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This makes more sense than anything I have seen in print or on the INTERNET in the last couple of weeks.
The NSA or IRS could be the culprit also. ///////////////////////
Wonder if the NSA and IRS - - boys and girls - - are watching and listening today. ???????????????
Don't give the FumBlumImbeciles credit for doing anything that well designed. Could be they are inept: they don't have a clue and are just blaming North Korea because the alleged comedy had to do with that country. If North Korea created a film about the assassination of someone in U.S. office, what do you think we would do? God, I am a vet myself. I love this place but can we be that self-righteous? The film went down as it did by design. If SONY had released it without talking to da bum he would probably have said, "I wish they had asked my advice before they did that so that I could have told them to be cautious." As it is Bozo played right into their hands. What a schmuck. Standing room only for a B movie that'll be on Netflix before we remember to write 2015. In the guise of freedom of expression. The only place Obama tolerates that is on his phone and with his pen.
It's no secret that China and Russia hack our systems daily. It's also no secret that both prop up North Korea. So it's an easy sell to the American people that all were complicit in hacking Sony.
As I indicated earlier, the truth could be 180 out from that. For all we know it was some 12 year old kid in Bora Bora. Who knows.
The only important thing (as far as I'm concerned anyway) is that our government and our companies learn from this hacking. It's important that we harden our networks against these types of attacks. Allowing a multi-billion dollar company like Sony to be brought down by an insider attack; or by an attack from North Korea; should scare the hell out of every American!
More likely the FBI suspects that N. Korea had help, but they cannot prove it. China probably helped N. Korea do this, but Obama is afraid to take on CHina, just as Bush was.
Good thing Fuhrer Obama is right on top of it! He will be getting to the bottom of it immediately! ......................................... FORE! $hit, another slice!
No kidding. He is too busy pushing a wedding party planned for weeks ahead off the golf course in Hawaii. Two Captains marrying. How long would a wedding take for himself to just have another smoothie and wait in the club house...........
He's going to send them their pink slips too...just because!
How dare they, now Valerie Jarrett will call the IRS and have audited, and their lives RUINED, dam them.
Really? Suspect hackers had help. Everyone out here on the blog said that. China, Russia, N. Korea and an insider. They named one former employee's account that got used to hack into the system in a previous article. If 3,000 hackers from N. Korea are housed in a facility in China, N. Korea did not have to hire them. OMG! This is our agencies in this country protecting us?? Laughable and Holder and Obama head my list of the responsible.
Jeez, it's a good thing the U.S has the NSA. CIA, and FBI. They seem to be like the Keystone Cops, running around in circles and pointing fingers at everyone else.
DOH ! Ya think ? !! Their "Dear Leader" who can do EVERTHING, just like our libs here and especially odummer, prolly did it ALL BY HIMSELF. Or at least, that's what their media is prolly telling the "huddled masses" of slave labor !! That "they had outside help" is just for the trolls and libs here to suck up and spew. Misdirection and misinformation- a commie trademark.
There are MANY communists in the USA, this is most likely a PLOY to make Kenyan in Chief look good.
There is no way in hell to make him lock good.
Yea. just like apologizing for crashing the wedding.
If this was official business, but we know that anything the Kenyan in Chief does, it can't be real, or Good for America.
This wedding was planned. They should have been notified.
He should have just shown up thanked them for thier service and give them a little something out of his own pocket as a wedding gift and moved ON.
Too easy and it would have gotten him big points. His arrogance says he thinks he beyond the ordinary people and those who serve this country in the military. Being nice is not him...
He spoiled their wedding enough plus he is to cheap to reach in his own pocket .
doesn't matter who did it. our wiz kids haven't a clue and you said it best. they are in charge of protecting the US citizens.
Remember grasshopper.... We only know what they tell us. We don't know what they know.
Qui Chi Kaine, Kung Fu. Remember show very well. Might not be the exact name but something like that.
Does anyone CARE about an entertainment company ?. Well here in America a whole lot do. One in ten know who their VP is, but nine tenths know of a Kardashian. If there were anything to think about here, it would be that an American company even took notice of a communist regime, much less bow to its demands. Take heed America, because we have dictator right in our own whitehouse and he's still ' admired ' by many, on our own soil.
After watching "the interview" I would have to say that it was first, a huge publicity stunt to gather attention to the most propagandized movie to come out of Hollywood since WWII. Hackers? How about just plain hacks..... Hollywood SHOULD be ashamed by the BS it calls a movie...we are not that stupid. How did North Korea know what was in the movie so far in advance as to make threats over it? This is one big propaganda move.... hollywood and the current US administration in cahoots...makes me sick.... Don't drink the Kool-Aid my fellow Americans.
Sony is behind this hacking. Now they can release movies straight to the public without having to cut the theaters in first. I am afraid movie theaters will soon be as obsolete as a VHS tape. Look at the big picture and not the dribble the media is trying to sell us.
they had help? probably from the Obama admin.
to distract from all the other failures? To keep enthusiasm for foreign wars going??
Wish some cracka would shoot another Sambo. This same old drivel is beginning to wear thin on me.
Haahaahaaaaa I LIKE IT!
LOL How did I know I could come back an hr later and count on at least a positive reply from you and an up vote from Rocky ?
sorry it took so long but getting ready for "(C)00N" season.
I got the dawgs.......you got the guns?
You can bank on that.
Same here, I won't elaborate on it except to say that I'm good n ready and cain't wait!
What we need is an address of the hackers. I suspect a hoard of teenage gamers would take care of them and it would never happen again.
Nothing in the government works properly any more. We can't believe anything they tell us. (if you like your health insurance you can keep your health insurance). The Department of Justice is a mess. Best thing all of us need to do is take everything our government announces with a BIG grain of salt, just to be safe. It all stems from the top down. We have an incompetent administration and it reflects all through the various departments. All the screw ups and no one is ever held accountable.
Then it's time to blast the song you dropped a bomb on me and nuke them, why do we continue to play games with little ridiculous countries make it a parking lot they have no regard for people so why should we continue to walk on egg-shells.
The real culprit is the NSA. They create pathways when they spy on us that Hackers take advantage of
They need to fire their outsource IT contractor.
From YouTube: /watch?v=PblG_PtUGQI
as H simpton said DOH, tell us something we have figured out
Give us more information.
Millions of american have already suspected China or Russian may have
helped the N. Korean government in hacking Sonny Corp to damage an
US company.
I can't imagine Sony had all their data on the same system. If it were my company I'd have one network of servers for administrative stuff, and another for the far greater load of creative work, such as picture editing, sound department, and all the various departments which support the making of a film. If the hard drives on the " creative " network were " erased ", that'd be one huge loss. That amount of data, even if it were properly backed up, would take weeks to re-load or might be lost forever . . .
What does C-H-I-N-A spell?
Chinese hackers in North America ? C H I N A
DUH what a brilliant job you have done here you must be obama's go to guy
Just because the FBI announced it was North Korea doesn't mean it was. Could be tactical deception to throw the real perps off the track.