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MaxxFaraday • 3 years ago

all of twitter is an offensive reply.

PestoB • 3 years ago

Give them time, pretty soon they’ll just be editing your tweets and posting on your behalf.

I hope twitter and all censoring platforms vanish. Sorry, nothing forced me to think about this thought before I sent it out to the world. ;)

William Topping • 3 years ago

See the downvotes, those are the people that wish to silence others in the name of diversity. Ironic isn’t it

ChrisO • 3 years ago

Great to see that Twitter is reminding people of what it means to be respectful! They can still post it, but they get to think about it before potentially hurting someone. Especially in regards to bullying online this might help just a tiny bit.

William Topping • 3 years ago

Define ‘bullying’. Fwiw, isn’t that what everyone does on Twitter. It’s a cesspit of angry people who believe their opinions are the only right ones. It’s the playground of the extremist.

ChrisO • 3 years ago

I assume it depends on what you look at on twitter. For me Twitter is not all about people who think their opinion is right. With bullying I mean people insulting or making down an individual. I am not referring to large Twitter pages where there are insulting comment but rather to small pages, where the insult can do real damage to the individual.

JC Harris • 3 years ago

Making decisions that NO ONE ASKED FOR. Add an edit button. Get rekt fat bird

Raymond Chuang • 3 years ago

While many users would love to have an Edit command button, this is something that several tech news sites wanted in the first place, the ability to slow down people from posting inappropriate tweets.

bart • 3 years ago

Wauw, this is fantastic. I wish every platform did that. Maybe we can start being polite again and develop the art of debate. This coupled with a mandatory fact check is what everybody needs. Including myself in the heat of the moment.
Evolve from social media cavemen in to the social media renaissance.

William Topping • 3 years ago

‘Mandatory’ fact check. Sure, that’s not open to abuse - at all...

bart • 3 years ago

facts are facts. There are no different version of facts.
What people want to do with the facts is another thing and what people claim to be facts is again another thing. But that is why every claim should be paired with the facts in question.

Jonathan B • 3 years ago

This would have annoyed Trump so much.

Wh • 3 years ago

no thanks

William Topping • 3 years ago

The whole reason Twitter exists is so that extremists from all directions can lecture the world how wrong everyone else is.