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John DoGood • 9 years ago

To equate Mia Love's remarks about her win in Utah not being about race with her somehow pretending racism is not a problem in this country is disingenuous. Mia knows full well racism still exists. Neither was she elected just because Republicans needed a black face. That is very insulting to the voters of Utah. I know Mia Love personally, and I know she is genuine in her beliefs and is NEVER the kind of person "willing to uphold a standard molded by White supremacy for the sake of self-interests." It is simply not her. Your article smacks of feeling threatened by someone who doesn't fit your mold, who is unwilling to be the kind of person you think they should be. Mia is independent, her opinions are her own, and she is ready to proclaim that that's what being free is all about - you get to decide how you think, without being dictated to by anyone else.

catnap • 9 years ago

Thank you John!!! I'm so sick of (yes I'm going to say it) in one breath, AAs complaining they are being discriminated against, and in the next, trashing someone who dares to say they got something because of their own hard work and talent. Mia Love won because she is eminently qualified and has the accomplishments and grey matter to do the job - to say she got the job because she is black is insulting to her and to those who voted for her - and, frankly, to those who are still waving the race card like a banner. Victimhood is way over-used & abused.

Cool_Thug • 9 years ago

catnap, I have no problem with the elements that make Mia Love "eminently qualified": member of the Saratoga city council, went on the serve as Saratoga mayor, graduated from the University of Hartford. However, I have two concerns...
1) she worked for Sento Cporporation and Ecopass Corporation. That makes it highly likely that she will serve the interests of big business and not yours.
2) I don't like where she stands on the issues. Here's two examples...
Mia Love wants to lower corporate income taxes as a means to create more jobs. BTW, that is what I mean by she will serve the interests of big business and not your interests! Anyway, that's exactly what Bush said was the reason he was lowering corporate income taxes... to create jobs. Uh, what happened to those jobs?! He managed to create a little over 3 million jobs in 8 years. Just 3 million! In 8 years! Obama did better than that with his Stimulus Package!
Mia Love has stated she "reject[s] the notion that gov't dependency, as a way to care for the poor, is the way to do it." Wait a minute there! she has contradicted self! She feels that dependence on welfare, in other words gov't programs such as food stamps, as an example, is not the way of helping the poor. Then she turns around and says that giving America's biggest corporations more tax breaks is a way to help them create jobs. EXCUSE ME?! What does this silly lady think corporate tax breaks are! That's welfare. Because of the enormous tax breaks they get, big business, corporate entities such as Bank of America, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, ExxonMobile, Chevron Oil Corporation, just to name a few, are all on welfare! If you think this lady is going to represent you in Congress, you have another thing coming!

Encourehonoree • 9 years ago

@Cool Thug, I don't think Ms Love is in no way concern with the plight and condition of the African-Americans today. Nor only does she represent the African-American agenda. I feel that she sees herself as an( "honory white person) . Therefore she will continue to do exactly what the republicans have been doing for years, ignoring the injustices that has prevailed against African Americans in this county for years.

samantha • 9 years ago

Exactly what is the 'plight and condition of the African-Americans today'? Please tell me because I'd truly like to know. Evidently blacks are to be clones and act the same, think the same, vote the same, etc. Really? They're not individuals? Oh wait, they CANT' be because they'll be condemned for it by their own brothers and sisters if they succeed in anything - how DARE they!! So, tell me, are all blacks supposed to stay "down", enslaved by the government? Are they all to be thugs? Seriously, what is it that they want???

John Lindsay • 9 years ago

It's truly amazing....HOW so few people know anything that is TRUTHFUL about African Americans.

In 2009, of 41 million Blacks:
1.2% were upper class or 200K and up
8.1% were upper middle or 100K-200K
38.4% were middle class or 35K-100K
28.8% were working class or 15K-35K
23.5% were living in poverty.

to the OVER-FOCUS of the mainstream, White-owned media and college
classes on that 23.5%, most people, including many Blacks....strongly
believe that the majority of us are poor.
That's VERY IGNORANT....AND NOWHERE near the truth.

of us are middle class or higher....yet the image in most minds
--racist or not-- is that 90% of us are poor, under-educated,
dysfunctional, crime prone, won't work....and thus relies on welfare.

while Whites often preach education to us....only 29% of them have at
least a 4-year degree while 17% of African Americans do.
With all
their talk about education, you would think that 90% of Whites have a
college degree, but less than a 1/3 of that number do....just a measly
12% more than Blacks despite the fact Whites have had access to a higher
education much, much longer than any Group of Color in the United

Three, besides the " 'usual' " form of welfare, Whites have benefited from a large number of federal government giveaways.

In 1862, the Homestead Act was passed and signed
into law. The new law established a three-fold homestead acquisition process:
filing an application, improving the land, and filing for deed of title.

U.S. citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S.
Government could file an application and lay claim to 160 acres of surveyed Government
land. For the next 5 years, the homesteader had to live on the land and improve
it by building a 12-by-14 dwelling and growing crops. After 5 years, the homesteader
could file for his patent (or deed of title) by submitting proof of residency
and the required improvements to a local land office.
Two hundred seventy million acres were given to Whites for free....while refusing to give 40 acres and a mule to freed Blacks.

billion in housing loans went to Whites in the late 1950s, with only 2%
going to African-, Asian & Latino/a-Americans and Indigenous
There's quite a number of other government programs that have been implemented to assist Whites.
Hence, they did not pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
The bootstraps are the federal government giveaways in land, loans, jobs, etc., etc., etc.

Where....would Blacks and other groups be today.....if they'd had the SAME opportunities as Whites?!
fact that 47.7% of us are middle class or higher....and we did it
without any land grants ro other government giveaways, etc....is pretty
amazing, isn't it?!
Can Whites make the same claim?! NOPE.
Whites should never open their mouths to
criticize any group....with all the federal welfare they've
received....and continue to receive in subsidies, tax loopholes, etc.,
etc., etc.

WAKE UP people.
WHY in the world would you accept your oppressor's stories about your group and other dominated groups?!

Gregory71 • 9 years ago

Glad to see another brotha bring some facts to the discussion not just anecdotes.

samantha • 9 years ago

Good info John Lindsay, thank you. I'd also be interested to know what your impression is of:
1) the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc. I personally think they rile up people by continuing to make their (false) racism claims (e.g., if disagree with o you're racist).
2) Ferguson and wonder what makes the crowd so angry. A black person is killed and immediately they ask for the officers head without any facts.

SPINMASTER • 9 years ago

Careful there now JL. You speak the..straight up truth.!!! You won't get many upvotes for that!!

Schadenfreude • 9 years ago

Wow. That one went out of the park, into the stratosphere, into orbit and is now broadcasting signals back to Earth. Devastating.

EXODUS(BroShabazz) • 9 years ago

900,000,000,000,000,000 UP VOTES!!! Thank you for posting these facts for OUR OWN PEOPLE to read and understand the truth about what we have accomplished and where we currently stand in such a short amount of time in this country.

stevealex • 9 years ago

Can't agree with stats Bro,I go by what I see,gentrification,high incarceration rates,gang infested Hoods,and very few in the middle class,we are in a crisis.

R_H • 9 years ago

OK, there is truth to that. But if that is true, and white people can not , nor deserve to talk about the lack of education for black people, then black people have no right to say they are being discriminated against. Did I read that right. That is what you are saying, right. If a person says they want to cut food stamp funding, that is not racist, as you pointed out. Yet the article says that it is.

Punda • 9 years ago

The Homestead Act was colorblind. Blacks and Whites could and did take advantage of it,

"The day that the Homestead Act went into effect — January 1, 1863 — was the same day that President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Many Black Americans began looking to the west as a place where they would have the freedom to own their own land.

In addition, “head of a household” meant a single woman, or a single mother could own land. The Act had special provisions for the widows of Union soldiers that reduced the time they needed to “prove up” a claim. So, the Act expanded the economic options of women decades before the suffrage movement won the vote.

The Act specified that homesteaders had to be “citizens of the United States or [those] declaring the intention to gain citizenship.” That meant that any immigrant who legally entered the country was eligible to claim land. While immigration laws at that time favored immigrants from Europe, the Act did broaden the definition of who could own land."

Schadenfreude • 9 years ago

You left out how the KKK drove blacks off their land, sometimes destroying whole thriving, black towns. See: Rosewood FL, Greenwood, Tulsa, OK. Burned their hones and businesses, lynched the men, ran the survivors off, and took over their land. So disingenuous.

JGD85 • 9 years ago

Since the 1960s, blacks have received billions in affirmative action and race-based social welfare programs. These programs exclusively benefited blacks in universities and the workplace, even when they weren't as qualified as others.

itbethetruth • 9 years ago

Pull your pants up get a job should be your motto

Blackheywood • 9 years ago

Thank you

itbethetruth • 9 years ago

It's only progress if the elected black person hates whites right?

SPINMASTER • 9 years ago

Bam!!! There it is!!!
Utah.. is a synonym for Arizona. Both racially and politically.


I am glad that you are making these excellent points.

djtorchMusic • 9 years ago

Hey Catnap...thanks for generalizing us. Just made our point. Race does matter and there will always be people who will do "anything" to "succeed". It's human nature for people to denounce their race, family, religious beliefs, etc to get ahead.

Bl4ckConserv • 9 years ago

Very well said. I don't understand black people that think we all have to be the same. We are all different. We look different, have different interests, and have different issues that we concern ourselves with. I truly feel sorry for the author. What a horrible way to live your life.

Katina • 9 years ago

Well said John!

Steve James Sr. • 9 years ago

I'm sorry but the neither party is having a "Love Fest" for black people. The democrats take our vote as a given, thereby..."giving us" just "enough" and the republicans write us off. Having a voice in both parties is a WIN to me! Truth be told, I'm an independent. Why, because I don't want anyone to ASSUME they have my vote. Show me..instead of telling me then, we can talk.. With that I say: I might not agree with their position but, Congratulations Ms. Love and Mr. Scott.

J.R. Bean • 9 years ago

PREACH!! brother Steve

itbethetruth • 9 years ago

"Yo G, you frontin me?"

tgb34 • 9 years ago

Black people, we need our own party!

ronnieb1958 • 9 years ago

having a Black "voice" in a party to advocate policies that are in conflict with our collective self-interest is not what I consider a "win"...offering congratulations to Love and Scott for achieving their personal goals knowing you have a fundamental disagreement with their position is strange indeed...

religion&politics • 9 years ago

Seems to me that you believe all black people should share the same political views simply because of their skin color. If that's not racism, I don't know what is.

Bl4ckConserv • 9 years ago

What collective self interest? Better schools? I think all Americans want that. Are do you mean when a white person shoots a black person everyone should stop what they are doing and riot, but stay silent when blacks shoot and kill each other on a daily basis. Your position is strange.

Schadenfreude • 9 years ago

What's even stranger is taking a conservative position to solve those problems even as conservative policies exacerbate them.

Bl4ckConserv • 9 years ago

Examples? or do you just spew talking points?I can help you out here. Look at Detroit. They have been under Dem control since the early 60's. They are bankrupt, high unemployment, and their schools are horrible.

Pat Raymond • 9 years ago

Have you ever followed Dr. Taylor Hains? He is a friend of my family. Do you think his failure to win the Wyoming primary had anything to do with race, or, as he himself insisted, was due to Matt Mead smearing the doctor's call for a geothermal revolution in Wyoming as mere "drilling"?

religion&politics • 9 years ago

Good call sir, good call! How can having a voice in BOTH arenas not constitute progress? I just don't understand the logic behind the "only racists and white supremacists vote Republican, and if you are black and a Republican, you must be one of these" argument. It's pure crap.

Likewaterforchoc • 9 years ago

1 million upvotes!

samantha • 9 years ago

Can you please tell me what the Republicans didn't/don't do for you ("write you off") that you want? I'd really like to know.

Katina • 9 years ago

Well said Steve!

TheBurningBush • 9 years ago

I knew this was coming "Black Republican Wins May Be Historic, But It’s Not Progress" Why Michael Arceneaux is it because they are from a different slave master plantation than the rest of you, now have we sank so low after 450 years we are once again are playing that game which plantation got the better nigress? Come on y'all we should be above this. Lets give them a chance and see what kind of work they produce for us then judge them not base on which political party they come from.

Guest • 9 years ago

The Democrat plantation gives their slaves free cornbread and better clothes, so the slaves want to live on their plantation.

Gregory71 • 9 years ago

You know as I sit here reading the comments from people who are equating Black political associations with plantations, I wonder would these same people dare to tell J E W S that their political associations are concentration camps? We all know the answer. Your comments are offensive and insulting. Here is a message to all the Americans who take time out of their day to come here to antagonize the very people you claim to want as political allies, you are failing. You will continue to fail, not because conservatism does not offer viable options. You will fail because your messaging is contradictory. In one breath you would seek my allegiance. In another breath you spew rancid comments. Then you wonder why people of color don't want to stomach associating with you. SMDH

Guest • 9 years ago

I'm BLACK, and I'm sick and tired of democrat JEWS taking my vote for granted as if they are doing me some freaking favor by giving my tax dollars to lazy BLACKS who are making a bunch of babies out of wedlock and a bunch of MEXICANS and others who are walking across the border. Barack Obama has done nothing for our people with the exception of ObamaCare.

Gregory71 • 9 years ago

You being BLACK should cause you to pause before throwing around right-wing talking points about plantations. I see your problem now. While I have zero expectations for any politician to do right by anyone but themselves, you have fallen for the fallacy of expectations. It is your expectations that have lead you to being hurt with disappointment. The solution is simple. Stop having expectations in politicians. They are nothing but liars and deceivers. They only seek to control everyone. Control is the purest form of evil. Trust me. I hold no ill will towards you. Stop looking to these kings of perdition for salvation. Peace!

ronnieb1958 • 9 years ago

"Barack Obama has done nothing for our people with the exception of ObamaCare."

i guess you missed the irony of that statement...

Guest • 9 years ago

I doubt you know what irony means.

Schadenfreude • 9 years ago

LOL if you're "BLACK," I'm Franz Ferdinand.

Guest • 9 years ago

Enjoy your corndog Michelle.

Schadenfreude • 9 years ago

LOL if you're "BLACK," I'm Michelle Bachmann.


TheBurningBush • 9 years ago

yea but I am free mentally and physically and want my share that's all my share and nothing less!