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Wesley • 1 year ago

China does not pose any imminent military threat for they are so upside down demographically that they are force to raise their draft age to fill any military ranks in case of war. their biggest threat is economic as our leaders refuse to cut their spending especially to the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX by buying battle ships that are nothing more than big floating barges disguised as battle ships and helicopters not fit for battle. while we are busy blackmailing nations with military force to go along with the American Empire China is using its money to build nations infilstructurally into allies. only fools would believe that China would bomb Taiwan without any other way to process microchips as three out of every four microchips are produced in Taiwan.

Bill • 1 year ago

Can you imagine a conflict with China that envolved an embargo on Chinese goods & services? Store shelves would be empty. China-Mart would go out of business. No TikTok!!!
All this Chinese trade was created by Pres. Nixon and Henry Kissinger. Now the Biden family is getting paid well to look the other way.
And people wonder why America is not mentioned in Revelation...

Floyd Kramer Jr. • 1 year ago

It would be interesting to see how many of the Chinese protesting in favor of a One Chine are born in this nation, visiting as guests, or undocumented persons.

David • 1 year ago

Clearly this Administration, like Joe himself, is asleep at the wheel...so focused on social engineering, indoctrination, and circumvention of Constitutional checks and balances as a means to secure and maintain power domestically that it misses (or chooses to miss) the international elephant in the room. In the meantime though, apparently Joe and Hunter do understand how to milk their international influence.

gordinier • 1 year ago

asleep at the wheel? more like not even there. they are playing for the other team. china.!