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disqus_vMQaARNhA2 • 9 years ago

When a crook gets caught in the act it is not uncommon for him to try to slander the victim. Think about the rapist who claims or trys to imply 'she was asking for it' etc
Same thing here.
Compulsory union membership for employment.
Then they can let in as many immigrants as they like, they still won't be able to take your job....simple

RevoltNOW • 9 years ago

I went shopping......For a Sticker that says FK the BLS!!!!!

RevoltNOW • 9 years ago

So, YOU think Obama's lies are ridiculous??????? Bet we can top him!!!

RevoltNOW • 9 years ago

That's NOT much, but it's STILL more than your typical BLS S**T bag does
in a day!!!!

billy7720 • 9 years ago

What a load of S H I T. I know more folks LOOKING FOR WORK than spending money! what kind of absolute BS is this?

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Last time I'd checked, you often have to have money to buy stuff ~
Does this mean they all gotta do a "Shtick-up" before they shop? ~

matrixduel • 9 years ago

Alex is a traitor and false prophet apparently. Look at the sellout true AJ come running out as things get really hairy in the world! LOL Soo full of sh** this guy. and so begins the Blame Game.

Marshall Banana • 9 years ago

And the economy is so bad, the people who are LOOKING for jobs still can't find one.

David Silverman • 9 years ago

If our government followed our constitution, all of the people currently employed by the BLS would be more likely to be shopping than looking for a job.

matrixduel • 9 years ago

Maybe that's because there aren't enough f'ng jobs! Seriously Ali Meyer?! a person could spend the whole day searching and applying for jobs and still wind up with jack squat! God forbid they want a job that pays a living wage and doesn't treat you like a disposable piece of trash at the same time- you could spend days/weeks/months at this! So a person is Guilty to you, because they try to continue living their lives to some small degree while begging for sh** jobs?! Really Ali?! Really? PROPAGANDIZE MUCH? what a clueless dolt. the blame/bash the poor in an absolutely nuked economy is getting so OLD Ali.

wrong • 9 years ago

Shopping. Is that the code word for stealing?

CoachK • 9 years ago

yep. 5 finger discount!

obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

Whose fault is that? The very goverment which doles out welfare checks to keep the unemployed subservient to the .....er..Gubmint.

Guest • 9 years ago

Well, that's half of the story. The other half of the story was/is the conspiracy to ruin the wages for the Middle Class workers. The politicians were only doing the bidding of the rich, hence, NAFTA and GATT. Then, Bush (monkey lips Jr) came out with his speech about how the American people need to tighten their belts... The rich didn't tighten their belts at all. They prospered and the disparity of wealth continues to balloon out of proportion with the rest of society. These corporate scum want more HB1 visas. Outsourcing and cheap slave labor from the Mexicans. If Alex is on the side of the " Well to Do" on unemployment and welfare...he's picking on the wrong people in the prison cafeteria

obidiah_slope • 9 years ago

Totally agree....... hard to fathom a solution to our ailments with shitheads like these people...

Guest • 9 years ago

Undo what globalism has done to this country.

The Congress and the Senate need to stop accepting lobby money for their votes that damage American jobs. The free trade agreements need to go away along with outsourcing, HB1 Visas, and relocation of what's left of our factories. No more American made products with 2 different languages on the box and 5 different languages for the instruction manual. No more press 1 for English for Guberment offices or tech support for the hi tech products.
Somehow the people behind ruing the quality of life for the American people need to be indicated for treason...all the way up to the Rockersmellers.

The Ants are powerful but not told the truth in the main stream news. The laws must also change for the monopoly of ownership of news outlets. Even that gun grabbing Feinstein wants to regulate who the press are. The police departments need to be demilitarized. Recall votes for the Judges who allow the Constitution to be violated by police and their police training schools. No more hi tech weaponry eg tasers

US Govt. Is Truly Evil • 9 years ago

The problem is not about the rich, it's about the rich who got rich by making sleazy deals with the evil US Govt.

Guest • 9 years ago

How about the rich who bribe or lobby the sleazy politicians for cheap labor.

porky • 9 years ago

We can bitch all we want about the rich im no friend of the rich ive worked for everything i have and had and lost since i was delivering newsparers at ten years old at four am rain or snow. but we as citizens cannot give up and sit on our asses. the rich arent going to help us! I remember when Americans believed if we worked hard we could also become rich we need to make that a possibiulity once again and the only one that can do anything about it is our Government. The Governement needs to take the shackles off business and let them out our population back to work. our nations top priority should be getting the population back to work helping business to get started not taxing them out of existance and turning our nation over to Corporate Giants! Co9rporations do procide jobs but small businesses creat wealth! take the shckles off our people encourage people to start business and put us back to work our economy could be booming the tax coffers could be full the personnel atx rates could be cut.but no our Government state and federal would rather tax us outr of existance and create a welfare socioty? Dont hate the rich become one of them and when you do you will be providing jobs and spending your hard earner dollars in the economy which benefits us all as Americans. Some one mentioned that Alex is rich I say good for him! he did it himself the Governemnt didnt bail him out the Goverment certainly isnt making any consessions for him we needf to remember who the enemy is hes providing a forum for us hes distributing information we wouldnt get otherwise for that im thankful. I dont begrudge him anyhitng I'd like to meet the man, but we as citizens need to remmeber who the enemy is here and vote him/her out of office and put pressure on the remaining supposed leaders to efect change if we dont its only going to get worse. We ar eour ow worse enemy for allowing this situation to exist in our country. out our people back to work now!

obammunism • 9 years ago

This study could be skewed due to the fact that people working overtime &/or working multiple jobs are too damn busy to participate in this 8 month survey. The unemployed have enough time to tell some pollster what they do with all their time. Anyway, most of them aren't looking hard for jobs because ovomit has ruined the economy so bad & is trying to give the few remaining jobs to illegals.

Guest • 9 years ago

Alex doesn't realize when you swim with sharks in the ocean you become part of the food chain. Unless you are a lawyer. Sharks dont attack lawyers out of "professional courtesy".


Guest • 9 years ago

How can the VICTIMS of the rich, greedy corporate crud globalists expect any compassion from people like Rush Limbaugh (Lawyer's Son) or Alex Jones (Oral Sturgeon Son)? This article doesn't mention how bad the job market is for the unemployed. It's not their fault Alex. It is the fault of the Haves and Have-Mores and Can't get enough though.

Lawyers and Dentist will be on the unemployment rolls soon enough in Amerika too.

Fight the real bullies and bad guys and girls Alex....not their Victims but you don't have that understanding because of your privileged background.

Randall B • 9 years ago

Alex looks down on many of his listeners who have been hit hardest by the economy. Has Alex worked a day in his life? Prison Planet is siding with the rich on every issue.

Guest • 9 years ago

Just the other day he was emulating that scumbag Limbaugh. Slapping his stack of papers on the desk after making a point.

I had to laugh about his John Wayne heroics in the school yard and beating up half the football team.

Well, the bullies in the school yard of life are the Cayman Island vacationers. They steel the lunch money from the working poor.

Hey Alex, Mr. Hero of the downtrodden..how do you explain the growing disparity of wealth in the US?

You're on the side of Limbaugh who slept in the Lincoln bedroom
With globalist Bush's compliments...as they made slaves of the American workers.

Jack Luminous • 9 years ago

the unemployed should of course be spending 24 hours a day looking for pittance level jobs even when they exist

Hypnotized Minds • 9 years ago

Looking for a job while being an unemployed legal U.S. citizen in the U.S.A. is like a Easter Egg hunt in December. More propaganda and neo-con right wing class warfare rhetoric, and disinformation from Alex Jones/Info Wars, and Ali Meyer/CNS News. You see class warfare goes both ways, and even a reader who is unemployed and on warfare might sympathize with his or herself and look down their nose at others in the same position. So unemployed people shouldn't buy food?.........Stop this bull crap rhetoric, when we stop all of the foreign aid, government scams, and military spending then start whining about our people buying groceries with food stamps.

Guest • 9 years ago

Shame on Jones for his lack of compassion or understanding...but, given his prosperous situation, its unserstandabe.

The best situation for the American people is to own their own business and be their own boss. Pie in the sky. Nowadays.

matrixduel • 9 years ago

Yes as we can see Alex is finally "coming out" lol. Congrats all you AJ worshippers! Here's your real Alex F'ng Jones! An A**hat that works for the rich he so loves to pretend to bash all day. Alex is now finally showing his true blue colors.

Jack Luminous • 9 years ago

this is one of those trivial issues - much like people getting upset over a tiny cut on their arms while their legs have been lopped off and they are haemoraggiing all over the place

Henry George • 9 years ago

Here's what the right-wing reactionaries at "CNS News" won't tell you:

Even before Obama ordered the U.S. border patrol to stand down, there were already several times more Americans in need of work than there were job openings (see the following link).

That means tens of millions of Americans will remain unemployed REGARDLESS of how much they grovel at the feet of prospective employers.

Are you reactionaries so blinded by your hatred of the poor that you honestly believe cutting food stamps and unemployment benefits will some how magically change that fact?


Henry George • 9 years ago

Here's something else the right-wing reactionaries at "CNS News" will never, ever tell you about:


porky • 9 years ago

where do they get the money to be going shopping? how much expendable incoe can an unemployed person have? My God i make a decnt wage and i cant afford to be out shopping but then to be honest i expect the economy to get worse and im planning for that. I put away any money absoloutly not required for living expenses and put some of it into paying off existing bills and buying long term starable food and other supplies to sustain my family in a worse case scenario. WE know from recent disasters our Government cant help us people in Sandy Hook never recieved the help they needed. Reemember the disaster workers couldnt help becuase it was storming out? many Americans work in storms all the time but our disster workers couldnt pull it together. If heaven forbid i lost my job id be out looking for another ASAP. But then i never planned for the government to save me or sustain me in any way. ive now been working full time for 48 years and thank the lord never collected a penny of welfare of unemployment. I cannot leave it up to anyone to help me the Lord helps those who help themselves.

mtzpdlkldpztm722 • 9 years ago

... where do they get the money to be going shopping?

A lot of them are small time dope pushers, something to supplement the income. 29 hour a week grunge jobs don't cut the mustard, concerning paying for the roof, groceries and gasoline.

Guest • 9 years ago

I can understand how a low wage job would make you jealous of ahighly paid factory worker that got pink slipped. The uunemployment rate is based on the salary.

Hypnotized Minds • 9 years ago

They get it from the tax money that was taken from them before they was laid off of work. You see when they worked they paid taxes, now that they're laid off they get crumb feed some of those tax dollars back. Yes good thing you that you never lost your job and couldn't find employment, you wouldn't happen to be retired would you? I know white men with high school educations and ten or more years experience in construction who can't even get jobs at McDonald's now. There's no tax breaks, or government perks offered to places like McDonald's to hire non-minority, non-disabled, non-military heterosexual white men.

ExHighlander • 9 years ago

Yep see it everyday the road are jammed packed with people going somewhere doesn't matter the day or time.

What an insightful comment.

ExHighlander • 9 years ago

Thank you now if you and I were only on an elevator you would be calling me Mr. Rice, get it!

dudleymanlove • 9 years ago

In a real depression most of those shops in the mall would be boarded-up. Drove past the mall today. As of 11:15 on a Tuesday morning the parking lots are full. In the midst of these so-called Hard Times, Americans have money, free time, cars and gas to pursue the one activity that is not yet illegal - shopping. Of course, they all could be shoplifting, lord knows mall managers do enough of that themselves.

wh@t @ joke • 9 years ago

Maybe if i was one of the ten illegals living ina one bedroom apt goin to work everyday i suppose a new pair of socks n a t shirt would be ok, or maybe 8 dollars an hour for the middle class wiith a masters degree in medicine would make it ok to have a blue ray movie or a bathroom towel....FAIL.....

Guest • 9 years ago

How is the deindustrialization of America working out for you ? You ain't seen nothing yet things go from it can't get worse than this, to things are getting real bad.

Guest • 9 years ago

I guess don't drive your Chevy truck made by Union workers that burns tons of gas from foreign countries when you cruise over to Walmart to purchase a taxed T.V. made in Communist China so you can watch a sports event that promotes gun confiscation, and is sponsored by a beer company that sells you a secret formula of cancerous watered down piss. Ahhh doesn't that cancerous piss water make you want to smokes a stinky cancer stick, fight your brother, and call marijuana the devils harvest?

Guest • 9 years ago

Nice comment,thanks

tibet • 9 years ago

Buy a SAMSUNG TV, support South Korea in it's struggle to remain free of the NORK's! Halfway serious.

Stop buying foreign crap from walmart.

Dan Northrup • 9 years ago

I need to hire someone desperately. Problem is, I can't find anyone with technical skills. Also reliability, attitude, and general work ethic is an issue. It really sucks because I am as stuck working endlessly with no vacation as they are stuck unemployed.

Trust Me, Trust My Dog • 9 years ago

Ever heard of taking on an apprentice?

Dan Northrup • 9 years ago

I want an apprentice, but how can I pay, teach, and work when I'm already slammed with just work.

One of the guys that does grunt labor for me asked for a raise. I said "go to CC and learn how to help me, you already know the product". Well its been six months and he hasn't done anything.

Basically, nobody wants to deal with stress, customers, deadlines, paperwork, detail, or the application of even moderate technical skills. Everyone wants a hi pay, low responsibility, flexible hours, and no accountability.

That's why you see so many adds in comment sections about 7k from home while you whack off. They are selling that fantasy.

Dan Northrup • 9 years ago

To be honest, when I say technical skills I mean knowing Autocad and being able to edit building drawings. I sell cubicles and those have to be planned out just like any other part of the building. You could learn how to do it with a class at a community college. You also have to show up, work hard, and build product knowledge in order to do your job correctly. I am surprised at how many competitors can't do this yet work in this industry. I don't need someone whom i will have to do the work for, so when I say you NEED these skills, their eyes gloss over and the give me a "thinking is hard" kind of look.

Soul Sword • 9 years ago

That's around $300 for a class and maybe a $25 used coursebook, for those that aren't paying attention. Pretty cheap investment for something vastly more rewarding than flipping burgers. It can be applied to various fields.

If you haven't already, post the position info around some CC's. Worst you'll have to do is get your flyers stamped by some CC admin. Put them all over the technical departments. You're sure to get someone that'll know CAD and want to work.