainwashed. None of them are free thinking or are being taught to rationalize anything. Most everyone below the age of 25 will shut down their thinking within the first 20 to 30 sec of any conversation, especially if they disagree with the others thoughts.

gmeades • 9 months ago

Very well put... 100% spot on... ;-)