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The "affordable" Richard Mille. It does resemble such a watch and is a statement piece.. until you look at the name.
That is spectacularly bad. Needs a cloaking device.
I will admit that I watched the original series over and over again. In the 1970s when they were in syndication. I never got tired of re-watching them (probably helped that I was just a kid). But this watch is another story. I don’t feel the connection to the show or its premise. I don’t like the look, either, and that’s that.
Why does it have to be so ugly?
This watch is terrible for every single value of terrible.
While I have loved Star Trek since the first episode broadcast in the 1960's this is simply too much for my tricorder to analyze.
Beam this alien thing off my ship!
Fascinating, Jim. ;-)
Can you honestly envisage anyone older than 12 wearing this?
This should boldly go where no one has gone before. A black hole perhaps?
Sigh...should be NCC-1701, with blue, gold and red straps.
Like the Philip Plein, this watch does a great job of being what it is; rather than doing poorly at what someone thinks it is trying to be. And, please note: I would gladly accept the $keleton as gift and think well of you. In addition, the next time I am in Marrakesh, I might send you a medina Rolex; think about it, great provenance! Seriously, is there anyone out there with enough cash and panache to send me one of these. The esteem will be priceless!
So we have already had the Philip Plein $keleton RM knock off and now we have this tasteless overpriced piece of garbage from Nubeo. The PP is the least offensive of the two but there are better offerings out there for the money 💰!
This is not enthusiast-focused, dynamic, or modernist, and I struggle to see how anyone who knows anything about Star Trek or watches could come to the conclusion that it is.
Another wonderful piece of space junk..this would add g' awe to gshock....As I write, I am hoping some sport buys me one on these, because a watch like this you give to a stranger and give thanks that you are the giver. Anyone? You send it and I will wear it.
Over $1,000 and no Dilithium crystals, not even sapphire crystal?
For those who want to follow the design success established by Richard Mille's bonbon collection, ask yourself, "Do I want to reach out and lick it?" Richard Mille also, wisely, stayed away from making a Bonbon chronograph. They're saving that for the Cafe collection.
My father collected Star Trek items his
whole life, and I can say after having seen them all that this is a shameless money grab at full-price. Nubeo initially offered this watch at $300 off from full retail in its first week and also allowed it to be part of their Labor Day sale, which dropped it additionally 50% off. In doing so, it made my decision not to buy it, because it tells me the brand is okay pulling an Invicta move with a high MSRP but "on sale" immediately, hinting that the profit margin at full price is stupidly high and the materials likely cheap. I love Star Trek and I love great sci-fi watches, but this isn’t honest.
Priced about 20% more than it should be, it's tacky but fun, and for that reason it is an objectively better watch than the JLC Master Hybris.
Typical Nubeo fodder. They are all over Amazon for a lot less money.
Don't wear a red shirt and this watch and you should be safe.
I am a Nerd. My wife is a nerd, many of my friends and co-workers are nerds of some stripe.
None of us- not even Kate, who has a blue uniform top she insists was worn by DeForest Kelley- would wear this.
What is ugly is ugly, I don't speak Klingon. A drink to swallow the pill.
This is why Star Trek fans live below Star Wars fans.