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Shaun • 9 years ago

No one should have to feel those things, I am sorry it is happening to someone whose hard work makes me so happy.

Sean Finnegan • 9 years ago

Thank you for writing this Felicia. It is brave and honest, and in many ways mirrors the internal discussion my co-workers and I have had internally over the past couple weeks. Glad to see you standing up for what you believe in.

Teri Litorco • 9 years ago

Thank you for articulating all my fears in my (sparse) conversations about GG online.

Kacho_ON • 9 years ago

The media has you conditioned into being afraid to speak. Say whatever you want about Gamergate. This is in fact part of what gamergate is truly about.

Katie B • 9 years ago

This creepy bit of gaslighting brought to you by GamerGate.

greyskulljones • 9 years ago

This is a steaming load of crap.

Koszper Gábor • 9 years ago

Do you really think that for example Felicia Day heard about GG from the media? GGer tweets are all over Twitter.

Randall Newnham • 9 years ago

Thank you for speaking up despite so many reasons not to. You're an excellent example. Still hoping these guys dissipate into the ether.

leetz • 9 years ago

GamerGate hasn't driven me away from gaming. I still play games and always will.

Can't say the same for the gaming community though. I don't want to be a part of it anymore. That hurts to say too, since I feel the same attachment to it as you do. But I've decided to forget about the people around games and just focus on the games themselves. After all, it was the games themselves that I fell in love with in the first place, not other gamers. Now that I think of it, they've been kind of annoying ever since they were looking over my shoulder when was I a little kid trying to play games in the arcades. They've gotten worse every year lately and this has been the last straw. I think I've had enough.

I'll never cross the street from gaming, but the gaming community... I just can't defend it anymore, and I don't want to be a part of it. I don't care what they say or do, and I don't care what gaming media says or does. I'm just going to make it all about the games, and play.

Koszper Gábor • 9 years ago

To be frank I never liked the gaming "community." If I'd play on open servers with random people, there were always jerks. But playing with my friends is a great experience.

Raul Atreides • 9 years ago

I feel so sorry, Is sad that they have made you change your way of life. I feel really bad. As a man.
Dudes, I'ts not time to justify ourselves saying "not all of us are like the harrasers". Is not time to blame the media.
Is time to show they are not us. We can't be silent, idle while other people are so despicable, so close minded and chauvinist.
That is their shame. Ours is to do nothing.

They are a minority? Make them feel like that. Make our voices shut fhe fuck up theirs.
Is not enough "to not be". We must be, we must support people like Felicia, like all the women that have been attacked in the gamer world.

Sorry for my english, I'm from Spain and I always thought we don't have that problem here. But seems that I have been close minded, because my gamer friends tell me that the same attitudes are common in youngs playing League Of Legends (not my stuff), and that makes me angry.

Good written, Felicia. I admire you since a lot of time. I like the things you do and I love you're a gamer, proud and in love with it.
I admire your courage. Isn't bad to have fear, the real deal is to face it and overcome it.
Don't let them win. Keep being so fucking awesome.
Love from Spain.

Devin White • 9 years ago

"They are a minority? Make them feel like that."

Wonderfully worded.

Prejudice is never right • 9 years ago

Imagine someone feeling fear when approaching young men in sagging pants after seeing the looting and arson amid the Ferguson protests.

It seems some prejudices are wholly acceptable, and some instances when guilt by association can be fully embraced.

Will you tell the protesters in Ferguson to quit saying "not all of us are looters or arsonists" and to demand that they take responsibility for the actions of misguided individuals among them?

If you will, I might at least respect your consistency, even though I wold disagree and tell you to not judge the whole by the actions of its elements. If you will not, then perhaps some introspection into conflicted reasoning is in order.

Matt Litchfield • 9 years ago

Sending puppies & kittens vibes your way. Much love & respect.

M • 9 years ago

I've been shying away from a lot of Gamergate-related content because I'm too exhausted and depressed about it to keep up anymore. But reading posts like yours makes me feel so much better, because I know there are great people out there and it gives me hope. Never stop being this amazing.

Anthony LoneFight • 9 years ago

This breaks my heart. I have two sisters and I wish we lived in a world where they have no fear of walking down the street or of voicing their opinions. You are amazing and I Iove your work. I hope you keep making it but be safe!

Sergeant Piddles • 9 years ago

You'll always be my hero.

Secretagentr • 9 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I understand your feelings. I've stayed away from multiplayer modes out of fear of the toxicity. I will revisit it. You make a good point of not letting this keep people away from gaming, from something they love.

Gameoverman • 9 years ago

Thank you for posting this. I've felt similar. I love games, always will, but I hate what has happened to gamer culture recently.

JamieStaares • 9 years ago

I'm so glad you're speaking out. You give other people the courage to do the same. Stay strong, we support you!

Tim • 9 years ago

I think that a lot of gamers would consider you the Queen of Nerds and Gamers, and the fact that even you feel compelled to step away and be silent out of FEAR means things have gone too far. Felicia, I'm sorry that you feel that way because of the douchenozzles in my shared demographic, and believe me, I am getting angrier and angrier.

Stevie Williams • 9 years ago

I have a very good friend named Tim who just read this article and told me "Agreed. I'm not going to let some hashtag throw my kind under the bus without a fight." so I am really glad that you, also a Tim, think along the same lines :)

Sherrie Ricketts • 9 years ago

That's a great sentiment. I've had wonderful experiences (and a few not-so-wonderful) experiences in the gaming community. I'm frustrated that gamers are getting so distrustful of each other. I want to move forward and make gaming into a better place, where everyone can feel welcome AND where ethics aren't just a screen for poor behavior.

Jessica K • 9 years ago

I read this and was in tears, Felicia. I've been in a similar place and kept silent through fear of provoking a targeted reaction. Thank you for writing with such honesty.

I'm a gamer and a developer. I won't be leaving the industry, no matter how nasty this GG situation gets.

Michie D • 9 years ago

Thank you for writing this. Very well said. As a long time female gamer nerd, I appreciate the changes you and other nerdy ladies have brought about. Keep being great.

Felson • 9 years ago

Very well said. It's disappointing to know that we have these types of people in our community. They make us feel bad and they make us look bad to the mainstream. I also don't know what they think they're going to accomplish acting this way.
If you have to call in a bomb threat because you don't like what someone is saying...you probably have the losing argument.

Jeff James • 9 years ago

Well done, Felicia. Great, thoughtful post. Never let anyone drive you away from something you love.

RFidiculous • 9 years ago

This makes me all sad inside. You are the beacon of all that is cool about gamer girls and gaming in general. And, I'd give my left ... trinket ... to hang out with one such as you.

Kevin Valliere • 9 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I don't have anything else to add, but I sincerely hope the positive comments on this post severely outnumber the negative.

JoshNeal • 9 years ago

Sorry to hear you've felt so much emotional turmoil because of this. Thank you for sharing. Obviously, you have a quadrillion times more fans you appreciate & support you than the few bad apples. Keep smiling and keep gaming! =)

Rogi Riverstone • 9 years ago

I live in extreme poverty, with serious disabilities, alone. No way I'm speaking up! They came after me once, already, b/c I told a server admin in TeamSpeak it wasn't ok for him to make "jokes" about hanging a Black man from a tree. These were professionals & role models to little kids, allowing racist, sexist, homophobic, Trans*phobic, ablist remarks. Encouraging them. Terrified gaming isn't just for white boys.

AlisonW • 9 years ago

There was a phrase used by a politician here (UK) once: "Don't let the bastards get you down." Seems really appropriate here. xoxo AlisonW

greyskulljones • 9 years ago

I see a lot of GamerGaters here, posting lots of comments about how no one has anything to fear, no one's being doxxed, it's all overblown by the media..

If that's true, then why are none of you brave enough to post under your real, legal names? Put your money where your mouth is.

Shoeless • 9 years ago

I am Dane Miller. I am the son of a blue collar laborer and a hairdresser. I spent many years with a single parent due to them splitting up early in my life, and because of it was very nearly homeless at times. I am openly bisexual with a strong preference for other men. I am a gamer, and I am no one's shield, no one's scapegoat, and I support ethical reform in the gaming industry, which I one day hope to be a part of as a journalist.

Joe Gamer • 9 years ago

My name is Joshua Kern, I am a son, a father, an equality feminist and a veteran. I support #GamerGate and I have never harassed or threatened anyone, nor have I seen anyone harass or threaten in #GamerGate.

You think people cowardly for trying to be anonymous, #GamerGate gets MORE harassment and threats but no on in the media is talking about that...


Seriously, no one should do, what I just did lol.

Kim Wincen • 9 years ago

Have you heard of this guy called Adam Baldwin?

Dan • 9 years ago

Felicia Day

You don't know me, we've never met; but we share an interest and a dilemma. I love games, and my experience may help you here.

In my case I focus on creating worlds and helping others explore them, mostly through a highly modified version of D+D. This has been a passion of mine since the early 90's. I was pushed away from this in the late 90's by a group of fanatics that are long gone and shall therefore remain un-named. Suddenly many of the games I used started changing dramatically, and in ways I didn't appreciate. Equally they've continued to change and at times I can barely recognize what I love in the new versions. I therefore choose to keep and use the old ones. I have about 30 occasional players, 6 or so reliable ones; we meet regularly and play. The passion continues with us; even though the crazies were able to damage the bigger picture. In time perhaps I will reintroduce what I love in my own version, perhaps not. Either way it isn't lost.

I've seen your blogs, the guild, and several other projects by you over the years; and your love is obvious. Whatever this radical group "Gamer Gate" can do, let them do there damage. You have a large following and a strong passion. Given a few years after they've run out of steam, your passion and those of the people that watch you will still be there. The games will continue, and they will be forgotten. It's the enjoyment and passion that matters, not there action.

Good luck in all of your endeavors as always. I'm sure you will accomplish many amazing things.

Be-Rad • 9 years ago

You're an awesome human being

Songstress • 9 years ago

I am not a gamer. Never have been (unless you count Rock Band) and probably never will be. It just isn't my thing. But A LOT of my friends are gamers and I hear from a number of them the same things you've just posted.
I don't like gaming for my own reasons, but I agree that no-one should stop because a bunch of bullies think it is their world alone and no-one should be made to feel lesser, or unsafe, or be ousted out of what they love doing.
Bravo to you!
Also, working with you on Supernatural was a hoot :D

Quantum Sheep • 9 years ago

*sheepyhugs* :)

Ben Casey • 9 years ago

Fantastically written piece, Ms. Day, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Colette Bennett • 9 years ago

Loved every word. Cheers, Felicia -- I love your honesty and your courage.

miniktty • 9 years ago

I can totally understand where you are coming from. As I watched the events unfold on twitter I often wanted to say something, but being a writer in the gaming industry I got nervous that maybe I might draw unwanted attention. It's horrible how awful people feel they can be so long as they have a mob of like minded jerks behind them. They work themselves into a frothing frenzy that makes me sick. How hard is it to just have a calm, reasonable reaction? To voice you opinion based on an educated position and accept that others may have opposing views? I hate I used to be proud to be a gamer and now that word has been so besmirched.
...and I hate that amazing people are made to feel so awful.

Stevie Williams • 9 years ago

It's hard to be afraid. It's hard on yourself, on those that look up to you, and on those that don't always realize that your opinions and feelings are valid, whether they align with someone else or not. It is harder still to face those fears and say "nope, can't let you win." and write something as heartfelt and honest as this. Thank you.

Carl Schupbach • 9 years ago

"Games are beautiful, they are creative, they are worlds to immerse yourself in. They are art" -Felicia Day

Video games give added results of making gamer clothing ideas.
Like Centipede t-shirt with awesome outer space jacket : )

Shoeless • 9 years ago

First game I ever picked up on Steam was Fallout: New Vegas. Before that, I was a console boy. Mostly Wii, but some 360 and PS2, too. I'd heard that Felicia Day voiced a character in it, but I had no idea who Felicia Day was.

I met that character, named Veronica. She's an NPC and a party member for the player to recruit, with her own storyline for the player to engage in. Normally when I play games like New Vegas, I play solo. I prefer stealth to running and gunning and like to avoid confrontation. Party members get in the way of that, because they get spotted easily and draw attention to the player.

But I liked Veronica so much that I largely abandoned my normal playstyle for New Vegas. The character you lent your voice to made that big an impression on me. So, thank you.

I support #gamergate. I will support it until it succeeds in fixing the problems it sees in gaming journalism or dies trying. And if I were to meet you on some sidewalk before then, I would smile and wave. You're an amazing person, Felicia, and no amount of differing opinions will change my mind about you.

Stay safe, and enjoy your vidya. If you're interested in recommendations, Shantae: The Pirate's Curse is coming out tomorrow for the WiiU/3DS. $20, but the series has been golden to me thus far. Bayonetta 2 is also good, and the recently released Korra game is made by the same devs, so give it a shot despite the whole "ew, licensed games" thing.

Jody Street • 9 years ago

I have a lot of love and respect for you, what you do, and video games overall. I think it was getting into The Guild and Geek & Sundry that helped me be more publicly "geeky" and outwardly proud of the things I love. To that, thank you. And to this situation, I hate seeing you and other creative and passionate people afraid not just for the direction of gaming, but for their very lives. This post was brave, and hopefully, you'll be able to approach those strangers in gaming tees again soon!

Monica Marlowe • 9 years ago

I am sad to see the effervescent queen of nerds hide on the other side of the street from her subjects. We will rise again.

Joseph Villalobos • 9 years ago

That was a fantastic read. I seriously cannot comprehend why there are people out there who want to alienate others from gaming.

Alex Woolfson • 9 years ago

This was really well-said and important. Thank you for saying it. And for representing.