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jackson • 9 years ago

ISIS is a CIA/Mossad/Saudi Arabian creation designed to keep Iraq destabilized in order to justify a western military presence that protects the 5 main corporations that are stealing Iraq's oil at 3.3 million barrels a day - Exxon Mobil Corp., BP, Occidental Petroleum Corp., Royal Dutch Shell, and Chevron.

me • 9 years ago

i would rather watch the usa army take on tsa and homeland security and the militarized police.

Edwin : O'Keefe • 9 years ago

Is it that hard to understand. In his speech the sheep are on board anyway, because they are mindless cyborgs, so now to get some of us to follow the piper, he lays a guilt trip on us ! The word is " LEGACY" to infer that it is our duty to intervene, because we have consistently done so in the past ! That is the point you zebra turd, it is time to stop interfering in the politics of other countries, it's none of our business. It
has nothing to do with our national security. YOU OBAMA are the enemy of America, and you alone............

American • 9 years ago

No, he's following the orders of his Rothschild master if he also attacke Syria. But, maybe not. If Obama does not bomb Syria as well, it would appear that the US is at war with Israel and Saudi Arabia, both of whom are not happy with the US as it appears to be turning to Iran as the regional power. But then Iran has never attacked the US, as both Israel and Saudi Arabia have - more than once.

Guest • 9 years ago
Grantland • 9 years ago

So many freaks, so little rope.

Jimbo • 9 years ago

Ironic my sick -ass US Government gives arms terrorist yet they want to take guns away from the American people, as 60 yr. American in Ohio, I hope Syria uses S-300 Russian missiles system to shoot down every hot-dam USA / Israel and or NATO air craft that enters it's air space , I'll cheer for good for Syria, hope China sends more Chinese Marines into Syria 100K would be nice in support of Assad.

Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

Jeeeeze-ass fweaking Chwist ~ Michelle musta whacked him a good-one ~
His face is still bent out of shape to one side ~ Photos don't lie ~ Looks like a clear case of criminal spousal abuse to meeee America ~ Is she doing them heavy female steroids again? ~ Poor Barrack ~ Doesn't anyone care? ;)

Guest • 9 years ago
Robby Daniel • 9 years ago

"This user's activity is private?" ~

nick1111 • 9 years ago

That's Obamas goal, to establish Islamic rule all over the world.
He is born a muslim and is a muslim extremist

Blake • 9 years ago

Yes. Because Obama is in complete control. *Face palm*

Grantland • 9 years ago


lee steven • 9 years ago

Take our country back end the corrupt and bring in americans who actually have a human spirit

American • 9 years ago

Impeach the entire US government starting in November, then get the rest!! Drip, drip drip - the US is bleeding to death as the debt climbs to new hights.

Grantland • 9 years ago

Hang every one of them.

Gambino • 9 years ago

Obama's five year evolution > Degrade and Destroy:
̶B̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶O̶f̶ ̶R̶i̶g̶h̶t̶s̶

🙏 😂😂 🙏 • 9 years ago

Nowadays…many people who do not even have the time to spare to understand what is really going on around them…particularly those absorbed into the struggle for survival who mainly let the TV EXPERTS think for them…usually form the impression that we live in a chaotic world. I refer, of course, to the victims of neoliberal globalisation… the great majority of the world population and not those who benefit from it, including many in the intelligentsia who can not even see that there is a New World Order (NWO) based on neoliberal globalisation and managed by a Transnational Elite (TE)-basically the elites of the *G7* countries , it is only within such an analytical framework that one can really understand why our world is anything but chaotic, in the common sense of the unpredictable disorder!!!

S. Najmi • 9 years ago

The ISIS "Guys"? The ISIS Guys are driving around in the Mid-East, with brand new Japanese Toyota trucks, and Humvees? They are armed with all the US weaponry that King Abdullah can get from the USA. Right now, the Saudis are the 4th largest buyers of Foreign Weapons. King Abdullah is the ISIL's quartermaster. And who is King Abdullah allied with? Israel, and USA.

Notable • 9 years ago

Obama's policies are treasonous, and any who support them have also committed acts of treason. For their contemptible behavior they should be prosecuted to the full letter of the law, as stated by the Constitution.

law • 9 years ago

law????? ahhahahahhah ahahha ah ah he he hah ha ha and one more ha.
Listen man, the law only applies to the average joe

genghis khan • 9 years ago

good luck with making that happen

Billo • 9 years ago

We should fight more wars to end war? How about our CIA quit arming and training terrorists. How about we break off relations Israel as Saudi Arabia, two countries involved in terrorism?

snoopdog • 9 years ago

Obama knows he will be sending weapons to ISIS. They are planning to invade Syria, herding ISIS toward Syrian targets. Syria needs to take more care hiding missiles from the blue/white satellite and needs to watch out for informants who sell locations to Israel. Obama will try to walk over Assad like he walked over Gaddafi. Obama enjoys that kind of crap and degeneracy. Obama becomes what he hates.
The globalist would like to whack 90% of the population, and make Earth look like Mars. The globalists are absolutely insane and suicidal. why don't they just liquidate themselves and leave humanity alone, rather than wrecking the planet with their war machine.

snoopdog • 9 years ago

When the time comes, Obama will offer amnesty to known murders as they come across the borders -- America will be made to violate all treaties on international law enforcement to increase the criminals in America and feed the private jail contractors. The only think Obama is doing is creating a Tyranny requested by globalist crooks.
They seek to degenerate America to a rotting pile of filth, so their streets can be clean. America will be used as a penal colony, a dump for global trash.

Karl Sharro • 9 years ago

US working with Iran (but not Syria) in ISIS fight

The Truth About ISIS & Obama’s War Speech

nick1111 • 9 years ago

ISIS is Obama, Obama is ISIS

Oliver North • 9 years ago

Syria hasn't fallen yet and that is ticking off the Neocon Bolshevik gang of big noses--Wolfowitz, Pearle, Frum, Kristol, etc.

They're behind satanic schedule so they sent Obozo out to con the amerikan sheeple--an easy task.

AlCIADuh couldn't defeat Assad's army so they tried to re-brand them as ISIS and that hasn't worked. Now Obongo is going to "arm" the loonies? They've been arming them for years. What they really want is to fly over Syria and bomb them into chaos as they did to Libya.

Russia has a Navy base in Syria at Tartus, so any NATO/US bombing mission that reduces Syria to a status such as Libya, will not be tolerated by Putin. Or will it?

Message to Putin: After the Trotsky-ites destroy Syria and Iran--Russia is next. You'd better start taking action to engage these crazy warmongers before its too late Mr Putin because they are coming for you. Russia is the only nation that can stop these maniacs Mr Putin.

Wiley Coyote • 9 years ago

They're desperate to deliver the New World Order to David Rockefeller before he turns 100. (In addition, he'll get an autopen-signed Happy Birthday card from his own hand-picked president, Barack Obama).

Grantland • 9 years ago

... and a blow-job from same.

Sasha • 9 years ago

Wanna eredicate ISIS, easy:
1- Force allies stop supporting it.
2- Don't arm 'moderates' selling weapons 2 IS.
3- share intelligence&arm SAA

snoopdog • 9 years ago

"a Satanic group wants to distribute an activity book to Florida schoolchildren"

Is this how ISIS comes to America -- infiltrating the minds of children.

Mr. Anomilus • 9 years ago

Why hasn't InfoWars picked up on this:

Did You Know About The ISIS That’s Headquartered In Washington DC?
ISIS is operating in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa in the protection of U.S. national interests

and this:

Isis Bombshell Exposed

Inquiring minds want to know...

snoopdog • 9 years ago

al CIA dah, now it is Mossad's turn.

Oliver North • 9 years ago

So the Neocons are going to begin bombing Syria cause their ISIS boys couldn't defeat Assad's military? Let's hope Russia helps Syria with their air defenses so they swat down these NATO baby killers out of the sky.

Skulb • 9 years ago

Syria and Ukraine were seen as the triggers for WWIII back during the Cold War. If the west meddled there the Russians would nuke. The same was true for Cuba and Berlin the other way. And both sides had the brains to avoid that at all costs, with the notable exception of the Cuba Crisis.
Now where is the US meddling almost exclusively? So what does the US government want? Nuclear war apparently. Are there no sane people left in America to stop this?

Guest • 9 years ago
Grantland • 9 years ago

Reality is like a bomb going off inside your head.

Blake • 9 years ago

You seem to have created a theory based on common characteristics of these 2 powers. Power, greed, corruption, propaganda and oppression are common in dominating goverments but it doesn't mean that the U.S. is continuing the USSR's agenda.
Though I do agree with you that its heading in the same direction. The only difference is the U.S. is much better at influencing and controlling the minds of their people. 90% of the U.S. would still believe that their government does everything to protect them.

Guest • 9 years ago
captainFL • 9 years ago

both parties, plenty of neocons in the Rep. party too... USA is ultra capitalism, compared to Russia's communism. Both put all the wealth concentrated in a small percentage of people. The rest of your jibberish is hard to understand.

Guest • 9 years ago
captainFL • 9 years ago

So you are repeating what I wrote. First your blaming dem, then reps... I blame both. Differences in the two are an illusion.

Oldguynorth • 9 years ago

If I was under 35, I think it's time to go & get a P.O. Box in Canada, all of this won't end well. Unless the govt is going to induct all of the non English speaking arrivals, everyone else should be on notice they will be conscripted. It happened in 65 to 74, history repeats.

na • 9 years ago

That wont play out very well for those sent to collect people who do not want to fight for them.

Draft the niggers.

Guest • 9 years ago

The boys at "the farm" are getting their go-bags stocked. Another buy-back program in 3.....2....

At least the "technicals" will be newer this time...and the AC might actually work.

Hellen Keller is a Slob • 9 years ago

Why isn't Israel striking ISIS? ISIS is right there, ISIS is cutting Christian heads off, why are the Judeo-Christians not calling upon the Jews to help the Christians being killied by ISIS? Yet Muslim Kurds are risking their lives to rescue Christians?
If Jews were being killed the USA would be jumping the 82'nd into the region to save the Jews.
Could it be the Jews do not value the Christians lives? They are indifferent?

2nd, this is an excuse to kill Assad and bring in the central bank.

3rd The Jews in Wall Street make cash and the Jews in Israel can look at expanding their territory.

Last thing, Anne Frank is a bitch.

American • 9 years ago

Ya'll need to read up on Albert Pike. Israeli's are jews in name only, and the script was written more than a century ago. In the end its all about the New World Order, oil and the petro-dollar (reserve currency). Apparently zionist jews and zionist christians don't mind coveting, murder and theft if it will keep them in their gas guzzling SUVs and muscle cars and allow them to continue living beyond their means while worshiping the golden calf and the money changers with their usury - LOL. Perhaps modern religion is the root of all evil!!

Ilovemusclecars • 9 years ago

Don't badmouth muscle cars! They are part of my fond memories of growing up in the sixties. The rest are fair game. Besides commie Jew usurpers of our freedoms hate musclecars. Good!