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T.Gigs • 12 years ago

Thanks Amos. Orly didn't even have the conviction of her beliefs to use her real name.

And I'm really happy you recognized her voice and knew who she was right away.

But be prepared, she'll launch her Flying Monkeys at you any time now.

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

No white man ever had to show his birth certificate.

When Bush said "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa," did Joe Wilson shout "You lie!"

Willard Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, and did not set foot in the US until he was 6 years old. Notice no one is screaming, the way people do about Obama Sr.? I wonder why?

CaMaven • 12 years ago

B.S. He had more demands from media and citizens than O'Liar ever did.


FrankBolivar • 12 years ago


And that's not his BC. It's a fake put out by a con man.

McCain NEVER publicly displayed his BC.

More lies.

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

- Where are the WMDs?
- Where are the mobile bio-weapons labs?
- Where are the facilities where Saddam Hussein was building an atomic bomb?
- In his January 2003 State of the Union speech, President George W. Bush said, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." That was a statement made from whole cloth.

I was talking about George Romney. He was born in Mexico, and did not set foot in the US until he was 6 years old. No one is demanding from Willard Romney, what is being demanded of Obama. Why the double standard?

Intrade has Obama at 60.2%; Romney at 37.1%. Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Better get used to it.

David Huckabee, at age 18, caught a stray dog, hung it, slit its throat, and stoned it to death. His father as governor stopped the investigation. He's a fine governor, and a fine Baptist minister. Michael Vick went to prison; David Huckabee went home. I wonder why? Mitt Romney is the only presidential candidate ever to be listed in two national animal cruelty databases. What's this with conservatives and animal cruelty?

Dogs Against Romney - http://www.dogsagainstromne...
BARC - Ban Animals on Roofs of Cars. Sign the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite....

I'd like to see Seamus come back, and bite Romney where he and Netanyahu kiss each other.

AlCum • 12 years ago

You're quite incorrect. Look into the matter a bit please.

Mary Adams • 12 years ago

Taitz is going to self-destruct from her crazy lies and hate. Good riddance to bad trash.

Pamela Barnett • 12 years ago

Truth isn't hate.. It's the lies that you and obama spout that are evil and hateful to those who do not want to be ruled by a usurper criminal aka obama aka soebarkah aka soetoro.

Burma Shave • 12 years ago

I guess that's why you called yourself "Black Army Captain" for such a long time until you were outed as a white racist?

Brendon Guiznot • 12 years ago

Pam Barnett is crazy Orly Taitz's former campaign manager. She's as nuts as Taitz. And knows as little as Taitz does about the constitution or eligibility. What she and Taitz do is smear people they don't like. Incessantly. With lies and racism.

AlCum • 12 years ago

You have yet to point to a single lie by others, although you have lies plenty. You have not spoken any truth. Why are you lying? From where does your intense hate stem? It has clouded your mind.

Thomas Brown • 12 years ago

Mind? What mind? Subversive America-haters like Barnett have no minds, just enough consciousness to make everyone around them miserable.

CaMaven • 12 years ago

She is a little nutty, but she's right about Obama. Anyone who had to put up with screaming Obots for four years like she has would end up a little nutty,

FrankBolivar • 12 years ago

She's more than a 'little" nutty, George. She's a raving lunatic, pathological liar, and seditionist, as are many.

There is no basis in law nor fact that Obama is ineligible to be president.

AlCum • 12 years ago

She is not right about Obama in any way at all, George. In fact I do not know of a single claim she has made about Obama that is factually correct. Do you? Can you name one? No one can.

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

"Nutty"? She's a manic depressive, and delusional. She's a typical refusenik, who spends her day licking her wounds.

I want to see her naturalization papers, and a letter from the school in Jerusalem, confirming that she earned a DDS.

FrankBolivar • 12 years ago

Pammy... There's no evidence of any forgery, much less proof. As Judge Lamberth told Orly, you seditionist morons need to look up "evidence".

Obama was attending Columbia. You people are too stupid to access the correct database which contains that information, and the one you keep promoting only gives the year of graduation... more great birther "research".

They rest is just a lunatic ranting.

skuter • 12 years ago

This IMMIGRANT woman was MISTAKENLY allowed to come to our country and has prospered beyond belief--she's got nerve. She's the definition of UNGRATEFUL. WE ALL need to demand to see her paperwork, and if ANYTHING is found wanting she needs to be deported immediately---No questions asked.

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

I heard that Orly Taitz was a streetwalker in Moldova and Romania. I'm not accusing her of anything, but I just want to know if the rumor is true. I also heard that her name in Moldova was Svetlana, and she changed it to Orly in Israel. Again, I'm not accusing her. It might just be another rumor.

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Orly/Lena is now completely misrepresenting the call on her website. She must not realize that anyone can listen to the recording and see what happened, as this is what she's posted : "African American talk show host slambed the phone in my face and verbally attacked me for speaking up the truth about Obama and and corrupt Secretary of State of indiana Kathy Lawson, who is criminally complicit with Obama

Posted on | May 2, 2012 "

She is utterly delusional.

AlCum • 12 years ago

How funny. She fakes her identity and then complains. Typical behavior of a liar.

FrankBolivar • 12 years ago

Anyway, thanks to Orly (and the station) for the laughs.

Orly Taitz, proud "Queen of the Birthers" calls a radio station using a fake name to accuse a public official of crimes... priceless. LOL

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Mr. Brown, there's an internet radio show that keeps an eye on the Birther cases and all the Birther misbehavior. Ms. Taitz would call it an Obot show. It's airing tonight at 9PM eastern time and I would LOVE it if you called in to discuss what happened today on your show! Here's a link: http://www.blogtalkradio.co... Please consider calling in, as your show will most definitely be discussed tonight. It would be fantastic to hear from you if you can make the time!

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

I still can't believe that she thought people would not recognize her voice! Not only did you recognize her immediately, you were clearly very familiar with her antics in your court system. Bless you for having the patience to treat her politely and patiently. She really showed her true colors by calling under an assumed name and then hanging up on you despite the respect that you showed her.

Wilson E. Allen • 12 years ago

Also, perennial candidate Bobby WhatsHisName Kern called in with a fake name -- he too had been at the hearings on our President's eligibility on the side of the "birthers" -- he became so unruly and disruptive he was ordered out of the hearings.
Your show today definitely was entertaining -- thank you !

Thomas Brown • 12 years ago

It must be late; for a second I thought the captions under the two pictures were "Psycho" and "Nice Lady."

AKRNC • 12 years ago

This is too much! Did she really think that nobody would recognize that batsh*t crazy voice with her improper English? Why does she think Arpaio has any standing in Indiana regarding her alleged complaint? What Orly Taitz has failed to realize is that if Arpaio and all the other birthers had evidence that was indicative of fraud, it would have been found long before the President was ever elected. They just can't handle the fact that there is a black man living in the White House and representing our country! Not to mention the fact that things have improved under President Obama, including our standing in the international community. I'm proud of the President and the entire Obama family. We need four more years!

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

From the Mormon church's beginning in 1820 until 1978, they taught that ALL black people were cursed. Keep that in mind, when you go to vote.

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Orly has pulled this morning's innaccurate and misspelled post defaming Mr. Brown. I wonder what provoked her to do that? It certainly wasn't an attack of conscience!

Mr Brown • 12 years ago

She tries to edit and micromanage everything, and screws it all up. Lena-Orly was getting "slambed" by all the negative responses to her laughable stupidity. Her followers have lost almost all faith in her because everything she does turns into a complete farce. Lena-Orly knows she looks like the lying fool she really is because she followed crazy Bob Kern's bad advice to call in to the radio show under false names. They were hoping to spread their lunatic lies over the PraiseIndy airwaves, but Amos Brown caught her. Too funny for words.

Craig Chadwick • 12 years ago

No, it's still there -- caution website often hosts nasty bugs and viruses


console_cmmd • 12 years ago

The thread may be there, but the comments have all been scrubbed. It's as if someone slambed the phone in the commenters' faces.

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Thanks, I couldn't find it a few minutes ago. Mr. Brown is correct as well. It's not uncommon for posts to disappear and then reappear over at Orly's blog.

Mr Brown • 12 years ago

Lena - Orly Taitz now accuses SoS Lawson (R) and everybody else who doesn't believe the deranged birther insanity, of being corrupt and complicit with Obama in covering up what Taitz says are forged papers. Her "evidence"? Wild suspicions of crazy people, internet rumors, the lies of scammer Swiftboater Corsi. Birthers are so nuts they are attacking Republican officials who refuse to let the loony birthers abuse state courts with incompetent attorneys and sheer insainty. Lena-Orly will be smacked down hard by Indiana's Republican AG if she files or appears in anymore hearings, here.

AlCum • 12 years ago

How sad for Oily. Of course she cannot hide with that accent! Pathetic.

Thomas Brown • 12 years ago

To me she sounds like Zsa Zsa Gabor on Quaaludes.

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

No, Orly Taitz sounds like she inhaled helium, while filled with Quaaludes.

Brendon Guiznot • 12 years ago

Orly Taitz is the leading Republican candidatefor the U.S. Senate in California. You read it right -- Taitz is running for U.S. Senate and will probably be the Republican candidate opposing Dianne Feinstein. The Republican party can be very very proud.

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Well, according to Orly she is the leading Republican. And we all know how well-versed she is in the truth. *eyeroll*

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Orly/Lena is posting again on her website about the call to your show with Secretary Lawson, and she's still misrepresenting what occurred.

Pamela Barnett • 12 years ago

Ms. Connie is the liar and obstructionist and now a co-conspirator of obama and his thugocracy - all of his forged documents to try to "prove" him a constitutional POTUS. all the while being blackmailed by Russia into giving them 7 oil rich islands and destroying are nuclear defenses.

BTW can someone here tell me where obama was from Aug. 1981 to Aug. 1982 when he was supposed to be in Columbia. did he overstay his trip in Pakistan?? Why do you think he has made special natural resource deals with Indonesia's richest man?? Another blackmailer?

He killed Khadafi because he was the one who laudered his $300 million in foreign funds.. and if you believe osama was killed by obama last year, i have a bridge to sell you. Pakastani President Bhutto said Osama had died years ago before she was killed. why do you think obama won't release any of the alleged documents transferring the body to the ship or his alleged sea burial? because obama's a liar.

AlCum • 12 years ago

Sounds more like you're the liar, Pamela. Why are you lying so badly? Why do you hate America?

Do you make these lies up as you go along, or are you retyping them off the sheet?

T.Gigs • 12 years ago

Ahh Pammy, I remember when you used to pose as a Retired Black Army Captain over at Ed Hale's old website.

Good times MollyPitcher.

Mr Brown • 12 years ago

So why did Orly Taitz and her buddy Kern call in to the show under fake names, and why has she been lying on her webpage to her Flying Monkey followers by saying Amos Brown "slambed the phone in my face" ? Like all birthers, Taitz is a pathological liar whose every word and every assertion is utter nonsense. All of the "evidence" she and birthers present to back up their wild claims has been proven to be complete garbage - internet rumors by Swiftboaters, suspicions and wild speculations of paranoid schizophrenics, the fabrications of delusional people. Including Pam Barnett, proven racist and chronic fibber.
This will be an expensive year for birthers because each time they go to court, AGs and defense counsel will convince courts that these lawsuits are frivolous harassment that deserve sanctions and heavy fines. We might be able to erase budget deficits as a result.

CattieM • 12 years ago

Please explain how Osama bin Laden released an audio tape of himself in 2011, which according to you would be several years after his death. Further, Pakinstan's current leader, who happens to be Benazir Bhutto's widowed husband, and Al Qaeda verified that Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces last year. Given that Osama was living in a military district in Pakistan for years and the US was not told about it, you'd have to forgive a person for thinking that perhaps Benazir Bhutto didn't want the US to know Osama bin Laden was alive.

It is interesting to know that you trust Pakistan's former president far more than you trust all the US government and military officials (Republican and Democrat) who have confirmed that Osama bin Laden was killed that night. Who are you working for? Maybe you should be investigated.

Burma Shave • 12 years ago

When you see
black helicopters
flying over your house
please remember
to take your meds

mishaTrotsky • 12 years ago

Pamela: it's called thorazine. Look into it.

NeedACleverName • 12 years ago

Mr. Brown, are you watching Orly's site? This particular post is not about you or the call she made to your show. But it certainly tells you a great deal about her motivation, as she flat-out assumes that African-American judges cannot perform their duties. She's also moved to recuse other African-American judges and any judge she suspects might be a Muslim. http://www.orlytaitzesq.com...